Who Is Excited About The Employment Report?

I can do the math. I've taught the math. What math are you claiming needs to be done? I've noticed you never deal with specifics and prefer broad generalizations and assertions.

You have 90 + million out of the work force....start there Ms Mathematician....then after it dawns on you get back to me
Ok, 93,914,000 people age 16 and older not in prison or an institution who are neither working nor actively looking for work. That's 37.2% of the adult civilian non-institutional population. The average in the 1950's was 40.7%
Take the illegal's out of the equation, and the numbers would be much better, since 5% of the American workforce is illegal.
How would that make things better?
Seriously? Taking 5 percent of the American workforce, and shipping them off, opens up a lot of jobs.

And don't give me the BS excuse of Americans wont do the job, because they will, but they wont do it for 2 bucks an hour plus housing, which is what a lot of illegals do in the farming industry, and the farmers are laughing all the way to the bank, with millions in their bank account.

That is incorrect.
Americans will not take those jobs even if you increase the pay to current minimum wage...... They don't get paid $2. an hour. It's between $6 to $8. both dairy and agricultural industry. That's a fact.
I can't wait. let's go already.

Better stock up with sleeping pills. You will need them in November. Phrump, who will soon be the party standard bearer and is going to embarrass the Republican Party. There are just not enough angry white men alive to help him win.
Why would I need to sleep, so I don't vote? So you're trying to rig the election are you know, that's how afraid of Trump you are. i see. :banana:

Right.....I have been saying GO DONALD! for months. He is the DNC
I know the media can't say his name enough and why he will be the winner. I have my own little poll I've been taking and dude it's knocking the socks off of anyone else. ANYONE!!! Go Figure eh? Sweet dreams.

"My own little poll" :banana:That worked so well for Karl Rove, huh. Is he still contesting Ohio? Are you in middle school?
You poor little obsessed twit!
So this is the new speak double think math where "bullshit + blatant lies = 200,000?"


I'm sure you are capable of posting statistics from a credible source that proves otherwise
9 million unemployed, look it up lazy.

Which gives us an unemployment rate of 5%
Look it up lazy
oh wait, that is just the undocumented ones, now add in all the ones still on unemployment. go for it. add em up that percentage is still at 8%.

The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.
and then there's this:
How The U.S. Government Helped Kill 4,000 Jobs This Week At Boeing

"More broadly, Conner said, Airbus is trying to shrink Boeing’s accumulated backlog of narrowbodies and widebodies from 46% of the industry total today to 40% — which would place Boeing in a position of structural inferiority for the foreseeable future. Economies of scale have always been crucial to competitive success in the commercial transport sector.

So Boeing has to cut costs wherever it can to stay price-competitive. Suppliers have already started feeling the pain, but now Boeing’s own workforce will have to shrink too. Some of the reductions can be handled through normal attrition and buyouts, but if Conner can’t cut his costs enough that way, then many workers – maybe thousands — will have to be forced out."

Cutting cost here and there to stay competitive is part of the business. Are you aware the number of current backlog that Boeing trying to keep up? 5,600 planes counting 2016. That's bad eh.
That is correct old workers that has been there for decades are force to retire. So they can hire younger Americans for less pay. That is all part of doing business. On top of that Boeing has a very good retirement packages.

I'm sure you are capable of posting statistics from a credible source that proves otherwise
9 million unemployed, look it up lazy.

Which gives us an unemployment rate of 5%
Look it up lazy
oh wait, that is just the undocumented ones, now add in all the ones still on unemployment. go for it. add em up that percentage is still at 8%.

The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.

I might have missed 60 minutes but can you provide a link......... When unemployment benefits run out they are not included in these figures.
If anyone is thinking Trump is gonna raise the min. wage or bring jobs back from Mexico and China or even Canada...who by the way is stripping us of small business jobs....than their dreaming. Unemployment, high deficit numbers, unending wars and social unrest will always always be apart of America's economic DNA and no politicians, not even the Great and Power Oz, ie Donald Dumb is gonna change that.

Reality 101, either take a bs job that doesn't pay shit, luck on a job that does and keep it moving.....illegals and foreigners don't bitch America, they take what they can get and employers seize on that at every turn.
Yeah, you the nobody knows what is going to happen cause you are a fking gypsy. Aahahahahaha
The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.
Typical GOP hate radio misinformation. Whether collecting unemployment insurance or not, if they are unemployed they are counted as unemployed.
30 hours per week, huh?

Now I KNOW you are lying.

