Who in 2016?

LOL, the fact that you would say that brings your credibility down to less than zero. Biden is an idiot, obama has to keep him hidden and away from cameras and microphones.

The man is a buffoon. But take his advice, if you feel threatened go out on your back porch and shoot your shotgun in the air. then hollar out "this is a big fuckin deal"

come on RW, even you cannot be that much of a partisan fool.

Yes, I agree

Anyone whose sole contact with the real world is filtered through FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh thinks Biden is a buffoon. Rush, Hannity and Beck all agree, so it must be so

Anyone who has paid any attention to politics over the last thirty years recognizes that he had a stellar career in the Senate and was instrumental behind the scenes in some major Obama initiatives

Biden is more qualified for President than any Republican candidate

:disagree::hellno: He makes Agnew look like a good VP.

Agnew had an undistinguished political career and resigned in disgrace

Name a single GOP candidate who is more qualified than Biden
Anyone who has paid any attention to politics over the last thirty years recognizes that he had a stellar career in the Senate and was instrumental behind the scenes in some major Obama initiatives

Biden is more qualified for President than any Republican candidate

I think Biden is one of the smartest guys out there. IMHO his problem is that all those smarts just don't translate when he is speaking to a crowd. In that respect he is the anti-Obama. He is much better behind the scenes and weak in a large crowd, where I think Obama is exactly the opposite.

A Biden presidency wouldn't scare me at all - but a Biden candidacy doesn't excite me either. In that respect I think he's a little like Romney - competent, but doesn't really generate a lot of enthusiasm.

Mark Warner is an interesting thought, as is Sandoval.
Biden was one of the top five Senators of his generation. He would make a great President
President of what, Ringling Bros.? Does anyone remember Biden running for President in 1984, and how he blew his big chance with his big mouth?
Biden seems to put his foot in his mouth a lot when he's speaking to a large crowd.
Which is crazy because I think he's a really smart guy.
But he's better behind the scenes imho.
Biden, whom I do not like, would have been better than any of the far right reactionaries last time.

Huntsman, Romney, and Pawlenty were the best of the group, and better than Biden
JFK, Reagan, Clinton and Obama all had/have charisma. Going up against a charismatic candidate is tough. Right now there doesn't appear to be anyone from either side with that attribute. So given what is available the likability factor is all they really have.
Charisma is often overrated in the presidential campaigns. Look at Truman, Nixon, and Bush, all elected for two terms. A lot of what we call charisma is created by the campaign.

None of them had charisma. The primary difference that charisma plays is the confidence that it instills in the people themselves. A true leader is one who not only has a vision but who can communicate it and inspire others to turn that vision into a reality. FDR did it with his statement about fear. JFK did it with his man on the moon. Reagan did it with morning in America. Clinton did it with 100,000 new teachers and cops.

Compare that to "I am not a crook", "I don't get this vision thing" and "I am the decider". There was no national inspiration from LBJ, Nixon, Carter or either of the Bush's. That doesn't detract from competency. It merely differentiates it from charisma.
It would be hard to imagine a less charismatic presidential candidate than Nixon, yet he was able to beat Humphrey by a wide margin and carried 49 states against McGovern.

Sometimes events have decided the election before the nomination. No Republican could have won against FDR in 1932.
Charisma is often overrated in the presidential campaigns. Look at Truman, Nixon, and Bush, all elected for two terms. A lot of what we call charisma is created by the campaign.

None of them had charisma. The primary difference that charisma plays is the confidence that it instills in the people themselves. A true leader is one who not only has a vision but who can communicate it and inspire others to turn that vision into a reality. FDR did it with his statement about fear. JFK did it with his man on the moon. Reagan did it with morning in America. Clinton did it with 100,000 new teachers and cops.

Compare that to "I am not a crook", "I don't get this vision thing" and "I am the decider". There was no national inspiration from LBJ, Nixon, Carter or either of the Bush's. That doesn't detract from competency. It merely differentiates it from charisma.
It would be hard to imagine a less charismatic presidential candidate than Nixon, yet he was able to beat Humphrey by a wide margin and carried 49 states against McGovern.

Sometimes events have decided the election before the nomination. No Republican could have won against FDR in 1932.

Humphrey would have made a great president but he had even less charisma than Nixon. His ties to LBJ and the hated VietNam war made it a tough run......and he still came close. Bobby Kennedy would have kicked Nixons ass

George McGoven was too much of a flake
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None of them had charisma. The primary difference that charisma plays is the confidence that it instills in the people themselves. A true leader is one who not only has a vision but who can communicate it and inspire others to turn that vision into a reality. FDR did it with his statement about fear. JFK did it with his man on the moon. Reagan did it with morning in America. Clinton did it with 100,000 new teachers and cops.

Compare that to "I am not a crook", "I don't get this vision thing" and "I am the decider". There was no national inspiration from LBJ, Nixon, Carter or either of the Bush's. That doesn't detract from competency. It merely differentiates it from charisma.
It would be hard to imagine a less charismatic presidential candidate than Nixon, yet he was able to beat Humphrey by a wide margin and carried 49 states against McGovern.

Sometimes events have decided the election before the nomination. No Republican could have won against FDR in 1932.

Humphrey would have made a great president but he had even less charisma than Nixon. His ties to LBJ and the hated VietNam war made it a tough run......and he still came close? Bobby Kennedy would have kicked Nixons ass

George McGoven was too much of a flake
I agree. I think Kennedy would have been a shoe-in.

