Who Does Comedy Better?? Conservatives or Liberals?

I don't think any comedians are funny who attack people, especially if they use dirty words, as so many do now. How is that funny? It isn't. I avoid the lot of them. They all have a political axe to grind and that's not funny at all.
Liberal comedians are the worst comics. A majority of their "funny lines" is nothing more than hate speech toward conservatives and people from flyover country. Their "grab their dick" vulgar humor gets old and tiresome.
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??

Well here is what I have observed.

Men are funnier than women. See: Christopher Hitchens for some truth on this. Non-political humor is funnier than political humor, and the Left especially seems to have forgotten this. Late night TV has almost been ruined.

PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?
There are very few conservative comedians. Tim Allen, Dennis Miller, PJ O’Roarke, and O’Roark is a writer.

Someone upthread said Roseanne. She’s not a conservative. She’s left of left. She’s a Trump supporter.
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??

Well here is what I have observed.

Men are funnier than women. See: Christopher Hitchens for some truth on this. Non-political humor is funnier than political humor, and the Left especially seems to have forgotten this. Late night TV has almost been ruined.

PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?
I always thought lesbian comedians were funny.
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??

Well here is what I have observed.

Men are funnier than women. See: Christopher Hitchens for some truth on this. Non-political humor is funnier than political humor, and the Left especially seems to have forgotten this. Late night TV has almost been ruined.

PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?
I always thought lesbian comedians were funny.

Hitchens addresses this. The article is probably rated R because it's ribald and in Vanity Fair and, well, Hitchens:

Why Women Aren't Funny
Why did the chicken cross the road, to see his psychiatrist. Why do sheep farmers wear tall boots...
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??

This goes back to my theorem of years ago --- much as I hate to generalize into behaviour groups, the louder parts of what's considered "the right" do anger better than satire, while the louder elements of what's considered "the left" do satire better than anger.

Cases in point -- Lush Rimjob (remember him?) built a massive radio constituency playing the part of attack dog, and for him it worked. When AirAmerica tried the same thing in reverse it flopped. Conversely, Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart thrived and continue to, while the "right" had no response, or at least none that took wing.

To the extent that such behavior labels may be entertained it tells us one group is centered cerebrally on the concept of creative irony while the other is fueled by the emotion of anger and aggression. When either tries to switch roles, it goes nowhere. The caveat being that these represent the extremes of those "left" and "right" groupings, but to that extent it does reveal much about how the respective groupings' minds work. And exactly what motivates them.
If creative irony is extreme, then Mark Twain is a communist
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??
You mean you don’t think a drunk, fat guy yelling “GIT ‘ER DONE” is funny?!
It's just as funny as a black guy with poor English starting every joke with "white people always be like...".
I rest my case....
PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?

Yeah --- good post. Leftist "humor" is about how much the comedian hates various people and Virtue Signaling. None of that is funny.
PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?

Yeah --- good post. Leftist "humor" is about how much the comedian hates various people and Virtue Signaling. None of that is funny.
Then why are most of the greatest comics of all time considered to be "leftists"??

George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, etc etc etc
PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?

Yeah --- good post. Leftist "humor" is about how much the comedian hates various people and Virtue Signaling. None of that is funny.
Then why are most of the greatest comics of all time considered to be "leftists"??

George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, etc etc etc

Never watched much Lenny Bruce. Watched a little Carlin and Pryor. I don't remember them doing much if any political humor. Did they?
Hitchens addresses this. The article is probably rated R because it's ribald and in Vanity Fair and, well, Hitchens:

Why Women Aren't Funny

Thanks for the article; I read it. I have to read more Hitchens, I see.

I was most impressed by his comment on the famous female comic writer Dorothy Parker: Was Dorothy Parker ever really funny? I've read a lot of Dorothy Parker, well, all of it, and her humor is so close to horror and calamity that it must be unique. I'd call her humor low tragedy.
Hitchens addresses this. The article is probably rated R because it's ribald and in Vanity Fair and, well, Hitchens:

Why Women Aren't Funny

Thanks for the article; I read it. I have to read more Hitchens, I see.

I was most impressed by his comment on the famous female comic writer Dorothy Parker: Was Dorothy Parker ever really funny? I've read a lot of Dorothy Parker, well, all of it, and her humor is so close to horror and calamity that it must be unique. I'd call her humor low tragedy.

I encountered Hitchens in a lot of atheist v. Christian debates. I was rather astounded because I found him vastly unimpressive there--yet, all these pretty impressive Christians said he was charming and funny and highly intelligent. I didn't see it at all.

Then I read some of his stuff NOT related to God. Right. He's a brilliant writer, but writing about God makes him not brilliant--or made him, he's passed on, tragically. I'm convinced he was just too angry about God to write effectively about it; it was all vitriolic polemics. But his writing at the end of his life was breathtaking--honestly, it took my breath away. I admired him, even though his talk about religion was way beneath him. And his abilities.

Well, such is life sometimes.
PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?

Yeah --- good post. Leftist "humor" is about how much the comedian hates various people and Virtue Signaling. None of that is funny.
Then why are most of the greatest comics of all time considered to be "leftists"??

