Who Is Excited About The Employment Report?

Any grown assed man making 21k a year needs to hear 4 words loudly, and clearly: BOOT STRAPS, MOTHER FUCKER.
Because you want to make a political point.

How many hours were you dropped to? You used to work 40....but that would mean your employer would need to get Obamacare.....so he cut your hours. How many hours a week do you work now?

Not exactly. I was full time at my previous job. This job never was full time, because the company hired me on at 30 hours. The guy was very open as to why. Small company. They didn't want to pay Obama Care, and so it's a part-time job. That was my understanding. Perhaps they lied to me.

Regardless, today, you are paying for my insurance. Look at your deductions, and remember I deserve your money, sucker. $_$

30 hours per week, huh?

Now I KNOW you are lying.

And...here is what you need to know. I am HAPPY to help you get quality insurance. I want our healthy and productive. As an American, I benefit when every American is healthy. I benefit when diseases are caught early. We all benefit when our kids get vaccinations and there are no sick people running around touching doorknobs.

Figure it out, bro.

And stop lying. It's lame.

I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.
If I am paying for your healthcare because you earn too little and you're receiving government subsidies through ObamaCare, you're welcome. It's still cheaper than emergency room care.
Nope, they don't. But at least you acknowledge it's a surge.

It isn't a surge. That's the point.
Well skookerasbil just called it that so you can argue with him about it.
If anyone is thinking Trump is gonna raise the min. wage or bring jobs back from Mexico and China or even Canada...who by the way is stripping us of small business jobs....than their dreaming. Unemployment, high deficit numbers, unending wars and social unrest will always always be apart of America's economic DNA and no politicians, not even the Great and Power Oz, ie Donald Dumb is gonna change that.

Reality 101, either take a bs job that doesn't pay shit, luck on a job that does and keep it moving.....illegals and foreigners don't bitch America, they take what they can get and employers seize on that at every turn.

How is any of that different than what's going on now?
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.
Not exactly. I was full time at my previous job. This job never was full time, because the company hired me on at 30 hours. The guy was very open as to why. Small company. They didn't want to pay Obama Care, and so it's a part-time job. That was my understanding. Perhaps they lied to me.

Regardless, today, you are paying for my insurance. Look at your deductions, and remember I deserve your money, sucker. $_$

30 hours per week, huh?

Now I KNOW you are lying.

And...here is what you need to know. I am HAPPY to help you get quality insurance. I want our healthy and productive. As an American, I benefit when every American is healthy. I benefit when diseases are caught early. We all benefit when our kids get vaccinations and there are no sick people running around touching doorknobs.

Figure it out, bro.

And stop lying. It's lame.

I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.
If I am paying for your healthcare because you earn too little and you're receiving government subsidies through ObamaCare, you're welcome. It's still cheaper than emergency room care.

Thank you, because at the end of the day, we all pay for the uninsured, thats why our premiums go up, hospital cost go up, and the care decreases....the uninsured are a drain on all of us.
If anyone is thinking Trump is gonna raise the min. wage or bring jobs back from Mexico and China or even Canada...who by the way is stripping us of small business jobs....than their dreaming. Unemployment, high deficit numbers, unending wars and social unrest will always always be apart of America's economic DNA and no politicians, not even the Great and Power Oz, ie Donald Dumb is gonna change that.

Reality 101, either take a bs job that doesn't pay shit, luck on a job that does and keep it moving.....illegals and foreigners don't bitch America, they take what they can get and employers seize on that at every turn.

How is any of that different than what's going on now?
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.

It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.
30 hours per week, huh?

Now I KNOW you are lying.

And...here is what you need to know. I am HAPPY to help you get quality insurance. I want our healthy and productive. As an American, I benefit when every American is healthy. I benefit when diseases are caught early. We all benefit when our kids get vaccinations and there are no sick people running around touching doorknobs.

Figure it out, bro.

And stop lying. It's lame.

I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.
If I am paying for your healthcare because you earn too little and you're receiving government subsidies through ObamaCare, you're welcome. It's still cheaper than emergency room care.

Thank you, because at the end of the day, we all pay for the uninsured, thats why our premiums go up, hospital cost go up, and the care decreases....the uninsured are a drain on all of us.

We need to cut back on the welfare state.
I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.

Info for you for your future bullshit sessions.

