Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

There is a problematic with the West's weapons flow. Yet to confrim that any Kinzhals were used. This happened at the traditional CIA citadel in Lvov oblast, where the first Kinzhal strike took out a weapons depot (Ivano-Frankivsk):

'...."Four enemy missiles hit one of the military infrastructure facilities of Lviv region. The object was completely destroyed." - Maxim Kozitsky, Gauleiter (nazi title of governor) of Lviv.'
The magazine "Monde Afrique" warns readers about the danger of the penetration of arms flows from Ukraine into Libya due to the massive and virtually uncontrolled military support of Kiev from America and the West.

"In Libya, the war has not ended yet, and for 11 long years the name of the country has merged with the word Сhaos. Countless conferences have been organized to try to restore what was destroyed by NATO, and many UN envoys have failed."
But, never mind! Glory to Ukraine!
We have already shown the Ice Age origins of the swastika in Ukraine (USMB search: Mezin).

2022 mai 15 Latvian Mercenaries 'En Route to Ukraine' Sport Nazi Insignias -Photos

Diving deeper into the pathology, one can see how Latvia excluding the Russian language in its schools is the psychosis it projects as Europe disintegrates and NATO's protection racket tries to opportunize the situation, as per the Bulgarian-turned-French, Kristeva:

Julia Kristeva's Black Sun: A Review
'Freud of course, argued that at least some depressives could have their strange combination of self-deprecation and offended pride explained by the fact that their hatred was not really directed at themselves, but at someone else: the lost object, now incorporated.

Фреид, конечно, утверждал, что, по краинеи мере, у некоторыx депрессивныx лиудеи странное сочетание само уничижения и оскорбленнои гордости может обьясняться тем фактом, что иx ненависть на самом деле направлена не на себя, а на кого-то другого: на потерянныи обьект, тепер инкорпорированныи.

But he allowed that melancholia could also stem from a real "wounded narcissism"; this is the depression that Kristeva pursues here.

Но он допускал, что меланxолия может также проистикать из настоящего "раненного нарциссизма"; ето депрессия, которую преследует едесь Кристева.'
It was Micah's comments that were translated into Russian in our analysis of the Latvian swastika:

Julia Kristeva's Black Sun Review
We believe that Kristeva's take on melancholia comes closest to defining the meaning of the Ukrainian Ice Age and modern day swastika, which was also Hitler's swastika.
War As Racket

Whereas lower IQs buy into the protection racketism and view it as some type of lack, some type of need, the more intelligent will notice that NATO needs to be lastingly boycotted and kept at bay, physically:

EU Lawmaker Threatens Turkey with Isolation in NATO if it Blocks Finland, Sweden Alliance
Trade with Russia has dropped to less than 10%. Russia has threaten to cut off electricity sales to Finland but the government says they have the capacity to make up the deficit. The same is true for natural gas. Invading Finland seems very unlikely considering that Russia is bogged down in it's invasion of Ukraine. NATO membership is a good option for Finland but maybe not for NATO.
Trade with Russia has dropped to less than 10%. Russia has threaten to cut off electricity sales to Finland but the government says they have the capacity to make up the deficit. The same is true for natural gas. Invading Finland seems very unlikely considering that Russia is bogged down in it's invasion of Ukraine. NATO membership is a good option for Finland but maybe not for NATO.
Erdogan legitimately questions Finland's legitimacy due to terrorist refugia, but never questions how the North Atlantic made it, schizophrenically, all the way to Turkey. This is a capitalist pathology of protection racketism that sets, then repels, its own limits.
V Rossii otreagirovali na vstuplenie Finliandi v NATO
In Russia, Reaction to Finland's Entry Into NATO
' Bondarev: " V sluchae, esli v Finlandii v neposredstvennoi blizhosti ot nas budut razmeshcheny nastupatel'nye, udarnye vooruzheniia NATO, my ukrepim rubeshi, usilim rossiiskuiu gruppirovku voisk na granitse.

Bondarev: In the event that NATO offensive, strike weapons are deployed in Finland in close proximity to us, we will strengthen our borders, strengthen the Russian grouping of troops on the border.

Bezopasnosti Rossii nichego ne ugrozhaet.
Nothing threatens Russia's security.

I seichas prakticheski dozhali Finnov.
And now the Finns have practically been squeezed." '

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