Who here wants to know more about the spoken religion of antiquity?

The earliest notions of religion tended to be polytheistic. Primitive people assigned power to the things that affected them the most. The Sun, the Moon, the Stars at night. So each influencer would have become a deity of some kind.
I agree. That is correct. The Sumerians being the oldest known with codification of beliefs and creation of detailed historical religious records. Their religion was truly a god of gaps religion with different gods for different aspects of nature.
Sure, and when you think about it, it makes a great deal of sense.

The ancients had little control over their environment. By the time the Sumerians started trading and forming societies, they basically could control what? Fire? I can't recall if they had discovered irrigation yet. So, likely not water. They'd have to depend upon the Rain God to water their crops.

A God for Wind. After all, a strong wind could blow away their structures. Topple trees, make big waves in lakes.

Of course, a Sun God, for the Sun rules everything on Earth. Even today, we are all at its mercy.

I'm sure that as they grew into communities, they would reinforce these notions with each other until it became a religion.

I'm just spitballing here, but that seems sensible to Me.
Agreed, which is why Abraham who lived in that culture was such an anomaly when he revealed there is only One God.
Hmm...I hadn't considered that. But then, it took many, many generations before his teachings found fertile ground. Pardon the expression.
I believe the accounts in Genesis were passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before they were recorded. Those people would have had long discussion on each account and would have known more about their meaning than the ones who actually recorded it thousands of years later just as the ones who recorded it would have had better understanding than we do today. It is a great truth that people closer to the event have a better understanding than the ones further from the event.
The tale gets taller on down the line.

I think that's the line from that REO Speedwagon song, Take it on the run.

A lot of truth in that.

I've been part of a lot of experiments in high school and college in which one person was given a story and then told to tell the next person who sits down. Then that person is to repeat the story to the next, and the next. By the third of fourth person, the story doesn't really have the same meaning and by the sixth or seventh, its wholly different.

But we don't really come from an oral traditional civilization. Those people would have been much better at it because to them, it really mattered to get it right.
But we don't really come from an oral traditional civilization. Those people would have been much better at it because to them, it really mattered to get it right.
And it was their only option to pass down the knowledge of historical events, knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.
Anyway, I have to run. This has been a refreshing discussion. Thank you.

I enjoy getting away from politics.

Have a good night.
noah - was the reaffirmation of the initial religion for the remission to the Everlasting as the destiny of all beings initiated by adam and eve. on planet Earth.

judgement can only occur after the triumph of good vs evil has been completed. from noah that is not the individual but for all humanity. when only one or the other remains will be the time for the final judgement.
noah - was the reaffirmation of the initial religion for the remission to the Everlasting as the destiny of all beings initiated by adam and eve. on planet Earth.

judgement can only occur after the triumph of good vs evil has been completed. from noah that is not the individual but for all humanity. when only one or the other remains will be the time for the final judgement.
Says who?
noah - was the reaffirmation of the initial religion for the remission to the Everlasting as the destiny of all beings initiated by adam and eve. on planet Earth.

judgement can only occur after the triumph of good vs evil has been completed. from noah that is not the individual but for all humanity. when only one or the other remains will be the time for the final judgement.
Says who?
Says who?
the vast majority of the religious have not read their respective publications and have their beliefs as a result of verbal exchange and have through the centuries rebelled when the written forgeries and fallacies exercised by the deleterious are used to their detriment.

the verbal parable of noah is intuitively understood as the reenactment of the earliest origin of all life and the consequence resulting from its dismissal - that of all three desert religions that in the end may be the very undoing of humanity as it prescribes. there will not be another intervention.
noah - was the reaffirmation of the initial religion for the remission to the Everlasting as the destiny of all beings initiated by adam and eve. on planet Earth.

judgement can only occur after the triumph of good vs evil has been completed. from noah that is not the individual but for all humanity. when only one or the other remains will be the time for the final judgement.
Says who?
Says who?
the vast majority of the religious have not read their respective publications and have their beliefs as a result of verbal exchange and have through the centuries rebelled when the written forgeries and fallacies exercised by the deleterious are used to their detriment.

