Who in 2016?

And how, cracerjaxon, do you suggest solving the problems?

Frankly, I'm surprised you see them as problems, what with your shrill support of the policies that led to them.

Start by withdrawing from the Middle East quagmire, then gradually bring all of our troops home. Rein in the Federal Reserve and stop debasing our currency. Eliminate all redundant federal agencies.

That might do for a first term.
The question on Christie is can he appeal to the very conservative voters that dominate the Iowa Caucus and SC Primary.

I think Iowa is overrated and is countered by New Hampshire. Thanks to Citizens United, candidates no longer have to kill in the early primaries or drop out. Even mediocre candidates can go the distance in the primaries if they have some deep pocket donors.

it would be better if all states had their primaries on the same day. 2 or 3 states should not pick the candidates.
And how, cracerjaxon, do you suggest solving the problems?

Frankly, I'm surprised you see them as problems, what with your shrill support of the policies that led to them.

Start by withdrawing from the Middle East quagmire, then gradually bring all of our troops home. Rein in the Federal Reserve and stop debasing our currency. Eliminate all redundant federal agencies.

That might do for a first term.

good start, the sad thing is that fixing the mess is not very complicated. I would also close all foreign bases unless the host country agreed to pay the entire cost of the base.
You are full of shit. Ask the people of New Jersey if the Governor was just taking photo ops. He was behind the scenes working with emergency management, arranging federal relief and monitoring progress
There are many, many areas that have not been rebuilt. It is primarily because the infrastructure in that community has not been restored. Many are still working with insurance companies, FEMA and building contractrs to get their homes rebuilt

I get it. you like Christie. great. I guess the NJ people who are interviewed on the news are all liars. (or evil obama-haters) ( or maybe they are all related to the evil Koch brothers)

you are a dupe RW. I feel sorry for you.

Let's see how many voters in NJ feel differently than you do come November. Current estimates have Christie getting 60% of the vote in a blue state

They're oversampling Democrats again....LOL.

You have to wonder if these people (right wing loons) are as dumb as they appear to be.
The question on Christie is can he appeal to the very conservative voters that dominate the Iowa Caucus and SC Primary.

I think Iowa is overrated and is countered by New Hampshire. Thanks to Citizens United, candidates no longer have to kill in the early primaries or drop out. Even mediocre candidates can go the distance in the primaries if they have some deep pocket donors.

it would be better if all states had their primaries on the same day. 2 or 3 states should not pick the candidates.

I agree with you, but that would require tremendous war chests for every candidate, and even that much money is not possible and if it were, the donors would not permit it all being risked on one days' primaries.
Anyone who backs Hillary Clinton should do the world a favor, put a pistol in their mouth, and pull the trigger before the election. If this country really is stupid enough to make Hillary Clinton president of the United States then we really are finished as a nation and it's time to start looking elsewhere to live. You can't fix that many people who are that stupid.

Guy, back in the 1990's I used to be one of those folks who huffed and puffed about the Clintons and how awful they were.

You know what I remember now?

That we had unprecedented job growth.

That we were at peace.

That we had steady growth in the value of our investments.

That we had unprecedented growth in technology.

The absolutely worst thing to be said about Bill Clinton was that he lied about a blow job.

No doubt the 90's were good years and Clinton was a good president compared to what followed. However, Clinton did not have to deal with problems as serve as either Bush or Obama.

IMHO, the mark of a good president is how well he deals with the cards they're dealt.
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so you think we got something for the 58,000 dead americans and billions of dollars in viet nam? exactly what?

iraq and afghanistan will have the same results, as soon as we declare defeat, as we already have in iraq, those countries will go back to what they were before we got there.

billions of dollars, thousands of lives, american kids with arms and legs blown off---for nothing. we are stupid and we refuse to learn from our mistakes.

ON the other hand, Germany, Japan and South Korea are model international citizens thanks to our efforts.

The problem in Vietnam was not understanding that the Vietnamese considered Ho Chi Mihn a hero while they considered our guys to be colaborators.

Iraq- definitely not worth it.
Afghanistan- not really worth it, other than we destroyed Al Qaeda.
The question on Christie is can he appeal to the very conservative voters that dominate the Iowa Caucus and SC Primary.

I think Iowa is overrated and is countered by New Hampshire. Thanks to Citizens United, candidates no longer have to kill in the early primaries or drop out. Even mediocre candidates can go the distance in the primaries if they have some deep pocket donors.

Got to disagree.

In 2012, after New Hampshire, Bachmann, Huntsman, Perry had all been eliminated from contention.
The question on Christie is can he appeal to the very conservative voters that dominate the Iowa Caucus and SC Primary.

I think Iowa is overrated and is countered by New Hampshire. Thanks to Citizens United, candidates no longer have to kill in the early primaries or drop out. Even mediocre candidates can go the distance in the primaries if they have some deep pocket donors.

