Who here is an atheist?

Why on earth do I cling to 2,000 year old sheep herders writing?

Hedging your bets?

Watch this (the interesting stuff starts at 3:30) from one of my favorite films. Essentially an argument is being made that evolution and creationism are not necessarily mutually exclusive:

As for me, I will continue to hold onto my agnostic/borderline atheist views...

I don't think I have ever met an agnostic before.

Sure, I've met people who claimed to be agnostic, but I've never met a real agnostic before.

Never met an Atheist being shot at either.

Bullshit. My guess is you've never met anyone "being shot at". Guess what? I was in the military, and I was under fire on several occasions. Guess what I never did? I never "suddenly found God". "There are no atheists in foxholes" may be a cute bumper sticker, but it is completely incorrect as a matter of fact.
Science is GOD's way of telling you HE does exist. Theory is man's way of circumventing the facts with opinion.
The fact that you just equated scientific theory with "opinion" demonstrates that you clearly have no understanding of science.
You have absolutely zero room to talk.
Who here is an atheist? It seems to me my belief in god is unfounded and without proof. I know that the universe was created by the big bang and the processes of science. Why on earth do I cling to 2,000 year old sheep herders writing?

This writing promotes hatred, idiocy and backwardness. I am so very close to just saying fuck it and becoming a atheist!!!

What I've read in the bible should never be read to a child as it is fucking savage stoneaged crap. And you fuckers bitch about sex ed??? really? The bible encourages rape, murder of babies and rape of women. On and on. Incest is in the bible with lott fucking his daughters, murder of ones brother and genocide of millions of people.
Since I don't know how the universe came to be I don't consider myself an atheist, however, when it comes to the God of the Bible, I have zero faith in it so in that sense I am an atheist. There may be a god out there but I don't think anyone has any more of a clue than I do.
It seems to me that before one can answer who God is they have to first answer the question is there a Creator. Then from there they can figure out who He is. The answers to both questions can be found by studying what was created.
No, it can't. You have tried this argument repeatedly, and I have repeatedly pointed out that the only way your argument works is to presume the universe was created. Try presuming that the universe was not created, and then proceed with your argument from there, and see if it still works.
Who here is an atheist? It seems to me my belief in god is unfounded and without proof. I know that the universe was created by the big bang and the processes of science. Why on earth do I cling to 2,000 year old sheep herders writing?

This writing promotes hatred, idiocy and backwardness. I am so very close to just saying fuck it and becoming a atheist!!!

What I've read in the bible should never be read to a child as it is fucking savage stoneaged crap. And you fuckers bitch about sex ed??? really? The bible encourages rape, murder of babies and rape of women. On and on. Incest is in the bible with lott fucking his daughters, murder of ones brother and genocide of millions of people.
Just so you know, militant atheists like yourself are the new new nazis. Seriously, you are out there on the extreme edge of the spectrum and you make atheists all over look bad.
The truth hurts.

Militant atheists like yourself condemn respect for people who believe in God. You're real dicks.
No, but attacking people is never a winning argument.
Who here is an atheist? It seems to me my belief in god is unfounded and without proof. I know that the universe was created by the big bang and the processes of science. Why on earth do I cling to 2,000 year old sheep herders writing?

This writing promotes hatred, idiocy and backwardness. I am so very close to just saying fuck it and becoming a atheist!!!

What I've read in the bible should never be read to a child as it is fucking savage stoneaged crap. And you fuckers bitch about sex ed??? really? The bible encourages rape, murder of babies and rape of women. On and on. Incest is in the bible with lott fucking his daughters, murder of ones brother and genocide of millions of people.

Maybe you're agnostic.
So. Big Bang.

What caused the "Big Bang"?

Did the Big Bang bring existence into existence? Or did something exist before that?

If so, how?

What caused "God"?

Did God bring existence into existence? Or did something exist before that?

If so, how?
The only solution to the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.

Whatever it is... it has those attributes. I can think of several things that meet this description but they are more like verbs than nouns. Which is another clue to the puzzle.
And that isn't a "solution", because it relies on a logical fallacy called special pleading.
It is a description of the attributes of the solution. It was never proffered as anything else.

We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. The only solution for the first cause conundrum is something which did not need a cause. Hence it is eternal. The only way it can remain eternal is to be unchanging.

What do you think the solution to the first cause conundrum is?
Who here is an atheist? It seems to me my belief in god is unfounded and without proof. I know that the universe was created by the big bang and the processes of science. Why on earth do I cling to 2,000 year old sheep herders writing?

This writing promotes hatred, idiocy and backwardness. I am so very close to just saying fuck it and becoming a atheist!!!

What I've read in the bible should never be read to a child as it is fucking savage stoneaged crap. And you fuckers bitch about sex ed??? really? The bible encourages rape, murder of babies and rape of women. On and on. Incest is in the bible with lott fucking his daughters, murder of ones brother and genocide of millions of people.
Just so you know, militant atheists like yourself are the new new nazis. Seriously, you are out there on the extreme edge of the spectrum and you make atheists all over look bad.
The truth hurts.

Militant atheists like yourself condemn respect for people who believe in God. You're real dicks.
No, but attacking people is never a winning argument.
If you don't like it, stop being dicks about it.
So. Big Bang.

