Who is a Jew?

Roudy -

I think everyone on this board realises that you can never admit that you were wrong, and you will never debate any topic honestly.

It just isn't you.

I claimed that the only place on earth in which Aramaic is still widely spoken is Ma'Loula.

You can confirm that this is true on as many sources as you like. It remains true.

I am not responsible for the fact that you are woefully ill-informed, ill-educated and semi-literate.
I'm not responsible for your stupidity and ignorance. You are a pathetic ignoramus.

Saigon said:

Roudy -
Actually, no, I did not claim that.
I claimed - quite correctly - that Ma'Louda is the only place on earth where Aramaic is still spoken on a day-to-day basis. I did NOT say that only Christians speak it, nor that other people do not speak it.

Liars like Saigoon have bad memories? Time for your crash landing:

Saigoon previously said:
You seem to be confused.
The only community which really can be considered to speak Aramaic today are the villagers of Ma'Lolua in Syria.
It's a beautiful town, not terribly far from Damascus.

Your words. No other "interpretation" other than I made you eat shit, yet again.

YOU, are a classless GOAT, with little or NO KNOWLEDGE whatsoever. Like I said, a braggart, that is not to be taken seriously.
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Roudy -

I'm really not interested in your endless off-topic abuse and fragile ego.

If you want to attack statements no one ever made - go right ahead.

Again, it is not my fault that you have never been to any of the places we discuss, that you have not read the books, and in all honestly could not locate most of the places on a map. The fact that 90% of your posting is simple minded name-calling suggests to me that you are also well aware that you can not actually debate at an adult level, so don't try.

That is your issue, and yours alone. It is not true of many other posters on this board, most of whom are far more informed than you are.
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Roudy -

I'm really not interested in your endless off-topic abuse and fragile ego.

If you want to attack statements no one ever made - go right ahead.

Again, it is not my fault that you have never been to any of the places we discuss, that you have not read the books, and in all honestly could not locate most of the places on a map. The fact that 90% of your posting is simple minded name-calling suggests to me that you are also well aware that you can not actually debate at an adult level, so don't try.

That is your issue, and yours alone. It is not true of many other posters on this board, most of whom are far more informed than you are.
I understand that you now need to WHINE to diffuse the embarrassment that I caused you.

I'm just amazed at your low learning curve here.
Roudy -

The only place on earth where Aramaic is still widely spoken is Ma'Lolua in Syria.

And yes - I have been there.

Why would I be embarassed about that?
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Roudy -

The only place on earth where Aramaic is still widely spoken is Ma'Lolua in Syria.

And yes - I have been there.

Why would I be embarassed about that?
Nope. Kurdish Jews who are older also speak it, widely, as evidenced. So, you're not only wrong, but also an arrogant asshole that can't admit it. Now go fuck yourself, cause apparently nobody else will.
Roudy -

" It is known as the last surviving place where Western Aramaic (Aramaic of Jesus) is still spoken."

Ma'loula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This doesn't mean no one else in the world speaks Aramaic, it means that M'Loula is the only PLACE where Armaic is the lingua franca.

For anyone literate and not desperately insecure, this is not a diffcult point to grasp.
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Roudy -

" It is known as the last surviving place where Western Aramaic (Aramaic of Jesus) is still spoken."

Ma'loula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This doesn't mean no one else in the world speaks Aramaic, it means that M'Loula is the only PLACE where Armaic is the lingua franca.

For anyone literate and not desperately insecure, this is not a diffcult point to grasp.
Stop trying to weasel out, you asshole. You claimed I was confused about the Aramaic the Kurdish Jews speak with each other, TODAY. And they do that as their main language also. Anybody ever tell you that Wikipedia is a website that is based on user information? What a fucking moron.

Saigon the lying weasel said:
You seem to be confused.
The only community which really can be considered to speak Aramaic today are the villagers of Ma'Lolua in Syria.
It's a beautiful town, not terribly far from Damascus.

I can keep reminding you and the board that you're an ignorant arrogant asshole as long as you want me to. Using your very own words. So all this "I didnt say this...blah blah blah" or "I didn't mean it that way...yada yada yada" crap you're trying to pull isn't going to work.
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Of course you were confused, Roudy - you generally are.

Why you keep up this bluff and bluster routine rather than being open to learning new things, I have no idea, but it really holds you back in discussions.

Amazingly enough, the predominant language amongst Kurds is KURDISH.

Kurds living in Turkey generally speak Turkish as well as Kurdish, just as those living in Syria generally speak Arabic, and so forth. No doubt some also speak Russian - this does not make Russian a Kurdish language. The usage of Aramaic by Jews decreased markely from 1950, when so many fled to Israel.

How you can not know this absolutely amazes me...
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Anybody ever tell you that Wikipedia is a website that is based on user information? .

Ah, so Wikipedia is wrong. Of course you would know better.

Despite the fact that any one of a hundred other sources would confirm the point. Such as this one:


You really are absolutely impermeable to new information aren't you?

And yes, I know you don't know what 'impermeable' means.
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Of course you were confused, Roudy - you generally are.

Why you keep up this bluff and bluster routine rather than being open to learning new things, I have no idea, but it really holds you back in discussions.

