Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.
I wouldn't call myself, "Pro 2A" because the 2A was written during the time of muskets. What I am is pragmatic. If I thought I needed a sidearm I'd get one. What I'm positive about is that no one needs a military weapon. Mental health issues, and "bad guys with guns" exist in every other country. What doesn't exist in every other country is unrestricted access to these killing machines. No civilian needs one.
The system failed. He was not supposed to be able to own firearms but schools and cops did not do their job reporting him. So legally he was allowed to buy them simple as that.
No. There was no system in TX. No waiting period, nothing. He walked at age 18 bought 2 AR's and 400 rounds. It was all done legally.
Even if the Nazicrats banned ar-15 style guns there are still over 16 million of them in circulation.
Maybe they could have better background checks.
Maybe have some mental stability question such as:
Did you vote for Obama twice?
Does AOC seem reasonable?
Does Chuck Schumer seem like an honest man?
Would you trust Joe Biden to be alone with young girls?
Does Hillary Clinton seem like a pleasant person?
No. We can buy them back and destroy them like Australia did. You know what happened after that? Like one mass shooting in 20 years.

It's the military style weapons. That's the issue.
Democrat policies have made us all less safe in our own country... So the 2nd amendment must remain intact.... However I think when an 18 year old kid purchases two AR 15's a red flag should be raised and more due diligence should be the order of the day and an interview with the kid and his family should be conducted....

Again its up to the government to impose these conditions and to put in place a higher level of security in every school in America... Make the schools as protected as state houses and court houses are.... And stop sending our money abroad....
It's not the Democrats who think its ok for an 18 year-old to able to buy killing machines. That's all on you.
It's a simple question, people. Do you support Ramos's right to buy, keep and bear arms?

The issue with Ramos is a mental health one, not gun regulation related. A mentally ill person who is bent on harming others will find a way - if not with guns, then with bombs, cars, fires, etc.

The question you should be asking is: why are young men in our country feeling increasing levels of alienation and despair to the point where a few carry out mass shooting atrocities?
No. We can buy them back and destroy them like Australia did. You know what happened after that? Like one mass shooting in 20 years.

It's the military style weapons. That's the issue.

Australians gave up their guns...and then their government went totally Nazi during Covid...complete with Concentration Camps.
It's not the Democrats who think its ok for an 18 year-old to able to buy killing machines. That's all on you.
Really?... are you sure about that?.... Who's in charge?.... who owns the DOJ the courts and the FBI and the ATF the military and the White house and the Senate and the house of representatives?....
They could fix this and stop it from happening or they can run for office with it since they can't run on the economy ....
Really?... are you sure about that?.... Who's in charge?.... who owns the DOJ the courts and the FBI and the ATF the military and the White house and the Senate and the house of representatives?....
They could fix this and stop it from happening or they can run for office with it since they can't run on the economy and get votes from fools like you....
The NRA owns the republicans and republicans will never vote for any gun regulation. We're stuck.
The NRA owns the republicans and republicans will never vote for any gun regulation. We're stuck.
The NRA is smaller than at any time I can remember.... The NRA is not the problem... The people that could stop this from happening won't.... Ask yourself why....
The issue with Ramos is a mental health one, not gun regulation related. A mentally ill person who is bent on harming others will find a way - if not with guns, then with bombs, cars, fires, etc.

The question you should be asking is: why are young men in our country feeling increasing levels of alienation and despair to the point where a few carry out mass shooting atrocities?
Mental health issues are not unique to America. What is unique to America is unrestricted access to military style weapons.
The NRA is smaller than at any time I can remember.... The NRA is not the problem... The people that could stop this from happening won't.... Ask yourself why....
The people who can stop this from happening are the republicans why don't you tell me why.
The NRA owns the republicans and republicans will never vote for any gun regulation. We're stuck.
The NRA is the shiny hook the dems bait people like you with.... So you will bite while they keep winning elections... and while schools keep getting shot up....
The NRA is the shiny hook the dems bait people like you with.... So you will bite while they keep winning elections... and while schools keep getting shot up....
The republicans could stop at all with a vote tomorrow. They won't because they are owned by the gun lobby. You know this is true all you're doing is gas lighting.
Mental health issues are not unique to America. What is unique to America is unrestricted access to military style weapons.
1930 American gangsters had machine guns... Everyone had a gun... But they also had a Bible.....
The republicans could stop at all with a vote tomorrow. They won't because they are owned by the gun lobby. You know this is true all you're doing is gas lighting.
How is it the fault of the minority dummy?.... Think a little.... you are being played....
Mental health issues are not unique to America. What is unique to America is unrestricted access to military style weapons.

And that is just fine with those of us who understand the purpose of the 2A. The first thing totalitarians and dictators do is to disarm the population.

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