Who in 2016?

Hillary was a disaster as Sec. of State and would be an even bigger disaster as President. Besides, Obama will most likely find a reason to suspend the election anyway, through some false flag operation. He's not planning on going anywhere.

Just like Bush wasn't going anywhere. I remember nutters like you, but from the other side, telling us how GW was going to make himself king. You dupes are all the same.


Now Auditor, you got to be a little understanding. Guys like S.J. will have a big gaping hole in their lives when they don't have Obama to hate on anymore.
Anyone who backs Hillary Clinton should do the world a favor, put a pistol in their mouth, and pull the trigger before the election. If this country really is stupid enough to make Hillary Clinton president of the United States then we really are finished as a nation and it's time to start looking elsewhere to live. You can't fix that many people who are that stupid.

Guy, back in the 1990's I used to be one of those folks who huffed and puffed about the Clintons and how awful they were.

You know what I remember now?

That we had unprecedented job growth.

That we were at peace.

That we had steady growth in the value of our investments.

That we had unprecedented growth in technology.

The absolutely worst thing to be said about Bill Clinton was that he lied about a blow job.

Our first black president has done amazingly well compared with our last white president.

A broken clock is right twice a day and completely irrelevant, but Ernie S. may well be right that HRC will not run, for any of several reasons.

Christie may have a cake walk to the presidency.


and not even a legal citizen of the United States of America !!!!!!!!!!!!! :up:


Dems would love for the Republicans to nominate Crisco Christie. He's destined to lose, just like McCain, Romney, and Dole. Even if he wins, he would govern like a Democrat because for all intent and purposes, he IS.

One, he would govern like a mainstream Republican; two, he can win; and three, Dole, McCain, and Romney were by the far the best candidates we could run. If we ran a reactionary, such candidates would have lost by greater margins.

Wrong again, snake. I used to like Christie, but he showed his true colors after Sandy. All bark and no bite.

you are the reactionary, you are very close to becoming the next entry on my ignore list.

you would be there with lone laugher, who is totally out of his mind.

And this is why the GOP is flailing. They thought that Christie was the best thing since sliced bread... until Sandy came along and he did photos with Obama.

I truly think the best thing for the GOP would be to let Rand Paul have the nomination and lose 49 states.
One, he would govern like a mainstream Republican; two, he can win; and three, Dole, McCain, and Romney were by the far the best candidates we could run. If we ran a reactionary, such candidates would have lost by greater margins.

Wrong again, snake. I used to like Christie, but he showed his true colors after Sandy. All bark and no bite.

you are the reactionary, you are very close to becoming the next entry on my ignore list.

you would be there with lone laugher, who is totally out of his mind.

And this is why the GOP is flailing. They thought that Christie was the best thing since sliced bread... until Sandy came along and he did photos with Obama.

I truly think the best thing for the GOP would be to let Rand Paul have the nomination and lose 49 states.

How on earth could anyone sour on Christie after Sandy? I saw our Governor on site constantly working 20 hr days. In interviews he was exhausted but he was there for the people. He worked tirelessly getting emergency services, water, food, shelter.

Sandy was too big for New Jersey to handle. We needed federal aid and we needed it fast. Christie and Obama put up a common front. They put politics aside and showed they were there for the people

Run against that Republicans
Wrong again, snake. I used to like Christie, but he showed his true colors after Sandy. All bark and no bite.

you are the reactionary, you are very close to becoming the next entry on my ignore list.

you would be there with lone laugher, who is totally out of his mind.

And this is why the GOP is flailing. They thought that Christie was the best thing since sliced bread... until Sandy came along and he did photos with Obama.

I truly think the best thing for the GOP would be to let Rand Paul have the nomination and lose 49 states.

How on earth could anyone sour on Christie after Sandy? I saw our Governor on site constantly working 20 hr days. In interviews he was exhausted but he was there for the people. He worked tirelessly getting emergency services, water, food, shelter.

Sandy was too big for New Jersey to handle. We needed federal aid and we needed it fast. Christie and Obama put up a common front. They put politics aside and showed they were there for the people

Run against that Republicans

Again, I'm still a little wary of Christie because of the way he demonized state workers pre-Sandy. (The very same people who came up to the bat in the aftermath of the disaster).

Yeah, compared to a lot of the rest of the GOP, he's golden. And his actions during Sandy have probably gotten him a cakewalk to a second term.

I do think the current GOP won't be happy unless the nominate the craziest, most right wing guy they can find.
One, he would govern like a mainstream Republican; two, he can win; and three, Dole, McCain, and Romney were by the far the best candidates we could run. If we ran a reactionary, such candidates would have lost by greater margins.

Wrong again, snake. I used to like Christie, but he showed his true colors after Sandy. All bark and no bite.

you are the reactionary, you are very close to becoming the next entry on my ignore list.

you would be there with lone laugher, who is totally out of his mind.

Not sure I am following your point here. Are you saying that the governor of a state that has just been devastated by one of the worst hurricanes in living memory should engage in partisan political election games while ignoring his sworn duty and responsibilities to the people of the state who elected him?

Not at all. What I am saying is that the people hurt by Sandy are still hurting almost a year later. Christie has NOT done his job as governor.

I know about the failure of state government after a crisis. I lived through Katrina.
One, he would govern like a mainstream Republican; two, he can win; and three, Dole, McCain, and Romney were by the far the best candidates we could run. If we ran a reactionary, such candidates would have lost by greater margins.

Wrong again, snake. I used to like Christie, but he showed his true colors after Sandy. All bark and no bite.

you are the reactionary, you are very close to becoming the next entry on my ignore list.

you would be there with lone laugher, who is totally out of his mind.

