Who Is Excited About The Employment Report?

Phrump is a gift to the DNC. Everyone, except you knows that. PLEASE GROW A BRAIN.

Maybe if you repeat the seventh grade, you might understand. Your little friends will understand.
Go with that. No need for protesting if that were a fact, which it is not

You need medication, son.
So? I take blood pressure Ned's cause I have to put up with stupid like you daily!
You "have to" put up with folks on the Internet on a site you choose to participate in?

Do you see why everyone here laughs at how stupid you are?
Yep I do, and I do meds keep me fine
200 thousand a month...you do the math

So this is the new speak double think math where "bullshit + blatant lies = 200,000?"


I'm sure you are capable of posting statistics from a credible source that proves otherwise
9 million unemployed, look it up lazy.
8 million

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
So total is seventeen million unemployed
Actually LESS than 8 million, 7,966,000 to be exact.
Sorry, But The Real Unemployment Rate Is 9.8%, Not 5%

"The chart shows how misleading the unemployment statistics are. If you include people who have given up looking for work, the unemployment rate is 6%. If you include people stuck in a part-time job for 20 or 25 hours a week, the real unemployment rate is a dreadful 9.8%. Why is Washington cheering?"
That's the U-6 rate, not an unemployment rate. But even at 9.8%, it's way down from its 17% post recession high and down from 14.2% when Bush left office.

Hell, the unemployment rate is lower now than it was under Reagan at this same point in his presidency.
Just post the comparison friend on what jobs are filled. LOL, I like clueless folks like you and your friends. You're so far off it's hilarious
You sure do make a lot of claims you can't back up. I'm still waiting for you to prove your claim that 17 million are unemployed...
The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.
Typical GOP hate radio misinformation. Whether collecting unemployment insurance or not, if they are unemployed they are counted as unemployed.
No they are not. How when they're no longer on the books you stupid fk!
Because they are counted in a SURVEY of 60,000 households, over 100,000 individuals, conducted by the census bureau, not any unemployment insurance rolls.

You are the perfect example of an ignorant Right-wing know-it-all who knows absolutely nothing.
Thank you, you stupid :asshole:
Phrump is a gift to the DNC. Everyone, except you knows that. PLEASE GROW A BRAIN.

Maybe if you repeat the seventh grade, you might understand. Your little friends will understand.
Go with that. No need for protesting if that were a fact, which it is not

You need medication, son.
So? I take blood pressure Ned's cause I have to put up with stupid like you daily!
You "have to" put up with folks on the Internet on a site you choose to participate in?

Do you see why everyone here laughs at how stupid you are?
Yep I do, and I do meds keep me fine
Want to try that again in English?
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?

Celebrate the fact that we are 200,000 jobs behind what we need to just keep up with population growth? No wonder you dudes are such losers, your standards are so fucking low that ANY news is good.
Sorry, But The Real Unemployment Rate Is 9.8%, Not 5%

"The chart shows how misleading the unemployment statistics are. If you include people who have given up looking for work, the unemployment rate is 6%. If you include people stuck in a part-time job for 20 or 25 hours a week, the real unemployment rate is a dreadful 9.8%. Why is Washington cheering?"
That's the U-6 rate, not an unemployment rate. But even at 9.8%, it's way down from its 17% post recession high and down from 14.2% when Bush left office.

Hell, the unemployment rate is lower now than it was under Reagan at this same point in his presidency.
Just post the comparison friend on what jobs are filled. LOL, I like clueless folks like you and your friends. You're so far off it's hilarious
You sure do make a lot of claims you can't back up. I'm still waiting for you to prove your claim that 17 million are unemployed...

Donald Trump Is Right: The Unemployment Rate Is 40%

"But actually, this view can be supported by actual statistics. If you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed."
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?

Celebrate the fact that we are 200,000 jobs behind what we need to just keep up with population growth? No wonder you dudes are such losers, your standards are so fucking low that ANY news is good.
Utter nonsense. Here in the real world, last month's gains exceded the number needed to keep up with population growth and ticked up from 59.8% to 59.9%...

Sorry, But The Real Unemployment Rate Is 9.8%, Not 5%

"The chart shows how misleading the unemployment statistics are. If you include people who have given up looking for work, the unemployment rate is 6%. If you include people stuck in a part-time job for 20 or 25 hours a week, the real unemployment rate is a dreadful 9.8%. Why is Washington cheering?"
That's the U-6 rate, not an unemployment rate. But even at 9.8%, it's way down from its 17% post recession high and down from 14.2% when Bush left office.

Hell, the unemployment rate is lower now than it was under Reagan at this same point in his presidency.
Just post the comparison friend on what jobs are filled. LOL, I like clueless folks like you and your friends. You're so far off it's hilarious
You sure do make a lot of claims you can't back up. I'm still waiting for you to prove your claim that 17 million are unemployed...

Donald Trump Is Right: The Unemployment Rate Is 40%

"But actually, this view can be supported by actual statistics. If you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed."
Nowhere does that article state there are 17 million people unemployed; plus that article is 6 months old.