Amazingly enough, the predominant language amongst Kurds is KURDISH.

Kurds living in Turkey generally speak Turkish as well as Kurdish, just as those living in Syria generally speak Arabic, and so forth. No doubt some also speak Russian - this does not make Russian a Kurdish language. The usage of Aramaic by Jews decreased markely from 1950, when so many fled to Israel.

How you can not know this absolutely amazes me...
And of course the Syrians that speak Aramaic, also speak Arabic as they live in an Arab country, you moron. What exactly is your point. You just can't admit that you were wrong, those Christians aren't the ONLY people that speak Aramaic, as you initially claimed, and tried to backtrack when I proved you wrong. Had you not put the word "only" you would have understood that the Kurdish Jews and those Syrian Christians speak Aramaic mainly because their ancestors are from the same region. But you're too stupid to realize that, and instead chose to be embarrassed.

I just think it's very interesting that there is a large community of Jews that still speak the same lanaguge as the ancient Jews of Israel, including Jesus. Hence proving a direct link between today's Jews and the ancient Jews, and that they not only maintained a presence in Israel but also in the region over the millenea. You won't find any Muslims speaking Aramaic, Kurdish or Arabs.
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And of course the Syrians that speak Aramaic, also speak Arabic as they live in an Arab country, you moron. What exactly is your point. .

My point is - and I think I'm explaining this for the 3rd or 4th time now - is that Ma'louda is the ONLY place in the world where Aramaic is used as the lingua franca or predominant local language. Nothing to do with being Christian, by the way.

Any one of a hundred encyclopedias can confirm this for you.

I have to say, it takes one very long, long drink from the fountain of idiocy to achieve the state of complete ignorance you have obtained.
Isn't a Jew someone who screams when you put them in an oven? :D

People really should be banned for posting trash like that.

For now ignore mode will have to do.
Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Isn't a Jew someone who screams when you put them in an oven? :D

People really should be banned for posting trash like that.

For now ignore mode will have to do.
Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

The three posters here who regularly rely on racist abuse (yourself, Ima and to some extent Sunni Man) all do so because you have no other means of producing a rational coherent argument.

You do not understand that the words 'Nazi mentality' nor 'Palestinian supporter' mean, thus I suggest you either find out or desist from using them. They have nothing whatsoever in common, whereas your own posting of obsessive and sexualized racial abuse is fascist in nature.
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Saigon, your list above is way too short...... AriuXXX, Mr ALways Wrong, DougerBooger, and a few others are similarly reality-challenged.

I DON'T share Roudy's views on this topic - but I think he's just trying to address the above filthmongers in their terms.

Mmmmm, though I have noticed the prevalence of 'Nazi' memes about Jews being very prominent among many 'Palestinian supporter' individuals.
And of course the Syrians that speak Aramaic, also speak Arabic as they live in an Arab country, you moron. What exactly is your point. .

My point is - and I think I'm explaining this for the 3rd or 4th time now - is that Ma'louda is the ONLY place in the world where Aramaic is used as the lingua franca or predominant local language. Nothing to do with being Christian, by the way.

Any one of a hundred encyclopedias can confirm this for you.

I have to say, it takes one very long, long drink from the fountain of idiocy to achieve the state of complete ignorance you have obtained.
The Kurdish Jews that I know, address each other only and always in Aramaic. The Kurdish Muslims do not speak Aramaic nor do they have a clue what it is. Now! many of these same Jews aren't necessarily Kurdish, they may have been born and raised in a different part of Iraq, and subsequently moved to Iraqi Kurdistan after the Arab pogroms began. I agree that the language among these Jews is dying as it is not being taught in any formal way. The younger generation merely understands it because their parents speak it to each other. Although as I indicated the effort to keep the culture, the dances, clothing, foods, etc is still there, but not as much the language.
People really should be banned for posting trash like that.

For now ignore mode will have to do.
Why? Ima symbolizes the Nazi mentality of the Palestinian supporters quite well. I think she / he (most likely 'it') should be given a platform.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

The three posters here who regularly rely on racist abuse (yourself, Ima and to some extent Sunni Man) all do so because you have no other means of producing a rational coherent argument.

You do not understand that the words 'Nazi mentality' nor 'Palestinian supporter' mean, thus I suggest you either find out or desist from using them. They have nothing whatsoever in common, whereas your own posting of obsessive and sexualized racial abuse is fascist in nature.
Well that's another inconvenient truth you fail to recognize. That Arabs and Muslims repeat the same themes and propoganda as Nazis due to historical reasons, and this website outlines the reasons why.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Saigon, your list above is way too short...... AriuXXX, Mr ALways Wrong, DougerBooger, and a few others are similarly reality-challenged.

I DON'T share Roudy's views on this topic - but I think he's just trying to address the above filthmongers in their terms.

Mmmmm, though I have noticed the prevalence of 'Nazi' memes about Jews being very prominent among many 'Palestinian supporter' individuals.

You're definitely right about Ariux...most of the others names I don't recognise.

I'm not a fan of banning people and aren't suggesting any of the above names here be banned, but people like Ariux, Ima and Roudy do more to poision any rational debate than encourage it.

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