Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share?

As long as Leftists are able to continue couching the discussion in PERCENTAGES rather than dollars, the battle will be lost. Some rich bastard will be able to say, "My secretary pays more than I do in FIT." When the fact of the matter is that the secretary pays a few thousand in taxes and he pays tens of millions. More? Total B.S.

It is DOLLARS that count, not percentages.

The only way to bring "fairness" to our tax code would be to implement a MAXIMUM DOLLAR TAX AMOUNT, beyond which no one has to pay more. Make it a hundred thousand dollars, or a million dollars, or a gazillion dollars. But the point must be made that at some point you have paid ENOUGH, and beyond that it is UNFAIR TO THIS TAXPAYER, regardless of what PERCENTAGE that amount happens to be.
I'll bet a lot of low wage earners blew more on Black Friday than they pay in Federal Tax.
What deductions do the so called rich get on their 1040 that you don't?
Posted them skull

No you posted deductions everyone gets. What are the deductions that only the rich get on their 1040 that you don't
If this doesn't satisfy you I'll say Adios
  • Mortgage interest: a homeownership incentive? ...
  • Capital gains: how the rich get richer. ...
  • Step-up in basis: how the rich remain rich. ...
  • Retirement savings: tax shelter for the rich. ...
  • Charitable deduction: good cause, policy flaws.
5 Tax Deductions That Favor The Rich - Bankrate.com

Hey there Yogi Bare........or is it Bear-)

Bottomline by your own governments accounting--------------->who pays 85% of the taxes, no other bullshit........who PAYS IT! That is all that matters. That is NOT a fair share, that is to much! Are you telling everyone on this board, that the almost 50% of people who do NOT pay in, don't use services? Then why aren't they paying anything..........and if you think that almost 50% should pay nothing, who made you arbiter of who should and shouldn't anyway!
Poor folks who are just existing just getting by by the skin of their teeth should pay what??? And nobody made me arbiter Just unlike asshats like you I have a clue
look if there is going to be an income tax then everyone with an income should pay it.

Which is why a flat income tax is the only fair income tax.

Personally I'm more in favor of a national consumption tax and letting people keep 100% of what they earn
IMHO it's not the income that decides whether you're paying your fair share It's all the deductions only the rich can take so their % of taxes are very low
What deductions do the so called rich get on their 1040 that you don't?
Posted them skull

No you posted deductions everyone gets. What are the deductions that only the rich get on their 1040 that you don't
There are those the rich can take more advantage of and some that middle class can't take advantage at all

That they do not take advantage of them in no way means they are prohibited from taking advantage of them

Yes, I cxould deduct the cost of servicing my private jet, IF I HAD A FLIPPIN PRIVATE JET MORON.
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.
IMHO it's not the income that decides whether you're paying your fair share It's all the deductions only the rich can take so their % of taxes are very low

So then, lowering the SALT deduction was a good thing. Thanks for agreeing-)
We both know that SALT was for the blues states exclusively but repubs will get hurt too and the more hurt the better for dems come 2018 elections

Why would they be hurt? You have gotten exactly what you desire, more taxes. Aren't you happy, and if you aren't, explain why not-)
As long as Leftists are able to continue couching the discussion in PERCENTAGES rather than dollars, the battle will be lost. Some rich bastard will be able to say, "My secretary pays more than I do in FIT." When the fact of the matter is that the secretary pays a few thousand in taxes and he pays tens of millions. More? Total B.S.

It is DOLLARS that count, not percentages.

The only way to bring "fairness" to our tax code would be to implement a MAXIMUM DOLLAR TAX AMOUNT, beyond which no one has to pay more. Make it a hundred thousand dollars, or a million dollars, or a gazillion dollars. But the point must be made that at some point you have paid ENOUGH, and beyond that it is UNFAIR TO THIS TAXPAYER, regardless of what PERCENTAGE that amount happens to be.
I'll bet a lot of low wage earners blew more on Black Friday than they pay in Federal Tax.
Yeah they spend whatever they get Good for our economy Mine goes into the market
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.
IMHO it's not the income that decides whether you're paying your fair share It's all the deductions only the rich can take so their % of taxes are very low

So then, lowering the SALT deduction was a good thing. Thanks for agreeing-)
We both know that SALT was for the blues states exclusively but repubs will get hurt too and the more hurt the better for dems come 2018 elections

Why would they be hurt? You have gotten exactly what you desire, more taxes. Aren't you happy, and if you aren't, explain why not-)
As long as Leftists are able to continue couching the discussion in PERCENTAGES rather than dollars, the battle will be lost. Some rich bastard will be able to say, "My secretary pays more than I do in FIT." When the fact of the matter is that the secretary pays a few thousand in taxes and he pays tens of millions. More? Total B.S.

