Who is responsible for YOU?

I have machetes too, loser. I've used them all my life. And corn knives (10 foot thistle thickets, cleared by moi and my very young children....who are grown now, so kindly control your woody).

But a machete doesn't really have the reach of a good sidearm. Not that there's any reason to use either if I just hit the accelerator...then reverse, then accelerator, then reverse...you know how it goes.

Well it's been fun, perv, but I really must run.

But wait...do you not only have sex with animals and children, but waltz around town with a machete?
A sidearm? You'd come down here with a sidearm? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The coroner might just die himself from uncontrollable laughter if you actually intend to attack people with a sidearm. :lol:
Everyone is entitled to protection under the law. It doesnt matter what they have done.
Oh look, another imbecile too weak and cowardly to rebut my evisceration of his pathetic rambling about abortion. :lol:

Agna after I write this...I'm going to ignore you..you are so full of BS. I see you as a geek that has no life, no friends, and by all means no women in your life. I see you as a scrawny person that wears coke bottle glasses, with it being taped in the middle. You are a one trick pony with nothing else to share but your knowledge, or lack there of socialism. You have to use this forum to bolster a Napoleon Complex. I'm sure your the kid that had a kick me sign taped on your back in jr. high school. You are the kid that was pushed around in a circle of classmates. You hide your inferiority behind your condenscending rhetoric. I don't think I missed anything...except go hide under that rock you came out of.
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They got us taking pay cuts so the company can survive. We are suckers. And when things go back to normal, will they give us raises?

Or will they give the CEO a $20 million bonus for successfully cutting wages.

I use to be in your shoes ... it's tough and unfair I know. But unless enough of you stand up it will never change. One possible way to prove it is a country wide strike for all labor jobs, about a week and they will be begging you to go back to work. Another is figure out how to go in business yourself, it's hard but well worth it. If the laborers left the companies and started their own (pooling the money together for a co-op, which are big business really) the companies would collapse and these desk jockies that underpay their employees would soon be broke, the balance of wealth would flip. The problem is that most are not willing to take the risk and that is the fault of the laborers.

I talked to people about a new Union and they all laughed at me. Know what it would cost you to join? Just $12 a year. That's it. Just $12 a year and you are in the union. And if we feel that corporate America is taking advantage of the middle class or poor, we strike. We don't all have to work for the same company. There may be only 2 people in my company that are in the union, but the company has to respect the union when we strike. They can't fire me for striking.

Of course the Democrats would have to pass a few laws to make this possible, because right now my company can fire me for any reason they want.

Not everyone can start their own business. And the GOP economy is ruining a lot of small business' too. Plus, good luck getting a loan to start a new business.

Back in the day, people could try to start new business and if they failed, there were safety nets for them. Today, there are no safety nets.

Republicans talk about owning your own business, but their policies created an environment that deters people from trying to do so. Same with home ownership. Didn't they say they wanted everyone to own a home? Isn't it fascinating how many people lost their home under GOP rule?

The problem with unions is that they are predatory, and never any better than the companies they oppose. Look back at who use to run them, they haven't changed much since they started really. Coordinating such efforts doesn't need a union really, it just needs all the workers to be on the same page.
Agna after I write this...I'm going to ignore you..you are so full of BS. I see you as a geek that has no life, no friends, and by all means no women in your life. I see you as a scrawny person that wears coke bottle glasses, with it being taped in the middle. You are a one trick pony with nothing else to share but your knowledge, or lack there of socialism. You have to use this forum to bolster a Napoleon Complex. I'm sure your the kid that had a kick me sign taped on your back in jr. high school. You are the kid that was pushed around in a circle of classmates. You hide your inferiority behind your condenscending rhetoric. I don't think I missed anything...except go hide under that rock you came out of.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Those are some amusing sentiments there, and some that undoubtedly come as a result of projection (;)), but you're still not hiding the fact that you idiots don't know anything about political economy, abuse terms related to it, and then get your panties in a bunch when I school your ass.
Oh look, another imbecile too weak and cowardly to rebut my evisceration of his pathetic rambling about abortion. :lol:

Agna after I write this...I'm going to ignore you..you are so full of BS. I see you as a geek that has no life, no friends, and by all means no women in your life. I see you as a scrawny person that wears coke bottle glasses, with it being taped in the middle. You are a one trick pony with nothing else to share but your knowledge, or lack there of socialism. You have to use this forum to bolster a Napoleon Complex. I'm sure your the kid that had a kick me sign taped on your back in jr. high school. You are the kid that was pushed around in a circle of classmates. You hide your inferiority behind your condenscending rhetoric. I don't think I missed anything...except go hide under that rock you came out of.

