Who do you think won tonight? Myself, I think Warren won tonight's debate.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
While I don't agree with virtually anything she said she was in full command of the stage.

Also of note, it seemed to me that the moderators were trying to incite everyone to take apart Sanders.
Honestly don't care I have no dog in that fight and when you get right down to it it's nothing more then them just repeating their talking points from the previous debate.
I missed it. Thought was tomorrow night and my gabby neighbor ambushed me in the driveway and it took about two hours to escape him.
Trump, Biden wins the nominatiion by default. This was going to be a rough one for the Ds. this clown car crap plus multiple scandals and PACs running ads showing Biden groping women and girls in public the Trump reelection was effectively decided tonight.
Honestly don't care I have no dog in that fight and when you get right down to it it's nothing more then them just repeating their talking points from the previous debate.
Then why respond?

Complete waste
You asked a question I gave you an answer if you don't like the answer that is not my problem if you fill my response was a complete you didn't need to respond.
Honestly don't care I have no dog in that fight and when you get right down to it it's nothing more then them just repeating their talking points from the previous debate.
Then why respond?

Complete waste
You asked a question I gave you an answer if you don't like the answer that is not my problem if you fill my response was a complete you didn't need to respond.
You didn't answer. You played a stupid game.

Whatever dude, MOVING ON
Well, not a single one of them made me consider voting for them, so I'd say there was no winner tonight...
Not the faintest idea who won or who lost ....didn't waste my time watching a circus.
A couple of the no-namers were reasonable, most of them were buying votes. Some ideas are just so impractical that it's disqualifying.

As much as I liked the GOP debates more than this, I have to say, watching this felt just like home. Outside of the diversity (which we don't have in politics really), we have politicians like this from end to end in Canada, Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, all "promise spending and gifts".

If I had to choose who surprised me the most, I would say Klobuchar. She was one of the few adults at the table.
While I don't agree with virtually anything she said she was in full command of the stage.

Also of note, it seemed to me that the moderators were trying to incite everyone to take apart Sanders.

You actually watched it?

I had more important things to do...like watch paint dry.

Does the winner get a cash prize? I hope so - if Warren won then maybe she could use the cash to pay for the scholarship she stole from a Native American years ago....

I won. I got a better idea of who the candidates are, and what they advocate. Still undecided who I might support, but I like a lot of what I heard.
My wife pointed fingers and laughed. She thought there were only four that had any business being on the stage the two governors, Delaney and Klobuchar and I concur. The rest should have been given the hook in the first five minutes.
I like Klobuchar. Warren was also good.
I won. I got a better idea of who the candidates are, and what they advocate. Still undecided who I might support, but I like a lot of what I heard.
Yes....YOU won.

If anyone is looking for just the right candidate who is for Open Borders...post-birth abortions...having their taxes raised by politicians facilitating the on-going illegal invasion so their tax dollars can pay for those criminals' 'free' health care, housing, food, education, etc...A return to failed Obama economic policy resulting in the reversal of the record-setting successful strong economy and low unemployment - a return to 'economic slavery'...A candidate who seeks to outlaw private health insurance, strip citizens of choice and force them into a Socialist-dictated single payer health care system...who openly lies to Americans, as they did tonight before the debate even started...then tonight's debate was extremely helpful, I'm sure..


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