Who Is Excited About The Employment Report?

Loses what? You dumbass, you just spew nonsense and proclaim victory....a lame and useless libturd tactic. You're an idiot and are too stupid to do the math on the numbers....go yank off to your Obama poster
I can do the math. I've taught the math. What math are you claiming needs to be done? I've noticed you never deal with specifics and prefer broad generalizations and assertions.

You have 90 + million out of the work force....start there Ms Mathematician....then after it dawns on you get back to me
Ok, 93,914,000 people age 16 and older not in prison or an institution who are neither working nor actively looking for work. That's 37.2% of the adult civilian non-institutional population. The average in the 1950's was 40.7%
Take the illegal's out of the equation, and the numbers would be much better, since 5% of the American workforce is illegal.
Oh? The number of nonfarm employees increased last month by 215,000 ... how many of them are illegal aliens?
What a stupid question.

Anyone with half a brain knows that businesses that employ illegal's don't report their numbers. And if they do, they aint in business long, cause they are really dumb!
The work participation rate is at is lowest since Jimmy Carter. Those people don't count against the unemployment rate anymore. Obama got the rate down by letting the participation rate lower which in time made unemployment rate lower. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Which of those workers do you want to go back to work?

4 million baby boomers retire each year...why don't you stop them?
Obama won't
"The CPS collects information about the civilian noninstitutional population. All persons in the civilian noninstitutional population age 15 and over are classified as employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force, although labor force estimates are published only for those 16 and older."

Define labor force using clear stats and evidence from reputed sources that 90 million are not employed.

You will not be allowed to play with numbers.
Grow up old timer, just grow up already. Ya fecking retard. Only fools buy into what your mulatto jackass is selling

First you lose the WH and then the Suoreme Court. Oh, and thanks for confirming you are a racist. Texas must be Proud!

Gawd just shut up already, one more blabbering nonsensical BS comment and off to ignore ya go, nobody likes a ranting, bawling progtard

Go take a drink.

Ya know, that doesn't make him go away. It only means you can't refute anything he says.


Would it matter? The intelligent people here, when you give them information, they accept it, and change their belief systems, to fit the reality.

Stupid people, you give them all the information, all the data, all the research, and on and on.... and what do they do?

Not true.

That's his "data", that's his "argument", that's his response to the information given.

At some point "refuting" a 3-year-old screaming "lalalalala" with fingers in his ears, is a waste of time.

I have about a half dozen people on ignore right now, and you rest assured, that not one refutation of their stupidity would have done anything but waste my time. So why bother? Who cares if his idiocy goes un-answered? The people open to new information, will be able to take the information and judge between my posts, and their moronic crap.

The people not open to new information, shouldn't be bothered talking to.

(by the way, obviously I have not ignored lonelaugher, but he has not proven himself to be one of the morons. If he does, that will change. But so far, occasionally he answers intelligently, and so I'm open to talking with him. I cited his post as an example of what I mean)
I can do the math. I've taught the math. What math are you claiming needs to be done? I've noticed you never deal with specifics and prefer broad generalizations and assertions.

You have 90 + million out of the work force....start there Ms Mathematician....then after it dawns on you get back to me
Ok, 93,914,000 people age 16 and older not in prison or an institution who are neither working nor actively looking for work. That's 37.2% of the adult civilian non-institutional population. The average in the 1950's was 40.7%
Take the illegal's out of the equation, and the numbers would be much better, since 5% of the American workforce is illegal.
Oh? The number of nonfarm employees increased last month by 215,000 ... how many of them are illegal aliens?
What a stupid question.

Anyone with half a brain knows that businesses that employ illegal's don't report their numbers. And if they do, they aint in business long, cause they are really dumb!
Well...there are 2 surveys, and neither asks citizenship or immigration status. The one for businesses just asks how many people are on the payroll. Some illegal aliens have forged documents and will be on the payroll. Those paid under the table will not be.

The household survey is of households. Some illegal aliens do dodge the Census employees, but some don't. Again, no questions on immigration status are asked, only if the person was born in the U.S. or overseas. If the Census worker did suspect an illegal alien and reported it to ICE, then s/he would be liable for serious fines or jail time and would absolutely lose his/her job. It is ILLEGAL for Census or BLS to report any information to immigration or the IRS.
I can do the math. I've taught the math. What math are you claiming needs to be done? I've noticed you never deal with specifics and prefer broad generalizations and assertions.