And...here is what you need to know. I am HAPPY to help you get quality insurance. I want our healthy and productive. As an American, I benefit when every American is healthy. I benefit when diseases are caught early. We all benefit when our kids get vaccinations and there are no sick people running around touching doorknobs.

Figure it out, bro.

And stop lying. It's lame.

I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.
If I am paying for your healthcare because you earn too little and you're receiving government subsidies through ObamaCare, you're welcome. It's still cheaper than emergency room care.

Actually got a huge bill for going to the ER without insurance years ago. $3,000 or something. Of course I paid it myself. Now, though... you'll pay for it, if I have to go again for any reason. So thanks! I like you covering my bills. :)
Many, many folks who received such a bill from ER visits such as yours didn't pay their bills. Tax payers like myself end up paying much of those unpaid bills. While I don't mind since it is for the sake of peoples' health, it will be cheaper for tax payers like me to now cover those expenses through medical insurance.
30 hours per week, huh?

Now I KNOW you are lying.

And...here is what you need to know. I am HAPPY to help you get quality insurance. I want our healthy and productive. As an American, I benefit when every American is healthy. I benefit when diseases are caught early. We all benefit when our kids get vaccinations and there are no sick people running around touching doorknobs.

Figure it out, bro.

And stop lying. It's lame.

I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.
If I am paying for your healthcare because you earn too little and you're receiving government subsidies through ObamaCare, you're welcome. It's still cheaper than emergency room care.

Actually got a huge bill for going to the ER without insurance years ago. $3,000 or something. Of course I paid it myself. Now, though... you'll pay for it, if I have to go again for any reason. So thanks! I like you covering my bills. :)

You are so full of shit, the fact you paid the bill proves your full of it, most dead beats don't. So thank you for paying your bill, and the fine the gov impose for not having it, shit head.
You have 90 + million out of the work force....start there Ms Mathematician....then after it dawns on you get back to me
Ok, 93,914,000 people age 16 and older not in prison or an institution who are neither working nor actively looking for work. That's 37.2% of the adult civilian non-institutional population. The average in the 1950's was 40.7%
Take the illegal's out of the equation, and the numbers would be much better, since 5% of the American workforce is illegal.
How would that make things better?
Seriously? Taking 5 percent of the American workforce, and shipping them off, opens up a lot of jobs.

And don't give me the BS excuse of Americans wont do the job, because they will, but they wont do it for 2 bucks an hour plus housing, which is what a lot of illegals do in the farming industry, and the farmers are laughing all the way to the bank, with millions in their bank account.

That is incorrect.
Americans will not take those jobs even if you increase the pay to current minimum wage...... They don't get paid $2. an hour. It's between $6 to $8. both dairy and agricultural industry. That's a fact.

California and most states that have raised the min. wage, all have thriving economy's and that is just fact!!
30 hours per week, huh?

Now I KNOW you are lying.

And...here is what you need to know. I am HAPPY to help you get quality insurance. I want our healthy and productive. As an American, I benefit when every American is healthy. I benefit when diseases are caught early. We all benefit when our kids get vaccinations and there are no sick people running around touching doorknobs.

Figure it out, bro.

And stop lying. It's lame.

I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.
If I am paying for your healthcare because you earn too little and you're receiving government subsidies through ObamaCare, you're welcome. It's still cheaper than emergency room care.

Actually got a huge bill for going to the ER without insurance years ago. $3,000 or something. Of course I paid it myself. Now, though... you'll pay for it, if I have to go again for any reason. So thanks! I like you covering my bills. :)
Actually, I don't mind helping poor people with their healthcare bills
I'm just saying what he said. Obviously that's why I ended up getting subsidized coverage.

IF you are glad that in the decade before under Bush I paid for my own health insurance, and now I'm making YOU pay for my health insurance.... then more power too you. We'll be coming for more of your money as time goes on.

Subsidized coverage doesn't vaccinate kids, or catch diseases early. In anything, I know several people that use subsidized coverage to get prescription drugs that they sell on the street. You are paying for that too. Well done sparky.

What is the hourly cutoff to be considered "full time" for the purposes of "Obamacare"?

What number of employees must a business have in order to be mandated to cover full time employees?

You are trying to make me feel bad for helping my fellow Americans get health care. That's weird.

By the way, you did not buy your own insurance under Bush. That is another lie.

You make 21k per year. I believe that you are being cheated. You don't......because OBAMA!!

$21K is how much I've earned in the prior years, according to my tax return. Clearly I won't be earning that this year.