1) If you work 30 hours you are considered full time for the purposes of Obamacare. So...your employer would have kept you to 29 hours in order to avoid the law. That's why I know you were lying.

2) If the company has fewer than 50 employees, there are no mandates. You probably work for a company with fewer employees than that.

3) You should not try to tell people that you used to buy your own insurance. People who made $11 per hour could not afford to buy insurance on the open market. The only way you could have had insurance is with an employer sponsored plan.

4) You won't win points when discussing this matter with a normal person because normal people know that keeping you healthy is the right thing to do. We are happy to have our tax dollars go toward the common good. It's what a fucking country is.

1. I don't know. That's what I was told.

2. I don't know. It's what I was told. I have no idea how many employees the company has.

3. I most certainly did. In 2006, I had an insurance policy on the open market that was $67 a month.

4. Are you now? Wait until the tax hikes hit, which they will. Medicare is going broke. Social Security is going broke. You are going to get hit with massive taxes. I promise you.

I already get hit with taxes. The rates are what they are. I'm not bothered by taxes. I'd happily pay 50% if it meant everyone got health care, all kids were able to go to college and all elderly people live comfortable, carefree lives. Wouldn't you?

Please give me the name of the $67 per month plan you had on the open market.

You already get hit with high taxes, and they will go higher. I guarantee it. Thankfully you seem to be ok with that. WHich is good for me.

No, I wouldn't. I'm from a different kind of person. The kind that thinks stealing is inherently wrong. Stealing for a good cause is wrong too. That's why I have no problem donating money to charity, which I do routinely, doesn't bother me. But voting to FORCE people to pay others is wrong.

If you haven't noticed, most countries that do that, end up in ruins.

I looked around to try and find the information, and I could not. I didn't keep Emails from 10 years ago. Nor apparently does ehealthinsurance.com keep a record of prior policies, which is where I purchased the policy. I couldn't even guess as to which company it was with after 10 years.
If anyone is thinking Trump is gonna raise the min. wage or bring jobs back from Mexico and China or even Canada...who by the way is stripping us of small business jobs....than their dreaming. Unemployment, high deficit numbers, unending wars and social unrest will always always be apart of America's economic DNA and no politicians, not even the Great and Power Oz, ie Donald Dumb is gonna change that.

Reality 101, either take a bs job that doesn't pay shit, luck on a job that does and keep it moving.....illegals and foreigners don't bitch America, they take what they can get and employers seize on that at every turn.

How is any of that different than what's going on now?
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.

It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.

You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.

Info for you for your future bullshit sessions.

1) If you work 30 hours you are considered full time for the purposes of Obamacare. So...your employer would have kept you to 29 hours in order to avoid the law. That's why I know you were lying.

2) If the company has fewer than 50 employees, there are no mandates. You probably work for a company with fewer employees than that.

3) You should not try to tell people that you used to buy your own insurance. People who made $11 per hour could not afford to buy insurance on the open market. The only way you could have had insurance is with an employer sponsored plan.

4) You won't win points when discussing this matter with a normal person because normal people know that keeping you healthy is the right thing to do. We are happy to have our tax dollars go toward the common good. It's what a fucking country is.

1. I don't know. That's what I was told.

2. I don't know. It's what I was told. I have no idea how many employees the company has.

3. I most certainly did. In 2006, I had an insurance policy on the open market that was $67 a month.

4. Are you now? Wait until the tax hikes hit, which they will. Medicare is going broke. Social Security is going broke. You are going to get hit with massive taxes. I promise you.

I already get hit with taxes. The rates are what they are. I'm not bothered by taxes. I'd happily pay 50% if it meant everyone got health care, all kids were able to go to college and all elderly people live comfortable, carefree lives. Wouldn't you?

Please give me the name of the $67 per month plan you had on the open market.

You already get hit with high taxes, and they will go higher. I guarantee it. Thankfully you seem to be ok with that. WHich is good for me.

No, I wouldn't. I'm from a different kind of person. The kind that thinks stealing is inherently wrong. Stealing for a good cause is wrong too. That's why I have no problem donating money to charity, which I do routinely, doesn't bother me. But voting to FORCE people to pay others is wrong.

If you haven't noticed, most countries that do that, end up in ruins.

I looked around to try and find the information, and I could not. I didn't keep Emails from 10 years ago. Nor apparently does ehealthinsurance.com keep a record of prior policies, which is where I purchased the policy. I couldn't even guess as to which company it was with after 10 years.

