Who Implements Nazi Tactics?

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Which Party has gone rogue and uses these NAZI OROPAGANDA TACTICS?

+ A big lie is more effective than several small ones. Even once exposed, it still carries a ‘force of credibility’, a lingering doubt that at least some aspect of it might still be true.
+ Accuse your opponents of what you yourself are doing.
+ Focus should be kept on fighting a single enemy; all other enemies should be linked with a single great one.


IMHO, Herr Hitler was so vile that we should not cheapen the word "Nazi" by using it in other contexts.

What he did was so unbelievable that the word "Nazi," should never, ever be used in any other context.

Those Americans who call themselves "neo-Nazis" (and are called that by their opponents) are just plain thugs.

Those Democrats who use the word "Nazi" to describe Republicans should be ashamed of themselves (just as Republicans should be for using the word "fascist" to describe Democrats).


I have just watched a C=SPAN discussion in which two liberal intellectuals feel that the United States has a chance (a chance) of becoming the first multi-ethnic democracy in history. (They agreed that the only genuine democracies have been homogeneous societies. They feel, however, that the changes made in the 1960s in regard to racial justice MAY make it possible for us to join the club.)

If we want to achieve that goal, we all have to watch our language a little more carefully.
IMHO, Herr Hitler was so vile that we should not cheapen the word "Nazi" by using it in other contexts.

What he did was so unbelievable that the word "Nazi," should never, ever be used in any other context.

Those Americans who call themselves "neo-Nazis" (and are called that by their opponents) are just plain thugs.

Those Democrats who use the word "Nazi" to describe Republicans should be ashamed of themselves (just as Republicans should be for using the word "fascist" to describe Democrats).


I have just watched a C=SPAN discussion in which two liberal intellectuals feel that the United States has a chance (a chance) of becoming the first multi-ethnic democracy in history. (They agreed that the only genuine democracies have been homogeneous societies. They feel, however, that the changes made in the 1960s in regard to racial justice MAY make it possible for us to join the club.)

If we want to achieve that goal, we all have to watch our language a little more carefully.
Tell me about it!

There are clean debate discussions where a nut job leftist troll is going on and on about the "Zionist entity" while advocating the annihilation of Isreal, and he calls everybody else the Nazi at every opportunity.

Racist is another term tossed around so frequently, it has come to describe anybody who doesn't hate white people.

Terrorist means whatever partisans want it to mean as long as they can score cheap points.

It's all very irresponsible.
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The Trump faction, fit the OP far better than a party or faction in US politics.
Which Party has gone rogue and uses these NAZI OROPAGANDA TACTICS?

+ A big lie is more effective than several small ones. Even once exposed, it still carries a ‘force of credibility’, a lingering doubt that at least some aspect of it might still be true.
+ Accuse your opponents of what you yourself are doing.
+ Focus should be kept on fighting a single enemy; all other enemies should be linked with a single great one.


Hitler got rid of guns, which party wants that?
No one wants to get "rid of guns," only to keep them out of the hands of crazies.
IMHO, Herr Hitler was so vile that we should not cheapen the word "Nazi" by using it in other contexts.
The rogue Democrat Party has implemented most of the propaganda tactics of the National SOCIALIST Party.

You're right. These tactics are VILE.
The Trump faction, fit the OP far better than a party or faction in US politics.
Agree, and it's not even all Republicans. And by the "Trump faction" it must be understood internet trolls as well, who may not be registered Republicans, and may even be in Russia.
I have just thought of some good news.

I remember reading that before the elderly president of Germany turned the government over to Herr Hitler, their version of Congress contained Nazi Party members and members of democratic parties.

Whenever a member of the latter would get up to make a speech, all the Nazi members would literally turn their backs to the speaker.

Thank God that we have not yet reached that state of hatred.

Maybe there is hope for us yet.
No one wants to get "rid of guns," only to keep them out of the hands of crazies.
Bullshit, liberals say one thing and do another. Gay marriage, you got. Then men in girls locker rooms, you tried.
Bullshit, alt right trumpers say one thing and do something else.

We are talking about keeping guns out of the hands of crazies, and you are talking about men in girls locker rooms. Are you one of the crazies?
The Trump faction, fit the OP far better than a party or faction in US politics.
No party fits the description of Nazi.

The closest factions to Nazi that are any sort of player on the national stage are ANTIFA and C.A.I.R. and calling them Nazi is still gross hyperbole.
No one wants to get "rid of guns," only to keep them out of the hands of crazies.
Bullshit, liberals say one thing and do another. Gay marriage, you got. Then men in girls locker rooms, you tried.
You must be very naive if you do not know men who are female use female restrooms all the time. The republicans tried to make Obama a real fascist by making rumors, with help from the NRA, about warehouses being built to store the confiscated weapons. Try to grow up and educate yourself.
No one wants to get "rid of guns," only to keep them out of the hands of crazies.
Bullshit, liberals say one thing and do another. Gay marriage, you got. Then men in girls locker rooms, you tried.
Bullshit, alt right trumpers say one thing and do something else.

We are talking about keeping guns out of the hands of crazies, and you are talking about men in girls locker rooms. Are you one of the crazies?
If you approve of men, In girls locker rooms. Yes you are the problem, if you cannot accept the gender you are born with, then yes, you're the problem.

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