Who else is looking forward to the next President Clinton?

The fact that Faux News has been found to be the station that spews more lies and you're an avid viewer says it must be fabricated!
Brian Williams......

Politifact Study Fox News Lies More Than Any Other News Network Americans Against the Tea Party

PolitiFact is a lying left wing nut job site. Everyone knows that.

No they're not.....Faux News is. Everyone knows that. We also know that most viewers will deny it because Faux News gives them warm fuzzies.....even when they make them think that Romney still has a chance after Obama has been declared a winner.

Your stupidity is boring me doofus.

A moron's way of saying "It's way over my head.....please stop"......:badgrin:
"Started a civil war there"?! Have you ever opened an book on the tribal make up in Iraq? Don't you libbies think it odd that the policy of the GWB admin. has not, repeat, not been erased by Obama? While the war in Iraq was not as bad as the Kennedy war in Viet Nam, it was a fiasco but lay out the present and future on the Middle East under the Obama lack of commitment to the M.E. and Israel and how Hillary will be any different. Liberals in America vote for wealthy people they actually believe are "for the people" but oddly not one of them live near them.

Are you are complete moron? The country at the time, and for decades previously, was controlled by a dictator, Saddam Hussein. Though he was not a nice guy, the country was not in the midst of a civil war and he wasn't murdering as many as half a million people in a few years. Sadly, they were better off under Saddam Hussein than the situation after Bush invaded.

Again, you know nothing of Iraq or the Middle East. End your posting now.
"Started a civil war there"?! Have you ever opened an book on the tribal make up in Iraq? Don't you libbies think it odd that the policy of the GWB admin. has not, repeat, not been erased by Obama? While the war in Iraq was not as bad as the Kennedy war in Viet Nam, it was a fiasco but lay out the present and future on the Middle East under the Obama lack of commitment to the M.E. and Israel and how Hillary will be any different. Liberals in America vote for wealthy people they actually believe are "for the people" but oddly not one of them live near them.

Are you are complete moron? The country at the time, and for decades previously, was controlled by a dictator, Saddam Hussein. Though he was not a nice guy, the country was not in the midst of a civil war and he wasn't murdering as many as half a million people in a few years. Sadly, they were better off under Saddam Hussein than the situation after Bush invaded.

Again, you know nothing of Iraq or the Middle East. End your posting now.
Saddam Hussein killed more than a million of his OWN people. He let children starve to death. He killed, maimed and tortured people. People were frightened of him. Anyone who thinks anyone did well under his rule is a psychopath.

Life Under Saddam Hussein Past Repression and Atrocities by Saddam Hussein s Regime

We killed more Iraqis than Saddam did in a shorter period of time, and we let the country collapse into complete chaos.

Wrong, insurgents are responsible for most Iraqi deaths with IED, market place bombings, etc.
I hope it's a return to the liberal 90s, for her second term at least. The first four years will probably be spent finishing Mr. Obama's work fixing the disaster of the Bush regime.
You know that filter people have in their brains that keep them from saying things that make them look stupid?

Yeah...you should get one of those...
Saddam Hussein killed more than a million of his OWN people. He let children starve to death. He killed, maimed and tortured people. People were frightened of him. Anyone who thinks anyone did well under his rule is a psychopath.

Life Under Saddam Hussein Past Repression and Atrocities by Saddam Hussein s Regime

We killed more Iraqis than Saddam did in a shorter period of time, and we let the country collapse into complete chaos.
The proven fact is the Iraqis as a culture have proven not to be warriors. Recall how they surrendered in battalion numbers in the first war under GHB. Unlike the ferocious fighters in North Viet Nam we are STILL in Iraq today trying to buy them courage and it simply cannot be done. Recall the Afghanistan fighters against the Russian military might, they simply would not quit and finally when the CIA gave them SAMs to counter the Russian helicopters they drove the Russian bear from their country.
Last Sadam DID have WMDs as he used them on his own people and the Iranians. The dumb asses that say he did not have them are stuck in the 60s with missile size WMDs and anyone with a trace of a brain know that poison gases can be inserted in to a coffee cup and kill thousands and a nuke bomb is today the size of a football.
Saddam Hussein killed more than a million of his OWN people. He let children starve to death. He killed, maimed and tortured people. People were frightened of him. Anyone who thinks anyone did well under his rule is a psychopath.

