Who gets to decide when and how we die?

Agreed. But it should not be administered by government. Government will decide to end your life instead of giving you medications to prolong your life if they get to choose.
Only if you are intractable pain, which is the way it should be.
If we were to out and look for fentanyl, wouldn't that end your life?

Euthanasia is complex beyond the scope of this column, but its essential question deserves attention: Who has the right to decide when and how we die?

Christian says suicide go to hell?
The religious often accept the principle, as well, deferring to their perception of the will of God, even if it means enduring prolonged suffering.

n fact, the Canadian Minister of Health’s recent annual report notes that among the reasons cited by patients who chose euthanasia, only 58% mentioned “inadequate control of pain.” Eighty-six percent said they prefer to die because of the “loss of ability to engage in meaningful activities.”
Euthanasia, sometimes called mercy killing, is the ending of a person’s life who is terminally ill and suffering in pain. It is different from assisted suicide, which refers to a physician assisting the person in ending their life.
Euthanasia is more commonly performed on sick or injured animals, as euthanasia for humans is illegal in the majority of the United States. As of June 2021, the only jurisdictions that allow this procedure are Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont.

Euthanasian should be the law of the land in the US, but with conservatives on the SC would never go for it, because they believe in heaven and hell.
What zealots.

Well you do have a point there. Considering that conservatives don't believe in euthanasia, there would be a hell of alot fewer liberals in this world.
Why, liberals are freer, euthanasia should be the law of the law, but Christian's zealots won't let it.
Oh, look. The supposedly compassionate fascist wants to kill more people.
Many Christians believe there is only one unforgivable sin and it is not suicide.

Oh, look. The supposedly compassionate fascist wants to kill more people.

Penelope has been all for killing those who want to make their own health care decisions, with the exception of those who believe that killing an unborn child is a health care decision, at least since Jan 18, 2022:

"I'm getting sick and tired of people who are unvaccinated. I wish them to all die and also to bypass the hospitals. Die at home."--Penelope, Jan 18th 2022

So, nothing new there.

Jiminy Crickets. No sooner than the Canadians start promoting government euthanasia of the citizenry, we start talking about ''hey, wouldn't it be a good idea if the government had a program to euthanise us in America?"

What the actual heck. lolol...
Many Christians believe there is only one unforgivable sin and it is not suicide.

Some have tried to use Mark 3:20–35 as a passage in the Bible that equates suicide with the ‘unforgivable sin’ of blaspheming the Holy Spirit; however, this is simply an incorrect interpretation. The specific unforgivable sin Jesus has in mind is not suicide, but rather associating the Holy Spirit with the work of Satan.

I just love people who say this simply an incorrect interpretation!! doesn't it make you question the whole bible?
How do we know that getting COVID doesn't have long term consequences? Some believe ok I'm over it, it's all good. Growing evidence on long term effects is real.
A bald-faced lie Penny.

Wait til you find out that millions are dying because they DID

Some have tried to use Mark 3:20–35 as a passage in the Bible that equates suicide with the ‘unforgivable sin’ of blaspheming the Holy Spirit; however, this is simply an incorrect interpretation. The specific unforgivable sin Jesus has in mind is not suicide, but rather associating the Holy Spirit with the work of Satan.

I just love people who say this simply an incorrect interpretation!! doesn't it make you question the whole bible?
There is a lot of disagreement on what the Bible says. It is often difficult to translate the meaning of a phrase in one language accurately in another. Add to that the fact that over years the meaning of certain words change. The word ”gay“ today doesn’t mean the same as it did back in 1940.

One of the prime examples is the Sixth Commandment Thou shalt not kill.

It makes more sense to translate this as Thou shalt not murder. The Hebrews did a lot of killing, much at God’s command.

The Hebrews did a lot of killing, much at God’s command.

at whose command, you think there is a God, I don't. The bible defends this, every place you read one thing, and next is another thing.
It has to be an individual choice, with no one else getting any say.
Especially not corrupt politicians, lawyers, and legislators.

It always has been. No one can stop you from ending your own life. But hiring a hit man, even one with a medical degree, should remain illegal.
How do we know that getting COVID doesn't have long term consequences? Some believe ok I'm over it, it's all good. Growing evidence on long term effects is real.

Smh, and the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting covid 19

What’s your point?
And then the hospitals stopped keeping track, because it looked really, really bad.

You will learn, and hopefully not the hard way. I don't wish that on anyone.
Ah, so all of a sudden "it looked really, really bad" after March of this year? This complete switch took place within the last eight months? Final answer? Evidence?

One of many lawsuits>>>

Since 2007, fatal fentanyl overdoses in Virginia have risen by nearly 1,600%, from just 48 in 2007 to more than 800 in 2018. In the same period, nearly 10,000 Virginians have died of a heroin or opioid overdose, including 5,700 from a prescription overdose, and nearly 3,500 from a fentanyl overdose, all while Teva/Cephalon made huge sums of money from its fentanyl drugs.

BUT, the kicker is, some of the very same big pharma's being sued manufacture narcan !!


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