Who Does Comedy Better?? Conservatives or Liberals?

Liberal comedian: Trump sucks (cue laugh track)

See? Y'all just don't seem to understand comedy. That's not funny.

Must be the only comedian left after the good ones were all blacklisted by McCarthy's HUAC.

see what I did there?
People on the left are becoming the puritans that are making more and more subjects taboo. That's why a lot of comics won't perform in certain areas cause they know the people there will be like "how dare you joke about the differences between black people and white people that's racist!!!!!!" You see it with a lot of other topics as well. The late night "comedians" like Stephen Colbert and such aren't really funny at all anymore. They've turned themselves into political commentators first, and comedy in the process is secondary.

Most real comics probably wouldn't consider themselves as a label in the political world, which is one reason why they're still capable of being universally funny.
R Lee Ermy made one comment about Macaca Joe Obama and never worked in Hollywood again.

Progressives are funny! Trump, he sucks, man!

When it comes to comedy, I like it to be balanced when it comes to politics. In other words, the comedian should give it to both sides. That being said, I can kind of understand why a comedian would target which ever side is currently in power.

I think Carson and Leno had it about right.
When it comes to comedy, I like it to be balanced when it comes to politics. In other words, the comedian should give it to both sides. That being said, I can kind of understand why a comedian would target which ever side is currently in power.

I think Carson and Leno had it about right.

They had balance but neither was very funny.

My favorite Carson line still is: "Democracy is people of all races, colors, and creeds united by a single dream: to get rich and move to the suburbs away from people of all races, colors, and creeds."

The full text is pretty good too:

To me, democracy means placing trust in the little guy, giving the fruits of nationhood to those who built the nation. Democracy means anyone can grow up to be president, and anyone who doesn’t grow up can be vice president.

Democracy is people of all races, colors, and creeds united by a single dream: to get rich and move to the suburbs away from people of all races, colors, and creeds. Democracy is having time set aside to worship — 18 years if you’re Jim Bakker.

Democracy is buying a big house you can’t afford with money you don’t have to impress people you wish were dead. And unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective political parties.

Democracy means freedom of sexual choice between any two consenting adults; Utopia means freedom of choice between three or more consenting adults. But I digress.

Democracy is welcoming people from other lands, and giving them something to hold onto — usually a mop or a leaf blower. It means that with proper timing and scrupulous bookkeeping, anyone can die owing the government a huge amount of money.

Democracy means a thriving heartland with rolling fields of Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Spanky, and Wheezer. Democracy means our elected officials bow to the will of the people, but more often they bow to the big butts of campaign contributors.

Yes, democracy means fighting every day for what you deserve, and fighting even harder to keep other weaker people from getting what they deserve. Democracy means never having the Secret Police show up at your door. Of course, it also means never having the cable guy show up at your door. It’s a tradeoff. Democracy means free television. Not good television, but free.

Democracy is being able to pick up the phone and, within a minute, be talking to anyone in the country, and, within two minutes, be interrupted by call waiting.

Democracy means no taxation without representation, and god knows, we’ve just about had the hell represented out of us. It means the freedom to bear arms so you can blow the “o” out of any rural stop sign you want.

And finally, democracy is the eagle on the back of a dollar bill, with 13 arrows in one claw, 13 leaveson a branch, 13 tail feathers, and 13 stars over its head. This signifies that when the white man came to this country, it was bad luck for the Indians, bad luck for the trees, bad luck for the wildlife, and lights out for the American eagle.

Although again, it's not that funny as much as it is ironic truth.
Since when have Jesse Watters and James O’Keefe been considered comedians? Watters is a Fox News political commentator who sometimes goes out on the streets and talks to foolish people and James O’Keefe is a journalist who specializes in working undercover to expose corruption.

Tim Allen is conservative (I believe) and a comedian. Roseanne is a righty as well...
Don't be a liar.

James O'Keefe is a criminal who makes fake videos. He has been caught again and again and prosecuted.

