Who else has made the claim that, "the press [media] is the enemy of the people"?

Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......
Hitler attacked the newspapers and certainly implied they were not to be trusted. When Hitler took power, the Nazis controlled less than 3% of the 4700 newspapers. Within a year the party either controlled or had destroyed the German press eliminating the enemy of the people.

If Trump declares a national emergency over the media then by law he has the power to take control of communications and eliminate that annoying problem.
Nobody...not one person really believes any of the media. They believe what they want to believe and it's their entitled right to as long as it breaks no law. It's good to be this smart.
Democrap Party which has pirouetted to full blown far, far leftist Socialism, ready to regain power so it can morph quickly into Stalinism

Reporting on Trump's non-stop fuck-ups is not a "leftist plot" nor socialism.

Trump cult members should also get an education and NOT conclude that our media wants to suicidally abolish itself by "welcoming Stalinism" because with just a little education these cult members would learn that under Stalin there was no fucking press.........just statements coming out of the Kremlin to be printed to the mass.... JUST LIKE THE MODERNIZED TWEETING OF THE MORON-IN-CHIEF, swallowed by the ignorant cult.

You and "ignorance" are connected at the proverbial hip, "comrade".....
Nobody...not one person really believes any of the media. They believe what they want to believe and it's their entitled right to as long as it breaks no law. It's good to be this smart.

I heard recently that close to 80% of independent voters do not trust the media.
And since they swing many an election, THAT'S A GOOD THING!
But it was TOTAL STATE CONTROL OF THE MEDIA, grasshopper.
90%+ of Trump getting constant negative press is not total, but it's PRETTY DAMNED CLOSE to it!

Another reading comprehension Trump nitwit.......Ask a grown up to explain to you what I wrote in
my posts.
After heated to the point of killing all the diseases, bacteria and germs in her poisonous body, Hillary needs to be slowly disected into pieces and chunks. Then cooked, freezed dried and plastic wrapped and sent to cannibals for ingestion. Totally green.
All Presidents bitch at the press...

But "Enemy of the People" is a LOADED term used ONLY by lunatics and dictators

We kill our enemies. Here's Trump talking directly to 300 million people...tens of millions of them ardent followers...

Some of those "ardent followers" are like the pipe bomber or the Coast Guard Maga Man

Words have power and to people like that...they can look like permission or maybe even orders.

This is VERY dangerous territory

Thankfully, the good Lord and Uncle Vlad saved us

Sadly...you mean that.

Again. NO other President has EVER said that the free press was "The Enemy of the People".

That;s for dictators like Uncle Vlad

Rhetoric like that gets people killed...and HAS in Russia

And very recently in the Saudi Consulate in Turkey

Odd, Hitler never said that. He wanted people to believe the press.
But it was TOTAL STATE CONTROL OF THE MEDIA, grasshopper.
90%+ of Trump getting constant negative press is not total, but it's PRETTY DAMNED CLOSE to it!

Another reading comprehension Trump nitwit.......Ask a grown up to explain to you what I wrote in
my posts.
After heated to the point of killing all the diseases, bacteria and germs in her poisonous body, Hillary needs to be slowly disected into pieces and chunks. Then cooked, freezed dried and plastic wrapped and sent to cannibals for ingestion. Totally green.

That's rather disturbing.
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
You're as bad as he is.

So we have completely unbiased news in this country?
Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press. It is up to the individual to use his or her own critical thinking skills in order to decide what is truth and what isn't. When a dictator disallows a free press, he institutes a state press that only tells the story from his point of view, as is done in Russia, where reporters who criticize Putin are assassinated. Is that what you want? Only Trump's version of reality? Move to Russia or North Korea if that is the kind of controlled press you want.

But if we did as you seem to think have unbiased news in this country then it wouldn't matter what channel you watched would it?

There is a HUGE difference between what you consider "bias" and being
the enemy of the people" We KILL enemies. Your rhetoric is dangerous to a free society

Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press.
For the moment

The press isn't free, in fact the press is a slave to television ratings and click numbers on the web
It is free of government control...which is what the Constitution concerns itself with

It's not very free from "the government" when Clinton is vetting articles before they are published. :rolleyes:
LOL Who told you that? Hilarious. You believe everything the RW media spews no matter how outrageous. Too funny.

I read the Wikileaks internal emails where exactly that happened. Several of them.

No FOX was involved. You do realize FOX is the same damn AP news with a slightly right spin but is still the leftist agenda, no?

Probably not, you come off as pretty damn obtuse to me.
Crimson Hexagon? Who the hell are they? Why should anyone accept their claims?

Clinton had "negative" news stories published about her because she is a fucking criminal. They couldn't avoid publishing the facts.

The above idiot would actually like to compare the criminal activities of Hillary to the orange buffoon??
Go for a diaper-change, MFB....you're more moronic than usual......LOL
True. Trump has done nothing, whereas Hillary has committed numerous felonies and treason against her country.
What the media says DOES NOT matter. Can you not get this thru your heads? Everybody knows this.

What are you smoking? The media has enormous influence on behavior especially in today's smartphone society. People spend more time staring at a screen than they do interacting with actual human beings.
Democrap Party which has pirouetted to full blown far, far leftist Socialism, ready to regain power so it can morph quickly into Stalinism

Reporting on Trump's non-stop fuck-ups is not a "leftist plot" nor socialism.

Trump cult members should also get an education and NOT conclude that our media wants to suicidally abolish itself by "welcoming Stalinism" because with just a little education these cult members would learn that under Stalin there was no fucking press.........just statements coming out of the Kremlin to be printed to the mass.... JUST LIKE THE MODERNIZED TWEETING OF THE MORON-IN-CHIEF, swallowed by the ignorant cult.

You and "ignorance" are connected at the proverbial hip, "comrade".....

If that's the best "response" an idiot like you can come up with, you should go to bed.......lol
Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......

Even though your dumbass doesn't realize it, you are correct!

Hitler never said the media is the enemy of the people. In fact, if you got caught listening to anything but the media, it was a death sentence.
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?

No. But the freedom to do so if fundamental to a free society. It's not something government should be allowed to control.
Oh no. The media is never wrong. Check out the video on YouTube, Trump can’t win. What a bunch of pretentious assholes. Funny to see all those experts on politics, and the stupid look on their faces after he won by a landslide. They have been butt hurt, and back peddling since.

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