Silly nutter. Please try that shit on someone else.
If anyone is thinking Trump is gonna raise the min. wage or bring jobs back from Mexico and China or even Canada...who by the way is stripping us of small business jobs....than their dreaming. Unemployment, high deficit numbers, unending wars and social unrest will always always be apart of America's economic DNA and no politicians, not even the Great and Power Oz, ie Donald Dumb is gonna change that.

Reality 101, either take a bs job that doesn't pay shit, luck on a job that does and keep it moving.....illegals and foreigners don't bitch America, they take what they can get and employers seize on that at every turn.

How is any of that different than what's going on now?
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.

It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.

You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
The US already has the most efficient manufacturing sector in the world...Most is automated, because of the US's advanced technology....I was making 10 dollars an hour in the early eighties, by the later eighties it was 20 an hour, now I charge 30-50 and hour..get a trade and use it as a nucleus to increase your income through hard work...You can either work for someone and make them money, or work for yourself and make yourself money..I started this is my twenties...
NW Arkansas is booming, jobs go unfilled cause many folks seem to have a disease, called being lazy.....Full time jobs that pay for medical coverage.. I have the VA so I don't have to get involved in the ACA headache,,but my wife does, she processes the program to individuals....She can be fired for any mistakes...That is tight.............And she works 40 hours.....
If anyone is thinking Trump is gonna raise the min. wage or bring jobs back from Mexico and China or even Canada...who by the way is stripping us of small business jobs....than their dreaming. Unemployment, high deficit numbers, unending wars and social unrest will always always be apart of America's economic DNA and no politicians, not even the Great and Power Oz, ie Donald Dumb is gonna change that.

Reality 101, either take a bs job that doesn't pay shit, luck on a job that does and keep it moving.....illegals and foreigners don't bitch America, they take what they can get and employers seize on that at every turn.

How is any of that different than what's going on now?
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.

It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.

You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
The US already has the most efficient manufacturing sector in the world...Most is automated, because of the US's advanced technology....I was making 10 dollars an hour in the early eighties, by the later eighties it was 20 an hour, now I charge 30-50 and hour..get a trade and use it as a nucleus to increase your income through hard work...You can either work for someone and make them money, or work for yourself and make yourself money..I started this is my twenties...

Yeah. Stepping outside the politics discussion.... I appreciate your encouragement, and I hope others take your advise. I'm 38 now. I have tried to go into trade skills, and quite frankly I suck. After 20 years of banging my head against the wall, and failing miserably at everything I have ever done.... I've given up. It's hopeless for me. I'm making $11/hr, which is the same as I was making back in high school.

I tell everyone not to end up like me, and do exactly what you said. But... I gave life my best shot. I'm finished. Thanks anyway though.
How is any of that different than what's going on now?
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.

It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.

You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
The US already has the most efficient manufacturing sector in the world...Most is automated, because of the US's advanced technology....I was making 10 dollars an hour in the early eighties, by the later eighties it was 20 an hour, now I charge 30-50 and hour..get a trade and use it as a nucleus to increase your income through hard work...You can either work for someone and make them money, or work for yourself and make yourself money..I started this is my twenties...

Yeah. Stepping outside the politics discussion.... I appreciate your encouragement, and I hope others take your advise. I'm 38 now. I have tried to go into trade skills, and quite frankly I suck. After 20 years of banging my head against the wall, and failing miserably at everything I have ever done.... I've given up. It's hopeless for me. I'm making $11/hr, which is the same as I was making back in high school.

I tell everyone not to end up like me, and do exactly what you said. But... I gave life my best shot. I'm finished. Thanks anyway though.

Why are you in here trying to tell others what life is all about, then.

You haven't lived half of your life yet. Maybe you should reconsider that part about giving up.
Not exactly. I was full time at my previous job. This job never was full time, because the company hired me on at 30 hours. The guy was very open as to why. Small company. They didn't want to pay Obama Care, and so it's a part-time job. That was my understanding. Perhaps they lied to me.

Regardless, today, you are paying for my insurance. Look at your deductions, and remember I deserve your money, sucker. $_$

30 hours per week, huh?

Now I KNOW you are lying.

