Who in 2016?

If Hitlery runs, we'll remind the Country, every, single, day.

Just like the radical right tried to "remind the country every single day" about Rev. Wright, William Ayers, birth certificates, "my muslim faith", etc ...

How'd that work out?

The shrill rants from the far right are not very effective these days due to the "little boy who cried wolf" syndrome.
The 2016 presidential nominees will have a significant impact on the fate of the House and the Senate.
in 2008 and 2012 Obama brought so many of his voters to the polls, that Democrats picked up seats in the House and the Senate. Without Obama on the ballot in 2010, Republicans gained seats in the House.

So each party needs to nominate someone who will provide a boost for other candidates.

I don't think Hillary will provide that much down-ticket momentum. I'm pretty sure the Democrats can't field a candidate who will provide as much as Obama did.

And the GOP seems so fractured, that it seems the most they can hope for right now is a candidate who can give some regional support.
The 2016 presidential nominees will have a significant impact on the fate of the House and the Senate.
in 2008 and 2012 Obama brought so many of his voters to the polls, that Democrats picked up seats in the House and the Senate. Without Obama on the ballot in 2010, Republicans gained seats in the House.

So each party needs to nominate someone who will provide a boost for other candidates.

I don't think Hillary will provide that much down-ticket momentum. I'm pretty sure the Democrats can't field a candidate who will provide as much as Obama did.

And the GOP seems so fractured, that it seems the most they can hope for right now is a candidate who can give some regional support.

The best the GOP can hope for is a candidate who doesn't crash and burn
I can't necessarily agree with that. The GOP's best sucesses in the last 30 years were guys who were unapolgetically conservative (Reagan and Dubya), as opposed to guys like Dole, McCain and Romney, who were establishment moderates who pandered to the right.

I think idealogy itself is overrated in the general election. You will have that 47% that will always vote Democratic, you will have that 47% or so that will always vote Republican.

And you have that 6% in the middle that votes on the basis of which guy they like better as a person, regardless of his idealogy.

Obama won because he was more likable than McCain or Romney.

Bush won because he was more likable than Gore or Kerry.

So I'm less worried about how right wing the GOP nominee is than whether he's going to be more likable than Hillary. Hillary just isn't likable.

You touch on a key issue which is like ability

While it sounds superficial, like ability is what elects presidents. In the majority of races the more like able candidate wins

Christie is like able
Hillary is respected but not liked
Jen Bush and Rubio are like able but Rubio comes off as immature
Rand Paul is outright creepy at times, so is Ted Cruz

I think it boils down to looking at a person and asking yourself, "Is that who I want representing the United States of America."

Not just sheer likeability. I think there is a difference - maybe a subtle one - but imho a significant one.

Good point

Something we call looking "Presidential"
You touch on a key issue which is like ability

While it sounds superficial, like ability is what elects presidents. In the majority of races the more like able candidate wins

Christie is like able
Hillary is respected but not liked
Jen Bush and Rubio are like able but Rubio comes off as immature
Rand Paul is outright creepy at times, so is Ted Cruz

I think it boils down to looking at a person and asking yourself, "Is that who I want representing the United States of America."

Not just sheer likeability. I think there is a difference - maybe a subtle one - but imho a significant one.

Good point

Something we call looking "Presidential"

based on that criteria, you should have voted for Romney.
The 2016 presidential nominees will have a significant impact on the fate of the House and the Senate.
in 2008 and 2012 Obama brought so many of his voters to the polls, that Democrats picked up seats in the House and the Senate. Without Obama on the ballot in 2010, Republicans gained seats in the House.

So each party needs to nominate someone who will provide a boost for other candidates.

I don't think Hillary will provide that much down-ticket momentum. I'm pretty sure the Democrats can't field a candidate who will provide as much as Obama did.

And the GOP seems so fractured, that it seems the most they can hope for right now is a candidate who can give some regional support.

The best the GOP can hope for is a candidate who doesn't crash and burn

the best the dems can hope for is a candidate that is not tainted by obama's failures. Hint, that ain't hillybilly.
There is some feeling in the halls of politics that it won't be Hillary, but Chelsea.
I think it boils down to looking at a person and asking yourself, "Is that who I want representing the United States of America."

Not just sheer likeability. I think there is a difference - maybe a subtle one - but imho a significant one.

Good point

Something we call looking "Presidential"

based on that criteria, you should have voted for Romney.

From an outward appearance, Romney looked Presidential

However, when he broke out and tried to interact one on one with the common people, he was awkward and out of touch with our popular culture

Creepy Uncle Willard
Good point

Something we call looking "Presidential"

based on that criteria, you should have voted for Romney.