You have 90 + million out of the work force....start there Ms Mathematician....then after it dawns on you get back to me
Ok, 93,914,000 people age 16 and older not in prison or an institution who are neither working nor actively looking for work. That's 37.2% of the adult civilian non-institutional population. The average in the 1950's was 40.7%
Take the illegal's out of the equation, and the numbers would be much better, since 5% of the American workforce is illegal.
Oh? The number of nonfarm employees increased last month by 215,000 ... how many of them are illegal aliens?
What a stupid question.

Anyone with half a brain knows that businesses that employ illegal's don't report their numbers. And if they do, they aint in business long, cause they are really dumb!
So the answer is zero. Thanks for acknowledging what I already knew.
Need a vetted site with numbers, age groups, number of retirees, number of chronically ill, number of lame, number of disabled, number of students in high school and college not working, and so forth.
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I can do the math. I've taught the math. What math are you claiming needs to be done? I've noticed you never deal with specifics and prefer broad generalizations and assertions.

You have 90 + million out of the work force....start there Ms Mathematician....then after it dawns on you get back to me
Ok, 93,914,000 people age 16 and older not in prison or an institution who are neither working nor actively looking for work. That's 37.2% of the adult civilian non-institutional population. The average in the 1950's was 40.7%
Take the illegal's out of the equation, and the numbers would be much better, since 5% of the American workforce is illegal.
Oh? The number of nonfarm employees increased last month by 215,000 ... how many of them are illegal aliens?
What a stupid question.

Anyone with half a brain knows that businesses that employ illegal's don't report their numbers. And if they do, they aint in business long, cause they are really dumb!

Not true. I fact I have worked with, and worked FOR employers that hired illegals, and they most certainly did report their numbers.

Most illegals get false Socials, and identification. That tan guy in the back, which can't speak any english at all, isn't really named "Dan".... shocking as that may be.

There are some that don't.

And they either 1099 them, as happened with me. Or you can "hire" an outside firm, which magically is filled with Foreigners.
The employment report like all the other government generated reports, could come right out of North Korea.
Pay no mind to Sassy. She wants America to fail. Maybe her big Texan husband ain't treating her right?

Grow up old timer, just grow up already. Ya fecking retard. Only fools buy into what your mulatto jackass is selling

First you lose the WH and then the Suoreme Court. Oh, and thanks for confirming you are a racist. Texas must be Proud!

Gawd just shut up already, one more blabbering nonsensical BS comment and off to ignore ya go, nobody likes a ranting, bawling progtard

Go take a drink.


Counted as a Badge of Honor!
"The CPS collects information about the civilian noninstitutional population. All persons in the civilian noninstitutional population age 15 and over are classified as employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force, although labor force estimates are published only for those 16 and older."

Define labor force using clear stats and evidence from reputed sources that 90 million are not employed.

You will not be allowed to play with numbers.

Definitions: BLS Glossary
Civilian noninstitutional population (Current Population Survey)
Included are persons 16 years of age and older residing in the 50 States and the District of Columbia who are not inmates of institutions (for example, penal and mental facilities, homes for the aged), and who are not on active duty in the Armed Forces.

Employed persons (Current Population Survey)
Persons 16 years and over in the civilian noninstitutional population who, during the reference week, (a) did any work at all (at least 1 hour) as paid employees; worked in their own business, profession, or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of the family; and (b) all those who were not working but who had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. Each employed person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job. Excluded are persons whose only activity consisted of work around their own house (painting, repairing, or own home housework) or volunteer work for religious, charitable, and other organizations.

Unemployed persons (Current Population Survey)
Persons aged 16 years and older who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work, except for temporary illness, and had made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed.

Not in the labor force (Current Population Survey)
Includes persons aged 16 years and older in the civilian noninstitutional population who are neither employed nor unemployed in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary.

