Who is a Jew?

But Jews are also a race.
Adolf Hitler and United States Supreme Court says so.

PS - Those London Jews.

I keep being informed muslims are bastards towards women and force them to dress in a given way.
Perhaps Roudy can explain this as well.


This sign is in Me'a She'arim.

Your point being...

Muslims are commonly accused of telling women how they should dress in "Muslim" areas of the UK.
I've been through several but have et to see such a sign in any.

That sign is a sign warning the people that from that point, they enter the Me'a She'arim area.

Me'a Shearim is a neighborhood in Jerusalem that its people are very orthodox, and within themselves, keeping their tight traditions. They don't force others to accept their traditions, but they don't like when people from the outside push their noses into their business.

A for the UK, it's on a sure way to become a Muslim kingdom anyway. If that's the sure path, well, more and more people will resist, i guess. What you can do in the ME, don't expect to do in a more westen country. If you do it within your community only, that's find, but as soon as it becomes "forcing" on others, that's just crossing a limit.
That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?


Yeah Hoss but you didn't mention that if a Gentile marries a Jewish person,they too have to conform,much like the Catholics and others...the children normally take the Jewish,Catholic faith and education...just saying.steve

Id the Jewish person is the mother, the children will be considered Jews no matter what kind of religion they embrace.
the statement that a RELIGION that forbids marriage outside the faith----is "racist" makes no sense. A religion that forbids marriage outside the RACE might be considered "racist". A religion is a set of beliefs----not a "race" Some religions adhere to CASTE designations-----which does have an effect on the people considered eligible for marriage-----such creeds or societies are adhere to CASTE -----decribing them as "racist" is also inaccurate Judaism has neither race nor caste restrictions on marriage but does have CREED restriction. A convert to Judaism is eligible to marry any jew

Pretty much all religions are racist and they all think that they're better than all the others. Jews are near the top of the list, they even have a country for Jews, a way of designating who is a Jew (I'll get back to that after, :D), wage war over religion, and as any good Jew knows, converts aren't the real deal.
Isn't a Jew someone who is too cheap to buy the little propeller that goes on their beanies? :D
Fred Neanderthal Flintstone forgot that if a Muslim converts to another religion, the punishment is death, which is being practiced TODAY. Heh heh heh! What a fucking moron. Where do these idiots come from? Does anybody know?

Roudy, by any measure you are the weakest poster on this forum - bar none.

Your incessant racist and zoophobic abuse and hilarious gaffes are in no way superior to those of Ima, Ariux or any of the other nutcases on this site. You are all one and the same.

You do know this, I believe, and pretending otherwise does you no favours.

Buddy, nobody cares what someone from Finland thinks, it's a shit country that's TOTALLY irrelevant. Now go kiss Saku Koivu, he's a pussy too.
That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?


I'll correct you.
I'm an ex bad very boy from England but I moved to Indonesia.
You name it, if it's sexual perversion, I've probably done it.
Animal, mineral or vegetable; I'll do anything to anything.

There are rules in Islam regarding marriage and they are pretty much as you stated.
However, unlike Jews, Muslims aren't a race.
You may consider the rules to be religious bigotry but they aren't racist.
I'm a white, English chap and my wife, Indonesian.
Ergo, no racism. :)
Sounds logical to you but you didn't win a seegar.
Can anyone explain why Christian America supports a state that doesn't have a public holiday on Christmas day?

List of Holidays Observed by the Bank of Israel in 2013

Because the US is a *secular* nation and we don't care: it's totally irrelevent! As a 'reason' for deciding on support of Israel, that is entirely ridiculous.

But we should be asking about supporting KSA, which actually has laws making any religious *but* Islam illegal.
That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?


I'll correct you.
I'm an ex bad very boy from England but I moved to Indonesia.
You name it, if it's sexual perversion, I've probably done it.
Animal, mineral or vegetable; I'll do anything to anything.