James O'Keefe: Meet the man who makes the fake news

James O'keefe hit with $1,000,000.00 federal lawsuit

Is there anything you clowns won't lie about? Anything at all?
An interesting discussion came up regarding the Sascha Baron Cohen "Who Is America" prank series -- plenty of liberals loved it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians -- and conservatives hated it because it targeted POWERFUL conservative politicians.

So conservatives countered with pranks done by brilliant conservative comics that targeted liberals and minorities -- like the hilarious Jesse Waters or the comedic genius James O'Keefe -- I tried to watch some of their work and it made me ask the question:

Why are there not that many funny conservative comics??? Is it because comedy clubs won't book them because they are so funny to everyone? Is it because their jokes are so hilarious that media markets don't want to give them the exposure they deserve? Or is it just because they don't tend to be that funny??
The answer to this question is very simple.

Conservatives, by nature, have an innate tendency to kiss up (to power) and punch down (to those deemed (or actually) below them), therefore their comedy or "comedy" actually, is seen as, and actually is manifested as bullying and cruelty.

Liberals, by nature, have an innate tendency to fight the power and have everyone be on an equal plane, therefore they speak truth to power, that's why they're actually funny when they turn to humor. You see, to be funny, you have to actually tell the truth, otherwise it's just not funny.

But don't take my word for it...

Just look at every self-proclaimed conservative here on any issue, they are always either sucking-up to power and/or punching down to those below them.

And just about every liberal on here consistently fights against power.

You haven't watched comedy lately......liberals, left wingers.......are the court jesters for the powerful now...who are used to attack the enemies of the left.
List an example of these enemies and/or attacks.

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Since when have Jesse Watters and James O’Keefe been considered comedians? Watters is a Fox News political commentator who sometimes goes out on the streets and talks to foolish people and James O’Keefe is a journalist who specializes in working undercover to expose corruption.

Tim Allen is conservative (I believe) and a comedian. Roseanne is a righty as well...
Don't be a liar.

James O'Keefe is a criminal who makes fake videos. He has been caught again and again and prosecuted.

James O'Keefe: Meet the man who makes the fake news

James O'keefe hit with $1,000,000.00 federal lawsuit

Is there anything you clowns won't lie about? Anything at all?
If Republicans didn't like, they'd have nothing to say.

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The bigger question. Is why does it matter who is funnier.? Funny is funny. Too much is vs them who cares if they are liberal or conservative. When they go too far either way, they aren’t funny.
PC and the pack of SJW has ruined humor for everyone. Lighten up, Francis. Not everything is about how offended you are. Or if you have to be offended, don't Virtue Signal it--no one cares.

And last, for how little women are actually funny, IMO Leftist women are almost NEVER, EVER funny. They come across as bitter, angry, vitriolic, or just nasty. See: Michelle Wolfe attacking Sarah Sanders. I'm convinced part of this is because they don't laugh that much. They don't seem joyful. Funny people should at least laugh. Don't you think?

Yeah --- good post. Leftist "humor" is about how much the comedian hates various people and Virtue Signaling. None of that is funny.
Then why are most of the greatest comics of all time considered to be "leftists"??

George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, etc etc etc

Never watched much Lenny Bruce. Watched a little Carlin and Pryor. I don't remember them doing much if any political humor. Did they?
Are you serious?

My husband watched quite a few of his specials years ago and I don't remember politics being a large part of his schtick. I don't think it was. Not saying he never talked about it but it's not like it was today, I know that.

Carlin thought all politics and politicians were corrupt and he claimed to never vote.
I don't think any comedians are funny who attack people, especially if they use dirty words, as so many do now. How is that funny? It isn't. I avoid the lot of them. They all have a political axe to grind and that's not funny at all.
Liberal comedians are the worst comics. A majority of their "funny lines" is nothing more than hate speech toward conservatives and people from flyover country. Their "grab their dick" vulgar humor gets old and tiresome.

Calling the First Daughter a "feckless c**t" due to shit that also occurred during the Obama Administration is great humor according to Liberals.
That's because liberals are bitter and sad little people.

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