Who here has NOT been jabbed....

Fuck you.

You are the problem.

You are the cause of the recent death and economic destruction.

Are you happy?

Now my kids have to wear masks again.

Now we're all gonna need boosters.

Now we're facing the possibility of more shutdowns and economic pain.

Does that please you?

Just in case you missed it, fuck you, this is your fault.
All because YOUR vaccine works so well! :oops8:
But who really knows if they had COVID since they acknowledged the tests produced high #'s false positive results. Many people who tested positive and were counted as COVID most likely just had the flu. They can't acknowledge this because doing so admits they were and continue to inflate the #'s of COVID cases.
You're confused.

"COVID-19 antibody testing, also known as serology testing, is a blood test that's done to find out if you've had a past infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). An antibody test can't determine whether you're currently infected with the COVID-19 virus.

Antibodies are proteins produced by your immune system in response to an infection. Your immune system — which involves a complex network of cells, organs and tissues — identifies foreign substances in your body and helps fight infections and diseases. After infection with the COVID-19 virus, it can take two to three weeks to develop enough antibodies to be detected in an antibody test, so it's important that you're not tested too soon.

Antibodies may be detected in your blood for several months or more after you recover from COVID-19. Although these antibodies probably provide some immunity to the COVID-19 virus, there's currently not enough evidence to know how long the antibodies last or to what extent past infection with the virus helps protect you from getting another infection. Though rare, there are some confirmed and suspected cases of reinfection. Studies on COVID-19 antibodies as well as other components of the immune system are ongoing to learn more about immunity."

Firstly a disclaimer. I have hypertension (dad had it too) and a Covid episode would be quite bad for my longevity. All that I am wanting is that if i get Covid, and I will; it is inevitable, that I have sufficient T-cell function to get myself responding before it kills me. I have ZERO illusions that it will keep me safe. Vaccines only start working IF YOU CATCH THE DISEASE; then your body responds fast enough so that you have a fighting chance; best outcome is if you are non-symptomatic of course...but asymptomatic does NOT mean you don't have it.

Re the mRNA vaccines; Pfizer esp. Frankly I know I took a risk but I am a Biochemistry Major and mRNA only codes for a PART of the virus so it cannot "give it to you" . I think it's a major breakthrough and the way of the future BUT it's like comparing a Model T Ford with a 2021 Ferrari; just a beginning. Do I mind being a guinea pig or lab rat? Frankly; no. EVERY vaccine is a risk...yes; even the Flu or the TB ones. So I made a decision for ME. I refuse to push my decision on others. If THEY deem the risk too much or they just aren't convinced then ARGUE BETTER; show the PROOF and then they can make up their own minds.

Re my own best outcome? Pfizer protects me from dying if I get Covid and after the event I will be FULLY safe...provided I'm not one of the poor buggers who do not get immunity after a disease.

Now to the vaxers I say....good job, but you are still going to catch it. Just hope your immune response keeps you from the worst.

Whatever your decision, base it on the facts. Telling people they're out of a job unless they get it is ridiculous. BE INFORMED and know the errors of the counter arguments though sometimes it's wise to admit that there IS a risk but one YOU were prepared to take.

Well that's my two bobs worth. Take it as intended; with a shot of whisky or glass of port.

I got uncharacteristically sick on March 4, 2020, and stayed sick as a dog for about 10 days. I assume I had it and have antibodies. What's funny is that my elderly and very compromised husband got sick the same day and was over it in two days. Go figure.
My now 102 year old 88 pound grandmother had it a few months ago, she's senile and blind, but same thing--just a couple of days of feeling under the weather and then nada. My husband got it, and he wound up in the hospital twice for it and still has scarring on his lungs from it. It's an odd virus.
You're confused.

"COVID-19 antibody testing, also known as serology testing, is a blood test that's done to find out if you've had a past infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). An antibody test can't determine whether you're currently infected with the COVID-19 virus.

Antibodies are proteins produced by your immune system in response to an infection. Your immune system — which involves a complex network of cells, organs and tissues — identifies foreign substances in your body and helps fight infections and diseases. After infection with the COVID-19 virus, it can take two to three weeks to develop enough antibodies to be detected in an antibody test, so it's important that you're not tested too soon.

Antibodies may be detected in your blood for several months or more after you recover from COVID-19. Although these antibodies probably provide some immunity to the COVID-19 virus, there's currently not enough evidence to know how long the antibodies last or to what extent past infection with the virus helps protect you from getting another infection. Though rare, there are some confirmed and suspected cases of reinfection. Studies on COVID-19 antibodies as well as other components of the immune system are ongoing to learn more about immunity."

The only bit I don't 'like" is the bit about being confused....as if that is a bad thing. As the Mayo says itself; they do NOT KNOW the long term stuff because those studies haven't been done.....it's a TIME thing.

If in five years time I'm happy merry and bright then what we will know is that there has been enough time to gather the data.../........frankly I understand people being concerned and resistant but I REJECT any attempt to FORCE or COERCE them because there is NO GUARANTEE!!!

Of course if I have a shocking adverse reaction then I would have made a bad decision; still better than marrying the First wife or playing that game of Rugby where I nearly died of a blood clot forty years ago.!!!

Well, I see the troll woke crowd does not know how to read. Vaxxed...great. Good on you for baaaa'ing for your government. Now get the fuck out of my thread.

(This does NOT pertain to the ones that got it but are not PUSHING it on the rest of us and being decent about in their posts).
Well, I see the troll woke crowd does not know how to read. Vaxxed...great. Good on you for baaaa'ing for your government. Now get the fuck out of my thread.

(This does NOT pertain to the ones that got it but are not PUSHING it on the rest of us and being decent about in their posts).
The usual suspects have selective reading comprehension deficit.
The only bit I don't 'like" is the bit about being confused....as if that is a bad thing. As the Mayo says itself; they do NOT KNOW the long term stuff because those studies haven't been done.....it's a TIME thing.

If in five years time I'm happy merry and bright then what we will know is that there has been enough time to gather the data.../........frankly I understand people being concerned and resistant but I REJECT any attempt to FORCE or COERCE them because there is NO GUARANTEE!!!

Of course if I have a shocking adverse reaction then I would have made a bad decision; still better than marrying the First wife or playing that game of Rugby where I nearly died of a blood clot forty years ago.!!!

My comment was in reference the posters obvious confusion between an anti-body test, which shows positive antibody response, and a PCR which simply pics up genetic material of the virus.

The PCR has notoriously been ramped up to 40 magnifications by the US CDC.

This has been duplicated by other testing bodies worldwide to provide an inaccurate picture of virus spread, and infection rates.

Likewise, our governments are blatantly running counter to established, historical science.

This science has shown over a century that once a person has been infected with a respiratory virus, they are not only immune to it, but all other subsequent variations of it.

This is all government convincing citizenry of a complete NEW science.

That is why i say, this is not about any virus.

This is about getting that shit, whatever it is, into your veins.
The usual suspects have selective reading comprehension deficit.
Trolling. That is all they want to do. The usual idiots that deliberately seek to derail a thread.

Kat Can you keep an eyeball on this thread and maybe clean it up? If I wanted the vaxxed to come in and waggle their fingers, I would not have stated CLEARLY in the OP for them to NOT participate. Yet..here they are.
Fuck you.

You are the problem.

You are the cause of the recent death and economic destruction.

Are you happy?

Now my kids have to wear masks again.

Now we're all gonna need boosters.

Now we're facing the possibility of more shutdowns and economic pain.

Does that please you?

Just in case you missed it, fuck you, this is your fault.
You were getting the boosters anyway. The current COVID shots were outdated before you even got the second jab.

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