Who else is looking forward to the next President Clinton?

Well, what happens when you make an announcement and give them warning that you're coming? Lol. Plenty of time to sell, dispose of or hide them.

Or he just didn't have them anymore to start with. but that's probably too much to accept that your Boy Bush totally fucked up in his quest for revenge for his father.

He's not my "boy." Lol. It is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that he had some is all. He had them before and used them without hesitation. Saddam was a psychopath who needed to be taken out for the good of the world.
He's not my "boy." Lol. It is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that he had some is all. He had them before and used them without hesitation. Saddam was a psychopath who needed to be taken out for the good of the world.

No, he really didn't.

He had shown hesitation in using them before. He didn't use them in 1991 when facing an opponent that could inflict terrible retaliation.

Also, it's a little disingenuous to conflate chemical weapons (the cutting edge weapon of 1914) with nuclear and biological weapons. Yes, he used chemical weapons on the Kurds. Nope, they weren't terribly effective, which is why they had to go in and shoot the Kurds with bullets.
He's not my "boy." Lol. It is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that he had some is all. He had them before and used them without hesitation. Saddam was a psychopath who needed to be taken out for the good of the world.

No, he really didn't.

He had shown hesitation in using them before. He didn't use them in 1991 when facing an opponent that could inflict terrible retaliation.

Also, it's a little disingenuous to conflate chemical weapons (the cutting edge weapon of 1914) with nuclear and biological weapons. Yes, he used chemical weapons on the Kurds. Nope, they weren't terribly effective, which is why they had to go in and shoot the Kurds with bullets.

You're a brainwashed nut. He really did use chemical weapons, on his OWN people. Google it, fool. He killed his own family members and probably more than a million of his own people in total. He had "rape brigades." He tortured people to death.
Anybody seen Hillary today?

Other than the staff at the home, that is.......

Hillary Clinton adds more speeches in 2015, despite controversy

Hillary Rodham Clinton has added several speeches to her January and February schedule, indicating that the likely 2016 presidential candidate will continue her lucrative paid speaking career into the new year.

As her advisers and supporters prepare for her likely presidential campaign, Clinton is set to deliver two speeches in Canada at events sponsored by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. She also is scheduled to address the Watermark Silicon Valley Conference for Women on Feb. 24.

The Canada appearances, scheduled for Jan. 21 in Winnipeg and Saskatoon, are part of the Global Perspective speaker's series sponsored by CIBC. Both of Clinton's speeches are slated for large venues -- the RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre and the TCU Place -- and tickets are being sold.

It was not immediately clear whether Clinton is being paid for these appearances, but they are similar to her paid speeches over the past two years, for which she has earned $200,000 or more per appearance. A Clinton spokesman did not immediately respond to questions about whether Clinton is speaking for money.

Julia Ballantyne Wright, a spokeswoman for the Watermark Silicon Valley Conference for Women, would not say whether Clinton's appearance was paid. "The Conference team does not comment on arrangements between the Conference and its speakers," Wright said in an e-mail.

Clinton's tour on the paid speaking circuit, which she began soon after stepping down as secretary of state in early 2013, has drawn considerable controversy. At least eight universities, including four public institutions, paid Clinton to visit their campuses and speak to students, faculty and other guests.

The University of California at Los Angeles paid Clinton $300,000 for a speech in March, which was funded by an endowment set up by a donor and not with tuition funds. When UCLA officials asked whether there was a reduced rate for public universities, Clinton's representatives at the Harry Walker Agency said $300,000 was the "special university rate," according to e-mails obtained last week by The Washington Post through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Hillary Clinton adds more speeches in 2015 despite controversy - The Washington Post

The Clintons certainly know how to raise money.
You're a brainwashed nut. He really did use chemical weapons, on his OWN people. Google it, fool. He killed his own family members and probably more than a million of his own people in total. He had "rape brigades." He tortured people to death.

And any of this was our problem, why?

Fact is, when he used Chemical Weapons on his own people, the Reagan Administration totally had his back. They even denied chemical weapons were used. Because Saddam was "someone we could work with" as opposed to the crazy Mullahs in Iran.

Then when he decided to conquer Kuwait, we were so sad for Oil Company Profits....I mean, the Kurds. Yeah. The Kurds, that was it.

