Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share?

Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Wouldn't that suggest the states should cut their taxes?
wish they would but a big state with a big population needs more money than a small state
Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Wouldn't that suggest the states should cut their taxes?
wish they would but a big state with a big population needs more money than a small state

Not exactly true, especially if there is a larger population to pay taxes.
Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Wouldn't that suggest the states should cut their taxes?
wish they would but a big state with a big population needs more money than a small state

$10 each from 100 people is a lot more than $10 each from 10 people.
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Wouldn't that suggest the states should cut their taxes?
wish they would but a big state with a big population needs more money than a small state

Not exactly true, especially if there is a larger population to pay taxes.
lot of poor ,,lot of welfare should we just throw those into the street?
In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Wouldn't that suggest the states should cut their taxes?
wish they would but a big state with a big population needs more money than a small state

Not exactly true, especially if there is a larger population to pay taxes.
lot of poor ,,lot of welfare should we just throw those into the street?

And if they had lower state taxes there wouldn't be so many poor.
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Wouldn't that suggest the states should cut their taxes?
wish they would but a big state with a big population needs more money than a small state

$10 each from 100 people is a lot more than $10 each from 10 people.
But our collectors of garbage our teachers our police our firemen our subway people will retire wealthy Our unions are killers
This bill is a temporary sugar high for the middle class But not so for the rich or corporations This bill will put the weight on the kids
Ima thats bullcrap
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Normal people in high tax states will not be negatively impacted in any way. Only the "rich" in big value homes with high incomes will get hit. The Left should be very happy.....instead they complain?
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

Generally it's those people who aren't actually paying much as a percentage of tax. While a normal person earning $100,000 will probably be paying a lot of tax, there are those who pay a lot less.
This country is clearly divided by class....always has been. Its the way it is. Why does this country try to put down class division?
Don't you know blue states have been sending money to the feds while your shitty little red states have been takers?

Oh, I dunno, seems what the federal government has done with its money over the last 8 years was Obama's choice, now wasn't it! What the states do with their money, is of no concern to me except my own state. But oh, by the way, seems the blue states are going bankrupt-) So I do not know how the feds split their money under Obysmal, so you should take it up with him if you don't like it. But for the states........we reds are doing just fine......thank you very much. How are your blue states doing-)
we're getting screwed but we'll get even

In what way do you feel you're getting screwed?
The deductions cut in heavily taxed blue states Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?

Normal people in high tax states will not be negatively impacted in any way. Only the "rich" in big value homes with high incomes will get hit. The Left should be very happy.....instead they complain?
The House passes the biggest tax scam in our countries history, giving a windfall for corporations, of historic proportions and the top 1%, then Huckabee marches out and claims the economy is doing better than ever.
Does anybody see what is happening here? Trump is the winner here...any Trump supporters feeling played, yet?
So then, lowering the SALT deduction was a good thing. Thanks for agreeing-)
We both know that SALT was for the blues states exclusively but repubs will get hurt too and the more hurt the better for dems come 2018 elections

Why would they be hurt? You have gotten exactly what you desire, more taxes. Aren't you happy, and if you aren't, explain why not-)
As long as Leftists are able to continue couching the discussion in PERCENTAGES rather than dollars, the battle will be lost. Some rich bastard will be able to say, "My secretary pays more than I do in FIT." When the fact of the matter is that the secretary pays a few thousand in taxes and he pays tens of millions. More? Total B.S.

It is DOLLARS that count, not percentages.

The only way to bring "fairness" to our tax code would be to implement a MAXIMUM DOLLAR TAX AMOUNT, beyond which no one has to pay more. Make it a hundred thousand dollars, or a million dollars, or a gazillion dollars. But the point must be made that at some point you have paid ENOUGH, and beyond that it is UNFAIR TO THIS TAXPAYER, regardless of what PERCENTAGE that amount happens to be.
I'll bet a lot of low wage earners blew more on Black Friday than they pay in Federal Tax.
Yeah they spend whatever they get Good for our economy Mine goes into the market

You go ahead and explain to me how putting money in the market is good for the economy.
It's not,,,, It's good for me and my family But I make up for it by being overly generous in donations to child cancer vets and help for addicts

So, you admit that behavior is not good for the economy. And we know the bulk of the benefit of this tax cut bill goes to people that will behave the same way. So tell me, how is this tax proposal going to stimulate the economy.
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)

Hell, it is your fault taxes are as high as they are. If you go to the grocery store and ribeyes are twenty bucks a pound, do you buy them and bitch about it or do you leave them alone" If you buy them, do you think the butcher is going to lower the price just because you are bitching? Well taxes work the same way.

If you think taxes are too high, don't pay them. Hell, you can stay at home and collect welfare. You can have cable tv, air-conditioning, a cell phone, internet, play video games all day and best of all, buy all the damn ribeyes you want no matter what the price is

And while we are at it. Well I got a question. The right always claims that corporations merely pass tax increases on to the consumer. So how come I have not heard a single soul say that this corporate tax cut will result in the lowering of prices?
We both know that SALT was for the blues states exclusively but repubs will get hurt too and the more hurt the better for dems come 2018 elections

Why would they be hurt? You have gotten exactly what you desire, more taxes. Aren't you happy, and if you aren't, explain why not-)
As long as Leftists are able to continue couching the discussion in PERCENTAGES rather than dollars, the battle will be lost. Some rich bastard will be able to say, "My secretary pays more than I do in FIT." When the fact of the matter is that the secretary pays a few thousand in taxes and he pays tens of millions. More? Total B.S.

It is DOLLARS that count, not percentages.

