Who is a Jew?

Actually---the real motive behind the muslim atrocity ---the BALI NIGHT CLUB bombing was an effort to DESTROY THE LIVELIHOOD of hindus Bali is largely Hindu and -------sought separation from Indonesia and the filth of islamic oppression. The motive was not all that different from the islamic atroicty in MUMBAI similar filth
The main motive as always and in simple terms, is Muslim intolerence and violence towards non Muslims. Same Islamic barbarism, different geographic location.
Actually---the real motive behind the muslim atrocity ---the BALI NIGHT CLUB bombing was an effort to DESTROY THE LIVELIHOOD of hindus Bali is largely Hindu and -------sought separation from Indonesia and the filth of islamic oppression. The motive was not all that different from the islamic atroicty in MUMBAI similar filth
The main motive as always and in simple terms, is Muslim intolerence and violence towards non Muslims. Same Islamic barbarism, different geographic location.

That's why is wasn't a good idea to set up Israel right smack in the middle of their sand pile? :dunno:
Actually---the real motive behind the muslim atrocity ---the BALI NIGHT CLUB bombing was an effort to DESTROY THE LIVELIHOOD of hindus Bali is largely Hindu and -------sought separation from Indonesia and the filth of islamic oppression. The motive was not all that different from the islamic atroicty in MUMBAI similar filth
The main motive as always and in simple terms, is Muslim intolerence and violence towards non Muslims. Same Islamic barbarism, different geographic location.

That's why is wasn't a good idea to set up Israel right smack in the middle of their sand pile? :dunno:

ISRAEL is where ISRAEL has been for more than 4000 years Jews have a specific attachment to the specific place which is Israel in a manner more entrenched than Muslims have a specific attachment to the birth place of the rapist pig of arabia and hindus have an attachment to the SPECIFIC RIVER ---the GANGES
ISRAEL is where ISRAEL has been for more than 4000 years Jews have a specific attachment to the specific place which is Israel in a manner more entrenched than Muslims have a specific attachment to the birth place of the rapist pig of arabia and hindus have an attachment to the SPECIFIC RIVER ---the GANGES

Why do you talk about God Damned Jews like they're not God Damned?
ISRAEL is where ISRAEL has been for more than 4000 years Jews have a specific attachment to the specific place which is Israel in a manner more entrenched than Muslims have a specific attachment to the birth place of the rapist pig of arabia and hindus have an attachment to the SPECIFIC RIVER ---the GANGES

Why do you talk about God Damned Jews like they're not God Damned?

is this GOD DAMNED thing something you learned on a friday or on a sunday?
ISRAEL is where ISRAEL has been for more than 4000 years Jews have a specific attachment to the specific place which is Israel in a manner more entrenched than Muslims have a specific attachment to the birth place of the rapist pig of arabia and hindus have an attachment to the SPECIFIC RIVER ---the GANGES

Why do you talk about God Damned Jews like they're not God Damned?

is this GOD DAMNED thing something you learned on a friday or on a sunday?
Most likely, Friday.
ISRAEL is where ISRAEL has been for more than 4000 years Jews have a specific attachment to the specific place which is Israel in a manner more entrenched than Muslims have a specific attachment to the birth place of the rapist pig of arabia and hindus have an attachment to the SPECIFIC RIVER ---the GANGES

Why do you talk about God Damned Jews like they're not God Damned?
Dontcha just love all these "classy" and seemingly "peaceful" and "educated" and "well informed" not to mention "sane and rational" people that happen to also be bigtime Palestinan supporters as well?
ISRAEL is where ISRAEL has been for more than 4000 years Jews have a specific attachment to the specific place which is Israel in a manner more entrenched than Muslims have a specific attachment to the birth place of the rapist pig of arabia and hindus have an attachment to the SPECIFIC RIVER ---the GANGES

Why do you talk about God Damned Jews like they're not God Damned?
Dontcha just love all these "classy" and seemingly "peaceful" and "educated" and "well informed" not to mention "sane and rational" people that happen to also be bigtime Palestinan supporters as well?

