Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

No it simply states correctly that laws don't deter those intent on committing criminal acts.

Laws punish crimes, the don't prevent them.
Really? Speed limit laws don't prevent the vast majority of people from speeding more than a mile or two over the limit? You believe liquor laws don't prevent lots of high school kids from buying alcohol? What abut seat belts? Those laws didn't cause most people to wear seat belts? You've heard that stupid remark so many times till you believe it is true.
Yes. Private sales are allowed if you aren't in the business of selling firearms for a living.

Most of the private transfers are between family members or friends and that is a good thing. I know you dipshit Moon Bats don't like it because you are against liberty but most states allow it.

By the way, you can't do a private sale out of state.

If the ATF assholes finds out you are using private sales as a business then that is against the law.

Of course it really doesn't make any difference if the person you sell something to passes a background check or not because background checks are absolutely useless to prevent someone from using a firearm in a crime. Most of the hight profile shooters recently have passed a background check. it is only a placebo for stupid confused asshole Moon Bats like yourself.
Are you saying individual sellers don't sell to raping murdering thugs? How would they know?
Before he became a criminal, he was perfectly within his right to purchase an own a firearm.

Now, why did the system fail?

Are we all delusional to think we can prevent violence? Are we better off preparing for an attack, rather that FAILING to prevent one?

Other first world countries consider it highly irresponsible to let a mentally unstable person have a gun, any gun.

US is the only country that has a major party that doesn't protect its citizens enough by stopping mentally unstable people get guns...

In Western Europe while it is not totally impossible, many people are caught when applying to get these types of guns...

Sp lets be clear, if you are mentally unstable and want a gun to blow people away you got a party who will get you access to that gun, that party is the Republican Party...

"Nearly a year ago, on Feb. 28, 2017, President Trump signed H.J. Res. 40, effectively ending the Social Security Administration's requirement to enter the names of people who receive mental health benefits into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. This is the database used by the FBI to determine who is able to purchase firearms."

Truth is there is no background check when in other countries the minimum is you need a note from doctor on your mental condition.
Are you saying individual sellers don't sell to raping murdering thugs? How would they know?
Are you saying that past good behavior is a guarantee that there will be no future bad behavior? Because background checks are absolutely no guarantee of anything. Just because somebody hasn't committed a crime before doesn't mean he won't do it next week. Background checks are a waste of time to prevent gun crimes. Just something to placate stupid uneducated Moon Bats.

Besides, Moon Bat. Government background checks before being allowed to enjoy a Constitutional right is an assumption of being guilty before proving innocence and that is against American values.

Besides Moon Bat. If you have to get fucking filthy ass government permission to enjoy a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the paper it is written on, is it? Do you really think it is peachy keen to have to get government permission for the rights that suppose to be guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? Maybe you Commies like that.
Really? Speed limit laws don't prevent the vast majority of people from speeding more than a mile or two over the limit? You believe liquor laws don't prevent lots of high school kids from buying alcohol? What abut seat belts? Those laws didn't cause most people to wear seat belts? You've heard that stupid remark so many times till you believe it is true.
Remember when they used to have loads of car accidents and then they did something about it...

Now we have Mass Shootings and we have 'Thoughts and Prayers'
Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

I fought to defend all rights for everybody, even snivelling bitches like you. How dare you sit there and decide which rights different people get.

Guns flow in the American blood: It is our culture because a private armed citizenry is how our nation was born. The armed citizen, together with the small continental army, plus a few other friends, defeated the mighty British Crown and created the greatest nation ever to exist in the history of mankind, a nation where we understood that our rights come from God and government exists only to protect those rights. We tore loose the shackles of oppression and, and we did it thanks to the private citizen gun owner. And that has been our tradition ever sense.

Second of all, there is a price to pay for living in a free society. Criminals and terrorists and others take advantage of our openness and do us harm. A famous man once said that he'd rather see a hundred criminals walk free than an innocent person go to prison. That is a price we pay to live free. The alternative is the Marxist lockdown state the Democrats want.

How many of you know that gun ownership saves more lives that it costs? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded, almost every major study on the issue has found that Americans use their firearms in lawful self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times a year.

I prefer to live free, with my rights and with my guns. I prefer to be a well armed citizen so I can protect myself and my neighbor. The disgusting filthy grooming Democrats will always use a sad event to try to take away our freedom and our rights. Don't let them play your emotions and get away with it.

