Who else is tired of the bush bashing?

"I not come up with a single solitary, new idea to address the challenges of the American people," Obama said::booze::. "I don't have a many idea that's different from George Bush's ideas ...

I will never tire of reminding the Bush supporters how screwed up they were.
They are virtually all Tea Baggers now.

So, is this your "single solitary, new idea to address the challenges of the American people"?

Let's hope not.
Meanwhile Bush has had the class to stay on the sideline and not throw a single sideways remark toward the office of the president.

That's funny! Why wouldn't Bush stay on the sidelines? He caused his atrocity! I doubt he can even travel overseas for fear of being arrested for war crimes and various crimes against humanity!

Meanwhile Bush has had the class to stay on the sideline and not throw a single sideways remark toward the office of the president.

That's because the President had the class not to throw his ass in jail.

A couple baseless claims by a couple lightweight nOObs.


You're the one that thinks it's "classy" for Bush to hide like a coward, even though you claim he's under attack.
It just exposes the obamas incompetence the more he goes to it. Sooner or later even the hardcore kool-aid drinkers will have to ask wtf?

So tell something. Is it hard to dress with all that twisting around to avoid the truth?
He's following the


So far so good.....!
"I not come up with a single solitary, new idea to address the challenges of the American people," Obama said::booze::. "I don't have a many idea that's different from George Bush's ideas ...

Don't you love it. He blames Bush for all our ills while continuing all Bush's policies. And well into his third year he's not responsible for a damned thing happening in this country.

Though I'd love it more if I supported Bush's policies...

Can you be more specific about which policies he's adopted that he also blamed Bush for ?
"I not come up with a single solitary, new idea to address the challenges of the American people," Obama said::booze::. "I don't have a many idea that's different from George Bush's ideas ...

Does the Democratic argument that George W. Bush's policies are responsible for the nation's economic plight still have legs, more than two years after he left office? According to the latest CNN/ORC and ABC News/Washington Post surveys, the answer is yes.

When asked whether the policies of President Obama and the Democrats or Bush and the Republicans are more responsible for the country's current economic problems, 57 percent said Bush and the Republicans are more responsible, according to the CNN/ORC poll, while just 29 percent said Obama and the Democrats are more responsible. 10 percent said both are responsible while three percent indicated they find neither to be culpable.

What's more, the percentage that find Bush and the Republicans more responsible has jumped from the CNN/ORC poll conducted in September of 2010, less than a year after Bush left office. Then, 53 percent said Bush and the Republicans were more responsible while 33 percent said Obama and the Democrats were responsible. Voters Still Blame Bush For Economy, Poll Says - Hotline On Call

Guess you better tell the majority of Americans to stop bashing Bush..:eusa_whistle:
Where is the media? They were all over President Bush when the left wing liberal pinheads were saying President Bush lied to us? Now President Obama is outright lying to the American people and they are silent!

Oh, on a final note, what about posting all new legislation on the Internet for 5 days so the American People can read it before President Obama would sign it?:eusa_liar: Another Lie! So much for change and government transparency

Posting new legislation was actually three days, but your point remains.
Meanwhile Bush has had the class to stay on the sideline and not throw a single sideways remark toward the office of the president.

That's funny! Why wouldn't Bush stay on the sidelines? He caused his atrocity! I doubt he can even travel overseas for fear of being arrested for war crimes and various crimes against humanity!

Meanwhile Bush has had the class to stay on the sideline and not throw a single sideways remark toward the office of the president.

That's because the President had the class not to throw his ass in jail.

A couple baseless claims by a couple lightweight nOObs.


No fair picking on N00Bs!!!:eek:
Just because some are N00Bs here, doesn't mean they are N00Bs with no experience debating on other forums!:eusa_naughty:

A proud N00B :eusa_angel:
Who else is tired of the bush bashing?

If you're tired of people reminding you how badly that POTUS screwed things up, then don't bring up his memory.


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