Who Is Excited About The Employment Report?

that's about right!

Peasant: Comrade president, my daughter had a good job as a dental assistant, but got fired because of the cost of Obama care, now has to work 3 part time jobs at minimum wage.

Obama: See, I created 3 jobs....
Huh? What dentist office has more than 50 employees?
oh gawd, please, hahahahahahaaahahahaahhahahaahahahaha what a stupid fk you are. hhahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha

You just cannot win dude. The average voter sees 215,000 and knows the economy is humming. To make matters worse for the GOP, Phrump is holding the GOP hostage. Either he is given the nomination or he runs third party.

And wait, I forgot the lowest gas prices in years. Why let the GOP back into the white house and repeat the W years?

Feeling miserable yet?
see that's the delusional position a libturd takes, you think the majority doesn't know that under W, the price of gas was as cheap as it is finally today. wow that was a long seven years to get back to W's price. It took a guy like trump to finally get the people awake that threatens the White House. So November is the deciding month, so we'll see. Hillary may not even be around. So that's even a funnier thing.

And finally, the people who are unemployed vote as well, so numbers are just numbers until they become votes. And again, in November we'll see right? hahahhahahahahhahhahhahaahaahahha

BTW, you should be a little concerned, there are many libs out there who are for Trump already and that vote ain't going to the left this November. Just remember that.
Yeah, we'll see.

As of now, Hillary leads Trump in every single poll. Most by double digits.

RealClearPolitics - Clinton vs. Republicans
Peasant: Comrade president, my daughter had a good job as a dental assistant, but got fired because of the cost of Obama care, now has to work 3 part time jobs at minimum wage.

Obama: See, I created 3 jobs....
Huh? What dentist office has more than 50 employees?
oh gawd, please, hahahahahahaaahahahaahhahahaahahahaha what a stupid fk you are. hhahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha

You just cannot win dude. The average voter sees 215,000 and knows the economy is humming. To make matters worse for the GOP, Phrump is holding the GOP hostage. Either he is given the nomination or he runs third party.

And wait, I forgot the lowest gas prices in years. Why let the GOP back into the white house and repeat the W years?

Feeling miserable yet?
see that's the delusional position a libturd takes, you think the majority doesn't know that under W, the price of gas was as cheap as it is finally today. wow that was a long seven years to get back to W's price. It took a guy like trump to finally get the people awake that threatens the White House. So November is the deciding month, so we'll see. Hillary may not even be around. So that's even a funnier thing.

And finally, the people who are unemployed vote as well, so numbers are just numbers until they become votes. And again, in November we'll see right? hahahhahahahahhahhahhahaahaahahha

BTW, you should be a little concerned, there are many libs out there who are for Trump already and that vote ain't going to the left this November. Just remember that.
Yeah, we'll see.

As of now, Hillary leads Trump in every single poll. Most by double digits.

RealClearPolitics - Clinton vs. Republicans
hahhahahahhahahahahahaa you live off of a polls? wow. they aren't running against each other so I'm not sure that qualifies yet. but hey you go with it. Me, I'll wait until the contest actually begins and we get to see Hillary have to finally answer something. That's when I'll really get into this years campaign.
200 thousand a month...you do the math

So this is the new speak double think math where "bullshit + blatant lies = 200,000?"


I'm sure you are capable of posting statistics from a credible source that proves otherwise
9 million unemployed, look it up lazy.

Which gives us an unemployment rate of 5%
Look it up lazy
oh wait, that is just the undocumented ones, now add in all the ones still on unemployment. go for it. add em up that percentage is still at 8%.
200 thousand a month...you do the math

So this is the new speak double think math where "bullshit + blatant lies = 200,000?"


I'm sure you are capable of posting statistics from a credible source that proves otherwise
9 million unemployed, look it up lazy.

Which gives us an unemployment rate of 5%
Look it up lazy
I did, it's at 8%
Good Grief! If you think Phrump has a chance to win the General, you are terribly mistaken. He cannot even defeat old Bernie. The GOP asked for someone like Phrump, and now they got him. ENJOY!

Trumps demographics are crumbling. Wait till they start counting electoral votes

They will see what happens when they get one of their dream candidates instead of a RINO
I can't wait. let's go already.

Better stock up with sleeping pills. You will need them in November. Phrump, who will soon be the party standard bearer and is going to embarrass the Republican Party. There are just not enough angry white men alive to help him win.
Good Grief! If you think Phrump has a chance to win the General, you are terribly mistaken. He cannot even defeat old Bernie. The GOP asked for someone like Phrump, and now they got him. ENJOY!

Trumps demographics are crumbling. Wait till they start counting electoral votes

They will see what happens when they get one of their dream candidates instead of a RINO
I can't wait. let's go already.

Better stock up with sleeping pills. You will need them in November. Phrump, who will soon be the party standard bearer and is going to embarrass the Republican Party. There are just not enough angry white men alive to help him win.
Why would I need to sleep, so I don't vote? So you're trying to rig the election are you now, that's how afraid of Trump you are. i see. :banana:
Good Grief! If you think Phrump has a chance to win the General, you are terribly mistaken. He cannot even defeat old Bernie. The GOP asked for someone like Phrump, and now they got him. ENJOY!

Trumps demographics are crumbling. Wait till they start counting electoral votes

They will see what happens when they get one of their dream candidates instead of a RINO
I can't wait. let's go already.