Misusing a word. Geeks choose not to hang out with lots of people just because we don't like people, but often we are the ones EVERYONE turns to to fix things they break because they are too stupid it not fuck with something they don't understand. What you described is a nerd.
Oh look, another imbecile too weak and cowardly to rebut my evisceration of his pathetic rambling about abortion. :lol:

Agna after I write this...I'm going to ignore you..you are so full of BS. I see you as a geek that has no life, no friends, and by all means no women in your life. I see you as a scrawny person that wears coke bottle glasses, with it being taped in the middle. You are a one trick pony with nothing else to share but your knowledge, or lack there of socialism. You have to use this forum to bolster a Napoleon Complex. I'm sure your the kid that had a kick me sign taped on your back in jr. high school. You are the kid that was pushed around in a circle of classmates. You hide your inferiority behind your condenscending rhetoric. I don't think I missed anything...except go hide under that rock you came out of.

Misusing a word. Geeks choose not to hang out with lots of people just because we don't like people, but often we are the ones EVERYONE turns to to fix things they break because they are too stupid it not fuck with something they don't understand. What you described is a nerd.

I stand corrected, and apologize.
Oh look, another imbecile too weak and cowardly to rebut my evisceration of his pathetic rambling about abortion. :lol:

Agna after I write this...I'm going to ignore you..you are so full of BS. I see you as a geek that has no life, no friends, and by all means no women in your life. I see you as a scrawny person that wears coke bottle glasses, with it being taped in the middle. You are a one trick pony with nothing else to share but your knowledge, or lack there of socialism. You have to use this forum to bolster a Napoleon Complex. I'm sure your the kid that had a kick me sign taped on your back in jr. high school. You are the kid that was pushed around in a circle of classmates. You hide your inferiority behind your condenscending rhetoric. I don't think I missed anything...except go hide under that rock you came out of.

Misusing a word. Geeks choose not to hang out with lots of people just because we don't like people, but often we are the ones EVERYONE turns to to fix things they break because they are too stupid it not fuck with something they don't understand. What you described is a nerd.

Actually, you misused it yourself. Geeks hang out with plenty of people, and like people just fine. They simply have a wealth of knowledge about all things technology related, and mentally store a ton of (overall) useless knowledge.

Antisocial people hate people. But, then there seems to be absolutely nothing you DO like (hate people, hate sex, hate driving, hate this, hate that), so I can understand you confusing your own terms.
I use to be in your shoes ... it's tough and unfair I know. But unless enough of you stand up it will never change. One possible way to prove it is a country wide strike for all labor jobs, about a week and they will be begging you to go back to work. Another is figure out how to go in business yourself, it's hard but well worth it. If the laborers left the companies and started their own (pooling the money together for a co-op, which are big business really) the companies would collapse and these desk jockies that underpay their employees would soon be broke, the balance of wealth would flip. The problem is that most are not willing to take the risk and that is the fault of the laborers.

I talked to people about a new Union and they all laughed at me. Know what it would cost you to join? Just $12 a year. That's it. Just $12 a year and you are in the union. And if we feel that corporate America is taking advantage of the middle class or poor, we strike. We don't all have to work for the same company. There may be only 2 people in my company that are in the union, but the company has to respect the union when we strike. They can't fire me for striking.

Of course the Democrats would have to pass a few laws to make this possible, because right now my company can fire me for any reason they want.

Not everyone can start their own business. And the GOP economy is ruining a lot of small business' too. Plus, good luck getting a loan to start a new business.

Back in the day, people could try to start new business and if they failed, there were safety nets for them. Today, there are no safety nets.

Republicans talk about owning your own business, but their policies created an environment that deters people from trying to do so. Same with home ownership. Didn't they say they wanted everyone to own a home? Isn't it fascinating how many people lost their home under GOP rule?

The problem with unions is that they are predatory, and never any better than the companies they oppose. Look back at who use to run them, they haven't changed much since they started really. Coordinating such efforts doesn't need a union really, it just needs all the workers to be on the same page.

What do you mean they are no better? They faught and won pay increases, pensions, healthcare, sick days, maternaty leave, safe work environment, and the list goes on.

If it weren't for unions, you wouldn't be making what you make right now. And I doubt the middle class would be as strong as it...well, as it was. I was going to say is but we aren't that strong right now. Maybe because the unions are all but gone and the companies are sending their jobs overseas, and in turn cutting wages. The companies are taking back what the unions gained for us.

And since Reagan started breaking the unions with the air traffic controllers, we have lost the middle class here in America. Maybe not completely, but things are getting worse, not better.

See, the union has to have some bit of power. If they don't, then there is no point to having a union. Today, there is no point, other than they will fight so the Big 3 don't take too much away from them when making all these concessions to the government.

Yes, we would need to discuss how to not have the next union become so arrogant, wasteful, greedy, stubborn, lazy. True. And if someone comes to work drunk, FIRED!!! The unions shouldn't protect pieces of shit. And no jobs banks. So I'll agree with you that we need to improve on the old model, but I don't see how they are predatory.