What caused the "Big Bang"?

Did the Big Bang bring existence into existence? Or did something exist before that?

If so, how?

What caused "God"?

Did God bring existence into existence? Or did something exist before that?

If so, how?
The only solution to the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.

Whatever it is... it has those attributes. I can think of several things that meet this description but they are more like verbs than nouns. Which is another clue to the puzzle.
And that isn't a "solution", because it relies on a logical fallacy called special pleading.
It is a description of the attributes of the solution. It was never proffered as anything else.

We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. The only solution for the first cause conundrum is something which did not need a cause. Hence it is eternal. The only way it can remain eternal is to be unchanging.

What do you think the solution to the first cause conundrum is?
Which is, by definition, special pleading. It is making up a scenario where someone, or something, that possesses a "special quality" - that cannot be proven - that makes it "immune" from the laws of logic.

Sorry. Presenting a logical fallacy as a solution to a logical impossibility is not a solution. It is just a logical fallacy.
Who here is an atheist? It seems to me my belief in god is unfounded and without proof. I know that the universe was created by the big bang and the processes of science. Why on earth do I cling to 2,000 year old sheep herders writing?

This writing promotes hatred, idiocy and backwardness. I am so very close to just saying fuck it and becoming a atheist!!!

What I've read in the bible should never be read to a child as it is fucking savage stoneaged crap. And you fuckers bitch about sex ed??? really? The bible encourages rape, murder of babies and rape of women. On and on. Incest is in the bible with lott fucking his daughters, murder of ones brother and genocide of millions of people.
Just so you know, militant atheists like yourself are the new new nazis. Seriously, you are out there on the extreme edge of the spectrum and you make atheists all over look bad.
The truth hurts.

Militant atheists like yourself condemn respect for people who believe in God. You're real dicks.
No, but attacking people is never a winning argument.
If you don't like it, stop being dicks about it.
That's an intelligent response. What are you? 5?!?! Grow the fuck up.
So. Big Bang.

What caused the "Big Bang"?

Did the Big Bang bring existence into existence? Or did something exist before that?

If so, how?
So, what, because we don't know we're supposed to invent a sky fairy as the explanation?
How about intelligence as an explanation?
Why must we presume an explanation? Why can't we just say, "Gee. I don't know. lets study, and research, and find out!"? The "God of the Gaps" is the theists' last, ever-shrinking defence.
So that isn't one of the steps in a scientific investigation? Isn't that the whole point of studying and researching it? To presume an explanation that makes sense?

Scientific methods can only be used within the universe. This discussion we are having is a philosophical discussion. There is no evidence for what happened prior to the big bang. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

But we can use science to study what was created and how it evolved to gain insight in the philosophical discussion.

That is what I do.
Just so you know, militant atheists like yourself are the new new nazis. Seriously, you are out there on the extreme edge of the spectrum and you make atheists all over look bad.
The truth hurts.

Militant atheists like yourself condemn respect for people who believe in God. You're real dicks.
No, but attacking people is never a winning argument.
If you don't like it, stop being dicks about it.
That's an intelligent response. What are you? 5?!?! Grow the fuck up.
It was a very serious response.

If you act like a dick to me, I'll act like a dick to you.

And I'm much better at it than you.
Science of physics, chemistry and biology explains the universe and life.

I think I am going to become a atheist. Why believe in goat herder crap that is used to kill people for no reason.

You obviously have never read the New Testament.

Also, it is sheep, not goats! That's why they were "shepherds" and not "goatherds". Just when I think you cannot prove yourself to even more ignorant, you surprise me!
I was engaged to a woman for a couple months. I was trying to be the best person I could. I'd mostly quit beer and whisky. She had not. She said it made her feel bad - that I made her feel bad about herself. Liquor doesn't do most people favors. In fact it's often painful the next day, and for subsequent days after that. She was in pain, but she blamed me for making her feel bad about herself. It was as if she took my example of sobriety as her problem.
The way things turned around has given me a comprehension about the things that happened to that guy Jesus from Nazareth. It seems like he was being a jerk and telling everyone what to do to be good in their lives. Everyone didn't want to hear it so they killed him. I'm not sure they did a very complete job with it because he was still alive in three days. It's certainly a remarkable story and even more so now since the woman I love told me she doesn't want me around.
Later in the summer I took a trip that we were going to take together. Well, I took a wrong turn on the way to a baseball park and stumbled upon the Tao Te Ching. There are certainly some good morals in there that I could live by.
If atheists are correct in their belief, then no big deal & life goes on.......

If believers are correct in their faith, then there'll be a lot of people in a very warm place for a very long time
Which believers? You see this is the problem with your "Pascale's Wager" axiom. You, incorrectly, present the question as a binary choice: Choose God, or don't choose God.
The problem is that even one "the side of God", there are, at last count, there were some 19 major religions in the world, with 270 different large subgroups. In Christianity, alone, there are over 34,000 different sects, all with different beliefs about what will, and will not send one to Hell. So, actually, you have just as much of a chance of going to Hell, even choosing to be a Christian of whatever flavour you happen to be, as I do. Tell me, again, why I should "choose God"?

I don't want you to choose God unless you give up that surly, mean, odious persona.

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