WHO, here, considers IMMIGRATION as the MOST crucial economic issue?

%68 of illegal immigrants receive some kind of federal aid and assistance either by misleading the feds or through a relative like a child. Those are all dollars that could be doing more for Americans in financial distress. Why would any American citizen receiving federal aid be in favor of thinning the government milk from the tit by adding millions to it is beyond me. If you are on food stamps to feed your family you get less because some illegal is getting a cut. Get It? and I have not even brought up the illegal immigrant prison inmates getting fed and housed and cared for. Time to have a real change....vote Trump! Dump the Dems!
Sorry, Mexicans are NOT the MOST crucial economic issue, retard.
You are right! most border crosser's are from south America

Last year 500k tourists violated their visa and goes on hiding. These assholes are also taking advantage of the free benefits.
How come your only pointing your hatred towards the beaners that are working and paying taxes?

Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes

A new nationwide study on the fiscal implications of illegal immigration concludes that millions of undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollar in taxes into state and local coffers, and that substantially more would be generated if President Obama prevails in imposing a new executive order protecting many of those workers from deportation.

The 50-state analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released on Thursday found that roughly 8.1 million of 11.4 million undocumented immigrants who work paid more than $11.8 billion in state and local taxes in 2012, even while they were living illegally in the country.

Now show the cost.

Prolly not so hot afterwords.

According to this... $113 billion per year.

State Cost Studies | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Now, cue the cries of "racist" from dum-dums like G.

Gee, that much? You might be able to what? Build a wall with the savings???

I dunno......

I understand that the $12 billions is not enough compared to $113billions................. but just imagine if ALL of them start paying taxes. Is that such a bad idea?

BTW. Don't worry about their contributions to our economy that we all Americans enjoy.
Nope. Vote 3rd party. Trup and clinton not worth my vote. They are not worthy of my vote.
Note that the post doesn't us the word "illegal" as in "illegal criminal potentially terrorist immigration"? It's a slick slight of hand that lefties (with the cooperation of the mainstream media) have been skillful at for decades.
We cannot expect americans to do the same jobs illegals do for even close to the same wages. No way no how.

So wages go up. Sounds like a win win.

It's not a win win if the prices of ALL commodities goes up overnight. And that is very nice of you that you have to include other Americans to your misery.
If you think prices are high now. Think dude.
Instead of trillions in welfare to these large breeders, send them packing like Ike did. Only give them a place to go wit hthe money they would have collected here.

Build a little village deep into Mexico and if they keep it great if not tough. Let them grow and pick their own food. if they wipe their ass with it let it be their kids and parents who die from the hep A B C and other bacteria.

Make sure George Lopez is first in lineto go, the filthy bastard who encourges them to contaminate our food and infect our children.

Let welfare people do the work or starve, its better than killing each other and having more ghetto kids to hurt themselves and others.

It is sickening not to be able to leave your home in some hoods because of drug pushers and cartels. A old black lady on the news said she finally got to check her mail when cops came to serve a warrent. She said " praise Jesus for you police".
Last year 500k tourists violated their visa and goes on hiding. These assholes are also taking advantage of the free benefits.
How come your only pointing your hatred towards the beaners that are working and paying taxes?

Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes

A new nationwide study on the fiscal implications of illegal immigration concludes that millions of undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollar in taxes into state and local coffers, and that substantially more would be generated if President Obama prevails in imposing a new executive order protecting many of those workers from deportation.

The 50-state analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released on Thursday found that roughly 8.1 million of 11.4 million undocumented immigrants who work paid more than $11.8 billion in state and local taxes in 2012, even while they were living illegally in the country.

Now show the cost.

Prolly not so hot afterwords.

According to this... $113 billion per year.

State Cost Studies | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Now, cue the cries of "racist" from dum-dums like G.

Gee, that much? You might be able to what? Build a wall with the savings???

I dunno......

So what happened to the illegals that over stayed their visa? How much do you think that cost and welfare benefits that they are scamming? without any contribution to the government.

Why are you all concentrating your hatred to Mexicans?

The wall stops more than Mexicans.

Overstays must go too

Immigrants = Invided

Illegal Immigrant = uninvited criminal.

Of your beautiful WALL. Let see...... You can go over it, around and under.

Legal immigrants invited ....... I just love this one........ What made you think they are not taking advantage of these welfare benefits? They all have the legal right to collect benefits. They come here poor getting benefits is the best they got compared to where they came from.

Tourists over stayed visa..... Do you have a suggestion where and how to catch them? Maybe a barcode stamp to their arm? How about a net?
Here is why you never let your enemy inside your gate especially to handlle food or medical care. Imagine those working in our healthcare systems for us. If this is what they do in the fields wonder how many American they killed in doctos offices and hospitals?

This is not my words it is their own words spoken by their corospondant Lopez.

Americans who allow race hustlers to silence you are foolish. Of course you will be hated by the haters who join the enemy.

Go to mexico and see how you are treated go ahead apply for welfare while your there,lol.
There's a great Simpsons episode about immigrants being blamed for the towns tax problems (which were a result of stupid spending ). It's dead on to whats happening now .

Bear patrol !
A job an illegal does for 8 bucks an hour shoild turn into 13 bucks an hour for the same job if a citizen does it.

Actually, its more like $5-7 per hour for most farm workers....therefore, if not for illegals' labor, the price of a pound of tomatoes would DOUBLE....
You've seen and heard Lopez tell you what they do to you and th insane whites in audiance laugh like the mentals they are.

I don't see any change comign to be honest, but be careful is all I can say. We don't eat out becasue our nation is no longer safe we ar in fear in some of our cities, why?

Nat4900,, you got kids? Do they go to doctors? My great grand kids have already contacted something from dr. office worse than what they went to dr for. Both times there were hispanics helping treat them.

Also I just had one treat me without gloves on , first thing I did was wash myself down with antibiotic jels and followed it with 90% alcohol soon as she turned her back. So we are in trouble when going to the dr. can be dangerous to your health.

You libs are from the show me state like learning the hard way. Good luck.
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A job an illegal does for 8 bucks an hour shoild turn into 13 bucks an hour for the same job if a citizen does it.

Actually, its more like $5-7 per hour for most farm workers....therefore, if not for illegals' labor, the price of a pound of tomatoes would DOUBLE....

Gee then it would be ok if I wiped my ass on your tomatoes. Did you even watch the video or are you one of the illegals o employers? You want your family eating shit smeared produce?
A job an illegal does for 8 bucks an hour shoild turn into 13 bucks an hour for the same job if a citizen does it.

Actually, its more like $5-7 per hour for most farm workers....therefore, if not for illegals' labor, the price of a pound of tomatoes would DOUBLE....
Your math is pre-kindergarten.
You would have to have an accountant handle the specific farm to calculate the MINUTE difference in the consumer price.
our math is pre-kindergarten.
You would have to have an accountant handle the specific farm to calculate the MINUTE difference in the consumer price.

Really??? REALLY moron? My math is pre-kindergarten?

Hire an American to pick those tomatoes and not only would the hourly wage increase, but then you have the employer's social security and Medicare and state taxes added to that pound of tomatoes and what do you get?
A job an illegal does for 8 bucks an hour shoild turn into 13 bucks an hour for the same job if a citizen does it.

Actually, its more like $5-7 per hour for most farm workers....therefore, if not for illegals' labor, the price of a pound of tomatoes would DOUBLE....
Your math is pre-kindergarten.
You would have to have an accountant handle the specific farm to calculate the MINUTE difference in the consumer price.
Look out, the moron clicked a smiley!

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