Who else is looking forward to the next President Clinton?

They did attack Palin's looks, they insinuated because she was pretty that she wasn't smart.

But it's all good, Hillary won't be considered dumb because of her good looks.

No, she DEMONSTRATED she wasn't smart by...

Not being able to name any cases of "Judicial overreach" other than Roe v. Wade.

Not being able to name what newspapers she read.

Not being able to explain what the Bush Doctrine was.

Not knowing which Korea was our ally.

Here was the real problem with Caribou Barbie. She had a great resume and she completely blew the interview.
She held her own with Joe Biden and she was adored by the people. Sarah's instincts were right on she just couldn't lie or spin like a seasoned politician. She is definitely a woman of the people unlike Hipary. And until ms Clinton subjects herself to the same tidal wave of gotcha questions and personal attacks on Chelsea, it is plain there is no comparison. Remember, everything Sarah Palin didd she did on her own. Hilary Clinton would still be nothing but a liberal elitist high powered lawyer ripping off the middle class if she hadn't married Bill Clinton. She was a political whore back then and a political whore now. She brings nothing to the table.
Attacking the looks of a woman candidate is a fine way to lose more of the women's vote. Please keep it up.
Worked for Palin.

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No one attacked Palin's looks.

They attacked her lack of intelligence. Which she did a lot to help along by not being able to answer pretty simple policy questions or name what newspapers she read.

They did attack Palin's looks, they insinuated because she was pretty that she wasn't smart.

But it's all good, Hillary won't be considered dumb because of her good looks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They didn't insinuate that she wasn't smart, and certainly not because she was pretty. They came right out and said it, because she was so dumb.
She held her own with Joe Biden and she was adored by the people. Sarah's instincts were right on she just couldn't lie or spin like a seasoned politician. She is definitely a woman of the people unlike Hipary. And until ms Clinton subjects herself to the same tidal wave of gotcha questions and personal attacks on Chelsea, it is plain there is no comparison. Remember, everything Sarah Palin didd she did on her own. Hilary Clinton would still be nothing but a liberal elitist high powered lawyer ripping off the middle class if she hadn't married Bill Clinton. She was a political whore back then and a political whore now. She brings nothing to the table.

She didn't hold her own. Biden just didn't pick on her all that much.

The thing about Vice-Presidential Debates is that these guys rarely go at each other like the top of the ticket.

Palin got reemed because she was stupid and not ready to play the game at that level. But she has learned how to get stupid people like you to churn out money for her. SO there's that.
Joe you are so full,of bs. Biden went light on her. Right because she was a woman. He was just so much better than her. You are rewriting history because a fact has been stated that you cannot rebut. Liberal rule 75. And vp candidates are the lightweights and they don't get nasty. Please. You apparently are unfamiliar,with politics. Vp candidates are the pit bulls for the campaign who say the things that are too outlandish for the main candidates.

Your response is full of opinion and character assassination, no facts. Oh by the way, I have never sent Sarah any money, but don't let that slow your vitriol down.
Attacking the looks of a woman candidate is a fine way to lose more of the women's vote. Please keep it up.
But attacking Sarah Palin and her children was righteous, (in your mind) wasn't it?

It's all about getting a Dem in the oval office to you low lifes.
They did attack Palin's looks, they insinuated because she was pretty that she wasn't smart.

But it's all good, Hillary won't be considered dumb because of her good looks.

No, she DEMONSTRATED she wasn't smart by...

Not being able to name any cases of "Judicial overreach" other than Roe v. Wade.

Not being able to name what newspapers she read.

Not being able to explain what the Bush Doctrine was.

Not knowing which Korea was our ally.

Here was the real problem with Caribou Barbie. She had a great resume and she completely blew the interview.
57 states..... and HE got elected.
I hope it's a return to the liberal 90s, for her second term at least. The first four years will probably be spent finishing Mr. Obama's work fixing the disaster of the Bush regime.

So, it takes modern day liberals 12 years to fix what they consider 8 years of damage?

Just goes to show how how monumental the Republican fuck-up was.

It's always a Republican who fucks up the economy, and it's always a Democrat who not only fixes it, but makes it better than before the Republican fucked it up.


Three fuckups who left the country worse than they found it, followed by


Three Democrats who restored America.
But attacking Sarah Palin and her children was righteous, (in your mind) wasn't it?
Yeah, pointing out that Poor Sarah was a shitty parent who was incapable of instilling morality in her children translates for wingnuts into attacking their kids.
They did attack Palin's looks, they insinuated because she was pretty that she wasn't smart.

But it's all good, Hillary won't be considered dumb because of her good looks.

No, she DEMONSTRATED she wasn't smart by...

Not being able to name any cases of "Judicial overreach" other than Roe v. Wade.

Not being able to name what newspapers she read.

Not being able to explain what the Bush Doctrine was.

Not knowing which Korea was our ally.

Here was the real problem with Caribou Barbie. She had a great resume and she completely blew the interview.
57 states..... and HE got elected.