I have no idea about any of those things. I am going by what my company manager, told me. That's why I got subsidized coverage. If he is wrong.... I wouldn't know that. I have no idea what the cutoff is. Or how many employees is required. I don't even know how many people work at my company. I work at a warehouse, which has only 5 people. The main office is in Boston, and I have no idea how many work there.

What I told you, is what I was told. Regardless, the situation is the same. I now have YOU paying for my insurance. I used to pay for it myself... now you do. Which ironically I predicted that the result of Obama Care would be that millions who used pay for their own care, would now have government pay for it, and the tax payers would be screwed. I'm a living example of my own prediction.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad about anything. If you are glad that I went from paying for my own insurance, to having you pay for it.... peachy. But you need to grasp that I used to pay for it myself, and thanks to your policies, now you are. I went to the doctor under my own policy that I paid for myself. Now if I have to go in the future, YOU will pay for it. If you are happy about that, fine. But don't complain when your tax rate goes up, because everything suggests that it will, and it's YOUR fault.
If I am paying for your healthcare because you earn too little and you're receiving government subsidies through ObamaCare, you're welcome. It's still cheaper than emergency room care.

Actually got a huge bill for going to the ER without insurance years ago. $3,000 or something. Of course I paid it myself. Now, though... you'll pay for it, if I have to go again for any reason. So thanks! I like you covering my bills. :)
Actually, I don't mind helping poor people with their healthcare bills
Nothing wrong with that, it should always be a choice though.
Better stock up with sleeping pills. You will need them in November. Phrump, who will soon be the party standard bearer and is going to embarrass the Republican Party. There are just not enough angry white men alive to help him win.
Why would I need to sleep, so I don't vote? So you're trying to rig the election are you know, that's how afraid of Trump you are. i see. :banana:

Right.....I have been saying GO DONALD! for months. He is the DNC
I know the media can't say his name enough and why he will be the winner. I have my own little poll I've been taking and dude it's knocking the socks off of anyone else. ANYONE!!! Go Figure eh? Sweet dreams.

"My own little poll" :banana:That worked so well for Karl Rove, huh. Is he still contesting Ohio? Are you in middle school?
You poor little obsessed twit!

Please let us know how your own little poll goes. We have such great faith in your politcal pontificating prowess ....:badgrin:
Last edited:
9 million unemployed, look it up lazy.

Which gives us an unemployment rate of 5%
Look it up lazy
oh wait, that is just the undocumented ones, now add in all the ones still on unemployment. go for it. add em up that percentage is still at 8%.

The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.

I might have missed 60 minutes but can you provide a link......... When unemployment benefits run out they are not included in these figures.
Where did you get that idea from?
200 thousand a month...you do the math

So this is the new speak double think math where "bullshit + blatant lies = 200,000?"


I'm sure you are capable of posting statistics from a credible source that proves otherwise
9 million unemployed, look it up lazy.
8 million

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
So total is seventeen million unemployed
Why would I need to sleep, so I don't vote? So you're trying to rig the election are you know, that's how afraid of Trump you are. i see. :banana:

Right.....I have been saying GO DONALD! for months. He is the DNC
I know the media can't say his name enough and why he will be the winner. I have my own little poll I've been taking and dude it's knocking the socks off of anyone else. ANYONE!!! Go Figure eh? Sweet dreams.

"My own little poll" :banana:That worked so well for Karl Rove, huh. Is he still contesting Ohio? Are you in middle school?
You poor little obsessed twit!

Please let us know how your own little poll goes. We have such great faith in your politcal pontificating prowess ....:badgrin:
It's the people around me who voted and half vote democratic and out of that group 50% are voting for trump. That's as qualified as any other poll taken.
Most Democrats that I know voted for Phrump also. They are excited that he could bring the GOP to its knees. It is well documented that Dems were crossing over just to put Phrump out front. The man is a Joke!
The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.
Typical GOP hate radio misinformation. Whether collecting unemployment insurance or not, if they are unemployed they are counted as unemployed.
No they are not. How when they're no longer on the books you stupid fk!
oh? You have have a different source, do you?

200 thousand a month...you do the math

So this is the new speak double think math where "bullshit + blatant lies = 200,000?"


I'm sure you are capable of posting statistics from a credible source that proves otherwise
9 million unemployed, look it up lazy.
8 million

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
So total is seventeen million unemployed
The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.
Typical GOP hate radio misinformation. Whether collecting unemployment insurance or not, if they are unemployed they are counted as unemployed.
No they are not. How when they're no longer on the books you stupid fk!
Of course they are as long as they are still actively looking for work.

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