Who, exactly, is "breaking up the family" when illegal aliens with US-born kids get deported?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
It's a pretty common scenario today. Illegal alien parents who produced kids in the U.S., get busted and deported. What happens to their U.S. citizen kids? Especially young kids, barely past toddler stage?

An adult man crosses the border illegally, and lives here. He marries someone, say another illegal alien. They have kids here. The kids are U.S. citizens under the current interpretation of the 14th amendment, since they were born on U.S. soil.

Then the man (and maybe his wife) get busted by ICE, proven to be illegal aliens (which they in fact are), and get listed for deportation.

What happens to the kids?

The kids are U.S. citizens, no doubt about it. ICE has no grounds whatever for deporting them. But the parents are unquestionably illegal aliens, and the law is clear, the parents must be deported. Must the family be broken up? Who says so?

I've hear some people protest that it's inhuman for ICE to separate the kids (who are, say, 3 and 4 years old by now) from their parents. But is it ICE who is actually doing that?

This man knew before he ever came here, that he was breaking U.S. law, and was subject to deportation if caught. And his wife, if she is also an illegal alien, knew the same about herself. And when they were making kids here on U.S. soil and delivering them, they knew the same was still true.

It's not ICE who is planning to split up this family. It is the man and his wife, knowing that he and she might be booted out at any time for breaking U.S. immigration law, and that any kids they produced while living illegally in America, would be citizens NOT subject to deportation. They knew all these things going in. And one must assume they planned for them. (If they didn't plan, whose fault is that?)

So, what did this man and his wife plan would happen to their U.S. kids if and when they (the parents) got busted and deported? What plans did they make about what should happen to their kids? The kids are 3 and 4 years old now. They are U.S. citizens and have the legal right to stay in this country. Of course, they can't stay alone in the house their parents were just deported out of, if there are no other responsible adults around - the kids are just 3 and 4 years old. Of course, the kids also have the legal right to go with their parents back to the parents' home country.

The parents knew going in, that their own deportation was possible and legal... and even just. WHAT DID THEY PLAN FOR THEIR KIDS if that were to happen to them?

Did they plan that those kids would come back to the parents' home country with them? Or did they plan that the kids would stay with other (legal) family, however distantly related, in the U.S.? Or...? What DID these parents plan, for the time when the parents got busted?

Where does anyone get the idea that the government is responsible for the kids?

The parents are responsible for their kids. What have they planned?
The ammendment should be changed.

One of the parent have to be American for the kids to be american. No other country in the world recognizes anyone born on their soil as a citizen of that country.

That ammendment was put in for the kids of former slaves to make sure they were recognized as American citizens. It's done its job. They need to change the ammenedment to apply to today.

If they changed the Ammendment it would do away with all anchor babies and save the taxpayers a bundle.
The ammendment should be changed.

One of the parent have to be American for the kids to be american. No other country in the world recognizes anyone born on their soil as a citizen of that country.

That ammendment was put in for the kids of former slaves to make sure they were recognized as American citizens. It's done its job. They need to change the ammenedment to apply to today.

If they changed the Ammendment it would do away with all anchor babies and save the taxpayers a bundle.

Germany - I know for a FACT - recognizes anyone born on their soil as being a German citizen. My son is a German citizen because he was born there even though we are both Americans.
So, when the usual leftist fanatics start screaming (right AFTER the election) that ICE is being "unfair" or "inhumane" for "breaking up this family" when they deport an illegal alien who has had kids in this country....

...remind them that it's not ICE that's breaking up the family. It's the illegal alien, who produced kids here knowing full well that he could be deported any day for his illegal acts.

If you want to know "what should be done with these children", ask the illegal alien. What did HE plan to do with them, when he got caught and deported?
Yeah, that's why they have kids.

The same people who have kids to anchor them here will have kids in Mexico and charge men to watch them screw animals.
Men come here, get ugly American women pregnant, then make those women apply for benefits while they work full time and save their money to help with the family " business".
So, when the usual leftist fanatics start screaming (right AFTER the election) that ICE is being "unfair" or "inhumane" for "breaking up this family" when they deport an illegal alien who has had kids in this country....

...remind them that it's not ICE that's breaking up the family. It's the illegal alien, who produced kids here knowing full well that he could be deported any day for his illegal acts.

If you want to know "what should be done with these children", ask the illegal alien. What did HE plan to do with them, when he got caught and deported?
What do you know.

It's after the election, and sure enough, I see threads popping up complaining about ICE tearing apart families by deporting the illegal aliens.

Time to resurrect this thread.
There is no such thing as an illegal alien. Being without immigration administrative papers is not even an illegal act, never mind a person being illegal.
The ammendment should be changed.

One of the parent have to be American for the kids to be american. No other country in the world recognizes anyone born on their soil as a citizen of that country.

That ammendment was put in for the kids of former slaves to make sure they were recognized as American citizens. It's done its job. They need to change the ammenedment to apply to today.

If they changed the Ammendment it would do away with all anchor babies and save the taxpayers a bundle.

It's phenomenal, in a way, that you are NEVER right. You're never right even by accident.