And...here is what you need to know. I am HAPPY to help you get quality insurance. I want our healthy and productive. As an American, I benefit when every American is healthy. I benefit when diseases are caught early. We all benefit when our kids get vaccinations and there are no sick people running around touching doorknobs.

Figure it out, bro.

And stop lying. It's lame.

I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.
If I am paying for your healthcare because you earn too little and you're receiving government subsidies through ObamaCare, you're welcome. It's still cheaper than emergency room care.

Actually got a huge bill for going to the ER without insurance years ago. $3,000 or something. Of course I paid it myself. Now, though... you'll pay for it, if I have to go again for any reason. So thanks! I like you covering my bills. :)
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.

It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.

You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
The US already has the most efficient manufacturing sector in the world...Most is automated, because of the US's advanced technology....I was making 10 dollars an hour in the early eighties, by the later eighties it was 20 an hour, now I charge 30-50 and hour..get a trade and use it as a nucleus to increase your income through hard work...You can either work for someone and make them money, or work for yourself and make yourself money..I started this is my twenties...

Yeah. Stepping outside the politics discussion.... I appreciate your encouragement, and I hope others take your advise. I'm 38 now. I have tried to go into trade skills, and quite frankly I suck. After 20 years of banging my head against the wall, and failing miserably at everything I have ever done.... I've given up. It's hopeless for me. I'm making $11/hr, which is the same as I was making back in high school.

I tell everyone not to end up like me, and do exactly what you said. But... I gave life my best shot. I'm finished. Thanks anyway though.

Why are you in here trying to tell others what life is all about, then.

You haven't lived half of your life yet. Maybe you should reconsider that part about giving up.

I wasn't aware that I was telling others what life is about. *shrug*. I was just telling you what happened to me. Trust me, I gave it my best shot for 20 years. If there was anything that I was good at, I would have found it by now. I did banking, I did retail, I did trade skills, worked as a mechanic... even drove an 18-wheeler.

Failed at it all. Some people are just not winners. But I don't blame the rich, or Obama or Bush, for my failures. It's all me.
How is any of that different than what's going on now?
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.

It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.

You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
The US already has the most efficient manufacturing sector in the world...Most is automated, because of the US's advanced technology....I was making 10 dollars an hour in the early eighties, by the later eighties it was 20 an hour, now I charge 30-50 and hour..get a trade and use it as a nucleus to increase your income through hard work...You can either work for someone and make them money, or work for yourself and make yourself money..I started this is my twenties...

Yeah. Stepping outside the politics discussion.... I appreciate your encouragement, and I hope others take your advise. I'm 38 now. I have tried to go into trade skills, and quite frankly I suck. After 20 years of banging my head against the wall, and failing miserably at everything I have ever done.... I've given up. It's hopeless for me. I'm making $11/hr, which is the same as I was making back in high school.

I tell everyone not to end up like me, and do exactly what you said. But... I gave life my best shot. I'm finished. Thanks anyway though.
I've seen mediocre tradesmen and they still make dough..The secret is, don't give up...
How's it different? That was my whole point....WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND EITHER WE GET WITH THE PROGRAM OR SHUT UP. We are a service industry in this country, resturuants, hotels, etc. The small business guy, hires his family, the big guy hires illegals, the middle guy gets the shit and takes his product to Canada to be made....we are just the consumers of all this, that's all.

It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.

You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
The US already has the most efficient manufacturing sector in the world...Most is automated, because of the US's advanced technology....I was making 10 dollars an hour in the early eighties, by the later eighties it was 20 an hour, now I charge 30-50 and hour..get a trade and use it as a nucleus to increase your income through hard work...You can either work for someone and make them money, or work for yourself and make yourself money..I started this is my twenties...

Yeah. Stepping outside the politics discussion.... I appreciate your encouragement, and I hope others take your advise. I'm 38 now. I have tried to go into trade skills, and quite frankly I suck. After 20 years of banging my head against the wall, and failing miserably at everything I have ever done.... I've given up. It's hopeless for me. I'm making $11/hr, which is the same as I was making back in high school.

I tell everyone not to end up like me, and do exactly what you said. But... I gave life my best shot. I'm finished. Thanks anyway though.

Why are you in here trying to tell others what life is all about, then.

You haven't lived half of your life yet. Maybe you should reconsider that part about giving up.
Just wait until he hits 50, life is a little more of a struggle......
It is a world economy. That's true. We need a leader that understands that we can't do all the buying. Trade can't be lop-sides.

