Who else has made the claim that, "the press [media] is the enemy of the people"?

No, what a dictator does is actively suppress any free press, and replaces it with government versions of said press.

Any dictator that just mouths off about a hostile press and doesn't do anything about it is a piss poor dictator.

What we want is a press that isn't comprised of Democratic party lap dogs, apologists, and fellow travellers.
Drumph is a wannabe dictator: fortunately, so far, in America he cannot become one and suppress the press. The Democratic party has no control over the press. If you think so, you're an idiot.
Why would the democrats need to control the press, the press is complicit with the democrats.
You are believing all the crap your RW nut cases tell you. They are skewing your reality. Get help.
Seriously? There has been studies done to prove the point. You want to arbitrarily deny it, feel free, I'm not here to change your mind.
The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think
Conservatives Are Right. The News Media is Very Liberal
Media bias continues: 90% of Trump coverage in last three months has been negative: Study

Here’s how 20 major media outlets rank on Groseclose and Milyo’s slant scale, with 100 representing the most liberal and zero the most conservative:

ABC Good Morning America 56.1
ABC World News Tonight 61.0
CBS Early Show 66.6
CBS Evening News 73.7
CNN NewsNight with Aaron Brown 56.0
Drudge Report 60.4
Fox News Spec. Rept. w/ Brit Hume 39.7
Los Angeles Times 70.0
NBC Nightly News 61.6
NBC Today Show 64.0
New York Times 73.7
Newshour with Jim Lehrer 55.8
Newsweek 66.3
NPR Morning Edition 66.3
Time Magazine 65.4

U.S. News and World Report 65.8
USA Today 63.4
Wall Street Journal 85.1
Washington Post 66.6
Washington Times 35.4
How Biased Is Your Media? (Ep. 62) - Freakonomics

Looks more like you are the one that is blinded
Freakonomics is hardly "scientific research". It's pop nonsense.

And besides that...you're trying to claim that if the press biased in a liberal direction ( I would argue that it is biased in a CORPORATIST direction) that it is "the enemy of the people"?

That's a HUGE and dangerous and illogical leap my friend.

The Press is biased in a leftist direction, just like you.
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
This from a Trumper who openly admits that he doesn’t care what crimes Trump commits and has no problem with Putin having influence over Trump


Which crimes would these be? Couldn’t be any worse than Benghazi or selling plutonium to other countries. That never happened either. Hillary was just about sitting in Putin’s lap. But she’s a carpet muncher, so not to worry. Even the lib media can’t deny this latest douche bag claiming racism and homophobia. But that doesn’t stop them from blaming it on Donnie, and not apologizing when it’s bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Millions of Americans
They ARE an enemy of the people. Just like your statism and licking the shoes of our elites
Exactly. And the way that Republicans demonstrate their foot licking is by giving needy billionaires enormous and unneeded tax breaks.

Name the tax breaks or admit you make shit up.

“You All Just Got a Lot Richer,” Trump Tells Friends at Mar-a-Lago After Signing Tax Overhaul
Democrap Party which has pirouetted to full blown far, far leftist Socialism, ready to regain power so it can morph quickly into Stalinism

Reporting on Trump's non-stop fuck-ups is not a "leftist plot" nor socialism.

Trump cult members should also get an education and NOT conclude that our media wants to suicidally abolish itself by "welcoming Stalinism" because with just a little education these cult members would learn that under Stalin there was no fucking press.........just statements coming out of the Kremlin to be printed to the mass.... JUST LIKE THE MODERNIZED TWEETING OF THE MORON-IN-CHIEF, swallowed by the ignorant cult.

You and "ignorance" are connected at the proverbial hip, "comrade".....

If that's the best "response" an idiot like you can come up with, you should go to bed.......lol

It's always the same lame shit with those of your ilk. Anyone that touted, rooted for or voted for the Hildebeast has NO fucking room to question those that voted for Trump. Warts and all, he was by far the better choice and even as jaded as I am about the entire debt slavery system and politics in general? Trump has far and away exceeded my wildest expectations. I know more than you and what we are facing and I have proven as much.
Millions of Americans
They ARE an enemy of the people. Just like your statism and licking the shoes of our elites
Exactly. And the way that Republicans demonstrate their foot licking is by giving needy billionaires enormous and unneeded tax breaks.

Don’t worry, I’m sure that when dims regain power, they will raise taxes as everything else will be free. I’m sure those horrible billionaires will pay for everything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?

