Who is behind the S Palen Boycott drive?


Jul 14, 2009
"Drill, Baby, Drill" comes to Discovery?

It’s one thing if Fox News gives Sarah Palin a platform. But when Discovery Communications – home to the Discovery Channel, the “Planet Earth” series, the Science Channel, Animal Planet, and TreeHugger.com – gives a show to Sarah Palin, it undercuts everything the Discovery brand has come to represent.
I guess having Obama on "Mythbusters" is no different.

I didnt watch TLC's show with her in it, b/c I am of the opinion that she is going to suffer from over exposure very soon.... and thats not a good thing IMO. Just ask Obamie...:eusa_whistle:
They paid her one and one half million dollars per episode, for eight episodes. over exposed?

What? That show was a good fit for Discovery from what I saw. I never heard of a boycott.

Methinks someone is creating problems..
Here's a novel idea:

If you don't like it, don't watch it.

That goes for about 97% of what is on T.V. these days imo.
Michael Kieschnick - Google Search

According to reports filed with the IRS, members of the Democracy Alliance gave sizable contributions this year and last year to the SoS Project. Alliance member and SoS Project co-founder Michael Kieschnick, who heads Working Assets, a long distance provider that funds so-called social justice projects, gave $10,000. Office furniture heir John R. Hunting, who is also an Alliance member, kicked in $20,000.

The American Spectator : Soros Vote Counters

Michael Kieschnick and Frannie Kieschnick were financial supporters of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Michael Kieschnick - KeyWiki
BTW.... does anyone know if they aired the section in the show where she was complaining about that idiot reporter (Joe McGinniss) living next door?

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do you think they will address Alaska's meth and prescription drug abuse problems?
It is part of Palin's Alaska.
What petition? :lol: Getting serious, she should earn all the money she can; Bristol, too. Why not? One, it is the American way; and two, if she wins the nomination, she puts the GOP in the minority for 8 years with the tidal wave that will role over her and the GOP candidates in backlash.

Romney, Christie, J. Bush, Pawlenty, anybody but Palin, guys.
What petition? :lol: Getting serious, she should earn all the money she can; Bristol, too. Why not? One, it is the American way; and two, if she wins the nomination, she puts the GOP in the minority for 8 years with the tidal wave that will role over her and the GOP candidates in backlash.

Romney, Christie, J. Bush, Pawlenty, anybody but Palin, guys.

All the more reason for her to run.... it would drive you loonies absolutely ape-shit crazy. :clap2:

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