Your idiotic claim falls unsubstantiated. You lose again. :itsok:
Sorry, But The Real Unemployment Rate Is 9.8%, Not 5%

"The chart shows how misleading the unemployment statistics are. If you include people who have given up looking for work, the unemployment rate is 6%. If you include people stuck in a part-time job for 20 or 25 hours a week, the real unemployment rate is a dreadful 9.8%. Why is Washington cheering?"
And you are stupid enough to believe Invested Bigots Daily!!! They claim the rate including discouraged workers, the U-4 rate, is 6% when it is actually 5.3%, look it uo you lazy fuck.

The "real" rate for Bush was always the U-3 rate so the "real" rate for Obama is the U-3 rate. The Worthless Lying Scum on the Right use the U-3 as the real rate for Bush and the U-6 rate for Obama. Bush's "real" U-6 rate when he left was 14.2% and skyrocketing!

Sorry, But The Real Unemployment Rate Is 9.8%, Not 5%

"The chart shows how misleading the unemployment statistics are. If you include people who have given up looking for work, the unemployment rate is 6%. If you include people stuck in a part-time job for 20 or 25 hours a week, the real unemployment rate is a dreadful 9.8%. Why is Washington cheering?"
That's the U-6 rate, not an unemployment rate. But even at 9.8%, it's way down from its 17% post recession high and down from 14.2% when Bush left office.

Hell, the unemployment rate is lower now than it was under Reagan at this same point in his presidency.
Just post the comparison friend on what jobs are filled. LOL, I like clueless folks like you and your friends. You're so far off it's hilarious
You sure do make a lot of claims you can't back up. I'm still waiting for you to prove your claim that 17 million are unemployed...

Donald Trump Is Right: The Unemployment Rate Is 40%

"But actually, this view can be supported by actual statistics. If you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed."
Nowhere does that article state there are 17 million people unemployed; plus that article is 6 months old.

Your idiotic claim falls unsubstantiated. You lose again. :itsok:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics disagrees with you.

Which gives us an unemployment rate of 5%
Look it up lazy
oh wait, that is just the undocumented ones, now add in all the ones still on unemployment. go for it. add em up that percentage is still at 8%.

The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.

I might have missed 60 minutes but can you provide a link......... When unemployment benefits run out they are not included in these figures.
Where did you get that idea from?

From jc456 post #223.
Go with that. No need for protesting if that were a fact, which it is not

You need medication, son.
So? I take blood pressure Ned's cause I have to put up with stupid like you daily!
You "have to" put up with folks on the Internet on a site you choose to participate in?

Do you see why everyone here laughs at how stupid you are?
Yep I do, and I do meds keep me fine
Want to try that again in English?
It was
The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.
Typical GOP hate radio misinformation. Whether collecting unemployment insurance or not, if they are unemployed they are counted as unemployed.
No they are not. How when they're no longer on the books you stupid fk!

Yes they are jc............ that is why I'm asking you if you have any proof or link or something to prove your claim. If you can't prove it then..... you don't know much. But calling people stupid fuck just because we disagree......... Meaning you are proving yourself a looser.
Celebrate the fact that we are 200,000 jobs behind what we need to just keep up with population growth? No wonder you dudes are such losers, your standards are so fucking low that ANY news is good.
I've already nailed you on that bit of Right-wing Disinformation in another thread, only to have you repeat it in this thread knowing it is wrong. You only parrot your MessiahRushie!

In reality it takes only 116,779 jobs per month to keep up with population growth!

Jobs Calculator

BTW, not only have we gotten back to "where we were" when Obama took office, there are more people working today than ever in the history of this great nation!!!!!

April 1, 2016 (April Fools Day)
RUSH: You got the new unemployment numbers today, and everybody is clapping their hands, unemployment rate's 5.0, another 215,000 jobs, big whoop. To get back to where we were before Obama took office, we need to be creating five to six hundred thousand jobs a month, not 200,000. We haven't even reached replacement levels yet, in terms of what we lost.
Last edited:
Survey (govt)? trustworthy? Under BHO regime? Just asking. These numbers never got such a look orior to housing bust. Survey? We now 2016, this best possible data? they dont ask me or anyone I know forever?
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?

Celebrate the fact that we are 200,000 jobs behind what we need to just keep up with population growth? No wonder you dudes are such losers, your standards are so fucking low that ANY news is good.

Who told you that nonsense?

We need somewhere around 190,000 jobs created per month to keep up with the growth in population. You need to count the people who die and retire as well as the people who get born.

Nice work, water carrier. Nice work.
Nowhere does that article state there are 17 million people unemployed; plus that article is 6 months old.

Your idiotic claim falls unsubstantiated. You lose again. :itsok:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics disagrees with you.

Geezzzz, the Right can't even follow statistics! That is NOT the UNEMPLOYMENT rate!!!! But using that chart, it was lower under St Ronnie and highest under Clinton. And all of the steep drops happened under Republican CON$ervative Presidents.
The ones on unemployment count as......UNEMPLOYED
So some receive money and some already received money and time and money ran out and they don't work, but aren't included in the figures. Funny how that makes things look different than just the number of current unemployed payees.
Typical GOP hate radio misinformation. Whether collecting unemployment insurance or not, if they are unemployed they are counted as unemployed.
No they are not. How when they're no longer on the books you stupid fk!

Yes they are jc............ that is why I'm asking you if you have any proof or link or something to prove your claim. If you can't prove it then..... you don't know much. But calling people stupid fuck just because we disagree......... Meaning you are proving yourself a looser.
No they're not stupid fk squared

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