Who is Michael Robinson?

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And to think, these same people in this thread are the ones that are always accusing people of having TDS
No, I mean the one that's currently on trial that is transgender. I believe she goes by Stephanie Watkins, Watson or something like that. You better check with your oathkeeper brother's on that one.
LOL... I knew better than to sign a roster for a group that was obviously set up by feds. Besides that, I'm not the sort to take up weapons to defend everyone else's rights at my age and circumstance. My castle and land is one thing, but I'm not risking my family for other people. I did my duty for the country as a soldier in the GWOT already.

Besides that, everyone knows (if t
hey're capable of knowing anything) that when you join "like minded" groups that the government might not appreciate, you're putting yourself in jeopardy.

So for all those dipshits who run around with "militias", "antifa" the KKK or anyone else, you're on the FBI radar. For the time being antifa is getting away with shit because it's expedient. As soon as their usefulness has been exploited to it's potential it's members will be rounded up and dealt with. If you're in a room with 9 other "like minded" militants, rest assured 1 is an FBI agent, 2 are informers, 2 are ATF/DEA/or Marshals and 4 others are idiots like you.

I wonder if any of our resident libs can post pregnancy pics of "Michelle". come on libs step up.
There just is no low too low for you to stoop to, eh?

Are you proud of yourself? I bet you are proud of yourself.
I wouldn't condemn B. Hussein O for his choices. A lot of fellows prefer she-males aka chicks with dicks.

You'll see that advertised all the time in these "entertainment weekly" newspapers.
Obama Derangement Syndrome is real.
Obama Derangement Syndrome is real.

Does Newsweek suffer from "ODS"? They openly admitted that Obama was America's First Homosexual President and it was right on their cover.

Does Newsweek suffer from "ODS"? They openly admitted that Obama was America's First Homosexual President and it was right on their cover.

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Then the bed wetters get all pissy when you refer to their messiah as "The Meat Puppet Faggot", and want to ignore the testimony of Larry Sinclair. I thought being a spooge sponge was a resume enhancement in Libtardia.

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