Jus soli - Wikipedia
There is no such thing as an illegal alien. Being without immigration administrative papers is not even an illegal act, never mind a person being illegal.

/----- How many undocumented aliens have you taken into your home to feed and shelter? Well how many punk?
There is no such thing as an illegal alien. Being without immigration administrative papers is not even an illegal act, never mind a person being illegal.

/----- How many undocumented aliens have you taken into your home to feed and shelter? Well how many punk?
Anyone who calls another member of USMessageBoard "punk" does not deserve a reply.
most of our illegal are illegal because their criminal status in their own countries precludes them from citizenship here.
The ammendment should be changed.

One of the parent have to be American for the kids to be american. No other country in the world recognizes anyone born on their soil as a citizen of that country.

That ammendment was put in for the kids of former slaves to make sure they were recognized as American citizens. It's done its job. They need to change the ammenedment to apply to today.

If they changed the Ammendment it would do away with all anchor babies and save the taxpayers a bundle.

the 14th amendment does not include so called "anchor babies"

the author of the bill said -

“This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”
The ammendment should be changed.

One of the parent have to be American for the kids to be american. No other country in the world recognizes anyone born on their soil as a citizen of that country.

That ammendment was put in for the kids of former slaves to make sure they were recognized as American citizens. It's done its job. They need to change the ammenedment to apply to today.

If they changed the Ammendment it would do away with all anchor babies and save the taxpayers a bundle.

the 14th amendment does not include so called "anchor babies"

the author of the bill said -

“This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”
Most parents of babies born to foreigners in the United States are not diplomats and the children are, therefore, natural born American citizens.
There is no such thing as an illegal alien. Being without immigration administrative papers is not even an illegal act, never mind a person being illegal.
Yes there is.

Ignoring the fact that we have immigration laws and it is illegal to break those laws does nothing to help your position.
The ammendment should be changed.

One of the parent have to be American for the kids to be american. No other country in the world recognizes anyone born on their soil as a citizen of that country.

That ammendment was put in for the kids of former slaves to make sure they were recognized as American citizens. It's done its job. They need to change the ammenedment to apply to today.

If they changed the Ammendment it would do away with all anchor babies and save the taxpayers a bundle.

the 14th amendment does not include so called "anchor babies"

the author of the bill said -

“This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”
Most parents of babies born to foreigners in the United States are not diplomats and the children are, therefore, natural born American citizens.

actually you are incorrect

referring back to the authors posted statement

you conveniently left out this part

include persons born in the United States who are foreigners
The argument is coming back yet again. Apparently the leftist open-borders crowd thinks enough time has gone by since they last lost the argument, that they think they can simply announce their losing side as "true", and hope that people will have forgotten their last drubbing on the subject.

Illegal alien parents who produced kids in the U.S., get busted and deported. What happens to their U.S. citizen kids? Especially young kids, barely past toddler stage?

An adult man crosses the border illegally, and lives here. He marries someone, say another illegal alien. They have kids here. The kids are U.S. citizens under the current interpretation of the 14th amendment, since they were born on U.S. soil.

Then the man (and maybe his wife) get busted by ICE, proven to be illegal aliens (which they in fact are), and get listed for deportation.

What happens to the kids?

The kids are U.S. citizens, no doubt about it. ICE has no grounds whatever for deporting them. But the parents are unquestionably illegal aliens, and the law is clear, the parents must be deported. Must the family be broken up? Who says so?

I've heard some people protest that it's inhuman for ICE to separate the kids (who are, say, 3 and 4 years old by now) from their parents. But is it ICE who is actually doing that?

This man knew before he ever came here, that he was breaking U.S. law, and was subject to deportation if caught. And his wife, if she is also an illegal alien, knew the same about herself. And when they were making kids here on U.S. soil and delivering them, they knew the same was still true.

It's not ICE who is planning to split up this family. It is the man and his wife, knowing that he and she might be booted out at any time for breaking U.S. immigration law, and that any kids they produced while living illegally in America, would be citizens NOT subject to deportation. They knew all these things going in. And one must assume they planned for them. (If they didn't plan, whose fault is that?)

So, what did this man and his wife plan would happen to their U.S. kids if and when they (the parents) got busted and deported? What plans did they make about what should happen to their kids? The kids are 3 and 4 years old now. They are U.S. citizens and have the legal right to stay in this country. Of course, they can't stay alone in the house their parents were just deported out of, if there are no other responsible adults around - the kids are just 3 and 4 years old. Of course, the kids also have the legal right to go with their parents back to the parents' home country.

The parents knew going in, that their own deportation was possible and legal... and even just. WHAT DID THEY PLAN FOR THEIR KIDS if that were to happen to them?

Did they plan that those kids would come back to the parents' home country with them? Or did they plan that the kids would stay with other (legal) family, however distantly related, in the U.S.? Or...? What DID these parents plan, for the time when the parents got busted?

Where does anyone get the idea that the government is responsible for the kids?

The parents are responsible for their kids. What have they planned?
There is no such thing as an illegal alien. Being without immigration administrative papers is not even an illegal act, never mind a person being illegal.

/----- How many undocumented aliens have you taken into your home to feed and shelter? Well how many punk?
* illegal aliens

I refuse to call them anything else...

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