Got to disagree.

In 2012, after New Hampshire, Bachmann, Huntsman, Perry had all been eliminated from contention.

I can give three reasons why Perry dropped out and none have to do with New Hampshire
I think Iowa is overrated and is countered by New Hampshire. Thanks to Citizens United, candidates no longer have to kill in the early primaries or drop out. Even mediocre candidates can go the distance in the primaries if they have some deep pocket donors.

Got to disagree.

In 2012, after New Hampshire, Bachmann, Huntsman, Perry had all been eliminated from contention.

I can give three reasons why Perry dropped out and none have to do with New Hampshire

OK, let's hear your intelligent, verifiable reasons.(not the brain freeze example)
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Got to disagree.

In 2012, after New Hampshire, Bachmann, Huntsman, Perry had all been eliminated from contention.

I can give three reasons why Perry dropped out and none have to do with New Hampshire

OK, let's hear your intelligent, verifiable reasons.(not the brain freeze example)

First, Perry was unprepared on the issues
second, he was lazy
Um......um.......I forgot the third reason
I can give three reasons why Perry dropped out and none have to do with New Hampshire

OK, let's hear your intelligent, verifiable reasons.(not the brain freeze example)

First, Perry was unprepared on the issues
second, he was lazy
Um......um.......I forgot the third reason

Perry did not make a good appearance on the national media. He was never going anywhere but Texas. Frankly, he has done a better job in Texas than Bush did.
OK, let's hear your intelligent, verifiable reasons.(not the brain freeze example)

First, Perry was unprepared on the issues
second, he was lazy
Um......um.......I forgot the third reason

Perry did not make a good appearance on the national media. He was never going anywhere but Texas. Frankly, he has done a better job in Texas than Bush did.
By a long shot...and if he runs for POTUS again? He has my full unwaivering support.

NO MORE BUSHES! (That means YOU JEB...).
First, Perry was unprepared on the issues
second, he was lazy
Um......um.......I forgot the third reason

Perry did not make a good appearance on the national media. He was never going anywhere but Texas. Frankly, he has done a better job in Texas than Bush did.
By a long shot...and if he runs for POTUS again? He has my full unwaivering support.

NO MORE BUSHES! (That means YOU JEB...).

I don't understand the bush-hate, but thats your business. Compared to obama, any Bush would be a vast improvement.
I think Iowa is overrated and is countered by New Hampshire. Thanks to Citizens United, candidates no longer have to kill in the early primaries or drop out. Even mediocre candidates can go the distance in the primaries if they have some deep pocket donors.

it would be better if all states had their primaries on the same day. 2 or 3 states should not pick the candidates.

I agree with you, but that would require tremendous war chests for every candidate, and even that much money is not possible and if it were, the donors would not permit it all being risked on one days' primaries.

Well, if you look at the calendar, there are 26 weeks from the beginning of 2016 to the beginning of July 2016. This is the normal campaign season although candidates start much earlier than the beginning of the year now.

Bachman won the straw poll in August of 2011 for example.

Anyway, what should happen is we take the 26 weeks and schedule regional primaries. Iowa can still be first but as part of a larger group of contiguous states, New Hampshire can be second but as part of the entire New England voting block. And you go from there. Schedule 2 weeks per group of 5 states or so and you can have plenty of down time between voting blocks and groups. When necessary have blocks of 3 or 4 states or where necessary have as many as 6.

I, too, regret that there are one or two states that propel or eliminate candidates and this is one way to at least defuse the influence
Perry did not make a good appearance on the national media. He was never going anywhere but Texas. Frankly, he has done a better job in Texas than Bush did.
By a long shot...and if he runs for POTUS again? He has my full unwaivering support.

NO MORE BUSHES! (That means YOU JEB...).

I don't understand the bush-hate, but thats your business. Compared to obama, any Bush would be a vast improvement.

Absolutely. I DETEST George Bush, but he would be a VAST improvement over the incompetent idiot that we are saddled with now.
Perry did not make a good appearance on the national media. He was never going anywhere but Texas. Frankly, he has done a better job in Texas than Bush did.
By a long shot...and if he runs for POTUS again? He has my full unwaivering support.

NO MORE BUSHES! (That means YOU JEB...).

I don't understand the bush-hate, but thats your business. Compared to obama, any Bush would be a vast improvement.
Think back to HW and GW? They both torpedoed Reagan's Doctrine with 'Kindler/Gentler' And 'Compassionate Conservatism'...

BOTH are onboard with Obama's tact but their way was a slower way to the demise of the Republic.

Obama is correct to blame Bush...only Obama's and the Democrat's way is quicker death to the Republic.

Partisan sickness...I subscribe to neither.


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