Not sure I am following your point here. Are you saying that the governor of a state that has just been devastated by one of the worst hurricanes in living memory should engage in partisan political election games while ignoring his sworn duty and responsibilities to the people of the state who elected him?

You nailed him!
Anyone who backs Hillary Clinton should do the world a favor, put a pistol in their mouth, and pull the trigger before the election. If this country really is stupid enough to make Hillary Clinton president of the United States then we really are finished as a nation and it's time to start looking elsewhere to live. You can't fix that many people who are that stupid.

Guy, back in the 1990's I used to be one of those folks who huffed and puffed about the Clintons and how awful they were.

You know what I remember now?

That we had unprecedented job growth.

That we were at peace.

That we had steady growth in the value of our investments.

That we had unprecedented growth in technology.

The absolutely worst thing to be said about Bill Clinton was that he lied about a blow job.


The Clintons had absolutely nothing to do with any of that. They rode the dot com bubble and got the benefits of Bush 41's international policies. Clinton got lucky and he was smart enough to just ride it and not rock the boat. He is a smart politician, his wife is not.
Wrong again, snake. I used to like Christie, but he showed his true colors after Sandy. All bark and no bite.

you are the reactionary, you are very close to becoming the next entry on my ignore list.

you would be there with lone laugher, who is totally out of his mind.

Not sure I am following your point here. Are you saying that the governor of a state that has just been devastated by one of the worst hurricanes in living memory should engage in partisan political election games while ignoring his sworn duty and responsibilities to the people of the state who elected him?

You nailed him!

that was you he nailed-----did you get your $2?

The Clintons had absolutely nothing to do with any of that. They rode the dot com bubble and got the benefits of Bush 41's international policies. Clinton got lucky and he was smart enough to just ride it and not rock the boat. He is a smart politician, his wife is not.

YOu really think it was all the "dot com" bubble, eH?

Companies I worked for in the 1990's had nothing to do with "dot coms". They still did very well.
Wrong again, snake. I used to like Christie, but he showed his true colors after Sandy. All bark and no bite.

you are the reactionary, you are very close to becoming the next entry on my ignore list.

you would be there with lone laugher, who is totally out of his mind.

Not sure I am following your point here. Are you saying that the governor of a state that has just been devastated by one of the worst hurricanes in living memory should engage in partisan political election games while ignoring his sworn duty and responsibilities to the people of the state who elected him?

Not at all. What I am saying is that the people hurt by Sandy are still hurting almost a year later. Christie has NOT done his job as governor.

I know about the failure of state government after a crisis. I lived through Katrina.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I live on the Jersey Shore and there has been a massive effort to get the shore back in time for the 2013 Summer Season. After such massive devastation it will take several years to fully recover
Christie did an admirable job after the hurricane hit to help mitigate the suffering and you will see what the people of NJ think in the 2013 election
Wrong again, snake. I used to like Christie, but he showed his true colors after Sandy. All bark and no bite.

you are the reactionary, you are very close to becoming the next entry on my ignore list.

you would be there with lone laugher, who is totally out of his mind.

And this is why the GOP is flailing. They thought that Christie was the best thing since sliced bread... until Sandy came along and he did photos with Obama.

I truly think the best thing for the GOP would be to let Rand Paul have the nomination and lose 49 states.

How on earth could anyone sour on Christie after Sandy? I saw our Governor on site constantly working 20 hr days. In interviews he was exhausted but he was there for the people. He worked tirelessly getting emergency services, water, food, shelter.

Sandy was too big for New Jersey to handle. We needed federal aid and we needed it fast. Christie and Obama put up a common front. They put politics aside and showed they were there for the people

Run against that Republicans

nice story, but it belongs in the fantasy section. photo ops are not governing. ask the people who are still looking at their broken homes and praying for some help.

The Clintons had absolutely nothing to do with any of that. They rode the dot com bubble and got the benefits of Bush 41's international policies. Clinton got lucky and he was smart enough to just ride it and not rock the boat. He is a smart politician, his wife is not.

YOu really think it was all the "dot com" bubble, eH?

Companies I worked for in the 1990's had nothing to do with "dot coms". They still did very well.

So did my companies, but Clinton had nothing to do with that. what specifically did clinton do that helped american companies? what legislation did he pass that made american companies more profitable?
Not sure I am following your point here. Are you saying that the governor of a state that has just been devastated by one of the worst hurricanes in living memory should engage in partisan political election games while ignoring his sworn duty and responsibilities to the people of the state who elected him?

Not at all. What I am saying is that the people hurt by Sandy are still hurting almost a year later. Christie has NOT done his job as governor.

I know about the failure of state government after a crisis. I lived through Katrina.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I live on the Jersey Shore and there has been a massive effort to get the shore back in time for the 2013 Summer Season. After such massive devastation it will take several years to fully recover
Christie did an admirable job after the hurricane hit to help mitigate the suffering and you will see what the people of NJ think in the 2013 election

I have no doubt that he has earned another term as governor.

The Clintons had absolutely nothing to do with any of that. They rode the dot com bubble and got the benefits of Bush 41's international policies. Clinton got lucky and he was smart enough to just ride it and not rock the boat. He is a smart politician, his wife is not.

YOu really think it was all the "dot com" bubble, eH?

Companies I worked for in the 1990's had nothing to do with "dot coms". They still did very well.

So did my companies, but Clinton had nothing to do with that. what specifically did clinton do that helped american companies? what legislation did he pass that made american companies more profitable?

1) Passed a stimulus package that created jobs.
2) Showed with the 1994 tax increase the government was serious about getting its financial house in order.
3) Instituted some health care reforms (Kennedy Kassenbaum) that helped mitigate some of the problems.

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