Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

There's more to the Ukraine war than simply NATO's protection racket expansion. As far as Ukraine is concerned, not only are there German underpinnings in Chinese thought, the swastika is idelibly and eternally transcribed on Ukraine's geography at Mezin. Importantly, compare the River Desna at Mezin consolidating to form a swastika via four arms of the watercourse, and this consolidation, not far from Kiev:

The report says "Published about a year ago" and links to recent Greek railroad protests of Western weapons Into Ukraine:

DHL, Ukrainian Railways and Center of Transport Service Liski to Drive Connectivity Between China and Ukraine
'....international freight specialist arm of Deutsche PostDHL Group, Ukrainian Railways, and the Center of Transport Service (CTS Liski)....Steve Huang, CEO DHL Global Forwarding Greater China....with access to the Black Sea and Sea of Azov....
The enhanced rail connection Would provide Asian businesses access to the Baltic States, Belarus and the Nordic countries. Goods for neighboring countries can be consolidated in Kiev and sent by rail to China for onward dispatch to various Asian markets....Ukraine's trade with Asia is on the rise. China, Ukraine's top agricultural importer, consumed USD 141 billion worth of agricultural products in the first half of 2020, and ASEAN countries have seen their imports of Ukrainian goods increase by 48% since 2016.

This collaboration is the mark of a momentous milestone for the China-Ukraine rail corridor....Sea Transit:....as well as Shanghai to Europe via Piraeus, Greece. DHL is decisively positioned as "the logistics company for the world." '

Putin's special operation roughed up Mafia Cult Capitalism and its violent, overconfident centrifugal force generated by the crooks of the swastikan cross.
One can now understand the importance of Mariupol mentioned by Vladimir Kozin. People of significance may be holed up at Mariupol.

Random internet discourse:

"Initially, there were 20-25 thousand soldiers and officers in Mariupol....The fact that Ukraine was divided into peculiar zones of responsibility of NATO countries. And in Mariupol, there was a large intelligence center of the French Armed Forces, acting in the interests of the alliance and the Kiev regime. At some points, its staff reached hundreds of specialists, but by the time the battle for the city began, there were 53 officers of the Freench military intelligence DGSE. Why they didn't leave sooner is unknown. It is possible that they decided to continued to collect information to the last.

However, When the last opprotunity for evacuation came, they could not leavves, because the Azov militants with whom the French interacted simply would not let them out. Seeing what was going on, the nazis decided to use them as a guarantee that they themselvves would be pulled out of the boiler. In addition to French, there are mercenaries in Mariupol -- former and current offciers from Canada, Sweden and the UK, as well as a detachment of Syrian Turkomans with extensivve experience in urban combat in Syria....and perhapscareer intel officer from Canadian CSIS, the Swedish MUST, and British MI6 who like to use the status of mercenary as cover.

But in order to resolve the issue with Azov, which does not let foreigners out, one must talk to Zelenskiy. But Zelenskiy does not control the nazis of Azov, he controls little at all, and is even interested in seeing the French "burned" in Mariupol (which would deprive Paris of room for maneuver and, possibly, contribute to an increase in confrontation between EU and Russia). Paris urges the Russian leadership not to make public the fact that French intelligence officers are in Mariupol. Definitely people of significance at Mariupol."
Chinese tanks for Russia has yet to be verified. This looks legitimate, signaling China's disgust with the West's/NATO's decadent, overconfident stupidity and violence:

2022 Ap 11 China Delivers Anti-Air Missiles to Serbia

The fact that Russia needs Chinese tanks tells you how shitty Russian forces are.
After Putin's statement that Russia will resume the lunar program, the EU promised to consider a new package of sanctions for aggression against lunatics.
Apparently a supreme irony: the Azov nazis at Mariupol have been gassed. The chemical agent causes respiratory failure and vestibular ataxia. The image would be staggering around, clutching at their throats, comparable with images inside the nazi gas chambers of Germany. When the bodies are sorted out, there will most likely be foreign intel agents amongst them. Citations to follow.
Blinken doesn't have the IQ to talk the chemistry of nerve agents. It does link to Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's investigation of the Lugar Research Center, Lugar himself studying these agents and then going to Russia with the Arab son, Obama:

2022 Feb 18 What Are Russia's Chemical Weapons? Blinken Hints at Use
'....in 2017....Novichok is a nerve agent....'
This was discourse before the apparent use of chemical troops:

2022 Ap 12 'Smoke the Ukrainian Moles'
'...."When capturing Azovstal in Mariupol, you need to act more cunningly in order to avoid losses, because of the underground floors. It is pointless to storm the object. The chemical troops, I believe, will then find a means to smoke moles out of their holes." '
This report is a reversed claim:

2022 Ap 12 DPR Denies Chemical Weapon Use Accusations
The rumor of Chinese tanks coming east along the Trans-Siberian Railway may be true:

2022 Ap 12 Russian Railroad Near Ukraine Border Destroyed

Random internet:

"Multiple reporters reporting it on Twitter. An unidentified agent was delivered with a UAV. Revealed effects include respiratory failure and vestibular failures."

"Look at the drone US is sending: 'Switchblade'. "

Pentagon: "We cannot confirm at this time."
The Russian railroad report states: '....tracks along the Belgorod-Nezhego line. Citizens of the small town of Shebekino near the railroad heard explosions at 7 A. Belgorod authortities announced formation of 'voluntary militia units' following the news. Ukrainian military intelligence warned that Russia could be planning to stage terror attacks on its own territory and blame them on Ukraine.'
2022 Ap 12 Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, Ukraine Investigates Reports
'....James Heappy, Britain's deputy defense minister told Sky News on 12 Ap that London was also trying to verify the reports.'
Putin: Nazval feikom situatsiiu v Buche
Putin: They Faked the Situation at Bucha
'...."Peredany v FSB -- kak, kto -- u nikh est' sootvetstvuiushchie perekhvat', na kakom transprote priezhal v etot neselennyi punkt i sozdaval usloviia dlia organizatsii etoi provokatsii.
(It was) transferred to the FSB -- how, who -- they have the appropriate intercept, on what transport they came to the settlement and created the conditions for organizing this provocation." '
Random internet:

"Russian missile strike reported in Khmelnitsky region ovvernight.

Russian Aviation Agency: Extension of restrictions on air traffic and the closure of airports in southern and southwestern Russia.

Missile launch from Nova Kakhovka.

Russian plane shot down on border between Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk.

Head of NATO Military Committee: The alliance will not provide Ukraine with soldiers or aircraft in its war with Russia. Ukraine urgently needs non-military assistance as well.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast: Red Alert: aerial threat. Take cover now!

Russian continue to amass troops in Kharkiv oblast and reinforce offensive operations on the Izyum axis

Russian forces shell Luhansk oblast overnight 12 Ap....attacks on Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Krreminna, Novdruzhesk, Rubizhne."

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