Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share?

That they do not take advantage of them in no way means they are prohibited from taking advantage of them

Yes, I cxould deduct the cost of servicing my private jet, IF I HAD A FLIPPIN PRIVATE JET MORON.
Only if that jet was owned by a business and was used for business purposes.

But you can have a car owned by a business and deduct the costs related to the car. You're just jealous of the guy who has a jet.

Funny, when I take my business car in to be serviced, well I have to pay taxes on the bill. But when a private jet owner takes his jet in to be serviced, he don't, thanks to this bill.


And you get to deduct the total of the bill taxes included.

A measure in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would lower taxes on some of the payments made by owners of private aircraft to management companies that help maintain, store and staff those planes for owners.

The language would exempt owners or leasers of private aircraft from paying taxes on certain costs related to the upkeep and maintenance of the jets, according to a description from the Joint Committee on Taxation.

"Applicable services include support activities related to the aircraft itself, such as its storage, maintenance, and fueling, and those related to its operation, such as the hiring and training of pilots and crew, as well as administrative services such as scheduling, flight planning, weather forecasting, obtaining insurance, and establishing and complying with safety standards," it says.

Senate bill clarifies tax law for private jet companies

BFD. Buy a jet and take advantage of it.

This is small potatoes
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Is my 6 month old such non-tax payer? :rolleyes:
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Is my 6 month old such non-tax payer? :rolleyes:

Only adults are obliged to file federal income tax forms. I assumed you were intelligent enough to know that. My bad.
The difference between left and right on this--------->

We want to lower our taxes individually.

The left wants to raise taxes on everyone but themselves.

How do we know this?

Because when given the opportunity to PAY MORE voluntarily, they won't do it!

So in essence, we want to help ourselves to our own money. The left wants to help themselves to OUR money to, while keeping their own-)

Hell, it is your fault taxes are as high as they are. If you go to the grocery store and ribeyes are twenty bucks a pound, do you buy them and bitch about it or do you leave them alone" If you buy them, do you think the butcher is going to lower the price just because you are bitching? Well taxes work the same way.

If you think taxes are too high, don't pay them. Hell, you can stay at home and collect welfare. You can have cable tv, air-conditioning, a cell phone, internet, play video games all day and best of all, buy all the damn ribeyes you want no matter what the price is

And while we are at it. Well I got a question. The right always claims that corporations merely pass tax increases on to the consumer. So how come I have not heard a single soul say that this corporate tax cut will result in the lowering of prices?
Corporations are run for stockholders Exes will get raises stockholders dividends raised

So corporations will take their tax savings and raise their dividends. WTF--that is real proof that the tax cuts were not needed. When a corporation raises their dividends what they are saying is, "Here stockholder, we cannot forsee any acceptable capital investment options so we are returning this money to you." If they saw real opportunities for growth they would take those profits and make capital investments. But when they take those profits and distribute them to stockholders they are "passing the buck" on growth. Worse, they will conduct stock buybacks, which is nothing but an avert attempt at manipulating stock prices in order to justify excessive executive compensation. A practice that was outlawed for most of American history.

Plain and simple, we have been had. And it will take an entire generation to reverse the damage that this bill will do.

Some corporations will take their tax savings and raise their dividends, others will take that money and hire additional workers and buy additional equipment. Drive those corporations away with higher taxes and you have what....absolutely nothing.

Nonsense - investment/jobs are an expense and thus are NOT TAXED by corporate tax.
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Is my 6 month old such non-tax payer? :rolleyes:

Only adults are obliged to file federal income tax forms. I assumed you were intelligent enough to know that. My bad.

So is my 87 year old gramps such a non-tax payer?

What I know is that your number is bullshit unless you include rediculous groups into the statistics.

If you legitimately make even a dollar in this country you will pay taxes on it.
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Is my 6 month old such non-tax payer? :rolleyes:

Only adults are obliged to file federal income tax forms. I assumed you were intelligent enough to know that. My bad.

That is a ridiculous statement
Anyone with income over the lower threshold is required to pay taxes
Even an infant
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Is my 6 month old such non-tax payer? :rolleyes:

Only adults are obliged to file federal income tax forms. I assumed you were intelligent enough to know that. My bad.

So is my 87 year old gramps such a non-tax payer?

What I know is that your number is bullshit unless you include rediculous groups into the statistics.

If he has an income and doesn't pay federal income tax then yes the old man is one of the 45% of adults who are legally obliged to file federal income tax forms and pays no federal income tax
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Is my 6 month old such non-tax payer? :rolleyes:

Only adults are obliged to file federal income tax forms. I assumed you were intelligent enough to know that. My bad.

That is a ridiculous statement
Anyone with income over the lower threshold is required to pay taxes
Even an infant

Show me a 1040 from a 6 month old
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Our President is one of them
"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Is my 6 month old such non-tax payer? :rolleyes:

Only adults are obliged to file federal income tax forms. I assumed you were intelligent enough to know that. My bad.

That is a ridiculous statement
Anyone with income over the lower threshold is required to pay taxes
Even an infant

Show me a 1040 from a 6 month old

What makes you think a 6 month old can't have income?
Many infants and children have impressive stock portfolios. It comes from being born into wealthy families
Child actors and entertainers make a good income. That money is not tax free

I filed a 1040 when I was 16.....Didn't you?
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Our President is one of them

I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Our President is one of them

I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life
And I'm sure he screwed more people out of more money than I've ever earned in my life
I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life

When right wing morons are cornered.....the "BEST" thing to do is to compare an orange real estate, crooked mogul......to a poster on this forum.
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Is my 6 month old such non-tax payer? :rolleyes:

Only adults are obliged to file federal income tax forms. I assumed you were intelligent enough to know that. My bad.

That is a ridiculous statement
Anyone with income over the lower threshold is required to pay taxes
Even an infant

Show me a 1040 from a 6 month old

What makes you think a 6 month old can't have income?
Many infants and children have impressive stock portfolios. It comes from being born into wealthy families
Child actors and entertainers make a good income. That money is not tax free

I filed a 1040 when I was 16.....Didn't you?

One is not taxed on a stock portfolio until one realizes income from that portfolio no matter what the age and last time I checked a minor could not make stock trades on his own
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

"WHO are the rich tat aren't paying their fair share ..."????

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
45% of all citizens paid no income taxes.

Our President is one of them

I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life
And I'm sure he screwed more people out of more money than I've ever earned in my life

Opinion therefore meaningless
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

The only people not paying their share are the ones who pay ZERO!

And that is almost 50% of the population.
I think it’s time they “give back”.
I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life

When right wing morons are cornered.....the "BEST" thing to do is to compare an orange real estate, crooked mogul......to a poster on this forum.
but skull how can you be sure ? YOUR president is afraid to show them perhaps because he doesn't want his sheep seeing how he's ripping off the govt?
I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life

Donald Trump's Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills - WSJ
Jun 9, 2016 - “In our business it's very difficult to operate that way. You're dealing with people on an ongoing basis. Every time you order with them you can't screw them because they won't be your suppliers anymore,” Mr. O'Donnell said. Executives at the casino paid vendors fully despite Mr. Trump'sdirectives, he said, ..

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn't pay ...

The small business owners Trump never fully paid - CNNPolitics
I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life

When right wing morons are cornered.....the "BEST" thing to do is to compare an orange real estate, crooked mogul......to a poster on this forum.

Since the statement that Trump doesn't pay income taxes is false so who has committed the more egregious act, the person who stated a falsehood as truth or the person who simply stated the truth?

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