Cause and effect or just coincidence?
That suggests, The Jewish faith is a racist group.
Jews are a race that forbids marriage outside their race, thus racist.
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?


I'll correct you.
I'm an ex bad very boy from England but I moved to Indonesia.
You name it, if it's sexual perversion, I've probably done it.
Animal, mineral or vegetable; I'll do anything to anything.

There are rules in Islam regarding marriage and they are pretty much as you stated.
However, unlike Jews, Muslims aren't a race.
You may consider the rules to be religious bigotry but they aren't racist.
I'm a white, English chap and my wife, Indonesian.
Ergo, no racism. :)

You're just rationalizing but I'm more curious about your "I'll do anything to anything" tendencies. Do you get much of a chance to act on them in Indonesia?
Why do you talk about God Damned Jews like they're not God Damned?
Dontcha just love all these "classy" and seemingly "peaceful" and "educated" and "well informed" not to mention "sane and rational" people that happen to also be bigtime Palestinan supporters as well?

Cause and effect or just coincidence?
You bring up a good point. I think it's cause and effect. Therefore:

Jew hater / Neo Nazi --> anti Semite --> "anti Zionist" --> steadfast Palestinian supporter.

Or, Nation of Islam / Islamist --> convict / criminal --> Jew hater --> anti Zionist --> Palestinian supporter.

Usually both also lead pathetic lives, and have nothing to do all day but blame Jews and America for their situation.
Can anyone explain why Christian America supports a state that doesn't have a public holiday on Christmas day?

List of Holidays Observed by the Bank of Israel in 2013

Perhaps because "Christian America" likes Jews. Or maybe "Christian America" doesn't judge people based on their religion (or national holidays) but rather on their character or contributions to progress. Maybe we just like annoying the Nazi types in our midst and nothing does that better than supporting Israel. What do you think, Indo?
Perhaps Fred, the good Muslim from Indonesia, can tell us why Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside of their faith. If a non-believing man wants to marry a Muslim woman, he has to become a Muslim. Then on the other hand, a Muslim man can marry a non-believer because the children take the father's faith. Let us even have Fred tell us why in one of the Islamic religious writings, it is stated to not even take a non-believer as a friend? Does Fred not consider these things racist, or are only things considered racist when it comes to the Jews?


I'll correct you.
I'm an ex bad very boy from England but I moved to Indonesia.
You name it, if it's sexual perversion, I've probably done it.
Animal, mineral or vegetable; I'll do anything to anything.

There are rules in Islam regarding marriage and they are pretty much as you stated.
However, unlike Jews, Muslims aren't a race.
You may consider the rules to be religious bigotry but they aren't racist.
I'm a white, English chap and my wife, Indonesian.
Ergo, no racism. :)

You're just rationalizing but I'm more curious about your "I'll do anything to anything" tendencies. Do you get much of a chance to act on them in Indonesia?
Notice, Sayit, that he thinks the Jews are a race. I wonder if he thinks all the Jews are Caucasians when they actually belong to different races, not just one. And of course, unlike the Arabs, the Jews don't have a word in Hebrew which denotes a Black person as a slave.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emmy82tFT30]A Chinese Jewish wedding in Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]

I'll correct you.
I'm an ex bad very boy from England but I moved to Indonesia.
You name it, if it's sexual perversion, I've probably done it.
Animal, mineral or vegetable; I'll do anything to anything.

There are rules in Islam regarding marriage and they are pretty much as you stated.
However, unlike Jews, Muslims aren't a race.
You may consider the rules to be religious bigotry but they aren't racist.
I'm a white, English chap and my wife, Indonesian.
Ergo, no racism. :)

You're just rationalizing but I'm more curious about your "I'll do anything to anything" tendencies. Do you get much of a chance to act on them in Indonesia?
Notice, Sayit, that he thinks the Jews are a race. I wonder if he thinks all the Jews are Caucasians when they actually belong to different races, not just one. And of course, unlike the Arabs, the Jews don't have a word in Hebrew which denotes a Black person as a slave.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emmy82tFT30]A Chinese Jewish wedding in Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]jt2

What I find curious is how he considers the same religious based rules within Islam to be just "religious bigotry" while those within Judaism are "racism."
It smacks of someone looking for ways to express his mindless hate for Joooos.

