Who Is Excited About The Employment Report?

The ninety million figure means nothing untoward about unemployment. We have eight million unemployed by the definition. The others are simply not working.
Right...that's what I've been saying. I'm glad you finally agree with me..though I won't hold my breath waiting for you to retract your claim that I was lying.
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?
I am .....

If you were going to sit down and sketch out an ideal scenario for the American job market in 2016, it would look something like this:

The United States would keep adding jobs at a steady clip. Wages would rise gradually — enough to put more money in workers’ pockets, but not so fast as to lead the Federal Reserve to move abruptly to keep the economy from overheating. Steady job growth wouldn’t show up in continued drops in the unemployment rate, but rather in a rising labor force. That is, people who had stopped even looking for a job in recent years would come back into the job market, allowing for strong job growth mixed with a steady jobless rate.

That happens to be the reality revealed in the March jobs numbers released Friday, and really in every jobs report published so far in 2016.
This Is the Job Market We've Been Hoping for All These Years

Over the last four months, the size of the United States labor force has risen by 1.92 million, the strongest since the boom time of early 2000.

Indeed, the jobless rate ticked up a bit in March, to 5 percent from 4.9 percent, precisely because among the 396,000 Americans who joined the labor force, not all found jobs.
Thank you Big O

First you lose the WH and then the Suoreme Court. Oh, and thanks for confirming you are a racist. Texas must be Proud!

Gawd just shut up already, one more blabbering nonsensical BS comment and off to ignore ya go, nobody likes a ranting, bawling progtard

Go take a drink.

Ya know, that doesn't make him go away. It only means you can't refute anything he says.


Would it matter? The intelligent people here, when you give them information, they accept it, and change their belief systems, to fit the reality.

Stupid people, you give them all the information, all the data, all the research, and on and on.... and what do they do?

Not true.

That's his "data", that's his "argument", that's his response to the information given.

At some point "refuting" a 3-year-old screaming "lalalalala" with fingers in his ears, is a waste of time.

I have about a half dozen people on ignore right now, and you rest assured, that not one refutation of their stupidity would have done anything but waste my time. So why bother? Who cares if his idiocy goes un-answered? The people open to new information, will be able to take the information and judge between my posts, and their moronic crap.

The people not open to new information, shouldn't be bothered talking to.

(by the way, obviously I have not ignored lonelaugher, but he has not proven himself to be one of the morons. If he does, that will change. But so far, occasionally he answers intelligently, and so I'm open to talking with him. I cited his post as an example of what I mean)

Do you think I give a shit whether or not you ignore me?

Your employer has not limited your hours because he does not want to pay for Obamacare. You lied. It's a lame, overused lie at that.

Why did you do that?
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Well......it wasn't 300,000. But it was enough to celebrate. Labor participation rate up. 215000 non farm jobs. More new jobs than new people for the month. Wages up a bit.

Come on nutbags........who's gonna join me for happy hour tonight?
Just a realist....
No, a nattering nabob of negativity.

Maybe you can explain how the jobs report isn't BS? There are nearly 90 million people out of the work force, do the math, dumbass.

You're worthless

Poor Sassy always bitter......... Even if those 90 crap that you are talking about are employed................. It doesn't make any difference any way because you are always bitter.
Good job Obama. .
Just a realist....
No, a nattering nabob of negativity.

Maybe you can explain how the jobs report isn't BS? There are nearly 90 million people out of the work force, do the math, dumbass.

You're worthless

Poor Sassy always bitter......... Even if those 90 crap that you are talking about are employed................. It doesn't make any difference any way because you are always bitter.
Good job Obama. .

Don't be so rough on Sassy. She will just ignore you and run away. You know, I think it is called the "Sarah Palin Ploy." Once you can no longer debate and once it is obvious that you are losing, you quit.

and then there's this:
How The U.S. Government Helped Kill 4,000 Jobs This Week At Boeing

"More broadly, Conner said, Airbus is trying to shrink Boeing’s accumulated backlog of narrowbodies and widebodies from 46% of the industry total today to 40% — which would place Boeing in a position of structural inferiority for the foreseeable future. Economies of scale have always been crucial to competitive success in the commercial transport sector.

So Boeing has to cut costs wherever it can to stay price-competitive. Suppliers have already started feeling the pain, but now Boeing’s own workforce will have to shrink too. Some of the reductions can be handled through normal attrition and buyouts, but if Conner can’t cut his costs enough that way, then many workers – maybe thousands — will have to be forced out."

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