There are rules in Islam regarding marriage and they are pretty much as you stated.
However, unlike Jews, Muslims aren't a race.
You may consider the rules to be religious bigotry but they aren't racist.
I'm a white, English chap and my wife, Indonesian.
Ergo, no racism. :)
Nah, you just happened to adopt Islamic mindset and intolerance of non Musims through marriage. Tell, how are things in Bali Indonesia after Muslim animals blew up a night club filled with teen age kids from Europe (mostly British) killing about 250 totally innocent lives?

Nah, that had nothing to do with Islamic bigotry, did it? Oh I forgot, MUSLIMS have a right to kill non Muslims. It's in their Koran. Read all about it.
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Nah, you just happened to adopt Islamic mindset and intolerance of non Musims through marriage. Tell, how are things in Bali Indonesia after Muslim animals blew up a night club filled with teen age kids from Europe (mostly British) killing about 250 totally innocent lives?

Two major errors of fact: Firstly, the victims were mainly Australian, and Australians were an important target. Secondly, 200 were killed, not 250. Not that many of the victims were teenagers.

It might also surprise you to learn that Bali is NOT Muslim - it's largely Hindu.

Hence the bombing impacted the lives of local Hindu families as much as anyone else - their businesses were crushed for a good five years.

Bali is doing well again now, but it will perhaps never be the giant drunken whorehouse it was.
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Fred Neanderthal Flintstone forgot that if a Muslim converts to another religion, the punishment is death, which is being practiced TODAY. Heh heh heh! What a fucking moron. Where do these idiots come from? Does anybody know?

Roudy, by any measure you are the weakest poster on this forum - bar none.

Your incessant racist and zoophobic abuse and hilarious gaffes are in no way superior to those of Ima, Ariux or any of the other nutcases on this site. You are all one and the same.

You do know this, I believe, and pretending otherwise does you no favours.
Hey Saigoon...speaking of "racism" how are things down at your favorite neo Nazi website STORM FRONT? Do you tell your Neo Nazi buddies how you have those Jews fooled into thinking you're on their side? You forget, we OUTED you a long time ago. You should be the last person to accuse people of racism.
Roudy -

As I have explained to you perhaps 20 or 30 times now, I posted on Stormfront as an anti-fascist. You didn't out me - I posted here about my posting on Stormfront a few times. It's no secret.

I am happy to provide you are anyone else with my handle, and you can go and see for yourself.

PLEASE try and post honestly.
Nah, you just happened to adopt Islamic mindset and intolerance of non Musims through marriage. Tell, how are things in Bali Indonesia after Muslim animals blew up a night club filled with teen age kids from Europe (mostly British) killing about 250 totally innocent lives?

Two major errors of fact: Firstly, the victims were mainly Australian, and Australians were an important target. Secondly, 200 were killed, not 250. Not that many of the victims were teenagers.

It might also surprise you to learn that Bali is NOT Muslim - it's largely Hindu.

Hence the bombing impacted the lives of local Hindu families as much as anyone else - their businesses were crushed for a good five years.

Bali is doing well again now, but it will perhaps never be the giant drunken whorehouse it was.
Did I ask you, cocksucker? Fact is, Muslims blew up Bali because it represented "Christian / Western corruption and impurity" as the perpetrators indicated. It's a party town where kids go to enjoy the beautiful beaches and blow off some steam and release their raging hormones. Just like party towns across the US and many places in the world.

It's better you shut your trap if you have nothing intelligent to say.
Roudy -

As I have explained to you perhaps 20 or 30 times now, I posted on Stormfront as an anti-fascist. You didn't out me - I posted here about my posting on Stormfront a few times. It's no secret.

I am happy to provide you are anyone else with my handle, and you can go and see for yourself.

PLEASE try and post honestly.
Yeah sure. You just loved to visit stormfront to catch up on the latest anti Israel garbage consoiracies because because you also consider Israel a apartheid and "facist" country.

I bet with your "anti Zionist" stance, you and the neo Nazis there had a lot to talk about.
Roudy -

It's better you shut your trap if you have nothing intelligent to say.

This might make more sense if you had not just posted a string of factual errors, or if you had a clue of anything at all to do with Bali or Balinese culture.