Data: www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm
using the Not Seasonally Adjusted numbers.
Adult Civilian non-institutional Population: 252,768,000
Employed: 150,738,000
Unemployed: 8,116,000
150,738,000 + 8,116,000 = Labor force of 158,854,000
That leaves 93,914,000 Not in the Labor Force...those in the Civilian Non-Institutional Popluation but neither employed nor unemployed.
You have 90 + million out of the work force....start there Ms Mathematician....then after it dawns on you get back to me
Ok, 93,914,000 people age 16 and older not in prison or an institution who are neither working nor actively looking for work. That's 37.2% of the adult civilian non-institutional population. The average in the 1950's was 40.7%
Take the illegal's out of the equation, and the numbers would be much better, since 5% of the American workforce is illegal.
Oh? The number of nonfarm employees increased last month by 215,000 ... how many of them are illegal aliens?
What a stupid question.

Anyone with half a brain knows that businesses that employ illegal's don't report their numbers. And if they do, they aint in business long, cause they are really dumb!
So the answer is zero. Thanks for acknowledging what I already knew.
So Is your head in the sand or up Obama's ass?
Ok, 93,914,000 people age 16 and older not in prison or an institution who are neither working nor actively looking for work. That's 37.2% of the adult civilian non-institutional population. The average in the 1950's was 40.7%
Take the illegal's out of the equation, and the numbers would be much better, since 5% of the American workforce is illegal.
Oh? The number of nonfarm employees increased last month by 215,000 ... how many of them are illegal aliens?
What a stupid question.

Anyone with half a brain knows that businesses that employ illegal's don't report their numbers. And if they do, they aint in business long, cause they are really dumb!
So the answer is zero. Thanks for acknowledging what I already knew.
So Is your head in the sand or up Obama's ass?
No, that would be where your reading comprehension can be found. If companies don't report illegal aliens they employ and the preliminary numbers from last month's payroll statistics indicate that 215,000 jobs were added, then according to you, all 215,000 jobs reported went to citizens and foreigners here legally. Don't you understand what you say?
Of course. It speaks volumes of shit that you make up in your tiny brain.

The data is calculated in the same way as it has been calculated find decades. The economy is improving. Isn't it just horrible!

Yes...... and do you know how it's calculated? (psst: no you don't). Because if you did, you would know that the report routinely as a matter of practice, adds in estimates, plus they ignore the quality of the jobs. You can fire one engineer worth $100,000 a year, and higher 5 low wage warehouse workers earning $20,000 each, and the jobs report would boast "jobs created!" even while we are getting worse off.

People who make a big deal out of this, are ignorant people engaged in partisan politics.

They tend to forget the jobs report when Bush is in office, and then pop out of their rock covered holes in the ground, when their guy is in office.

The only thing we can really glean from the jobs report is, whatever it says, we should have been far far beyond where we are by now. This has been the most pathetic recovery from a recession since the great depression. Thanks Obama. Good job blowing billions to accomplish this under achievement.
So you have a ditch digging job?

Not quite. I earn about $11/hr. $21,000 a year. I don't get 40 hours, because my company doesn't want to have to pay the Obama Care tax. So I am no longer 'full time'.

Not true.

It's entirely true. In 2006 I had my own insurance policy. Today I actually have YOU pay my insurance. I can show you the bill. Cost of insurance $250, my cost, $80. Who pays the difference? You do. Good job sparky.

Why are you lying?
Unemployed: 8,116,000

And that is what I wanted.

The 90 million willy nilly figure means there are lot of retirees, students, people who choose to not work, those who are unable and sick and lame and crazy so they can't work, and so on.
Unemployed: 8,116,000

And that is what I wanted.

The 90 million willy nilly figure means there are lot of retirees, students, people who choose to not work, those who are unable and sick and lame and crazy so they can't work, and so on.
Well, yeah. But it is NOT true that "your figure includes infants, toddlers, children". Which is what I corrected you on and you called me a liar.
And "Unemployed" is not the same as "Not Employed." There are 102 million in the Adult Civilian Noninstitutional Population who are not employed...but only 8 million are Unemployed.
The ninety million figure means nothing untoward about unemployment. We have eight million unemployed by the definition. The others are simply not working.
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?
are you ready to defend the hoax?

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