Your biases make you a "perfect" Trump cult member.

"Opinions over facts"????.............Take THAT statement when you visit Manafort and Flynn and Gates in prison; it'll be "comforting." to them..

Once again
I voted for the Johnson /Weld ticket in 2016 and I will vote for Weld in the Primaries

How’s that working for ya?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Millions of Americans
They ARE an enemy of the people. Just like your statism and licking the shoes of our elites
Exactly. And the way that Republicans demonstrate their foot licking is by giving needy billionaires enormous and unneeded tax breaks.

Don’t worry, I’m sure that when dims regain power, they will raise taxes as everything else will be free. I’m sure those horrible billionaires will pay for everything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Leftards have learned that when you steal from Peter to give to Paul? You can always count on Paul for support.
If we had journalists or news agencies that actually reported on the 5 Ws then they would all tend to be reporting the same facts but in reality if you watch 2 different news broadcasts you get 2 entirely different sets of info
Is as it should be in the polarized society in America. You should worry when the news broadcasts are the same.
If we had journalists or news agencies that actually reported on the 5 Ws then they would all tend to be reporting the same facts but in reality if you watch 2 different news broadcasts you get 2 entirely different sets of info
Is as it should be in the polarized society in America. You should worry when the news broadcasts are the same.

Like this????

If we had journalists or news agencies that actually reported on the 5 Ws then they would all tend to be reporting the same facts but in reality if you watch 2 different news broadcasts you get 2 entirely different sets of info
Is as it should be in the polarized society in America. You should worry when the news broadcasts are the same.

Like this????

I'm worried

Me as well, my friend.......
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?

Your biases make you a "perfect" Trump cult member.

"Opinions over facts"????.............Take THAT statement when you visit Manafort and Flynn and Gates in prison; it'll be "comforting." to them..

Once again
I voted for the Johnson /Weld ticket in 2016 and I will vote for Weld in the Primaries
Weld is a fucking liberal. He was governor of Maryland. Do you imagine conservatives get elected to that position? I guarantee you it never happens.
If we had journalists or news agencies that actually reported on the 5 Ws then they would all tend to be reporting the same facts but in reality if you watch 2 different news broadcasts you get 2 entirely different sets of info
Is as it should be in the polarized society in America. You should worry when the news broadcasts are the same.
The stuff spewed by the Lame Stream Media is all exactly the same. It's so similar that it's positively eerie.
Millions of Americans
They ARE an enemy of the people. Just like your statism and licking the shoes of our elites
Exactly. And the way that Republicans demonstrate their foot licking is by giving needy billionaires enormous and unneeded tax breaks.

Name the tax breaks or admit you make shit up.

“You All Just Got a Lot Richer,” Trump Tells Friends at Mar-a-Lago After Signing Tax Overhaul

Yes I'm calling BS on your stupid claim. You failed to back up your claim so you are Fake News.
Why would the democrats need to control the press, the press is complicit with the democrats.
You are believing all the crap your RW nut cases tell you. They are skewing your reality. Get help.
Seriously? There has been studies done to prove the point. You want to arbitrarily deny it, feel free, I'm not here to change your mind.
The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think
Conservatives Are Right. The News Media is Very Liberal
Media bias continues: 90% of Trump coverage in last three months has been negative: Study

Here’s how 20 major media outlets rank on Groseclose and Milyo’s slant scale, with 100 representing the most liberal and zero the most conservative:

ABC Good Morning America 56.1
ABC World News Tonight 61.0
CBS Early Show 66.6
CBS Evening News 73.7
CNN NewsNight with Aaron Brown 56.0
Drudge Report 60.4
Fox News Spec. Rept. w/ Brit Hume 39.7
Los Angeles Times 70.0
NBC Nightly News 61.6
NBC Today Show 64.0
New York Times 73.7
Newshour with Jim Lehrer 55.8
Newsweek 66.3
NPR Morning Edition 66.3
Time Magazine 65.4

U.S. News and World Report 65.8
USA Today 63.4
Wall Street Journal 85.1
Washington Post 66.6
Washington Times 35.4
How Biased Is Your Media? (Ep. 62) - Freakonomics

Looks more like you are the one that is blinded
The fact is that he is a total fuck up and they are reporting that: they are reporting the TRUTH! Period. They didn't report a lot of lies about Junior or other Republican presidents, and they aren't reporting lies about Drumph: just the facts, which are that he is a total fuck up. End of. Get a brain. Your people are the kind of people fascist dictators love. Trump whines constantly about 'fake news' whilst telling a continuous stream of lies on a daily basis and you believe him. Why? Haven't you got any critical thinking skills at all???
Sounds more like your opinion is spewing through with your typical hate. Very little of what Trump does gets reported, and seems that around 90% of what
is reported paints him in a negative light. He has done a lot for America, it's just not reported by the msm.
I have shown you evidence on just how wrong you are and you ignore that.