But you don't have a clue, and you know you don't.

btw. Please try and limit the petulant abuse. I understand that you are embarrassed and enraged, but as I have said a hundred times before - I am not responsible for your lack of knowledge. It's your issue.
Actually---the real motive behind the muslim atrocity ---the BALI NIGHT CLUB bombing was an effort to DESTROY THE LIVELIHOOD of hindus Bali is largely Hindu and -------sought separation from Indonesia and the filth of islamic oppression. The motive was not all that different from the islamic atroicty in MUMBAI similar filth
Actually---the real motive behind the muslim atrocity ---the BALI NIGHT CLUB bombing was an effort to DESTROY THE LIVELIHOOD of hindus Bali is largely Hindu and -------sought separation from Indonesia and the filth of islamic oppression. The motive was not all that different from the islamic atroicty in MUMBAI similar filth

Bali has never sought to be independent - that was East Timor. There is also a separatist movement in Irian Jaya.

There have been periods in Indonesia where Hinduism has been oppressed, but in general the standard of living in Bali and the infrastructure are fat better than in many Christian islands (i.e. Flores) or Muslim islands (Sumba, Sumbawa). At least this is my experience.

The main target of the bombings were American and Australian citizens; but I dare say the terrorists were not greatly concerned about Hindu casualities.
Roudy -

It's better you shut your trap if you have nothing intelligent to say.

This might make more sense if you had not just posted a string of factual errors, or if you had a clue of anything at all to do with Bali or Balinese culture.

But you don't have a clue, and you know you don't.

btw. Please try and limit the petulant abuse. I understand that you are embarrassed and enraged, but as I have said a hundred times before - I am not responsible for your lack of knowledge. It's your issue.

Yeah sure, Indonesia is a bastion of Muslim tolerance towards Christians! Bwahahahahah!


At 23:05 Central Indonesian Time (15:05 UTC) on 12 October 2002, a suicide bomber inside the nightclub Paddy's Pub detonated a bomb in his backpack, causing many patrons, with or without injuries, to immediately flee into the street. Twenty seconds later, a second and much more powerful car bomb hidden inside a white Mitsubishi van was detonated by another suicide bomber outside the Sari Club, located opposite Paddy's Pub. The van was also rigged for detonation by remote control in case the second bomber had a sudden change of heart[citation needed]. Damage to the densely populated residential and commercial district was immense, destroying neighboring buildings and shattering windows several blocks away. The car bomb explosion left a one meter deep crater.[4]

The final death toll was 202, mainly comprising Western tourists and holiday-makers in their 20s and 30s who were in or near Paddy's Pub or the Sari Club, but also including many Balinese Indonesians working or living nearby, or simply passing by. Hundreds more people suffered horrific burns and other injuries. The largest group among those killed were holidayers from Australia with 88 fatalities. On 14 October, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1438 condemning the attack as a threat to international peace and security.

Country Deaths
Australia 88
Indonesia 38
United Kingdom 24
United States 7
Sweden 6
Germany 6
Netherlands 4
France 4
Denmark 3
New Zealand 3
Switzerland 3
Brazil 2
Canada 2
Japan 2
South Africa 2
South Korea 2
Ecuador 1
Greece 1
Ireland 1
Italy 1
Poland 1
Portugal 1
Taiwan 1
Unknown 2
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Roudy -

Great. I am glad you went and checked.

As you can see - the major group of casualities were Australian - not British. Bali is a huge destination for Australian and NZ tourists - much less so for Brits who more often go to Spain, Thailand, Turkey etc.

And the death toll was 200, not 250.
Roudy -

Great. I am glad you went and checked.

As you can see - the major group of casualities were Australian - not British. Bali is a huge destination for Australian and NZ tourists - much less so for Brits who more often go to Spain, Thailand, Turkey etc.

And the death toll was 200, not 250.
Brits suffered 24 deaths, third highest, while Americans had 7, and NZ had 3. . Now who's "factually incorrect"? And that doesn't include all those that have suffered lifelong injuries. Bali is a regular vacation spot for British, and the bombers knew that. This is what you do, you divert the conversation from the big picture with your BS spell check and "numbers", as a lame attempt to justify Muslims walking into a nightclub and massacring over two hundred 20 and 30 year olds.
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