If you think that is bad, then try to come up with an excuse why your side couldn't come up with anyone who was even close in competing with him. Only idiots on your side, or what?
But attacking Sarah Palin and her children was righteous, (in your mind) wasn't it?
Yeah, pointing out that Poor Sarah was a shitty parent who was incapable of instilling morality in her children translates for wingnuts into attacking their kids.
It's amazing. The democratic presidents have done an amazing job of raising great kids from Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton to the current young ones in the White House. And then we have the Bush twins who were in trouble for drunk driving and other problems. Who raises better kids? Democrats.
She held her own with Joe Biden and she was adored by the people. Sarah's instincts were right on she just couldn't lie or spin like a seasoned politician. She is definitely a woman of the people unlike Hipary. And until ms Clinton subjects herself to the same tidal wave of gotcha questions and personal attacks on Chelsea, it is plain there is no comparison. Remember, everything Sarah Palin didd she did on her own. Hilary Clinton would still be nothing but a liberal elitist high powered lawyer ripping off the middle class if she hadn't married Bill Clinton. She was a political whore back then and a political whore now. She brings nothing to the table.
People forget that both Clintons came from the working class. They are not elites.
She held her own with Joe Biden and she was adored by the people. Sarah's instincts were right on she just couldn't lie or spin like a seasoned politician. She is definitely a woman of the people unlike Hipary. And until ms Clinton subjects herself to the same tidal wave of gotcha questions and personal attacks on Chelsea, it is plain there is no comparison. Remember, everything Sarah Palin didd she did on her own. Hilary Clinton would still be nothing but a liberal elitist high powered lawyer ripping off the middle class if she hadn't married Bill Clinton. She was a political whore back then and a political whore now. She brings nothing to the table.
Sarah Palin is the one who is the whore. She's prostituted herself and her family for profit and celebrity, all of the country as much and as often as she has been able to do.
Joe you are so full,of bs. Biden went light on her. Right because she was a woman. He was just so much better than her. You are rewriting history because a fact has been stated that you cannot rebut. Liberal rule 75. And vp candidates are the lightweights and they don't get nasty. Please. You apparently are unfamiliar,with politics. Vp candidates are the pit bulls for the campaign who say the things that are too outlandish for the main candidates.

But not in the VP debates. Biden also went kind of easy on Ryan. Cheney and Leiberman kind of went easy on each other. Gore and Quayle could have tore Admiral Stockdale a new one but didn't because he was a confused old man.

My guess is, without googling it, you can't find a memorable quote from the Biden/Palin debate. Certainly not one that Palin made.

Palin was a retard. That became obvious to even McCain's people, who quickly realized that htey fucked up. That she got through a debate with Biden without peeing herself is hardly an accomplishment.
Attacking the looks of a woman candidate is a fine way to lose more of the women's vote. Please keep it up.
But attacking Sarah Palin and her children was righteous, (in your mind) wasn't it?

It's all about getting a Dem in the oval office to you low lifes.

Except no one attacked Palin's children. People didn't even snicker when Palin quickly arranged a sham engagement for Bristol Palin's Baby-Daddy, the son of the local meth dealer. If anything, people went light on the Palin Family before the election. After the election, they really made spectacles of themselves doing reality TV and shit.

McCain's own people have admitted picking Palin was the biggest unforced error of the campaign. But let's look at why he picked Palin, and you can see how dysfunctional the GOP had become by 2008. McCain couldn't pick Romney because the Evangelicals wouldn't support a Mormon. (By 2012, they got over it, because, shit, there's a NEGRO in the White House!) And he couldn't pick Huckabee becuase the Wall Street Assholes like my ex-boss realized that Huckabee checked the Bible, and Jesus didn't say nothing about tax cuts for rich folks.

So instead, they picked Palin who seemed like a good pick on paper.... female, governor, christian.... until they actually met her and found out she was Alaska Trailer Trash.

57 states..... and HE got elected.

Because no one seriously thought he believed there were 57 states in the union. I know you guys think this one flubbed line is a big thing, but it wasn't. This was a guy who graduated with a J.D. from Columbia and Harvard, while Palin (and it's a sad commentary that people talked about her more than McCain) managed to cobble together a B.A. from six community colleges.

Now, picking a stupid vice president usually isn't fatal. Look at Dan Quayle.

But it becomes a liability when your candidate is a 72 year old man with a history of health problems.

57 states..... and HE got elected.

Because no one seriously thought he believed there were 57 states in the union. I know you guys think this one flubbed line is a big thing, but it wasn't. This was a guy who graduated with a J.D. from Columbia and Harvard, while Palin (and it's a sad commentary that people talked about her more than McCain) managed to cobble together a B.A. from six community colleges.

Now, picking a stupid vice president usually isn't fatal. Look at Dan Quayle.

But it becomes a liability when your candidate is a 72 year old man with a history of health problems.
At least a couple of Cons here think that when someone says Palin is stupid it is because we think everyone who is good looking is stupid.
But attacking Sarah Palin and her children was righteous, (in your mind) wasn't it?
Yeah, pointing out that Poor Sarah was a shitty parent who was incapable of instilling morality in her children translates for wingnuts into attacking their kids.
It's amazing. The democratic presidents have done an amazing job of raising great kids from Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton to the current young ones in the White House. And then we have the Bush twins who were in trouble for drunk driving and other problems. Who raises better kids? Democrats.
Google Hunter Biden.... Good kid right there, huh?
She held her own with Joe Biden and she was adored by the people. Sarah's instincts were right on she just couldn't lie or spin like a seasoned politician. She is definitely a woman of the people unlike Hipary. And until ms Clinton subjects herself to the same tidal wave of gotcha questions and personal attacks on Chelsea, it is plain there is no comparison. Remember, everything Sarah Palin didd she did on her own. Hilary Clinton would still be nothing but a liberal elitist high powered lawyer ripping off the middle class if she hadn't married Bill Clinton. She was a political whore back then and a political whore now. She brings nothing to the table.
People forget that both Clintons came from the working class. They are not elites.
There is nothing elite about them except for their egos
Liberals like dynasties.

Evidence Klan Kennedy.

So surely we can look forward to an Amy presidency with a Chelsea vice presidency and cute little piccaninnies in line to succeed them - in a sort of holding pattern as secretary of state and, what, education?

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