Who here refused to vote D or R?

Did you vote for a Democrat or a Republican?

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The whole problem in a nutshell. Please stop doing that. If enough of us stop doing that, we'll get candidates that aren't so cringeworthy.
Cool theory, a noble theory, super fun to play around with….BUT in real world practice the problem is obvious to any sane mind…far too many people LOVE what candidates like Biden, Newsom and the like are selling so by not voting against them you are simply conceding to them. Simple shit.
Again, it blows my mind that you are banking on others following your lead at some point….I wonder how many voting cycles you will concede before realizing that nobody is following?
Refuse to vote D and you are effectively voting R.

That's how we got Trump...and Bush for that matter.

it's how Roe was over turned
ABORTION IS NOW ILLEGAL ???? Wow since when did the Supreme court ban abortions ?? Vote D and you get a house full of war mongering Deep State criminals YAY. The D is now the party of corporate criminality for those too stupid to see it.
Nope....the only people at fault here are the people that didn't care enough to stay informed....and let the Democrats take control of their states.
Most of them are too ignorant to function on their own. They always fall for every hook the Dems throw at them....be it racism or abortion. They're so pig-headed they'll vote for any POS butt-reaming asshole like John Fetterman if it means that they'll still be able to murder babies in the womb.
so i was right?.....the millions let a few Californians change their minds....
Trying to get a read on how many actual independents we have here.

EDIT: To clarify, the question refers to the 2020 Presidential election.
I voted for neither. I cast a write in vote.

I have not voted for a democrat or republican since I voted for the late great Reagan.
ABORTION IS NOW ILLEGAL ???? Wow since when did the Supreme court ban abortions ?? Vote D and you get a house full of war mongering Deep State criminals YAY. The D is now the party of corporate criminality for those too stupid to see it.
Oh look...a new Q Kook has joined us
i participate....local elections affect you more than who is president.....
California isn't run by the president. They have a governor and mayors and city councils and they had to be voted in to get into power. They didn't just take power like a bunch of little tin-horn dictators. They had to have been elected by people who don't seem to care about anything other than free stuff and other issues that don't matter to rational Americans. Now they have homeless people everywhere because they didn't vote for people who are good leaders. They fell for the diversity argument that claims being diverse and checking all of the politically-correct boxes is more important than being competent.

A constant theme I see in all of these states and cites it that they put some LGBTQ+ asshole, or some black female in charge of the government, and elected a DA or AG that was black or LGBTQ+ and backed by George Soros....and their cities and states are going to Hell right before their eyes. When you elect criminals...the result is going to be more crime.....and this is why the DNC supports letting felons regain the ability to vote in elections. This is also why they're flooding the country with illegals.
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Cool theory, a noble theory, super fun to play around with….BUT in real world practice the problem is obvious to any sane mind…far too many people LOVE what candidates like Biden, Newsom and the like are selling so by not voting against them you are simply conceding to them. Simple shit.
I voted against Biden. But I also voted against Trump, and that's what you can't get through your tiny partisan head. They both sucked, so neither got my vote.
Again, it blows my mind that you are banking on others following your lead at some point….I wonder how many voting cycles you will concede before realizing that nobody is following?
That doesn't even enter into it for me. I'm not a herd animal (partisan).

I think you don't get me because you see an election as a "battle" - a chance to score points for your side in the motherfucking culture war.

Instead, I see voting as a civic duty. I'm asked to use my best judgement and pick the candidate who would be the best leader for the country. If I do as you insist and put finger to wind, trying to second-guess what everyone else will do (or, in reality, what the media tells me everyone else will do), and attempt to game the process by voting for the second most evil candidate, I'm neglecting my responsibility and sabotaging the entire process.

I consider what you do (casting a dishonest, "strategic" vote in an attempt to manipulate the outcome) to be treasonous. In any case, it's not good for the nation and has produced a downward spiral of worse and worse leaders, and a more divided and dysfunctional country.

Please stop.
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California isn't run by the president. They have a governor and mayors and city councils and they had to be voted in to get into power. They didn't just take power like a bunch of little tin-horn dictators. They had to have been elected by people who don't seem to care about anything other than free stuff and other issues that don't matter to rational Americans. Now they have homeless people everywhere because they didn't vote for people who are good leaders. They fell for the diversity argument that claims being diverse and checking all of the politically-correct boxes is more important than being competent.

A constant theme I see in all of these states and cites it that they put some LGBTQ+ asshole, or some black female in charge of the government, and elected a DA or AG that was black or LGBTQ+ and backed by George Soros....and their cities and states are going to Hell right before their eyes. When you elect criminals...the result is going to be more crime.....and this is why the DNC supports letting felons regain the ability to vote in elections. This is also why they're flooding the country with illegals.
thatv didnt happen were i lived....maybe were you live.....
Had Bernie Bros voted and voted D… we would not have had Trump

And Roe would not have been overturned

Had Green Party people not voted for Nader and voted D we would not have had Bush

Perhaps your fascist party should stop paying people like Nader and Sanders to pretend to run for president so your dupe supporters think they're being given a choice.

Perhaps your fascist party should stop paying people like Nader and Sanders to pretend to run for president so your dupe supporters think they're being given a choice.

If that ain’t some QAnon stupidity.

So Dems are paying Sanders and Nader to help them LOSE elections!

Sure buddy
But that's the same as voting for a Democrat!

Or a Republican. Depends on who you ask.

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