Here is some more:

Economic Growth
  • 4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.
  • For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.

  • 4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 million since Trump took office.
  • More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history.
  • Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades.
  • The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record.
  • Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record.
  • Unemployment claims at 50 year low
  • African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached record lows.
    • African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018.
    • Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent.
    • Asian-American unemployment at record low of 2 percent.
  • Women’s unemployment recently at lowest rate in nearly 65 years.
    • Female unemployment dropped to 3.6 percent in May 2018, the lowest since October 1953.
  • Youth unemployment recently reached its lowest level in more than 50 years.
    • July 2018’s youth unemployment rate of 9.2 percent was the lowest since July 1966.
  • Veterans’ unemployment recently hit its lowest level in nearly two decades.
    • July 2018’s veterans’ unemployment rate of 3.0 percent matched the lowest rate since May 2001.
  • Unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma recently reached a record low.
  • Rate for disabled Americans recently hit a record low.
  • Blue-collar jobs recently grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.
  • Poll found that 85 percent of blue-collar workers believe their lives are headed “in the right direction.”
    • 68 percent reported receiving a pay increase in the past year.
  • Last year, job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level since 2005.
  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job.
    • Optimism about the availability of good jobs has grown by 25 percent.
  • Added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the election.
    • Manufacturing employment is growing at its fastest pace in more than two decades.
  • 100,000 new jobs supporting the production & transport of oil & natural gas.

American Income
  • Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high.
  • Wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009.
  • Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.
  • Council of Economic Advisers found that real wage compensation has grown by 1.4 percent over the past year.
  • Some 3.9 million Americans off food stamps since the election.
  • Median income for Hispanic-Americans rose by 3.7 percent and surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever in history.
    • Home-ownership among Hispanics is at the highest rate in nearly a decade.
  • Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels ever recorded. Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
Please run along and play in your sandbox, as you're not mature enough to do any critical thinking.
You seem to run on emotion, might try Midol and see if that works for you.
LMAO The only thing you care about is the economy. Hitler had a great economy, that doesn't mean he was good for the country. Trump has been doing things that cause ruination to our country: ruining the environment; encouraging racism, bigotry, hate speech, and violence; demeaning and humiliating us worldwide, alienating our allies, invoking anti-humane actions done in the name of our country, and on and on. If you would wake up to reality, you'd see it. He is rated lowest by presidential scholars as the very worst president ever. He is a complete fuck up. Wake up.
With the news exposing what the liberals have been doing, you guys seem to have a patent on the hate speech (look at your hate speech), violence racism (even making it up).
Like I said, you aren't mature enough to carry a conversation because of your lack of critical thinking.
Let's remember.

NO other American President has EVER called the free press "The Enemy of the People"



Trump has.

Dictators throughout history have.
No, what a dictator does is actively suppress any free press, and replaces it with government versions of said press.

Any dictator that just mouths off about a hostile press and doesn't do anything about it is a piss poor dictator.

What we want is a press that isn't comprised of Democratic party lap dogs, apologists, and fellow travellers.
Drumph is a wannabe dictator: fortunately, so far, in America he cannot become one and suppress the press. The Democratic party has no control over the press. If you think so, you're an idiot.

Only in your progressive addled head. It's the construct you create to keep up your "two minute hate".

The Dem's don't have to control the press, the Dem's ARE the press. Why resort to control when you have willing shills working with you?
That is absolutely idiot. You have some kind of mental illness. Over the top paranoia that skews your ability to see reality. Get help.

Yes, because ranting about Trump being a embryonic dictator isn't paranoid....

and the word is "idiotic"

He is a wannabe dictator: take the blinders off. He won't make it because our Constitution and government are too strong, but he sure wants to be one. You people, Trumpettes, are truly dysfunctional and sick.

More projection on your part. You don't like him so you make up a construct of him to fulfill your worst nightmares.

Your TDS is out for all to see, it is quite pathetic.

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