It is DOLLARS that count, not percentages.

The only way to bring "fairness" to our tax code would be to implement a MAXIMUM DOLLAR TAX AMOUNT, beyond which no one has to pay more. Make it a hundred thousand dollars, or a million dollars, or a gazillion dollars. But the point must be made that at some point you have paid ENOUGH, and beyond that it is UNFAIR TO THIS TAXPAYER, regardless of what PERCENTAGE that amount happens to be.
I'll bet a lot of low wage earners blew more on Black Friday than they pay in Federal Tax.
Yeah they spend whatever they get Good for our economy Mine goes into the market

You go ahead and explain to me how putting money in the market is good for the economy.
What deductions do the so called rich get on their 1040 that you don't?
Posted them skull

No you posted deductions everyone gets. What are the deductions that only the rich get on their 1040 that you don't
There are those the rich can take more advantage of and some that middle class can't take advantage at all

That they do not take advantage of them in no way means they are prohibited from taking advantage of them

Yes, I cxould deduct the cost of servicing my private jet, IF I HAD A FLIPPIN PRIVATE JET MORON.
IDIOT Trump is saving 11 million a year from this BS and he and others do have planes If we have 10 sandwiches to serve your ^%^&*'s will get 9 and poor get 1
IMHO it's not the income that decides whether you're paying your fair share It's all the deductions only the rich can take so their % of taxes are very low

So then, lowering the SALT deduction was a good thing. Thanks for agreeing-)
We both know that SALT was for the blues states exclusively but repubs will get hurt too and the more hurt the better for dems come 2018 elections

Why would they be hurt? You have gotten exactly what you desire, more taxes. Aren't you happy, and if you aren't, explain why not-)
As long as Leftists are able to continue couching the discussion in PERCENTAGES rather than dollars, the battle will be lost. Some rich bastard will be able to say, "My secretary pays more than I do in FIT." When the fact of the matter is that the secretary pays a few thousand in taxes and he pays tens of millions. More? Total B.S.

It is DOLLARS that count, not percentages.

The only way to bring "fairness" to our tax code would be to implement a MAXIMUM DOLLAR TAX AMOUNT, beyond which no one has to pay more. Make it a hundred thousand dollars, or a million dollars, or a gazillion dollars. But the point must be made that at some point you have paid ENOUGH, and beyond that it is UNFAIR TO THIS TAXPAYER, regardless of what PERCENTAGE that amount happens to be.
I'll bet a lot of low wage earners blew more on Black Friday than they pay in Federal Tax.
Yeah they spend whatever they get Good for our economy Mine goes into the market

You go ahead and explain to me how putting money in the market is good for the economy.
It's not,,,, It's good for me and my family But I make up for it by being overly generous in donations to child cancer vets and help for addicts
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
Ima thats bullcrap
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
Mitt Romney revealed that he paid an effective tax rate of 14.1% in 2011, Trump would have paid an effective rate of 4% in 2005 if he had not been snared by the Alternative Minimum Tax. Lots of statistics out there, a lot I don't trust because they base things on adjusted taxable income and not real income.
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

No you won't, you are going to get hosed, and pretty quickly-) Told you, I will remind you I told you so-)
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

No you won't, you are going to get hosed, and pretty quickly-) Told you, I will remind you I told you so-)
Ima let me explain I'l never get hosed My family and I are set if we live another 100 years without working My thoughts go out for those in real need and I despise republicans for their me only attitude
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

No you won't, you are going to get hosed, and pretty quickly-) Told you, I will remind you I told you so-)
Ima let me explain I'l never get hosed My family and I are set if we live another 100 years without working My thoughts go out for those in real need and I despise republicans for their me only attitude

Not as much as I despise leftists for their screw everyone but myself attitude. You want everyone to support your utopian ideas, even if we do not want them. That is the a very close definition, to totalitarianism. See, leftists have an ISM all their own too-)
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

No you won't, you are going to get hosed, and pretty quickly-) Told you, I will remind you I told you so-)
Ima let me explain I'l never get hosed My family and I are set if we live another 100 years without working My thoughts go out for those in real need and I despise republicans for their me only attitude

Not as much as I despise leftists for their screw everyone but myself attitude. You want everyone to support your utopian ideas, even if we do not want them. That is the a very close definition, to totalitarianism. See, leftists have an ISM all their own too-)
BOTTOM line GOP tax bill will add 1.4 TRILLION to our deficit,,,,fiscal conservatives?? lol lol
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Wouldn't that suggest the states should cut their taxes?

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