From an outward appearance, Romney looked Presidential

However, when he broke out and tried to interact one on one with the common people, he was awkward and out of touch with our popular culture

Creepy Uncle Willard

48% of the voters didn't feel that way.

I assume that you think Biden is presidential material :eek::cuckoo:
based on that criteria, you should have voted for Romney.

From an outward appearance, Romney looked Presidential

However, when he broke out and tried to interact one on one with the common people, he was awkward and out of touch with our popular culture

Creepy Uncle Willard

48% of the voters didn't feel that way.

I assume that you think Biden is presidential material :eek::cuckoo:

Actually, it was an ironic 47%

Biden was one of the top five Senators of his generation. He would make a great President

Huntsman fits your description but he has the same downside of being perceived as "too liberal". The problem the GOP faces is that anyone who appeals to the far right will lose the general election and anyone moderate enough to win the general election will lose out in the primaries to candidates that appeal to the far right extremists. That was why Huntsman was eliminated in 2012. Christie does know how to appeal to the extremists and he is smart enough to know that he will need to shift back to the center in order to win the general. This is why he is the best choice for the GOP in 2016 in my opinion.

I can't necessarily agree with that. The GOP's best sucesses in the last 30 years were guys who were unapolgetically conservative (Reagan and Dubya), as opposed to guys like Dole, McCain and Romney, who were establishment moderates who pandered to the right.

I think idealogy itself is overrated in the general election. You will have that 47% that will always vote Democratic, you will have that 47% or so that will always vote Republican.

And you have that 6% in the middle that votes on the basis of which guy they like better as a person, regardless of his idealogy.

Obama won because he was more likable than McCain or Romney.

Bush won because he was more likable than Gore or Kerry.

So I'm less worried about how right wing the GOP nominee is than whether he's going to be more likable than Hillary. Hillary just isn't likable.

You touch on a key issue which is like ability

While it sounds superficial, like ability is what elects presidents. In the majority of races the more like able candidate wins

Christie is like able
Hillary is respected but not liked
Jen Bush and Rubio are like able but Rubio comes off as immature
Rand Paul is outright creepy at times, so is Ted Cruz

JFK, Reagan, Clinton and Obama all had/have charisma. Going up against a charismatic candidate is tough. Right now there doesn't appear to be anyone from either side with that attribute. So given what is available the likability factor is all they really have.
I can't necessarily agree with that. The GOP's best sucesses in the last 30 years were guys who were unapolgetically conservative (Reagan and Dubya), as opposed to guys like Dole, McCain and Romney, who were establishment moderates who pandered to the right.

I think idealogy itself is overrated in the general election. You will have that 47% that will always vote Democratic, you will have that 47% or so that will always vote Republican.

And you have that 6% in the middle that votes on the basis of which guy they like better as a person, regardless of his idealogy.

Obama won because he was more likable than McCain or Romney.

Bush won because he was more likable than Gore or Kerry.

So I'm less worried about how right wing the GOP nominee is than whether he's going to be more likable than Hillary. Hillary just isn't likable.

You touch on a key issue which is like ability

While it sounds superficial, like ability is what elects presidents. In the majority of races the more like able candidate wins

Christie is like able
Hillary is respected but not liked
Jen Bush and Rubio are like able but Rubio comes off as immature
Rand Paul is outright creepy at times, so is Ted Cruz

JFK, Reagan, Clinton and Obama all had/have charisma. Going up against a charismatic candidate is tough. Right now there doesn't appear to be anyone from either side with that attribute. So given what is available the likability factor is all they really have.
Charisma is often overrated in the presidential campaigns. Look at Truman, Nixon, and Bush, all elected for two terms. A lot of what we call charisma is created by the campaign.
From an outward appearance, Romney looked Presidential

However, when he broke out and tried to interact one on one with the common people, he was awkward and out of touch with our popular culture

Creepy Uncle Willard

48% of the voters didn't feel that way.

I assume that you think Biden is presidential material :eek::cuckoo:

Actually, it was an ironic 47%

Biden was one of the top five Senators of his generation. He would make a great President

LOL, the fact that you would say that brings your credibility down to less than zero. Biden is an idiot, obama has to keep him hidden and away from cameras and microphones.

The man is a buffoon. But take his advice, if you feel threatened go out on your back porch and shoot your shotgun in the air. then hollar out "this is a big fuckin deal"

come on RW, even you cannot be that much of a partisan fool.
48% of the voters didn't feel that way.

