Who is a Jew?

Anybody ever tell you that Wikipedia is a website that is based on user information? .

Ah, so Wikipedia is wrong. Of course you would know better.

Despite the fact that any one of a hundred other sources would confirm the point. Such as this one:

Sunday post , ” Ma`loula ” is the only place which still speak “Jesus” language in the world | mmmluck

You really are absolutely impermeable to new information aren't you?

And yes, I know you don't know what 'impermeable' means.
Wikipediai is not wrong. If you noticed my link about Kurdish Jews speaking Aramaic is from Wikipedia.


Kurdish Jews or Kurdistani Jews (Hebrew: יהודי כורדיסטן*, Yehudei Kurdistan, lit. Jews of Kurdistan; Aramaic: יהודיא, Hozaye; Kurdish: Kurdên cihû) are the ancient Eastern Jewish communities, inhabiting the region known as Kurdistan in northern Mesopotamia, roughly covering parts of Iran, northern Iraq, Syria and eastern Turkey. Their clothing and culture is similar to neighbouring Kurdish Muslims and Christian Assyrians. Until their immigration to Israel in the 1940s and early 1950s, the Jews of Kurdistan lived as closed ethnic communities. Kurdish Jews largely spoke Aramaic, with some speaking native Kurdish dialects. For example, in Iraqi Kurdistan, they spoke both Aramaic and the Kurmanji dialect. After coming to Israel however, those who spoke Kurmanji switched over to Aramaic. Today, the large majority of Kurdish Jews and their descendants live in Israel.

According to the memoirs of Benjamin of Tudela and Pethahiah of Regensburg, there were about 100 Jewish settlements and substantial Jewish population in Kurdistan in 12th century. Benjamin of Tudela also gives the account of David Alroi, the messianic leader from central Kurdistan, who rebelled against the king of Persia and had plans to lead the Jews back to Jerusalem. These travellers also report of well-established and wealthy Jewish communities in Mosul, which was the commercial and spiritual center of Kurdistan. Many Jews fearful of approaching crusaders, had fled from Syria and Palestine to Babylonia and Kurdistan. The Jews of Mosul enjoyed some degree of autonomy over managing their own community.[8]

As you can see, the Jews are back in their ancient homeland today.
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And from your link...

"Until their immigration to Israel in the 1940s and early 1950s"

...is really backing up my point.

Very few Kurdish Jews live in 'Kurdistan' these days, because they fled oppression by the Shah, for instance.

In Israel those Kurdish Jews are more likely to be using Hebrew in the supermarket (or Arabic) than Aramaic I suspect.
Ima -

I suggest you log out and don't come back.

Try again in six months with a new handle, and hopefully a little more maturity.

Saigon, is it true that Finland's national motto is: We Surrender? :lol:
Saigon, your list above is way too short...... AriuXXX, Mr ALways Wrong, DougerBooger, and a few others are similarly reality-challenged.

I DON'T share Roudy's views on this topic - but I think he's just trying to address the above filthmongers in their terms.

Mmmmm, though I have noticed the prevalence of 'Nazi' memes about Jews being very prominent among many 'Palestinian supporter' individuals.

You're definitely right about Ariux...most of the others names I don't recognise.

I'm not a fan of banning people and aren't suggesting any of the above names here be banned, but people like Ariux, Ima and Roudy do more to poision any rational debate than encourage it.
Anybody ever told you that your "opinions" don't count? You're just upset that I constantly embarrass you and expose your ignorance.
And from your link...

"Until their immigration to Israel in the 1940s and early 1950s"

...is really backing up my point.

Very few Kurdish Jews live in 'Kurdistan' these days, because they fled oppression by the Shah, for instance.

In Israel those Kurdish Jews are more likely to be using Hebrew in the supermarket (or Arabic) than Aramaic I suspect.
They are not only in Israel. They are all over the world. For example those that fled the Islamist animals in Iran are now in the US and Canada and UK. They actually migrated into Iran from Kurdistan during the Shah's time. The ones that are over 70 would still be talking Aramaic to each other no matter where they are.

I'm getting tired of correcting your stupidity.

You really are one of the most ignorant arrogant assholes I have ever seen. You go from saying one ignorant statement to another.

"Reza Shah was the first Iranian Monarch after 1400 years that paid respect to the Jews by praying to the Torah and bowing in front of it, when visiting the Jewish community of Isfahan. An act that boasted the self-esteem of the Iranian Jews and made Reza Shah the second most respected Iranian leader after Cyrus the Great.