George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, etc etc etc

Never watched much Lenny Bruce. Watched a little Carlin and Pryor. I don't remember them doing much if any political humor. Did they?
Are you serious?

By the way, that clip was about Reagan's Iran Contra scandal and the hypocrisy of republicans -- it is very relevant to what is occurring right now..

This is why many people consider memory to be kryptonite to Republicans -- because they depend on people not remembering that they have always been this -- it didn't just start with Trump
PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?

Yeah --- good post. Leftist "humor" is about how much the comedian hates various people and Virtue Signaling. None of that is funny.
Then why are most of the greatest comics of all time considered to be "leftists"??

George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, etc etc etc

Never watched much Lenny Bruce. Watched a little Carlin and Pryor. I don't remember them doing much if any political humor. Did they?
Are you serious?

My husband watched quite a few of his specials years ago and I don't remember politics being a large part of his schtick. I don't think it was. Not saying he never talked about it but it's not like it was today, I know that.
I encountered Hitchens in a lot of atheist v. Christian debates. I was rather astounded because I found him vastly unimpressive there--yet, all these pretty impressive Christians said he was charming and funny and highly intelligent. I didn't see it at all.

Then I read some of his stuff NOT related to God. Right. He's a brilliant writer, but writing about God makes him not brilliant--or made him, he's passed on, tragically. I'm convinced he was just too angry about God to write effectively about it; it was all vitriolic polemics. But his writing at the end of his life was breathtaking--honestly, it took my breath away. I admired him, even though his talk about religion was way beneath him. And his abilities.

Well, such is life sometimes.

Useful comment, because I went to my library room after the last exchange and looked to see if I had Hitchens on God -- I didn't, I had two other unread books on the subject, the God Gene and the Dawkins one. Okay, I will give Hitchens a miss on God --- I expect you know he was Devil's Advocate, formally, for the Catholic hierarchy in the sainthood hearing for Mother Theresa. He REALLY didn't like her. One reason was that she wouldn't try to save anyone, even quite young people. (Though she did hand a baby to Mrs. McCain and tell her to raise it! That was the "black baby" that caused McCain to lose the presidency, not a Negro but Indian. There's the Hand of God for you --- and the baby was so impaired it had to be hospitalized permanently.) Her idea was that they had a place for people to die comfortably, and if they came there, that's what they should do. Hitchens was upset about a 15-year-old boy, IIRC, who simply needed a course of antibiotics. "If we send one to the hospital, we have to send them all," said Mother Theresa, and let him die. That's the story as I recall it, anyway.

I'll try his late-in-life writing.
PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?

Yeah --- good post. Leftist "humor" is about how much the comedian hates various people and Virtue Signaling. None of that is funny.
Then why are most of the greatest comics of all time considered to be "leftists"??

George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, etc etc etc

Never watched much Lenny Bruce. Watched a little Carlin and Pryor. I don't remember them doing much if any political humor. Did they?
Are you serious?

My husband watched quite a few of his specials years ago and I don't remember politics being a large part of his schtick. I don't think it was. Not saying he never talked about it but it's not like it was today, I know that.

Well it was a very large part of his schtick -- most likely when your husband watched it he didn't notice it because people were not as tribal as they are now --- now everything is viewed thru a partisan filter by folks...but suffice it to say, Carlin was not shy about his critique of conservatives
I encountered Hitchens in a lot of atheist v. Christian debates. I was rather astounded because I found him vastly unimpressive there--yet, all these pretty impressive Christians said he was charming and funny and highly intelligent. I didn't see it at all.

Then I read some of his stuff NOT related to God. Right. He's a brilliant writer, but writing about God makes him not brilliant--or made him, he's passed on, tragically. I'm convinced he was just too angry about God to write effectively about it; it was all vitriolic polemics. But his writing at the end of his life was breathtaking--honestly, it took my breath away. I admired him, even though his talk about religion was way beneath him. And his abilities.

Well, such is life sometimes.

Useful comment, because I went to my library room after the last exchange and looked to see if I had Hitchens on God -- I didn't, I had two other unread books on the subject, the God Gene and the Dawkins one. Okay, I will give Hitchens a miss on God --- I expect you know he was Devil's Advocate, formally, for the Catholic hierarchy in the sainthood hearing for Mother Theresa. He REALLY didn't like her. One reason was that she wouldn't try to save anyone, even quite young people. (Though she did hand a baby to Mrs. McCain and tell her to raise it! That was the "black baby" that caused McCain to lose the presidency, not a Negro but Indian. There's the Hand of God for you --- and the baby was so impaired it had to be hospitalized permanently.) Her idea was that they had a place for people to die comfortably, and if they came there, that's what they should do. Hitchens was upset about a 15-year-old boy, IIRC, who simply needed a course of antibiotics. "If we send one to the hospital, we have to send them all," said Mother Theresa, and let him die. That's the story as I recall it, anyway.

I'll try his late-in-life writing.
"Not a Negro but an Indian" -- I guess that distinction is important when you are accused of having "a black baby" -- what's even more pathetic is why that would be a bad thing to begin with? Are you ok with a voting base that would vote against a candidate because they had a black baby? Then you wonder why the GOP attracts so many racists

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