Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.

Hindsight is an awesome tool - if only we could have hindsight BEFORE things happen.

It is hard to spot 'someone like Ramos', which I assume you mean by that a 'violent psycho murderer'?!!

1. Ramos was not a murderer until he bought the gun and began shooting at the school. His mom has said he wasn't a violent person.

2. No one knew he was a violent psycho until he began shooting kids and teachers at the school.

Perhaps violent psychos should be required to wear a sign, especially when they go to buy a gun. (Please forgive my sarcastic humor here - not aimed at you.)

I am also a big proponent of the 2A, but a combination of gun and non-gun policies are obviously required.

Here are some Ideas:

1. Single Point of Entry INTO schools, metal detectors, armed guard/police Manning the entry
-- Fire Safety? Single Point of ENTRY into the schools; numerous emergency exits, like alarmed doors windows that sound off if / when opened.

2. Cameras/ Intercoms in classrooms
-- Intercoms to broadcast threat alerts, status updates, guidance; cameras for monitoring activity for threat potential, movement of any threat that might make it in

3. Potentially raise age limit to purchase / own an AR-15 to 21.
-- I know a young man aged 30 who buys parts / kits and builds them himself for resale.

4. 90-Day Waiting Period For AR-15 purchase + more comprehensive background check to include social media
-- The Police were already monitoring social media for threats but missed posts by the shooter. A 90-day waiting period would give more time to conduct a thorough search. Some past shooters were flagged in advance and brought in for questioning by the FBI. PERHAPS such a person's social media activity could be monitored for 1 year after such an interview to see if there are any threats made. A thorough background check, to include gun purchases, should be made on anyone brought in for questioning by the FBI.

5. Permit to buy AR-15?
-- Some gun collectors have to apply for and get a special license/ permit to buy large numbers of or some specific weapons....
-- This appropriately makes some gun owners nervous, not wanting the federal govt to have a list of every American who owns an AR-15.

I am sure there are other ideas / precautions that can be taken, ideas that are not extteme, like banning ownership of AR-15s.
-- For those who support this idea, HOW do you suggest rounding up / seizing the MILLIONS of existing AR-15s owned by Americans now? I know several vets / people who say the govt would have to ory theirs from their cold, dead fingers. Are you seriously suggesting going house-to-house militarily, forcibly, to take these weapons? Such an idea would resemble Nazis or a tyrannical govt and would be bloody.

As I said, though, there are lots of ideas that can be used in unison to reduce violence and make schools safer for our kids.
Just happen to work everywhere else in the world...

You are trying to get perfect int he way of the good...

But I have suggested the solution... Insurance... To buy an AR15 your should have to get insurance of up to $50m... That Texas shooting would cost about $100m in civil lawsuits... Why should the victims be financially out of pocket... It is not like we give out free guns, people pay for them, buying a gun should also mean you buy insurance for the outcomes from owning a gun..
More prior restraint and an attempt to price the poor out of gun ownership, the very people have the most actual need to keep and bear.

No thanks.
People go through background checks to buy guns. You sit there, without your purchase, till the vendor calls the state police or whatever it's called in that particular state and they run the check. YOU DON"T GET your purchase UNTIL that check is DONE. SO, leftists saying there are no laws and regulations in effect either don't know or they are lying. WHO Is responsible for the purchase in that situation? The state police and then those that did not do their jobs in reporting the mental instability of the purchaser. But then, we all know that leftist psychologists and schools do not do their jobs.....Marjory stoneham school in Florida...i'm talking about you. I wonder if they'd have reported this kid Ramos to local police IF he wore a trump hat. WHICH HE DIDNT.
Seein all this failed....we're now in the purview of the local police...and Uvalde police totally blew it.
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Perhaps from past experience we should be looking skeptically at the purchasing of guns by public school indoctrinated kids. Kids on ritalin, crossdressing kids, angry democrats, radicals and big city angry black men.

Look at these crazies...many of them id as women and then arrested for raping children and young girls. Sounds like opportunists to me.

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Not if he's a prohibited person who simply hadn't had his information entered into the system yet.

Otherwise what's the point? I heard there was nothing in his background that was amiss all the way up til the point when he posted those 3 messages half an hour before the massacre
I can't find anything that would have rendered him ineligible.
People are going to do terrible things like this whether they have a gun or not, if they're that crazy they'll find a way. Ramos might have waited for school to get out and then run the children down with the truck. any number of ways crazies think. PERHAPS if more concealed carry were allowed, if schools didn't advertise that they were totally unprepared for outside violence, perhaps if people stopped standing by recording the crime with their cellphones and would HELP THEIR FELLOW MAN.... much of this would stop.
I oppose restrictions to gun ownership at all. Because in these steps we take the path of Europe and Canada.

They do it slowly til they go we have no other choice but to register all guns. Then they say...........You are not doing anything illegal why are you afraid to register the guns?

Then in a moment of power they pass a law to take ALL GUNS..........Kick in your door for your registered guns if you don't turn them in. This happened in Canada as I worked for a guy who had his door kicked in after he didn't turn it in.

Death by a thousand paper cuts................OPPOSE THEM AT EVERY STEP.........they have a goal. Never forget it.
At the point of sale only.... If a kid wants to drive then an adult needs to sign off on the license... It should be the same for guns and body armor sales but you don't need a data base for that.... Just set in place a condition of the sales transaction.....
And do not put words in my mouth and misquote me ever again dumbass....
So if a kid buys a gun at one store and then goes to another store and buys a gun there, how will the red flag you mentioned be triggered?

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