In 1948, there was a high concentration of Jewish communities in Kurdistan. There were around 12,000 Jews scattered in approximately 15 Jewish settlements in Iranian Kurdistan. After the formation of the State of Israel many Jews in the area left for Tehran, in transit to Israel. The move angered the Muslim authorities. In March 1950, 12 Jews were murdered in Kurdistan. As a result more Jews moved to Tehran and demanded protection. The Iranian government guaranteed their safe passage. By March 1951, 8000, Iranian Jews had moved to Israel, the first major emigration in 20th century. After the formation of Israel in 1949, all the Muslim countries in the region expelled their local Jewish population except Iran. By 1966, the number of Jews immigrated to Israel had reached 22,000."
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People really should be banned for posting trash like that.

For now ignore mode will have to do.
Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

The three posters here who regularly rely on racist abuse (yourself, Ima and to some extent Sunni Man) all do so because you have no other means of producing a rational coherent argument.

You do not understand that the words 'Nazi mentality' nor 'Palestinian supporter' mean, thus I suggest you either find out or desist from using them. They have nothing whatsoever in common, whereas your own posting of obsessive and sexualized racial abuse is fascist in nature.
"nazi mentality" is when someone says this and then follows with a "smile":

"ima: Isn't a Jew someone who screams when you put them in an oven?"

Isn't it great that Palestinians can rely in the ima's of this world as supporters?
Isn't a Jew someone who screams when you put them in an oven? :D

People really should be banned for posting trash like that.

For now ignore mode will have to do.
Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Absolutely correct. I don't want them to hide their feelings. I want it out in the open.
Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

The three posters here who regularly rely on racist abuse (yourself, Ima and to some extent Sunni Man) all do so because you have no other means of producing a rational coherent argument.

You do not understand that the words 'Nazi mentality' nor 'Palestinian supporter' mean, thus I suggest you either find out or desist from using them. They have nothing whatsoever in common, whereas your own posting of obsessive and sexualized racial abuse is fascist in nature.
"nazi mentality" is when someone says this and then follows with a "smile":

"ima: Isn't a Jew someone who screams when you put them in an oven?"

Isn't it great that Palestinians can rely in the ima's of this world as supporters?

Roudy, anyone who won't cum all over the Torah is a nazi in your book. :D
People really should be banned for posting trash like that.

For now ignore mode will have to do.
Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Absolutely correct. I don't want them to hide their feelings. I want it out in the open.

What are you homos talking about?

I LOVE Jews....... extra crispy. :D
Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Absolutely correct. I don't want them to hide their feelings. I want it out in the open.

What are you homos talking about?

I LOVE Jews....... extra crispy. :D

Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Absolutely correct. I don't want them to hide their feelings. I want it out in the open.

What are you homos talking about?

I LOVE Jews....... extra crispy. :D
I do believe that Ima is a relative of Ilsa Koch who was called the Bitch of Buchenwald, As far as Ima bringing up "homos," I suggest that she read the book "Pink Swastika." No wonder Ima can't pick up any guys in the Bund Hall no matter how close a shave she gives herself.

Absolutely correct. I don't want them to hide their feelings. I want it out in the open.

What are you homos talking about?

I LOVE Jews....... extra crispy. :D


Well at least you get it that I'm only joking, those other retards are so anal-retentive and frustrated that they can't help themselves from lashing out. It's fun, it's like poking a retard with a stick. :D
What are you homos talking about?

I LOVE Jews....... extra crispy. :D


Well at least you get it that I'm only joking, those other retards are so anal-retentive and frustrated that they can't help themselves from lashing out. It's fun, it's like poking a retard with a stick. :D
No, Shit-For-Brains, it's inappropriate, classless and vulgar. Nothing to joke about.
What are you homos talking about?

I LOVE Jews....... extra crispy. :D


Well at least you get it that I'm only joking, those other retards are so anal-retentive and frustrated that they can't help themselves from lashing out. It's fun, it's like poking a retard with a stick. :D

I understood you're joking, must be, to post such things, however, that might not be as funny to others.
The three posters here who regularly rely on racist abuse (yourself, Ima and to some extent Sunni Man) all do so because you have no other means of producing a rational coherent argument.

You do not understand that the words 'Nazi mentality' nor 'Palestinian supporter' mean, thus I suggest you either find out or desist from using them. They have nothing whatsoever in common, whereas your own posting of obsessive and sexualized racial abuse is fascist in nature.
"nazi mentality" is when someone says this and then follows with a "smile":

"ima: Isn't a Jew someone who screams when you put them in an oven?"

Isn't it great that Palestinians can rely in the ima's of this world as supporters?

Roudy, anyone who won't cum all over the Torah is a nazi in your book. :D
No, but you're definitely a classless Jew-hating Nazi whore.
The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.

The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish. (beingjewish.com)

That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.

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