Who is a Jew?

The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.

The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (beingjewish.com)

That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?

Well at least you get it that I'm only joking, those other retards are so anal-retentive and frustrated that they can't help themselves from lashing out. It's fun, it's like poking a retard with a stick. :D

I guessed that you were probably joking, Ima, but the nature of your joke also showed us that you are a child.

In which case, I see no point in reading your comments in future.

Like I said - log out, give it six months and come back with a new handle and hopefuly a bit wiser.
The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.

The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (beingjewish.com)

That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.

What people like you know about Jews would fill a thimble ... maybe.
Well at least you get it that I'm only joking, those other retards are so anal-retentive and frustrated that they can't help themselves from lashing out. It's fun, it's like poking a retard with a stick. :D

I guessed that you were probably joking, Ima, but the nature of your joke also showed us that you are a child.

In which case, I see no point in reading your comments in future.

Like I said - log out, give it six months and come back with a new handle and hopefuly a bit wiser.

You got it ... Ima is a 12 year old troll.
The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.

The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (beingjewish.com)

That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Fred Neanderthal Flintstone forgot that if a Muslim converts to another religion, the punishment is death, which is being practiced TODAY. Heh heh heh! What a fucking moron. Where do these idiots come from? Does anybody know?
Fred Neanderthal Flintstone forgot that if a Muslim converts to another religion, the punishment is death, which is being practiced TODAY. Heh heh heh! What a fucking moron. Where do these idiots come from? Does anybody know?

Roudy, by any measure you are the weakest poster on this forum - bar none.

Your incessant racist and zoophobic abuse and hilarious gaffes are in no way superior to those of Ima, Ariux or any of the other nutcases on this site. You are all one and the same.

You do know this, I believe, and pretending otherwise does you no favours.
The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.

The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (beingjewish.com)

That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?


I'll correct you.
I'm an ex bad very boy from England but I moved to Indonesia.
You name it, if it's sexual perversion, I've probably done it.
Animal, mineral or vegetable; I'll do anything to anything.

There are rules in Islam regarding marriage and they are pretty much as you stated.
However, unlike Jews, Muslims aren't a race.
You may consider the rules to be religious bigotry but they aren't racist.
I'm a white, English chap and my wife, Indonesian.
Ergo, no racism. :)
the statement that a RELIGION that forbids marriage outside the faith----is "racist" makes no sense. A religion that forbids marriage outside the RACE might be considered "racist". A religion is a set of beliefs----not a "race" Some religions adhere to CASTE designations-----which does have an effect on the people considered eligible for marriage-----such creeds or societies are adhere to CASTE -----decribing them as "racist" is also inaccurate Judaism has neither race nor caste restrictions on marriage but does have CREED restriction. A convert to Judaism is eligible to marry any jew
The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.

The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (beingjewish.com)

That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Fred Neanderthal Flintstone forgot that if a Muslim converts to another religion, the punishment is death, which is being practiced TODAY. Heh heh heh! What a fucking moron. Where do these idiots come from? Does anybody know?

It's a truth, some more extreme Muslim communities do that. Most do not.
If you want extreme religious based racism and bigotry, London is a good place to look.
BBC News - High cost of leaving ultra-orthodox Judaism

If been into one of those communities. I can't say I much care either way about Jews in general but that lot were bastards, first class.
The first encounter was a simple request for directions to the town centre.
No matter how many people I asked, very politely, no fucker would talk to me at all.
I was hungry so, when I saw a pizza place, I was in.
Again, ringletted fuck faced gits.
The angry description was because the bastards would even look at me, much less take my order.
I'm a food fan and really didn't care what religion the owners of the restaurant followed.
I really cared about their extreme bad manners.
If I ever learn how to say, "Fuck off you bastards" in Yiddish, I'll telephone them.

Perhaps Roudy would care to explain what drives that bunch of racist bastards to hate so much.
the statement that a RELIGION that forbids marriage outside the faith----is "racist" makes no sense. A religion that forbids marriage outside the RACE might be considered "racist". A religion is a set of beliefs----not a "race"

But Jews are also a race.
Adolf Hitler and United States Supreme Court says so.

PS - Those London Jews.

I keep being informed muslims are bastards towards women and force them to dress in a given way.
Perhaps Roudy can explain this as well.


