who honestly doesn't believe in evolution?

Do you believe evolution is real?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 84.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 16.0%

  • Total voters
Why is it hard to believe God could have planned for evolution?
...And when enough of those changes occur, a new species is designated.

Provide evidence that a single species of ANIMAL has ever evolved into 2 or more DIFFERENT species. That is what is claimed by evolution.

Not always! Evolution isn't always about a species changing into another species.

The ground squirrel is immune to rattle snake venom, and experts on rattle snake say that each animal is always evolving. The Rattle Snake so it can kill the squirrel and the Squirrel so it can survive a bite. Look at humans, we are much different from humans a couple thousand years ago.

Already said evolution WITHIN a species is proven. What is not even remotely proven is the claim that one species has ever evolved into 2 or more OTHER species. Do you not read?
Provide evidence that a single species of ANIMAL has ever evolved into 2 or more DIFFERENT species. That is what is claimed by evolution.

Not always! Evolution isn't always about a species changing into another species.

The ground squirrel is immune to rattle snake venom, and experts on rattle snake say that each animal is always evolving. The Rattle Snake so it can kill the squirrel and the Squirrel so it can survive a bite. Look at humans, we are much different from humans a couple thousand years ago.

Already said evolution WITHIN a species is proven. What is not even remotely proven is the claim that one species has ever evolved into 2 or more OTHER species. Do you not read?

Sorry, I didn't read that. I was really not trying to be an ass.

You are LDS, right?( not trying to be an ass)
Evolution has only been proven to exist INSIDE a species.

...And when enough of those changes occur, a new species is designated.

Provide evidence that a single species of ANIMAL has ever evolved into 2 or more DIFFERENT species. That is what is claimed by evolution.

Someone beat me to it.

Sit a gazillion monkeys down at a gazillion typewriters and eventually you'll get asdjsdknsdklnjsdsdkvnsk;lnv;skldnvnpiwnjviwnsdvkl/snvlscnvk/'SVN jkl/snckl/'v nsck/lvn skl/vn dwklDNVKLNKwndvjkl/nln klsdklnlk/snSFvnwdlFVNwkldnvklSdnvSKLzcn kl/ASNklcvnsdklvnsdklvnklsdnvklsdnvklsdnvklsdn
Not always! Evolution isn't always about a species changing into another species.

The ground squirrel is immune to rattle snake venom, and experts on rattle snake say that each animal is always evolving. The Rattle Snake so it can kill the squirrel and the Squirrel so it can survive a bite. Look at humans, we are much different from humans a couple thousand years ago.

Already said evolution WITHIN a species is proven. What is not even remotely proven is the claim that one species has ever evolved into 2 or more OTHER species. Do you not read?

Sorry, I didn't read that. I was really not trying to be an ass.

You are LDS, right?( not trying to be an ass)

I am. Or rather I believe Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, Finding out some things that even the LDS do not teach though.
The simple answer is that it doesn't matter. If scientists need to use evolutionary theory then let them, if scientists want to follow intelligent design and get nowhere that's up to them too. At the end of the day though for the average person it doesn't matter, just leave it to the scientists to debate, attack and bitch with each other.

But I don't understand why people are trying to force public schools to teach intelligent design alongside evolution when intelligent design has no technological application (if private schools want they can though), its like teaching the bible alongside IT. :eusa_eh:
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The concept of evolution regarding humans is a contradiction on many levels. We know life on earth was formed by trillions of iced meteors hitting our rock (planet) thus engendering life through myriad processes. Humans do not belong on earth. If all humans died tomorrow life on earth would continue to flourish and the planet would eventually become healthier. If all but humans on earth died then all humans would shortly follow. Our existent is an alien presence to earth which is why we constantly are scouring and scraping the earth to try and change it to make it adaptable to us at the cost of the earth itself. At the rate of reproduction, the earth will be so overpopulated in 5,000 years that people will need a license to legally have children.

Evolution has helped theorize on the mutations and migrations of thousands of species on earth but it has never come close to explaining humans. We are born completely vulnerable with no natural defenses and we scurry around the earth in an insane circle of trying to understand life while everything else on earth simply lives life. We do not adapt. We destroy the earth while ironically trying to mimic much of what we have falsely labeled as "natural."
Simple. Polls mean nothing.
Except if they are a representative sample of the greater population, in which case they are representative. This is the difference between political polls which catch the first 100 people on a single street and claim representation for an entire nation, and a scientific method which specifically eliminates such biases.

Every survey on this topic has been consistent, and correlates lower education to greater religious ideology. Put another way: all the smart people in the room disagree with you, and yet you still think you may be right.

Provide evidence that a single species of ANIMAL has ever evolved into 2 or more DIFFERENT species. That is what is claimed by evolution.
I'd be happy to go into this with you, if you actually want to discuss it. Start here, then we can discuss:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8FfMBYCkk]YouTube - Ken Miller on Human Evolution[/ame]
Even if it came down to simply, "Who is more believable?" Those that push the supernatural or those that offer scientific evidence. I would still believe sciences, simply because they present so much evidence. Way beyond, "Gawd did it".