Better stock up with sleeping pills. You will need them in November. Phrump, who will soon be the party standard bearer and is going to embarrass the Republican Party. There are just not enough angry white men alive to help him win.
Why would I need to sleep, so I don't vote? So you're trying to rig the election are you know, that's how afraid of Trump you are. i see. :banana:

Right.....I have been saying GO DONALD! for months. He is the DNC
Good Grief! If you think Phrump has a chance to win the General, you are terribly mistaken. He cannot even defeat old Bernie. The GOP asked for someone like Phrump, and now they got him. ENJOY!

Trumps demographics are crumbling. Wait till they start counting electoral votes

They will see what happens when they get one of their dream candidates instead of a RINO
I can't wait. let's go already.

Better stock up with sleeping pills. You will need them in November. Phrump, who will soon be the party standard bearer and is going to embarrass the Republican Party. There are just not enough angry white men alive to help him win.
Why would I need to sleep, so I don't vote? So you're trying to rig the election are you know, that's how afraid of Trump you are. i see. :banana:

Right.....I have been saying GO DONALD! for months. He is the DNC
I know the media can't say his name enough and why he will be the winner. I have my own little poll I've been taking and dude it's knocking the socks off of anyone else. ANYONE!!! Go Figure eh? Sweet dreams.
Trumps demographics are crumbling. Wait till they start counting electoral votes

They will see what happens when they get one of their dream candidates instead of a RINO
I can't wait. let's go already.

Better stock up with sleeping pills. You will need them in November. Phrump, who will soon be the party standard bearer and is going to embarrass the Republican Party. There are just not enough angry white men alive to help him win.
Why would I need to sleep, so I don't vote? So you're trying to rig the election are you know, that's how afraid of Trump you are. i see. :banana:

Right.....I have been saying GO DONALD! for months. He is the DNC
I know the media can't say his name enough and why he will be the winner. I have my own little poll I've been taking and dude it's knocking the socks off of anyone else. ANYONE!!! Go Figure eh? Sweet dreams.

"My own little poll" :banana:That worked so well for Karl Rove, huh. Is he still contesting Ohio? Are you in middle school?
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?
are you ready to defend the hoax?

I own a business. I added total of 247 employees so far just this year alone. If this is hoax I could have skinned LoneL and JakeS........... alive.
So tell me why I'm having a hard time finding electrical and mechanical Engineer? I am even paying extra money just to relocate a med tech. from Portland to California.
Yes...... and do you know how it's calculated? (psst: no you don't). Because if you did, you would know that the report routinely as a matter of practice, adds in estimates, plus they ignore the quality of the jobs. You can fire one engineer worth $100,000 a year, and higher 5 low wage warehouse workers earning $20,000 each, and the jobs report would boast "jobs created!" even while we are getting worse off.

People who make a big deal out of this, are ignorant people engaged in partisan politics.

They tend to forget the jobs report when Bush is in office, and then pop out of their rock covered holes in the ground, when their guy is in office.

The only thing we can really glean from the jobs report is, whatever it says, we should have been far far beyond where we are by now. This has been the most pathetic recovery from a recession since the great depression. Thanks Obama. Good job blowing billions to accomplish this under achievement.
So you have a ditch digging job?

Not quite. I earn about $11/hr. $21,000 a year. I don't get 40 hours, because my company doesn't want to have to pay the Obama Care tax. So I am no longer 'full time'.

Not true.

It's entirely true. In 2006 I had my own insurance policy. Today I actually have YOU pay my insurance. I can show you the bill. Cost of insurance $250, my cost, $80. Who pays the difference? You do. Good job sparky.

Why are you lying?

I'm not. Why would I lie?
Fun Fact......Conservatives suck at math

Obama created 10 million jobs, 75 times that would mean 750 million Americans on Food Stamps

Obama did not create 10 million jobs. Please. I love how because a hard working capitalist creates a job during some idiots administration, the moronic left says "They didn't build that... Obama created that job!" You people...... lol Such joke. 9-year-old debate going on here.
So you have a ditch digging job?

Not quite. I earn about $11/hr. $21,000 a year. I don't get 40 hours, because my company doesn't want to have to pay the Obama Care tax. So I am no longer 'full time'.

Not true.

It's entirely true. In 2006 I had my own insurance policy. Today I actually have YOU pay my insurance. I can show you the bill. Cost of insurance $250, my cost, $80. Who pays the difference? You do. Good job sparky.

Why are you lying?

I'm not. Why would I lie?

Because you want to make a political point.

How many hours were you dropped to? You used to work 40....but that would mean your employer would need to get Obamacare.....so he cut your hours. How many hours a week do you work now?
Not quite. I earn about $11/hr. $21,000 a year. I don't get 40 hours, because my company doesn't want to have to pay the Obama Care tax. So I am no longer 'full time'.

Not true.

It's entirely true. In 2006 I had my own insurance policy. Today I actually have YOU pay my insurance. I can show you the bill. Cost of insurance $250, my cost, $80. Who pays the difference? You do. Good job sparky.

Why are you lying?

I'm not. Why would I lie?

Because you want to make a political point.

How many hours were you dropped to? You used to work 40....but that would mean your employer would need to get Obamacare.....so he cut your hours. How many hours a week do you work now?

Not exactly. I was full time at my previous job. This job never was full time, because the company hired me on at 30 hours. The guy was very open as to why. Small company. They didn't want to pay Obama Care, and so it's a part-time job. That was my understanding. Perhaps they lied to me.

Regardless, today, you are paying for my insurance. Look at your deductions, and remember I deserve your money, sucker. $_$

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