GW was hardly a Conservative. He was the one who got the ball rolling on the UAW Bailouts.

You mean the ones that saved two million jobs, union and non-union alike? Good for him!

If Chris Christie runs, he'll be hard to beat.

By 2016, any Republican will be hard for dimocraps to beat.

The Country is getting 'obama fatigue' and Hitlery won't be a respite. She'll just be a continuation of more divisiveness, more of the same victim bullshit.

"Vote for me because I'm Black" will simply be changed to "Vote for me because I'm a woman".

Christie, who I'm not wild about, will trounce Hitlery. Or any other dim candidate.

He's a Republican Governor in a VERY Red State and all the 'experts' have him in a Landslide this November.

In a VERY Union, dimocrap State, that's no simple accomplishment.

He carries the election in a Landslide and re-shapes America's Landscape, crippling Unions.

Not really. Frankly, if Christy reminds me of anyone, he reminds me of Rudy Guliani. Oh, he was colorful and people liked him, but he was a complete dud on the campaign trial.
Charisma is often overrated in the presidential campaigns. Look at Truman, Nixon, and Bush, all elected for two terms. A lot of what we call charisma is created by the campaign.

A couple corrections here.

Truman wasn't elected to two terms. He succeded FDR's unused fourth term, and then got elected in his own right - barely- running against a divided oppossition that was split three ways.

Bush-43 is VERY Charismatic. He's a likable guy. He isn't very smart and not an effective administrator, but he could work a room with the best of them.

Now, Nixon wasn't charismatic. The first time he won, he won because the reliable Southern White Vote parked on Wallace's third party campaign. The second time, it was because the Democratic Party had completely lost its mind. Sen. Eagleton (who was first picked as the second) called it the "Acid, Abortion and Amnesty" ticket. (Behind McGovern's back). Nixon's landslide was a rejection of McGovern and the Hippies.
Bush-43 is VERY Charismatic. He's a likable guy. He isn't very smart and not an effective administrator, but he could work a room with the best of them.

Sounds like he's a step above Obama.

BUsh took a country at peace, with a 400 Billion dollar surplus and a roaring economy, and by the time he was done, we were 10 Trillion in debt, at war, and had the worst recession in 80 years.

The only thing Obama has done wrong, is that he didn't fix Bush's mess fast enough.
Biden, whom I do not like, would have been better than any of the far right reactionaries last time.

Huntsman, Romney, and Pawlenty were the best of the group, and better than Biden

What do you think of Brian Sandoval?

He seems fairly moderate. I would be interested in learning more about his views on education and financing for the same., as well as subsidization of business and social entitlements.
Bush-43 is VERY Charismatic. He's a likable guy. He isn't very smart and not an effective administrator, but he could work a room with the best of them.
My neighbor is a very likable guy but I would hardly consider him charismatic. We have had a number of charismatic leaders, FDR, Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton. Bush doesn't even come close. I really felt sorry for him as he stumbled through his press conferences and speeches.
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Biden, whom I do not like, would have been better than any of the far right reactionaries last time.

Huntsman, Romney, and Pawlenty were the best of the group, and better than Biden

What do you think of Brian Sandoval?

He seems fairly moderate. I would be interested in learning more about his views on education and financing for the same., as well as subsidization of business and social entitlements.

Agree. I'd like to know more about him, but I'm beginning to think that getting in early may only give your opponents more time to pick you apart.

I'm thinking that the fundraising advantages to getting in early, may be offset by the advantages of getting in late and generating a lot of momentum before anyone really has a chance to pick you apart.
Bush-43 is VERY Charismatic. He's a likable guy. He isn't very smart and not an effective administrator, but he could work a room with the best of them.
My neighbor is a very likable guy but I would hardly consider him charismatic. We have had a number of charismatic leaders, FDR, Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton. Bush doesn't even come close. I really felt sorry for him as he stumbled through his press conferences and speeches.

Giving Bush-43 the benefit of the doubt, he could be viewed a lot like Biden. Very good in a small room - but not so good in a big room.
But yeah, I define "charismatic" as a big room kinda trait.
Bush-43 is VERY Charismatic. He's a likable guy. He isn't very smart and not an effective administrator, but he could work a room with the best of them.
My neighbor is a very likable guy but I would hardly consider him charismatic. We have had a number of charismatic leaders, FDR, Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton. Bush doesn't even come close. I really felt sorry for him as he stumbled through his press conferences and speeches.

Giving Bush-43 the benefit of the doubt, he could be viewed a lot like Biden. Very good in a small room - but not so good in a big room.
But yeah, I define "charismatic" as a big room kinda trait.
George Bush, who does remind me of my neighbor would seem to be a guy I wouldn't mind sharing a beer with and talking over Sunday's football game, but his presidency just proves the old adage, "In America, anybody can be president. That's one of the risks you take."
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My neighbor is a very likable guy but I would hardly consider him charismatic. We have had a number of charismatic leaders, FDR, Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton. Bush doesn't even come close. I really felt sorry for him as he stumbled through his press conferences and speeches.

Giving Bush-43 the benefit of the doubt, he could be viewed a lot like Biden. Very good in a small room - but not so good in a big room.
But yeah, I define "charismatic" as a big room kinda trait.
George Bush, who does remind me of my neighbor would seem to be a guy I wouldn't mind sharing a beer with and talking over Sunday's football game, but his presidency just proves the old adage, "In America, anybody can be president. That's one of the risks you take."

well, you just described Obama, Clinton, Reagan, all recent presidents except Carter. No one wants to hang out with peanut head.

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