Saddam was a bastard. But there was no compelling reason to call off the hunt for Bin Laden and destabilize the region over it.
If an old woman (she will be 69 at election time) with a very checkered and suspicious past is the best the liberals can come up with it speaks volumes for their dying politics. Old Billy Bob won't fit in to being mocked and ridiculed as being the first White House "stay at home dad". Let's see how he fits in to the old lady's campaign strategy. I love it when they have to appear together and stand side by side when all the time she will never forgive him for Monica and tarnishing her name. If he would did she would rejoice.

What I'm looking forward to is the day after the next election, when all the ads and lies will be done.

At least for a couple of days, then the partisan ideologues will start in on the next election cycle, and all the bullshit will be back like poop being flung around the monkey cage.

But I'll definitely enjoy those couple of days.


What I'm looking forward to is the day after the next election, when all the ads and lies will be done.

At least for a couple of days, then the partisan ideologues will start in on the next election cycle, and all the bullshit will be back like poop being flung around the monkey cage.

But I'll definitely enjoy those couple of days.


Hiya Mac!

Didja hear Phil Robertson talking about "You didn't build that" today? I thought of you. You and Phil. Two peas in a pod.
Every time I see the title of this thread, I think it must be a joke. :lol:
OK, later in the day now.

Anybody seen Hillary?


Hey bimbo, you realize the reason Hillary isn't on every news channel and every town hall meeting is because she's already well known enough. A lot of people in the country don't even know who Scott Walker or Jeb Bush are, everyone knows Clinton at this point. She doesn't have the same incentive to publicize herself as the GOP candidates do.
OK, later in the day now.

Anybody seen Hillary?


Hey bimbo, you realize the reason Hillary isn't on every news channel and every town hall meeting is because she's already well known enough. A lot of people in the country don't even know who Scott Walker or Jeb Bush are, everyone knows Clinton at this point. She doesn't have the same incentive to publicize herself as the GOP candidates do.

So she doesn't have to get out there and campaign? Sounds kind of lazy, IMO.
OK, later in the day now.

Anybody seen Hillary?


Hey bimbo, you realize the reason Hillary isn't on every news channel and every town hall meeting is because she's already well known enough. A lot of people in the country don't even know who Scott Walker or Jeb Bush are, everyone knows Clinton at this point. She doesn't have the same incentive to publicize herself as the GOP candidates do.

So she doesn't have to get out there and campaign? Sounds kind of lazy, IMO.

Why would she need to? She has no serious primary challengers, she has the donors on lockdown, and everyone in the country knows who she is. There is literally zero incentive to publicize herself right now.

It's almost as if she's running as an incumbent president really.
Why would she need to? She has no serious primary challengers, she has the donors on lockdown, and everyone in the country knows who she is. There is literally zero incentive to publicize herself right now.

It's almost as if she's running as an incumbent president really.

Yes, we DO know who she is.
And we DO know what she's done.
There is some dispute about the body count though the Benghazi count is pretty well established.

But you ignore the other possibilities that might center on those falls and the damage cranial impact can have on the elderly; longer-than-expected recovery from cosmetic surgery; stuck zipper on the pants suit defying all her efforts to overcome.

And those are just a few!
Like Obama, she's not as liberal as I'd like. Its also likely she'll be stuck with more of the same Do Nothing Repub congress.

But yes ... right now, she's our best candidate.

I don't think she is especially leftist. Her husband wasn't. I'm willing to vote for her, if she doesn't campaign on the left because of that Massachusetts fake Indian woman.
Another thing I'm looking forward to is the Repub Clown Car Show. It will be the same bunch of losers, falling all over themselves, with their lies and priceless gaffes.

Should be great fun.

Aaaarrrrrrrgggh. Interesting how many people call it that after the embarrassment of last time, so many of them, clogging up the stage, many completely unsuitable for office. I called it the clown car show and thought I was being original at the time, but everyone thought of it that way!! I so hope they don't do it again. It really got to me. I'm determined not to let this presidential election get on my nerves.
Hillary is going down in the General if not in the Nominating, and I'm not talking about only her going down on her girlfriends!
I hope it's a return to the liberal 90s, for her second term at least. The first four years will probably be spent finishing Mr. Obama's work fixing the disaster of the Bush regime.
I'm no fan of hers but Repubs, as usual, are filling up their clown car. If thats all they have and she runs?

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