The only way to bring "fairness" to our tax code would be to implement a MAXIMUM DOLLAR TAX AMOUNT, beyond which no one has to pay more. Make it a hundred thousand dollars, or a million dollars, or a gazillion dollars. But the point must be made that at some point you have paid ENOUGH, and beyond that it is UNFAIR TO THIS TAXPAYER, regardless of what PERCENTAGE that amount happens to be.
I'll bet a lot of low wage earners blew more on Black Friday than they pay in Federal Tax.
Yeah they spend whatever they get Good for our economy Mine goes into the market

You go ahead and explain to me how putting money in the market is good for the economy.
It's not,,,, It's good for me and my family But I make up for it by being overly generous in donations to child cancer vets and help for addicts

So, you admit that behavior is not good for the economy. And we know the bulk of the benefit of this tax cut bill goes to people that will behave the same way. So tell me, how is this tax proposal going to stimulate the economy.
It might help companies hire more,,expand start training programs?
Why would they be hurt? You have gotten exactly what you desire, more taxes. Aren't you happy, and if you aren't, explain why not-)
I'll bet a lot of low wage earners blew more on Black Friday than they pay in Federal Tax.
Yeah they spend whatever they get Good for our economy Mine goes into the market

You go ahead and explain to me how putting money in the market is good for the economy.
It's not,,,, It's good for me and my family But I make up for it by being overly generous in donations to child cancer vets and help for addicts

So, you admit that behavior is not good for the economy. And we know the bulk of the benefit of this tax cut bill goes to people that will behave the same way. So tell me, how is this tax proposal going to stimulate the economy.
It might help companies hire more,,expand start training programs?

Why would they invest in a training program, it will cost them more with a lower corporate tax rate. It is a tax deduction, and the value of that tax deduction is now significantly less. Back in the day, companies investing heavily in their employees. In house training programs were the norm. Today, well companies fall all over each other attempting to steal employees already trained from other companies, or worse, demand the government train their employees. In house training programs are the exception, not the rule. Why? Because the corporate tax rate is so low it actually discourages that type of investment.
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)

Hell, it is your fault taxes are as high as they are. If you go to the grocery store and ribeyes are twenty bucks a pound, do you buy them and bitch about it or do you leave them alone" If you buy them, do you think the butcher is going to lower the price just because you are bitching? Well taxes work the same way.

If you think taxes are too high, don't pay them. Hell, you can stay at home and collect welfare. You can have cable tv, air-conditioning, a cell phone, internet, play video games all day and best of all, buy all the damn ribeyes you want no matter what the price is

And while we are at it. Well I got a question. The right always claims that corporations merely pass tax increases on to the consumer. So how come I have not heard a single soul say that this corporate tax cut will result in the lowering of prices?
Corporations are run for stockholders Exes will get raises stockholders dividends raised
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)

Hell, it is your fault taxes are as high as they are. If you go to the grocery store and ribeyes are twenty bucks a pound, do you buy them and bitch about it or do you leave them alone" If you buy them, do you think the butcher is going to lower the price just because you are bitching? Well taxes work the same way.

If you think taxes are too high, don't pay them. Hell, you can stay at home and collect welfare. You can have cable tv, air-conditioning, a cell phone, internet, play video games all day and best of all, buy all the damn ribeyes you want no matter what the price is

And while we are at it. Well I got a question. The right always claims that corporations merely pass tax increases on to the consumer. So how come I have not heard a single soul say that this corporate tax cut will result in the lowering of prices?
Corporations are run for stockholders Exes will get raises stockholders dividends raised

So corporations will take their tax savings and raise their dividends. WTF--that is real proof that the tax cuts were not needed. When a corporation raises their dividends what they are saying is, "Here stockholder, we cannot forsee any acceptable capital investment options so we are returning this money to you." If they saw real opportunities for growth they would take those profits and make capital investments. But when they take those profits and distribute them to stockholders they are "passing the buck" on growth. Worse, they will conduct stock buybacks, which is nothing but an avert attempt at manipulating stock prices in order to justify excessive executive compensation. A practice that was outlawed for most of American history.

Plain and simple, we have been had. And it will take an entire generation to reverse the damage that this bill will do.
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)

Hell, it is your fault taxes are as high as they are. If you go to the grocery store and ribeyes are twenty bucks a pound, do you buy them and bitch about it or do you leave them alone" If you buy them, do you think the butcher is going to lower the price just because you are bitching? Well taxes work the same way.

If you think taxes are too high, don't pay them. Hell, you can stay at home and collect welfare. You can have cable tv, air-conditioning, a cell phone, internet, play video games all day and best of all, buy all the damn ribeyes you want no matter what the price is

And while we are at it. Well I got a question. The right always claims that corporations merely pass tax increases on to the consumer. So how come I have not heard a single soul say that this corporate tax cut will result in the lowering of prices?
Corporations are run for stockholders Exes will get raises stockholders dividends raised

So corporations will take their tax savings and raise their dividends. WTF--that is real proof that the tax cuts were not needed. When a corporation raises their dividends what they are saying is, "Here stockholder, we cannot forsee any acceptable capital investment options so we are returning this money to you." If they saw real opportunities for growth they would take those profits and make capital investments. But when they take those profits and distribute them to stockholders they are "passing the buck" on growth. Worse, they will conduct stock buybacks, which is nothing but an avert attempt at manipulating stock prices in order to justify excessive executive compensation. A practice that was outlawed for most of American history.

Plain and simple, we have been had. And it will take an entire generation to reverse the damage that this bill will do.
Where the f did you get so smart?
Got it now.
10%*$100mil=$10mil....... hurts.
10%*$100K=$10, 000.......hurts bad in CA
10%*$10K = $1000 ......CATASTROPHIC in KS

Ooops....don't forget first $24K is taken off....free to Eddie. Or $12K if you don't have a "ball & chain".

if you're at $20K, that 10% is taking away fo0d, medicine,

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