Want to know what happened to my dad? He worked in Ford's cafateria. They were still UAW union. Every 4 years they renegotiate. So a bunch of jackasses in the cafe decided to break off from the UAW union and be independent. I forgot all the details, but bottom line is that within 5 years, Ford outsourced the cafe work to some crappy food company. My dad's UNION benefits stopped. His $15 went to $11.

So they should have stayed with the union. Luckily for my dad he had 20 years in the union, so he got a pension and healthcare.

He tried to get a job in the factory after the cafe became a crappy job, but he wasn't in the union so Ford discriminated against all the old people in the cafe. Some young guys got jobs out in the plant, but the vast majority of the cafe workers got FUCKED!!!

And that's because they weren't in the UAW.

So just because the old Union sucked, doesn't mean the new one has to.
If the argument against unions is merely that they can be corrupted, then that argument can be used against EVERYTHING.

Business and corporations can obviously be corrupt, as can governments,churches
boy scout troops, schools, hospitals, chinese fire drills and little girls' teaparties.

We can also note the decrease in average salary purchasing power as increasing in declines post the PATCO event, because after that American corporations declared war on unions BIG TIME.

I'm old enough to remember when if some SCAB tried to cross a picket line, he'd get his head busted.

And frankly, that's exactly what it takes to keep unions in a position to protect workers rights when they're facing massive corporate power AND the police that will ALWAYS come to the aid of CAPITAL.

Government never seem willing to protect workers rights, but ever ready to call in the troops to protect CAPITAL.

They used to mediate labor capital issues though NLRB arbitration. That actually worked fairly well, and the unions didn't have to get violent and the government didn't have to call out the troops, either.

But since the Reagan era, the NLRB has been less than useless... it has become positive hostile to unions.

FREE TRADE was one nail in the coffin of the American middle class, and the breaking of unions another.

And just look how that's working out for us, folks.

Even you people who eschew unions and think every person who is not making their living by investing are worthless losers, are losing your fortunes as the economy declines.

What apparently some of you don't understand was that is was the American middle class (the one that unions build) which made all the wealthy so super wealthy.

A parsitic class does not do well to sicken the host class.

Sadly the superwealthy of America (and the class traitors who pander to them) have apparently forgotten that basic rule of symbiosis.
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Editec ... look into the history of teamsters, the original unions, from back in the 50's (I think that is the right era). They were mobsters, getting funding from illegal activities. Their reasoning for organizing the laborers was to take control of the companies, not to benefit the laborers at all.
Editec ... look into the history of teamsters, the original unions, from back in the 50's (I think that is the right era). They were mobsters, getting funding from illegal activities. Their reasoning for organizing the laborers was to take control of the companies, not to benefit the laborers at all.

And the companies would hire goons/thugs/corrupt cops to crack heads and break up picket lines.

Ghandi could never have started a union. He was too much of a passivist.
I use to be in your shoes ... it's tough and unfair I know. But unless enough of you stand up it will never change. One possible way to prove it is a country wide strike for all labor jobs, about a week and they will be begging you to go back to work. Another is figure out how to go in business yourself, it's hard but well worth it. If the laborers left the companies and started their own (pooling the money together for a co-op, which are big business really) the companies would collapse and these desk jockies that underpay their employees would soon be broke, the balance of wealth would flip. The problem is that most are not willing to take the risk and that is the fault of the laborers.

I talked to people about a new Union and they all laughed at me. Know what it would cost you to join? Just $12 a year. That's it. Just $12 a year and you are in the union. And if we feel that corporate America is taking advantage of the middle class or poor, we strike. We don't all have to work for the same company. There may be only 2 people in my company that are in the union, but the company has to respect the union when we strike. They can't fire me for striking.

Of course the Democrats would have to pass a few laws to make this possible, because right now my company can fire me for any reason they want.

Not everyone can start their own business. And the GOP economy is ruining a lot of small business' too. Plus, good luck getting a loan to start a new business.

Back in the day, people could try to start new business and if they failed, there were safety nets for them. Today, there are no safety nets.

Republicans talk about owning your own business, but their policies created an environment that deters people from trying to do so. Same with home ownership. Didn't they say they wanted everyone to own a home? Isn't it fascinating how many people lost their home under GOP rule?

The problem with unions is that they are predatory, and never any better than the companies they oppose. Look back at who use to run them, they haven't changed much since they started really. Coordinating such efforts doesn't need a union really, it just needs all the workers to be on the same page.

Ha! Good luck with that. Just look at the house slaves on these boards who defend the corporations and bash labor, which they happen to be.

And look at how easily companies find scabs to take the strikers place.
Editec ... look into the history of teamsters, the original unions, from back in the 50's (I think that is the right era). They were mobsters, getting funding from illegal activities. Their reasoning for organizing the laborers was to take control of the companies, not to benefit the laborers at all.

And the companies would hire goons/thugs/corrupt cops to crack heads and break up picket lines.

Ghandi could never have started a union. He was too much of a passivist.

I do not deny that many corporations are corrupt, only that unions are not the answer (at least not as they are).

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