Our current President sees America as inferior and the alpha of the world's problems. Our next President needs to be one who realized that America is superior to the rest of the world. The world's best and brightest are either here, or want to come here. We, as a people, are able to produce a superior product in every category.

Our next President needs to be able to tell the world to get ready for some competition.

You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
The US already has the most efficient manufacturing sector in the world...Most is automated, because of the US's advanced technology....I was making 10 dollars an hour in the early eighties, by the later eighties it was 20 an hour, now I charge 30-50 and hour..get a trade and use it as a nucleus to increase your income through hard work...You can either work for someone and make them money, or work for yourself and make yourself money..I started this is my twenties...

Yeah. Stepping outside the politics discussion.... I appreciate your encouragement, and I hope others take your advise. I'm 38 now. I have tried to go into trade skills, and quite frankly I suck. After 20 years of banging my head against the wall, and failing miserably at everything I have ever done.... I've given up. It's hopeless for me. I'm making $11/hr, which is the same as I was making back in high school.

I tell everyone not to end up like me, and do exactly what you said. But... I gave life my best shot. I'm finished. Thanks anyway though.

Why are you in here trying to tell others what life is all about, then.

You haven't lived half of your life yet. Maybe you should reconsider that part about giving up.

I wasn't aware that I was telling others what life is about. *shrug*. I was just telling you what happened to me. Trust me, I gave it my best shot for 20 years. If there was anything that I was good at, I would have found it by now. I did banking, I did retail, I did trade skills, worked as a mechanic... even drove an 18-wheeler.

Failed at it all. Some people are just not winners. But I don't blame the rich, or Obama or Bush, for my failures. It's all me.

You began your time in this thread by blaming Obama. Did you forget already?
You do understand the the whole reason we do all the buying, is because we're rich, and they are poor..... right?

If you and I both own stores, and you make $100,000 a year, and I only make $10,000 a year, why would you expect me to buy as much from you.... as you do from me? You can buy 10 times as much from me, as I ever can from you.

Because you are wealthy.

How the heck do you expect me to buy as much from you? How would you expect trade to be equal between us?

I also don't want someone that thinks we are superior to the rest of the world. I want someone who wants to goal to improve. Unfortunately Trump seems more like trying to attack the rest of the world, instead of improving ourselves. And by attack, I mean punish imports with higher taxes, is attacking them. And honestly, we do that, and they'll place tariffs on our stuff, and we'll be in a great depression again.
The US already has the most efficient manufacturing sector in the world...Most is automated, because of the US's advanced technology....I was making 10 dollars an hour in the early eighties, by the later eighties it was 20 an hour, now I charge 30-50 and hour..get a trade and use it as a nucleus to increase your income through hard work...You can either work for someone and make them money, or work for yourself and make yourself money..I started this is my twenties...

Yeah. Stepping outside the politics discussion.... I appreciate your encouragement, and I hope others take your advise. I'm 38 now. I have tried to go into trade skills, and quite frankly I suck. After 20 years of banging my head against the wall, and failing miserably at everything I have ever done.... I've given up. It's hopeless for me. I'm making $11/hr, which is the same as I was making back in high school.

I tell everyone not to end up like me, and do exactly what you said. But... I gave life my best shot. I'm finished. Thanks anyway though.

Why are you in here trying to tell others what life is all about, then.

You haven't lived half of your life yet. Maybe you should reconsider that part about giving up.

I wasn't aware that I was telling others what life is about. *shrug*. I was just telling you what happened to me. Trust me, I gave it my best shot for 20 years. If there was anything that I was good at, I would have found it by now. I did banking, I did retail, I did trade skills, worked as a mechanic... even drove an 18-wheeler.

Failed at it all. Some people are just not winners. But I don't blame the rich, or Obama or Bush, for my failures. It's all me.

You began your time in this thread by blaming Obama. Did you forget already?

No no... I was informing. Back in 2006 I paid my own insurance, which was $67 a month. Today, YOU are paying my insurance, because those low-cost high deductible policies are all gone.

I'm good either way. I'm not blaming Obama for my life at all. I'm just let you know what Obama's policies have done. If you are ok with it... ok.

Somehow, this ended up being about my failed career in life, and I did not mean it to. My fault. Sorry. Talking about me, is boring and downer. Let's go back to insurance :)

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