Who here refused to vote D or R?

Did you vote for a Democrat or a Republican?

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Voting for Democrats is absolutely despicable. Nobody with an IQ over 70 would do something as stupid as that.

However, when voting for Republicans you have to make sure they are not RINOs, which is difficult. Not very many Republicans that are real Conservatives.
Fellas…don’t play stupid….this is real simple shit if you allow to be…let me dumb it way down for you.
Lets create a metaphor for ease of understanding….Here goes-
Lets say two baseball teams are going to play a game and you are one of eighteen potential players waiting to be picked…after players begin getting picked you realize the perfect team, the one you envisioned playing on isn’t forming so you being a quitter decide not to play at all….the team with nine players beats the team with eight players and no first baseman and your lack of participation is probably the reason.
See how this works….’your team‘ never even played at all and you being afraid to participate didn’t stop one of the two teams from winning.
What else can I teach you?
since i dont have a team this doesnt apply to me......unlike you who will support a team you dont really like...what else can i teach you?...
Because liberals can't stand the effects of their own beliefs.
Martha's Vineyard proved that.
The first people to bail from CA were rich liberals that could afford to.
Most of them moved into Montana, Idaho, and Florida.
so a few thousand of them out voted and changed the minds of all the people that live in the area they moved too....yea i believe that.....it sounds like the people who let them change their minds should be blamed...
Trust me when I tell you….don’t waste your time on the 11 fence-sitters here…they are way too smart to do something to make a difference in politics…they just want to hang out on a political forum for 25 hours a week.
you mean like you do?.....
Not a chance in hell. That was all Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld

Like NOT appointing radical right wing Justices...

These creeps would have over turned any law passed...hell they over turned their own precedent
so you want radical left wing justices?.....like they dont have an agenda....
so a few thousand of them out voted and changed the minds of all the people that live in the area they moved too....yea i believe that.....it sounds like the people who let them change their minds should be blamed...
Nope....the only people at fault here are the people that didn't care enough to stay informed....and let the Democrats take control of their states.
Most of them are too ignorant to function on their own. They always fall for every hook the Dems throw at them....be it racism or abortion. They're so pig-headed they'll vote for any POS butt-reaming asshole like John Fetterman if it means that they'll still be able to murder babies in the womb.
Trying to get a read on how many actual independents we have here.

EDIT: To clarify, the question refers to the 2020 Presidential election.
Ds and Rs are never up for election, in a sense. Individual politicians are up for election. They have voting records, official statements of what they support and do not, etc...

I do my due diligence, research, find out who the candidates are, what their actions - not just words - expose about them.

I loom at their policies, agendas, how likely they are to be pressured into falling in line with the parties or standing up for what they believe is right / for what their constituents want.

There are some Republicans I would never vote for, given the chance, and some Democrats I feel the same way about.

Anyone who votes straight party ticket without finding out who the candidates are - they are just lazy sheep...IMHO.
Does that really make sense to you?? Seriously? If someone says "if you don't vote for a D, you vote for an R", how is that ANY different?
Are you following the thread ? No, it does not necessairly make sense to me, but I wasn't saying it. I was referring to that idea having been raised in Post #s 4 and 12.

Actually, it does make some sense, in that not voting for the party you support, gives power to the other party. If an election were decided by a difference of 500 votes, and 501 people of the losing party sat out the election, then by them not voting, they just gave the election to the other party.
Actually, it does make some sense, in that not voting for the party you support, gives power to the other party.
Well sure. If you're voting dishonestly, then what's the point? That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about fools who fall for the lesser-of-two-evils schtick, where each side tries to scare you into voting for their jerkoff because the other jerkoff is, supposedly, even worse. I'm not going to waste my time trying to decide which one is worse. I'll vote for a decent candidate. If the rest of you want to keep sucking, there's not much I can do about it. But I won't be a part of it.
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Well sure. If you're voting dishonestly, then what's the point? That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about fools who fall for the lesser-of-two-evils schtick, where each side tries to scare you into voting for their jerkoff because the other jerkoff is, supposedly, even worse. I'm not going to waste my time trying to decide which one is worse. I'll vote for a decent candidate. If the rest of you want to keep sucking, there's not much I can do about it. But I won't be a part of it.
I'm not talking about voting dishonestly either, but you are, since you just brought it up. As for voting for the lesser of 2 evils, the lesser one may not be "evil" enough to not vote for him, especially if his good points are strong enough.

An example of this is DeSantis here in Florida. Bad, because he hasn't done anything about the sky-high rents in housing, but he HAS been doing good work in getting rid of CRT, and keeping illegal aliens out of Florida - sent them to Martha's Vineyard (although he should have done that a year ago. He was very late).

I still haven't made up my mind whether to vote for him again. I might vote with a cringe.

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