What is the evidence for evolution?

This is why Republicans don't get scientists:



Holy shit, you're like a broken record..

Again, polling a few thousand scientist in the country doesn't speak for the rest.

Simple. Polls mean nothing.

The poll is actually from a subset of scientists and not all scientists to begin with. But Rdean won't post that information.

I don't understand why you guys think there is this "hidden" group of Republican scientists.

The Republican party does not welcome "scientists". You guys prove it just from the things you say.

You can go on the Internet find links to groups of "Gay scientists" and "Women scientists" and "Black scientists", but I have yet to find one such group made up of "Conservatives" or "Republicans". They just don't seem to exist.
Holy shit, you're like a broken record..

Again, polling a few thousand scientist in the country doesn't speak for the rest.

Simple. Polls mean nothing.

The poll is actually from a subset of scientists and not all scientists to begin with. But Rdean won't post that information.

I don't understand why you guys think there is this "hidden" group of Republican scientists.

The Republican party does not welcome "scientists". You guys prove it just from the things you say.

You can go on the Internet find links to groups of "Gay scientists" and "Women scientists" and "Black scientists", but I have yet to find one such group made up of "Conservatives" or "Republicans". They just don't seem to exist.

You are ignorant. You know as well as I do your POLL is not all scientists and is in fact a small subset of Scientists.
Belief is for religions. I accept the absolutely overwhelming evidence that evolution has occurred, is presently continueing, and will continue as long as life exists. This evidence is present in the rocks beneath our feet, in every cell in our bodies.

At present, we have enough knowledge concerning the processes of evolution to actually engineer living organisms. Of all the scientific theories present today, evolution is the most robust.
Sit a gazillion monkeys down at a gazillion typewriters and eventually you'll get asdjsdknsdklnjsdsdkvnsk;lnv;skldnvnpiwnjviwnsdvkl/snvlscnvk/'SVN jkl/snckl/'v nsck/lvn skl/vn dwklDNVKLNKwndvjkl/nln klsdklnlk/snSFvnwdlFVNwkldnvklSdnvSKLzcn kl/ASNklcvnsdklvnsdklvnklsdnvklsdnvklsdnvklsdn

Finally, an intelligent post from Dan! Well, at least the part in BOLD! :cool:
Suggesting that we were created in God's image is nothng more that human arrogance at work.
The poll is actually from a subset of scientists and not all scientists to begin with. But Rdean won't post that information.

I don't understand why you guys think there is this "hidden" group of Republican scientists.

The Republican party does not welcome "scientists". You guys prove it just from the things you say.

You can go on the Internet find links to groups of "Gay scientists" and "Women scientists" and "Black scientists", but I have yet to find one such group made up of "Conservatives" or "Republicans". They just don't seem to exist.

You are ignorant. You know as well as I do your POLL is not all scientists and is in fact a small subset of Scientists.

Nobody pols ALL scientists. That's why the call it a "sample".

They purposely left out "professors" and "teachers" because they voted for Obama 12 to 1.

They left out foreigners and only used those working in government and industry.

They polled thousands of scientists and just happened to get all Democrat and Independent scientists? Even you can't believe that.

Just curious. Why do you think there are all these "Republican" scientists. You don't really expect scientists to believe in "mysticism" and "magical creation" do you? Those are the opposite of science.
I was going to start a thread like this one, so instead let me contribute here.

First, why is evolution an article of faith? Why do you ask if I "Believe" in it? Is it like time and gravity?

Second, I want someone to explain to me how evolution works, how is it propagated, what is the mechanism driving it forward? I'm especially interested in a coherent explanation of "Random mutation"

Third, have human beings stopped evolving? What's next, genetic prosthetics, clairvoyance, wings?
Sit a gazillion monkeys down at a gazillion typewriters and eventually you'll get asdjsdknsdklnjsdsdkvnsk;lnv;skldnvnpiwnjviwnsdvkl/snvlscnvk/'SVN jkl/snckl/'v nsck/lvn skl/vn dwklDNVKLNKwndvjkl/nln klsdklnlk/snSFvnwdlFVNwkldnvklSdnvSKLzcn kl/ASNklcvnsdklvnsdklvnklsdnvklsdnvklsdnvklsdn

asdjsCO2dknsdklnCAUSESjsdsdkvnsk;lnv;sklGLOBALdnvnpiWARMINGwnjviwnsdvkl/snvlscnvk/'SVN jkl/snckl/'v nsck/lvnskl/vndwklDNVKLNKwndvjknlnklsdklnlsnSFvnwdlFVNwkldnvklSdnvSKLzcn kl/ASNklcvnsdklvnsdklvnklsdnvklsdnvklsdnvklsdn
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I am grounded in the belief that I was created in the image of God, by God, and nobody else created me except for him. However, I am pretty sure my wife evolved from monkeys.

I am grounded in the belief that I created God in the image of me.

Which makes you my grandson.

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