Who here refused to vote D or R?

Did you vote for a Democrat or a Republican?

  • Total voters
Gore probably does Iraq or something worse.
Not a chance in hell. That was all Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld
If Roe really mattered to your party they would have done something to prevent this from happening.
Like NOT appointing radical right wing Justices...

These creeps would have over turned any law passed...hell they over turned their own precedent
Said only by the very wealthy
Everyone can be wealthy by their own standards if they work hard and invest 10% of their gross salary starting from their 20s.

If one spends all of one's money and gets old, because one thinks that voting for Democrats is going to make them rich, it's certainly too late.
Awesome…..how’d that work out for you? How many more more voting cycles before you “independents” double in size to 96 of you?

It was awesome. It means I'm not really upset over the 2016 or 2020 election. I didn't have to participate in the lies to excuse the losses in either case.

Florida was won by about 400 votes and that gave Bush the election...and gave us Iraq, two right wing Justices and the Great Recession

All votes matter
If Tennessee had supported Al Gore, from Tennessee in 2000, it would not have mattered, but history is history. I figured Sonofabush, would get us into a war and all that balanced budget would go out the window with Clinton, if Republican won that year. I didn't like Sonofabush, was proven correct on both issues. He sure fucked up my 401K while I was on A beach vacation after he tanked the economy, closing the branch of the corporation I had worked at in Salaried Supv/mgt for 22 years.
I see it as a race to the bottom with the choices being Hillary or Trump.
I see it as people thinking it doesn't matter and screwing around and finding out that it does
If Tennessee had supported Al Gore, from Tennessee in 2000, it would not have mattered, but history is history. I figured Sonofabush, would get us into a war and all that balanced budget would go out the window with Clinton, if Republican won that year. I didn't like Sonofabush, was proven correct on both issues. He sure fucked up my 401K while I was on A beach vacation after he tanked the economy, closing the branch of the corporation I had worked at in Salaried Supv/mgt for 22 years.
400 votes in Florida were the difference.

Every vote matters
Not a chance in hell. That was all Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld

Like NOT appointing radical right wing Justices...

These creeps would have over turned any law passed...hell they over turned their own precedent
Do you know where all those neocons from the W administration are today? They’re in the Biden administration.
Trying to get a read on how many actual independents we have here.

EDIT: To clarify, the question refers to the 2020 Presidential election.
I voted for MAGA; no other candidate was going to get my vote.
Do you know where all those neocons from the W administration are today? They’re in the Biden administration.

You mean Cheney? Rumsfeld? Wolfowitz? Libby? Armitage? Pearl?

Nah...long gone
Not even close. People who think that stupid shit gave us Trump


Hillary supported Bush's wars and helped get us into Syria, Libya, Yemen and kept us in Iraq and Afghanistan. She foolishly threatened Russia over Syria which was a place we had no business being in.

Understand......I will never vote for that. Never.
you people act like everyone who moves out of california is a liberal....why would a liberal leave their paradise?....
Because liberals can't stand the effects of their own beliefs.
Martha's Vineyard proved that.
The first people to bail from CA were rich liberals that could afford to.
Most of them moved into Montana, Idaho, and Florida.
Not even close. People who think that stupid shit gave us Trump

Hillary is so bad she’s worse than Trump. We probably missed WWIII because she didn’t win. But now we have old Joe, who likely gives us that war.
Pure bullshit. Trump gave us three radical right wingers to add to the three already there.

And not voting for Clinton got Trump

But be warned. They ain’t done yet

Vote R and refuse to vote at all and you’re supporting that and asking for more
I'm voting republican no matter what, I had an open mind at one time. But you loons closed it.

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