the verbal parable of noah is intuitively understood as the reenactment of the earliest origin of all life and the consequence resulting from its dismissal - that of all three desert religions that in the end may be the very undoing of humanity as it prescribes. there will not be another intervention.
Says who?
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Says the militant atheist troll who only comes here to get his rocks off. What you don't understand and what I do understand is that the only person you are hurting is yourself. You are poisoning yourself.
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Says the militant atheist troll who only comes here to get his rocks off. What you don't understand and what I do understand is that the only person you are hurting is yourself. You are poisoning yourself.
You can't prove anything about your god. You're the poisoned one.
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Says the militant atheist troll who only comes here to get his rocks off. What you don't understand and what I do understand is that the only person you are hurting is yourself. You are poisoning yourself.
You can't prove anything about your god. You're the poisoned one.
Why would I need to prove anything, Taz? The world doesn't revolve around you.
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Says the militant atheist troll who only comes here to get his rocks off. What you don't understand and what I do understand is that the only person you are hurting is yourself. You are poisoning yourself.
You can't prove anything about your god. You're the poisoned one.
The fact that you believe you need someone to prove anything to you for the express purpose of getting your jollies off of trolling them is how you are poisoning yourself. Those kind of fucked up behaviors are not good for you. You are only hurting yourself.
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Says the militant atheist troll who only comes here to get his rocks off. What you don't understand and what I do understand is that the only person you are hurting is yourself. You are poisoning yourself.
You can't prove anything about your god. You're the poisoned one.
Why would I need to prove anything, Taz? The world doesn't revolve around you.
So now you've given up trying to prove anything. Wise move. :cool:
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Says the militant atheist troll who only comes here to get his rocks off. What you don't understand and what I do understand is that the only person you are hurting is yourself. You are poisoning yourself.
You can't prove anything about your god. You're the poisoned one.
The fact that you believe you need someone to prove anything to you for the express purpose of getting your jollies off of trolling them is how you are poisoning yourself. Those kind of fucked up behaviors are not good for you. You are only hurting yourself.
lol, Mr Pious all of a sudden. We'll see how long you can keep that up. :biggrin:
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Says the militant atheist troll who only comes here to get his rocks off. What you don't understand and what I do understand is that the only person you are hurting is yourself. You are poisoning yourself.
You can't prove anything about your god. You're the poisoned one.
Why would I need to prove anything, Taz? The world doesn't revolve around you.
So now you've given up trying to prove anything. Wise move. :cool:
I never did. So nothing to give up.
Not me. Mainly because you get everything wrong. And no link as usual.
Says the militant atheist troll who only comes here to get his rocks off. What you don't understand and what I do understand is that the only person you are hurting is yourself. You are poisoning yourself.
You can't prove anything about your god. You're the poisoned one.
The fact that you believe you need someone to prove anything to you for the express purpose of getting your jollies off of trolling them is how you are poisoning yourself. Those kind of fucked up behaviors are not good for you. You are only hurting yourself.
lol, Mr Pious all of a sudden. We'll see how long you can keep that up. :biggrin:
I never claimed to be a saint. If I were a saint I would feel bad for you poisoning yourself.
Well, I know of one 'oral tradition' that is fake, the one Hasidim and Pharisees invented when they fabricated 'rabbinical Judaism' in the 2nd Century A.D.. A fine exegesis of that and other on why modern Judaism is not a continuation of the Hebrewism of pre-exilic Judah and Israel. The books of Moses were complete; there was no 'Oral Torah' whispered in his ear.

True monotheism came with Isaiah; before him the theology was pantheist or pagan, with most Jews not religious or pagan themselves, with God merely the 'top God', not a true monotheism.
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The books of Moses were complete; there was no 'Oral Torah' whispered in his ear
It may well be that it was not. But the need of 'oral Torah' would anyhow arise in order to explain some passages of written Torah. For example, what to do with harsh requirements there (death penalties or war) which seemed too hard even centuries ago.
But we don't really come from an oral traditional civilization. Those people would have been much better at it because to them, it really mattered to get it right.
And it was their only option to pass down the knowledge of historical events, knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.

This is where I disagree. One religion wasn't passed down orally from generation to generation and that was Christianity. It is God breathed in that it was oral transmission and then written down. It's explained in God-Breathed: The Undeniable Power and Reliability of Scripture by Josh McDowell - https://www.walmart.com/ip/God-Breathed-The-Undeniable-Power-and-Reliability-of-Scripture-9781630589417/43294377?wmlspartner=wmtlabs&adid=22222222222031187441&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=e&wl1=s&wl2=c&wl3=10375960058&wl4=pla-4578366458206680&wl5=&wl6=&wl7=&%20wl10=Walmart&wl12=43294377_10001039018&wl14=God-Breathed%3A%20The%20Undeniable%20Power%20and%20Reliability%20of%20Scripture%20by%20Josh%20McDowell&veh=sem&msclkid=69d3408f88c610daf1641f23581b5050

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