Frankly, I prefer the out-of-the-closet anti-Semitism of those like Ariux to the smarmy, pseudo-intellectual rationalizations of those like Fred. Just my opinion, of course.
Actually---the real motive behind the muslim atrocity ---the BALI NIGHT CLUB bombing was an effort to DESTROY THE LIVELIHOOD of hindus Bali is largely Hindu and -------sought separation from Indonesia and the filth of islamic oppression. The motive was not all that different from the islamic atroicty in MUMBAI similar filth

The goal of the Bali bombers was to destabilise the Indonesian economy in an attempt to take over the country.
They managed to totally shag the tourist trade for years but didn't managed to remove the government.
The Bali tourist trade wasn't the only one to suffer. All of Indonesia lost it's tourist income over a space of about three days.
Given 86% of Indonesians are Muslims; it was mostly Muslims who lost out.
Jogjakarta and Wonosobo areas were major tourist magnets, both emptied and a lot of people lost their jobs.
There were a lot of happy faces when the cops finally managed to kill the bastards who did Bali.
I know the cops that killed that terrorist twat in Termanggung (The ill informed idiots will have to google that but I lived near there), those cops were all Muslims.
What I find curious is how he considers the same religious based rules within Islam to be just "religious bigotry" while those within Judaism are "racism."
It smacks of someone looking for ways to express his mindless hate for Joooos.

Frankly, I prefer the out-of-the-closet anti-Semitism of those like Ariux to the smarmy, pseudo-intellectual rationalizations of those like Fred. Just my opinion, of course.

Because Jews are considered to be a race by the United States Supreme Court but Muslims are not.

Argue with your court system, not me.

And the British courts...

Any other question?
What I find curious is how he considers the same religious based rules within Islam to be just "religious bigotry" while those within Judaism are "racism."
It smacks of someone looking for ways to express his mindless hate for Joooos.

Frankly, I prefer the out-of-the-closet anti-Semitism of those like Ariux to the smarmy, pseudo-intellectual rationalizations of those like Fred. Just my opinion, of course.

Because Jews are considered to be a race by the United States Supreme Court but Muslims are not.

Argue with your court system, not me.

And the British courts...

Any other question?
Who do what?
the statement that a RELIGION that forbids marriage outside the faith----is "racist" makes no sense. A religion that forbids marriage outside the RACE might be considered "racist". A religion is a set of beliefs----not a "race"

But Jews are also a race.
Adolf Hitler and United States Supreme Court says so.

PS - Those London Jews.

I keep being informed muslims are bastards towards women and force them to dress in a given way.
Perhaps Roudy can explain this as well.


This sign is in Me'a She'arim.

Your point being...

Extremist Jews are no better than extremist Muslims but no one bleats on about the idiot end of Judaism.
But Jews are also a race.
Adolf Hitler and United States Supreme Court says so.

PS - Those London Jews.

I keep being informed muslims are bastards towards women and force them to dress in a given way.
Perhaps Roudy can explain this as well.


This sign is in Me'a She'arim.

Your point being...

Extremist Jews are no better than extremist Muslims but no one bleats on about the idiot end of Judaism.
I don't have to worry about my head being harvested around extremist Jews.
This sign is in Me'a She'arim.

Your point being...

Extremist Jews are no better than extremist Muslims but no one bleats on about the idiot end of Judaism.
I don't have to worry about my head being harvested around extremist Jews.

Of course not; it get smashed like an eggshell under falling concrete.

King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


JDL Unleashes Campaign of Violence in America

A series of harassments, demonstrations and physical attacks against Soviet offices and personnel in New York had been launched by the JDL at the end of 1969 and continued over the next two years. The militant JDL actions included forcefully occupying some offices, spray painting Hebrew slogans proclaiming “the Jewish nation lives,” disrupting public meetings and even bombings and shootings

And they really dislike T shirts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYoh5zCRXdE]Disgusting Tactics of the JDL - YouTube[/ame]

Watch that precious head of yours - likely to get bashed by some fat cow with a sign and a PA horn.

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