WHO, here, considers IMMIGRATION as the MOST crucial economic issue?

Ending Illegal Immigration and reforming our Immigration System nightmare is a crucial economic issue. Is it the 'most crucial?' Maybe?
nat4900's new handle is laughing boy. He laughs when he has no answer to a post. Which is all of the time...
It's number one to millions of Americans...
Only to the gullible.

I would love to see the faces of the rubes when all the wetbacks were tossed out and it did NOTHING to improve our economy.

Trump has the dumb shits bleeving our problems are "because Mexicans". And the credulous idiots buy into it because they don't want to look in the mirror to see the root of all their troubles.

The biggest economic problem facing our country today is not brown people. The biggest problem is the debt, and Trump's economic plan would add another TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to it.

But you don't hear a fucking PEEP about that fact from Trump's Chumps.
The gullible? people want to compete fairly in the workplace, they don't like their jobs taken from them by undocumented cheep labor, they don't like undocumented people swelling their healthcare and welfare programs, they don't like criminal aliens released onto the streets of their cities and over crowding our schools. They don't want terrorists to gain easy access to our nation. Sounds very sound to me. The gullible are libs like you that believe democrat lies that open borders are good for you and your family, you're the gullible.
Sorry, Mexicans are NOT the MOST crucial economic issue, retard. I know you like to think those beaners are incredibly dangerous and evil, and ruining your cable TV reception to boot, but it just isn't so.

Now, Trump adding another TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to the federal debt IS incredibly important, and it is very revealing you don't even talk about it, much less criticize him for it.

We can see who the fucking idiots are, Chump.
Every major problem America faces is made worse by illegal immigration.
The deficit
the national debt
all made worse by illegal immigration.

Given the time, I could make an argument that "every major problem in America" is made worse by.......Texas....or Christmas shopping sprees......or psoriasis ....or......LOL
It's number one to millions of Americans...
Only to the gullible.

I would love to see the faces of the rubes when all the wetbacks were tossed out and it did NOTHING to improve our economy.

Trump has the dumb shits bleeving our problems are "because Mexicans". And the credulous idiots buy into it because they don't want to look in the mirror to see the root of all their troubles.

The biggest economic problem facing our country today is not brown people. The biggest problem is the debt, and Trump's economic plan would add another TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to it.

But you don't hear a fucking PEEP about that fact from Trump's Chumps.
The gullible? people want to compete fairly in the workplace, they don't like their jobs taken from them by undocumented cheep labor, they don't like undocumented people swelling their healthcare and welfare programs, they don't like criminal aliens released onto the streets of their cities and over crowding our schools. They don't want terrorists to gain easy access to our nation. Sounds very sound to me. The gullible are libs like you that believe democrat lies that open borders are good for you and your family, you're the gullible.
Sorry, Mexicans are NOT the MOST crucial economic issue, retard. I know you like to think those beaners are incredibly dangerous and evil, and ruining your cable TV reception to boot, but it just isn't so.

Now, Trump adding another TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to the federal debt IS incredibly important, and it is very revealing you don't even talk about it, much less criticize him for it.

We can see who the fucking idiots are, Chump.

What is it that Trump is going to do that will add $10,000,000,000,000 to the debt?
Given the time, I could make an argument that "every major problem in America" is made worse by.......Texas....or Christmas shopping sprees......or psoriasis ....or......LOL
As usual you have no answer...so laugh away!
Every major problem America faces is made worse by illegal immigration.
The deficit
the national debt
all made worse by illegal immigration.

Given the time, I could make an argument that "every major problem in America" is made worse by.......Texas....or Christmas shopping sprees......or psoriasis ....or......LOL
But as usual, it would be a non-compelling argument.
While I don't think it is THE issue of the 2016 election, it certainly isn't a non-issue. Open borders has to stop. I think spending and the national debt, student loans and the impending meltodon in markets is far more concerning,
Oh and did any of you libtards notice? Trump moved ahead of Hillary today by 2.....CNN poll....BUUUUUAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Ending Illegal Immigration and reforming our Immigration System nightmare is a crucial economic issue. Is it the 'most crucial?' Maybe?

Nah.....not at all.....

Illegal immigrants (for better or worse) provide very cheap labor in jobs that few, VERY FEW, Americans would want to take on at the salary given to these "illegals"......

Plus, these illegals do not benefit from social security or Medicare, but do pay sales taxes on a variety of purchases, rents, and other needed services.

Your Trumpester is bullshitting his whole base, and its a pity.
While I don't think it is THE issue of the 2016 election, it certainly isn't a non-issue. Open borders has to stop. I think spending and the national debt, student loans and the impending meltodon in markets is far more concerning,

Your correct EXCEPT for the stupid assertion that we have "open borders"......Check out how many millions have been STOPPED at the border and then "conclude" that its open.
Oh and did any of you libtards notice? Trump moved ahead of Hillary today by 2.....CNN poll....BUUUUUAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Trump may or may not reach 100 electoral votes....and he hasn't yet agreed to show upat the upcoming debates.......plus he is talking about "amnesty" for illegals, "not being off the table."

(How many BUUUHAHA do you want?)
I guess when a post makes you look like the dweeb you are all you can do is smile.....

Forgive me...I'm still laughing at your,

" .......... taken from them by undocumented cheep labor...." in post #40..... Those parakeets just kill our economy, right?
...which shows the "intellectual" level of millions of Americans....Hope you're not one of them that would "conclude' that all our economic woes are the result of brown folks who pick our onions and mow our lawns.
Every major problem America faces is made worse by illegal immigration.
The deficit
the national debt
all made worse by illegal immigration.
If you think otherwise you are either undocumented yourself or will benefit by huge numbers of unknowns crossing our border.
You're wasting your time trying to justify those points to the Charter Members of the Free Shit Generation.
It's number one to millions of Americans...

You do realize that it is against federal law to come into this country illegally...right? Comparing what the socialist in Germany did to hide the faults of a socialist economy in comparison to enforcing actual laws, created by a legal process from the elected representatives of the people of this country is just stupid......

They broke federal law....they might very well be nice people, they might hold down nice jobs...but they broke the law...right? Do you acknowledge that?
It's number one to millions of Americans...
Only to the gullible.

I would love to see the faces of the rubes when all the wetbacks were tossed out and it did NOTHING to improve our economy.

Trump has the dumb shits bleeving our problems are "because Mexicans". And the credulous idiots buy into it because they don't want to look in the mirror to see the root of all their troubles.

The biggest economic problem facing our country today is not brown people. The biggest problem is the debt, and Trump's economic plan would add another TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to it.

But you don't hear a fucking PEEP about that fact from Trump's Chumps.
I find it funny to hear anyone that backs the little dark guy in the white house now, or Hillary claiming that they actually have any concern for the debt.
Lets see, how much has the Kenyan ass clown added so far?

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