Guess what people: Its time to grow up and be adults and come to grips with the fact that in this world, bad things happen. I grieve for the families of those who lost loved ones, but we live in a world that has lots of bad people, and I am not going to give up my right to bear arms for anybody. So wipe your Karen tears, trade in your diapers for boxers, and grow up.
Are you saying that past good behavior is a guarantee that there will be no future bad behavior? Because background checks are absolutely no guarantee of anything. Just because somebody hasn't committed a crime before doesn't mean he won't do it next week. Background checks are a waste of time to prevent gun crimes. Just something to placate stupid uneducated Moon Bats.

Besides, Moon Bat. Government background checks before being allowed to enjoy a Constitutional right is an assumption of being guilty before proving innocence and that is against American values.

Besides Moon Bat. If you have to get fucking filthy ass government permission to enjoy a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the paper it is written on, is it? Do you really think it is peachy keen to have to get government permission for the rights that suppose to be guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? Maybe you Commies like that.
So now you're against the background checks that we do. Typical batshit crazy gun nut.
Are you saying that past good behavior is a guarantee that there will be no future bad behavior? Because background checks are absolutely no guarantee of anything. Just because somebody hasn't committed a crime before doesn't mean he won't do it next week. Background checks are a waste of time to prevent gun crimes. Just something to placate stupid uneducated Moon Bats.

Besides, Moon Bat. Government background checks before being allowed to enjoy a Constitutional right is an assumption of being guilty before proving innocence and that is against American values.

Besides Moon Bat. If you have to get fucking filthy ass government permission to enjoy a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the paper it is written on, is it? Do you really think it is peachy keen to have to get government permission for the rights that suppose to be guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? Maybe you Commies like that.
Just happen to work everywhere else in the world...

You are trying to get perfect int he way of the good...

But I have suggested the solution... Insurance... To buy an AR15 your should have to get insurance of up to $50m... That Texas shooting would cost about $100m in civil lawsuits... Why should the victims be financially out of pocket... It is not like we give out free guns, people pay for them, buying a gun should also mean you buy insurance for the outcomes from owning a gun..
So now you're against the background checks that we do. Typical batshit crazy gun nut.

Background checks are absolutely useless and against basic Liberty and you anti gun nut Moon Bats are simply too uneducated and fixated on government control to know it.
Just happen to work everywhere else in the world...

You are trying to get perfect int he way of the good...

But I have suggested the solution... Insurance... To buy an AR15 your should have to get insurance of up to $50m... That Texas shooting would cost about $100m in civil lawsuits... Why should the victims be financially out of pocket... It is not like we give out free guns, people pay for them, buying a gun should also mean you buy insurance for the outcomes from owning a gun..

Background checks are absolutely useless. They do absolutely nothing to stop gun crime.

I have a better idea Moon Bat. How about you go fuck yourself and stop trying to do away with my Constitutional rights that so many American died to preserve? Think about that on this Memorial Day.

Where was your $50 million in liability insurance when your BLM Negro and Communist buddies were destroying this country?
All federal firearm laws are inherently illegal and wrong.
If you want to regulate firearms, that has to be done at the state or municipal levels.
Congrats. You just claimed you’re smarter then the constitution which allows the federal congress to pass laws and the courts to adjudicate them. You’ve just promoted some other form Govt.
Background checks are absolutely useless and against basic Liberty and you anti gun nut Moon Bats are simply too uneducated and fixated on government control to know it.
Sure.....get a life. I suppose the background checks for the guy who drives school busses is useless too. Go live under a rock.
Remember when they used to have loads of car accidents and then they did something about it...

Now we have Mass Shootings and we have 'Thoughts and Prayers'

Car accidents still happen every day....in fact much less than mass shootings
It's a simple question, people. Do you support Ramos's right to buy, keep and bear arms?
Not if he's a prohibited person who simply hadn't had his information entered into the system yet.

Otherwise what's the point? I heard there was nothing in his background that was amiss all the way up til the point when he posted those 3 messages half an hour before the massacre
Don’t need to. Maybe you didn’t know that. Even the Heller decision allows for permitting handgun owners and firearm registration. What else do you need for all firearms.
Where exactly in Heller and McDonald do they address the constitutionality of permitting and licensing?
Sure.....get a life. I suppose the background checks for the guy who drives school busses is useless too. Go live under a rock.
Sorry to disappoint you but these stupid background checks are nothing more than placebos for you idiot Moon Bats. They don't do jackshit to stop gun crime. Background checks had no impact on any of these recent high profile shootings, did they? These shooters all passed background checks so the checks were a waste of time, weren't they?

What is pathetic is that you stupid Moon Bats see nothing wrong with having to get the goddamn government's permission to enjoy a right that is guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. What the hell is the matter with you idiots? You have no concept of Liberty, do you? Damn, you Moon bats are morons.
I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.
Of course no one wants insane people to own guns

Or drive cars

But explain exactly when and how ramos would have been denied a gun

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