I assume that you think Biden is presidential material :eek::cuckoo:

Actually, it was an ironic 47%

Biden was one of the top five Senators of his generation. He would make a great President

LOL, the fact that you would say that brings your credibility down to less than zero. Biden is an idiot, obama has to keep him hidden and away from cameras and microphones.

The man is a buffoon. But take his advice, if you feel threatened go out on your back porch and shoot your shotgun in the air. then hollar out "this is a big fuckin deal"

come on RW, even you cannot be that much of a partisan fool.

Yes, I agree

Anyone whose sole contact with the real world is filtered through FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh thinks Biden is a buffoon. Rush, Hannity and Beck all agree, so it must be so

Anyone who has paid any attention to politics over the last thirty years recognizes that he had a stellar career in the Senate and was instrumental behind the scenes in some major Obama initiatives

Biden is more qualified for President than any Republican candidate
I can't necessarily agree with that. The GOP's best sucesses in the last 30 years were guys who were unapolgetically conservative (Reagan and Dubya), as opposed to guys like Dole, McCain and Romney, who were establishment moderates who pandered to the right.

I think idealogy itself is overrated in the general election. You will have that 47% that will always vote Democratic, you will have that 47% or so that will always vote Republican.

And you have that 6% in the middle that votes on the basis of which guy they like better as a person, regardless of his idealogy.

Obama won because he was more likable than McCain or Romney.

Bush won because he was more likable than Gore or Kerry.

So I'm less worried about how right wing the GOP nominee is than whether he's going to be more likable than Hillary. Hillary just isn't likable.

You touch on a key issue which is like ability

While it sounds superficial, like ability is what elects presidents. In the majority of races the more like able candidate wins

Christie is like able
Hillary is respected but not liked
Jen Bush and Rubio are like able but Rubio comes off as immature
Rand Paul is outright creepy at times, so is Ted Cruz

JFK, Reagan, Clinton and Obama all had/have charisma. Going up against a charismatic candidate is tough. Right now there doesn't appear to be anyone from either side with that attribute. So given what is available the likability factor is all they really have.
We will see.
You touch on a key issue which is like ability

While it sounds superficial, like ability is what elects presidents. In the majority of races the more like able candidate wins

Christie is like able
Hillary is respected but not liked
Jen Bush and Rubio are like able but Rubio comes off as immature
Rand Paul is outright creepy at times, so is Ted Cruz

JFK, Reagan, Clinton and Obama all had/have charisma. Going up against a charismatic candidate is tough. Right now there doesn't appear to be anyone from either side with that attribute. So given what is available the likability factor is all they really have.
Charisma is often overrated in the presidential campaigns. Look at Truman, Nixon, and Bush, all elected for two terms. A lot of what we call charisma is created by the campaign.

None of them had charisma. The primary difference that charisma plays is the confidence that it instills in the people themselves. A true leader is one who not only has a vision but who can communicate it and inspire others to turn that vision into a reality. FDR did it with his statement about fear. JFK did it with his man on the moon. Reagan did it with morning in America. Clinton did it with 100,000 new teachers and cops.

Compare that to "I am not a crook", "I don't get this vision thing" and "I am the decider". There was no national inspiration from LBJ, Nixon, Carter or either of the Bush's. That doesn't detract from competency. It merely differentiates it from charisma.
Actually, it was an ironic 47%

Biden was one of the top five Senators of his generation. He would make a great President

LOL, the fact that you would say that brings your credibility down to less than zero. Biden is an idiot, obama has to keep him hidden and away from cameras and microphones.

The man is a buffoon. But take his advice, if you feel threatened go out on your back porch and shoot your shotgun in the air. then hollar out "this is a big fuckin deal"

come on RW, even you cannot be that much of a partisan fool.

Yes, I agree

Anyone whose sole contact with the real world is filtered through FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh thinks Biden is a buffoon. Rush, Hannity and Beck all agree, so it must be so

Anyone who has paid any attention to politics over the last thirty years recognizes that he had a stellar career in the Senate and was instrumental behind the scenes in some major Obama initiatives

Biden is more qualified for President than any Republican candidate

:disagree::hellno: He makes Agnew look like a good VP.
Hillary wants it and I don't see any Republican leadership posturing yet. If this remains for another year or two and Hillary continues with her efforts?

Then it's the economy that will be the call in 2016 imo. If the economy continues to slowly improve or *gasp* even begin some upwardly mobile trending, then Hillary will likely be a lock since there's quite a few Republicans who would see her as an Iron Lady regarding US Foreign Policy and a left leaning fiscal driving force.

It's about money, power and leadership. Let's face it. Who knows the scene better?

I think she will win.

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