Who Does Comedy Better?? Conservatives or Liberals?

In my experience leftists (comedians) seem to be funnier.
But leftists(audience) cant handle jokes because they get offended over dumb shit.
Kind of a wash out
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??
The answer to this question is very simple.

Conservatives, by nature, have an innate tendency to kiss up (to power) and punch down (to those deemed (or actually) below them), therefore their comedy or "comedy" actually, is seen as, and actually is manifested as bullying and cruelty.

Liberals, by nature, have an innate tendency to fight the power and have everyone be on an equal plane, therefore they speak truth to power, that's why they're actually funny when they turn to humor. You see, to be funny, you have to actually tell the truth, otherwise it's just not funny.

But don't take my word for it...

Just look at every self-proclaimed conservative here on any issue, they are always either sucking-up to power and/or punching down to those below them.

And just about every liberal on here consistently fights against power.
You are confusing liberals with bedwetting regressives.
There are like 10 liberals on this site. There are MANY bedwetting regressives.
Just for clarity bro :thup:
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??
You mean you don’t think a drunk, fat guy yelling “GIT ‘ER DONE” is funny?!
It's just as funny as a black guy with poor English starting every joke with "white people always be like...".
^ The butthurt is strong
Aww, did the snowflake get its feelings hurt? Suck it up buttercup. No safe spaces here for you.
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??
You mean you don’t think a drunk, fat guy yelling “GIT ‘ER DONE” is funny?!
It's just as funny as a black guy with poor English starting every joke with "white people always be like...".
^ The butthurt is strong
Aww, did the snowflake get its feelings hurt?
Nope :itsok:
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??
You mean you don’t think a drunk, fat guy yelling “GIT ‘ER DONE” is funny?!
It's just as funny as a black guy with poor English starting every joke with "white people always be like...".
^ The butthurt is strong
Aww, did the snowflake get its feelings hurt?
Nope :itsok:
Its ok champ, you can admit your feelings are hurt. Do you want some coloring books and a sippy cup?
You mean you don’t think a drunk, fat guy yelling “GIT ‘ER DONE” is funny?!
It's just as funny as a black guy with poor English starting every joke with "white people always be like...".
^ The butthurt is strong
Aww, did the snowflake get its feelings hurt?
Nope :itsok:
Its ok champ, you can admit your feelings are hurt. Do you want some coloring books and a sippy cup?
Aw good one :itsok:
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??

This goes back to my theorem of years ago --- much as I hate to generalize into behaviour groups, the louder parts of what's considered "the right" do anger better than satire, while the louder elements of what's considered "the left" do satire better than anger.

Cases in point -- Lush Rimjob (remember him?) built a massive radio constituency playing the part of attack dog, and for him it worked. When AirAmerica tried the same thing in reverse it flopped. Conversely, Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart thrived and continue to, while the "right" had no response, or at least none that took wing.

To the extent that such behavior labels may be entertained it tells us one group is centered cerebrally on the concept of creative irony while the other is fueled by the emotion of anger and aggression. When either tries to switch roles, it goes nowhere. The caveat being that these represent the extremes of those "left" and "right" groupings, but to that extent it does reveal much about how the respective groupings' minds work. And exactly what motivates them.
Stephen Colbert is extreme? I record him every night and start my day laughing. I don't find him extreme.

No, fair point. I meant "loudest" or "most prominent".
Liberal comedy now doubles as their main source of news. I guess it's funny for them. Not so much for the rest of us. lol
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??
the media (comedy) is run by leftists, that's why it's almost impossible to make it as a non-kook leftist.
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??
The answer to this question is very simple.

Conservatives, by nature, have an innate tendency to kiss up (to power) and punch down (to those deemed (or actually) below them), therefore their comedy or "comedy" actually, is seen as, and actually is manifested as bullying and cruelty.

Liberals, by nature, have an innate tendency to fight the power and have everyone be on an equal plane, therefore they speak truth to power, that's why they're actually funny when they turn to humor. You see, to be funny, you have to actually tell the truth, otherwise it's just not funny.

But don't take my word for it...

Just look at every self-proclaimed conservative here on any issue, they are always either sucking-up to power and/or punching down to those below them.

And just about every liberal on here consistently fights against power.

Yeah. I'm thinking about Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, Bernie Sanders, living in their fat mansions and running their fat mouths about the "Little guy" while being sneaks and cheat their entire lives. Sure, sure, tell us more!!!

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