Well at least you get it that I'm only joking, those other retards are so anal-retentive and frustrated that they can't help themselves from lashing out. It's fun, it's like poking a retard with a stick. :D
No, Shit-For-Brains, it's inappropriate, classless and vulgar. Nothing to joke about.

Ima,I'm with Hoss on this,I know it maybe a joke but to the Cretins will take some sort of fcuking solace in this sort of comment.

steve and ima you know better
The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.

The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (beingjewish.com)

That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?


Yeah Hoss but you didn't mention that if a Gentile marries a Jewish person,they too have to conform,much like the Catholics and others...the children normally take the Jewish,Catholic faith and education...just saying.steve
You want IRONY?

Okay it really does not get more ironic than this

There is also fierce debate surrounding the question of “Who is a Jew,” and by extension, who is eligible to make aliyah under the Law of Return.
At present, the definition is based on Hitler’sNuremberg Laws: the right of Return is granted to any individual with one Jewish grandparent, or who is married to someone with one Jewish grandparent. As a result, thousands of people with no meaningful connection to the Jewish people theoretically have the right to immigrate.

To make matters more complicated, the Israeli Rabbinate, a purely Orthodox body, is far more stringent about its definition of who is a Jew, leaving thousands of “Jewish” immigrants ineligible for marriage and unrecognized by the state authorities.


So...right now, the STATE OF ISRAEL uses the NAZI's definition of "who is a JEW" to establish who has the (Jewish) right of return.
The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.

The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (beingjewish.com)

That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.

That's kind of hyporcite, you must admit.

Which Sheik or Imam will say "ok" to a Muslim woman to marry a none-muslim man?
That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?


I'll correct you.
I'm an ex bad very boy from England but I moved to Indonesia.
You name it, if it's sexual perversion, I've probably done it.
Animal, mineral or vegetable; I'll do anything to anything.

There are rules in Islam regarding marriage and they are pretty much as you stated.
However, unlike Jews, Muslims aren't a race.
You may consider the rules to be religious bigotry but they aren't racist.
I'm a white, English chap and my wife, Indonesian.
Ergo, no racism. :)

"However, unlike Jews, Muslims aren't a race."

Well that claim is pretty much racist to its core.

Considering the fact that Arabs and Jews both are from the semitic "race", basically cousin nations.

So the common Arab claims, that Jews are "Ibna Al Hanazir" is quite foolish, to be an understatement.

If Muslims telling their taughters that they can only marry within faith is fine, then surely the Jews telling the same things to their girls should not be considered a crime.

There are less than 20 million Jews out there anyway, there is nothing wrong to want to keep the tradition and not wanting to mix with others. it's natural.
the statement that a RELIGION that forbids marriage outside the faith----is "racist" makes no sense. A religion that forbids marriage outside the RACE might be considered "racist". A religion is a set of beliefs----not a "race"

But Jews are also a race.
Adolf Hitler and United States Supreme Court says so.

PS - Those London Jews.

I keep being informed muslims are bastards towards women and force them to dress in a given way.
Perhaps Roudy can explain this as well.


This sign is in Me'a She'arim.

Your point being...
There are less than 20 million Jews out there anyway, there is nothing wrong to want to keep the tradition and not wanting to mix with others. it's natural.

Does that mean black men can't marry white women because it dilutes the white race?
the statement that a RELIGION that forbids marriage outside the faith----is "racist" makes no sense. A religion that forbids marriage outside the RACE might be considered "racist". A religion is a set of beliefs----not a "race"

But Jews are also a race.
Adolf Hitler and United States Supreme Court says so.

PS - Those London Jews.

I keep being informed muslims are bastards towards women and force them to dress in a given way.
Perhaps Roudy can explain this as well.


This sign is in Me'a She'arim.

Your point being...

Muslims are commonly accused of telling women how they should dress in "Muslim" areas of the UK.
I've been through several but have et to see such a sign in any.
There are less than 20 million Jews out there anyway, there is nothing wrong to want to keep the tradition and not wanting to mix with others. it's natural.

Does that mean black men can't marry white women because it dilutes the white race?

I'm speaking of keeping the TRADITIONS and IDENTITY of the NATION.

In a nation there are black, white, chinese, and all sorts of people.

Judaism is not a RACE. it's a NATION.

And there are Ethiopean Jews married to white Jews, that's nothing to do with skin color.

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