Life Under Saddam Hussein Past Repression and Atrocities by Saddam Hussein s Regime

We killed more Iraqis than Saddam did in a shorter period of time, and we let the country collapse into complete chaos.
The proven fact is the Iraqis as a culture have proven not to be warriors. Recall how they surrendered in battalion numbers in the first war under GHB. Unlike the ferocious fighters in North Viet Nam we are STILL in Iraq today trying to buy them courage and it simply cannot be done. Recall the Afghanistan fighters against the Russian military might, they simply would not quit and finally when the CIA gave them SAMs to counter the Russian helicopters they drove the Russian bear from their country.
Last Sadam DID have WMDs as he used them on his own people and the Iranians. The dumb asses that say he did not have them are stuck in the 60s with missile size WMDs and anyone with a trace of a brain know that poison gases can be inserted in to a coffee cup and kill thousands and a nuke bomb is today the size of a football.

I would certainly not put it past psychopathic Saddam Hussein to buy or produce and use chemical weapons. Only the most naive person would think otherwise. He was a psychopath, and he didn't care about anyone but himself. He even murdered 40 of his own family members.
he proven fact is the Iraqis as a culture have proven not to be warriors. Recall how they surrendered in battalion numbers in the first war under GHB. Unlike the ferocious fighters in North Viet Nam we are STILL in Iraq today trying to buy them courage and it simply cannot be done.

Yet they fought well enough to drive us out of their country, without a major power backing their plays like the Vietnamese had...
Recall the Afghanistan fighters against the Russian military might, they simply would not quit and finally when the CIA gave them SAMs to counter the Russian helicopters they drove the Russian bear from their country.

Then they turned into Al Qaeda Terrorists and everyone had ice cream. Oh, no wait, that turned out really, really bad for us. Hey, maybe the next time the CIA tells us some savages over there are guys we can work with like they did with Saddam and Bin Laden, we DON'T DO THAT!!!!

Last Sadam DID have WMDs as he used them on his own people and the Iranians. The dumb asses that say he did not have them are stuck in the 60s with missile size WMDs and anyone with a trace of a brain know that poison gases can be inserted in to a coffee cup and kill thousands and a nuke bomb is today the size of a football.

No one disputes that Saddam had WMD's in the 1980's when fighting the Kurds and Iranians. But what they didn't find was any WMD's in 2003 after George W. Stupid claimed up and down that he had them and was goign to kill us any minute.
I would certainly not put it past psychopathic Saddam Hussein to buy or produce and use chemical weapons. Only the most naive person would think otherwise. He was a psychopath, and he didn't care about anyone but himself. He even murdered 40 of his own family members.

I wouldn't put it past him, but there's no evidence he had them in 2003.
I would certainly not put it past psychopathic Saddam Hussein to buy or produce and use chemical weapons. Only the most naive person would think otherwise. He was a psychopath, and he didn't care about anyone but himself. He even murdered 40 of his own family members.

I wouldn't put it past him, but there's no evidence he had them in 2003.

Well, what happens when you make an announcement and give them warning that you're coming? Lol. Plenty of time to sell, dispose of or hide them.
Bottom line we will never know but surely someone does. My theory in the invasion is in part, I said in part to get our troops accustomed to war in the ME because for the decades proceeding the initial fighting all of the ME seems to be coming apart at the seems and that include every country in it. There will be serious unrest and fighting there for many years to come and the powers that be knew back then and we know it still..........don't we?
Bottom line we will never know but surely someone does. My theory in the invasion is in part, I said in part to get our troops accustomed to war in the ME because for the decades proceeding the initial fighting all of the ME seems to be coming apart at the seems and that include every country in it. There will be serious unrest and fighting there for many years to come and the powers that be knew back then and we know it still..........don't we?

Ugh, I wish we could just wash our hands of that part of the world, but then I hear about terrible atrocities, like on the news this morning about the Yazidi women and girls (some as young as 8 years old) being raped and tortured, really makes me want to do something to help them.
What valid, positive accomplishment for our country has Hillary achieved to qualify her to be President. I know Obama had none, but he was black, a better liar, and had likability.

She almost single handedly revamped the entire global view of the United States after the horrible Bush years with the Iraq war and financial crisis (which many countries blamed on the US). After she became sec of state US favorability ratings increased quite a bit after all the traveling she did (more then any sec of state in history)

She also campaigned for free internet access for all right in China's face and didn't back down from her statements after China's government got upset about them.
She ramped it so well that in Europe, Muslim countries, Mexico and China that the U.S. Favorability ratings went DOWN between the beginning of 09 and 12. It did go up in Russia and Japan, but overall down.

Maybe the rest of the world knew that Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton, was lying when she spoke to them. Right?

U.S. Favor
Well, what happens when you make an announcement and give them warning that you're coming? Lol. Plenty of time to sell, dispose of or hide them.

Or he just didn't have them anymore to start with. but that's probably too much to accept that your Boy Bush totally fucked up in his quest for revenge for his father.

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