Who Funded Clinton's Speech?


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
WASHINGTON -- Two Canadian banks tightly connected to promoting the controversial Keystone XL pipeline in the United States either fully or partially paid for eight speeches made by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the period not long before she announced her campaign for president. Those speeches put more than $1.6 million in the Democratic candidate's pocket.

Banks Behind Hillary Clinton s Canadian Speeches Really Want The Keystone Pipeline

'You won't get me to talk about Keystone', remember? Ok, we see. She has only had one real job in her life and know what- she outsourced that one to Monica Lewinsky. And, yes, why should we trust someone who did to Libya what Hillary Clinton did? Do we really want her? Aren't we sick of the greedy and lying Clintons? By the way, her husband's doesn't take part in her campaign...isn't it weird?
Thank You and funny...


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