Who is responsible for YOU?

Don't bother KMAN. I've asked a similar question at least a half dozen time in other threads. I have yet to get an answer. I worded it slightly different. Many of the lefties here have made it all to clear what they are NOT responsible for. So instead of making excuses why don't some of you lefties (maybe ed, since I asked you specifically and you didn't answer) tell us what you feel you ARE responsible for at an individual level.

I just don't understand it... I would be embarrassed to know that I couldn't take care of myself and needed someone elses help... Where is their pride?

Yeah. I know what you mean. I knew this severely mentally handicapped person. At 21 he was barely able to tie his shoes. He also had no family or friends to help him. He will never be self-reliant but forever be a burden to society. Those people who are terribly mentally handicapped and physically handicapped are just terrible evil blight on society, aren’t they?
Don't bother KMAN. I've asked a similar question at least a half dozen time in other threads. I have yet to get an answer. I worded it slightly different. Many of the lefties here have made it all to clear what they are NOT responsible for. So instead of making excuses why don't some of you lefties (maybe ed, since I asked you specifically and you didn't answer) tell us what you feel you ARE responsible for at an individual level.

I just don't understand it... I would be embarrassed to know that I couldn't take care of myself and needed someone elses help... Where is their pride?

Yeah. I know what you mean. I knew this severely mentally handicapped person. At 21 he was barely able to tie his shoes. He also had no family or friends to help him. He will never be self-reliant but forever be a burden to society. Those people who are terribly mentally handicapped and physically handicapped are just terrible evil blight on society, aren’t they?

Do you really think that's what he was talking about? :cuckoo:
I just don't understand it... I would be embarrassed to know that I couldn't take care of myself and needed someone elses help... Where is their pride?

Yeah. I know what you mean. I knew this severely mentally handicapped person. At 21 he was barely able to tie his shoes. He also had no family or friends to help him. He will never be self-reliant but forever be a burden to society. Those people who are terribly mentally handicapped and physically handicapped are just terrible evil blight on society, aren’t they?

Do you really think that's what he was talking about? :cuckoo:

He was trying to make a point. It is YOU that didn't get it. Now do you feel stupid? You should, because you are.

I have seen so many arrogant right wingers like you fall so hard and fast and they ran so fast to the unemployment office.

And then when that didn't pay all the bills, they ran straight to mommy & daddy.

Clearly you have never been down and out. Consider yourself lucky. I have needed unemployment before and THANK GOD for my parents.

I was also lucky enough to have a friend who paid me under the table while I collected unemployment.

I love righties who get sooo mad that I did that. As if they wouldn't. And any righty who gets mad at me for doing this, only proves they don't make enough money to be in the GOP, because no real republican pays his fair share of taxes. Just ask Leona Helmsley.
Yeah. I know what you mean. I knew this severely mentally handicapped person. At 21 he was barely able to tie his shoes. He also had no family or friends to help him. He will never be self-reliant but forever be a burden to society. Those people who are terribly mentally handicapped and physically handicapped are just terrible evil blight on society, aren’t they?

Do you really think that's what he was talking about? :cuckoo:

He was trying to make a point. It is YOU that didn't get it. Now do you feel stupid? You should, because you are.

I have seen so many arrogant right wingers like you fall so hard and fast and they ran so fast to the unemployment office.

And then when that didn't pay all the bills, they ran straight to mommy & daddy.

Clearly you have never been down and out. Consider yourself lucky. I have needed unemployment before and THANK GOD for my parents.

I was also lucky enough to have a friend who paid me under the table while I collected unemployment.

I love righties who get sooo mad that I did that. As if they wouldn't. And any righty who gets mad at me for doing this, only proves they don't make enough money to be in the GOP, because no real republican pays his fair share of taxes. Just ask Leona Helmsley.

I know exactly what he was talking about bobo...your the idiot. But, did he have to state the obvious...for you he probably did. I, unlike you never used the unemployment. I, unlike you never needed to go to mommy and daddy. From other posts you made, you were getting unemployment and working under the table at the same time. So cheating the government, I ,unlike you have never done such a thing. It comes down to integrity, bobo. You lack that quality in your life. Stand tall, and feel proud...you dumbass. :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Michigan is a right to work state too.

Call it what it is. Right to fire.

Or, no right to your job.

I can't wait until your state has all the jobs and all those companies get all the tax breaks so they have to raise your taxes.

Don't complain either. You wanted those jobs. You NEEDED those jobs. :lol:

And you argued for them to get all the tax breaks. So clearly you must pick up the tap stupid. I mean, whoever works for you while you sit at home all day doing nothing. :lol:

PS. I made my goal today Willow. That's why I wasn't on for a couple hours. MO money, mo money!!! Chicching!!!

Wish in one hand shit in the other,, see which one fills up first.. my state has never relied on manufacturing.. so doubt they will anytime soon.

Then your state doesn't really matter that much in the grand scheme of things, and never will.

And I bet your state takes in more than it pays out in Federal Taxes. Fucking welfare bums in the deep dirty south.

This is just like how people who know other races are usually not as racist as ignorant people down south who don't mix with other races. You don't have any manufacturing so you don't understand how important it is.

And you probably don't have any unions where you live either then, so what makes you an expert?

Or, you don't understand big cities and how living on top of each other creates crime. Or, when jobs dry up, its harder for people in cities to cope because there are so many people to compete for the jobs that are available. Or you don't admit that you can rely on family and some people don't have that luxury.

You just go from one farmer to the other and offer your services of cleaning up the pig shit or inceminating horses or milking bulls with your mouth. :lol:

Here's what I do know. You are miserable.. You are a pig.. And for that I am happy!
Yourself, or government?

And at what point does the country crumble? The top 20% or so of wage earners can only support so many people... At some point the top 20% are going to realize that it's not worth it to work... This means no new drugs, no new technology, etc... Is that really what the people of this country want?

The presuppositions of your rhetorical question is flawed, KMAN.

If the bottom 80% have no encentive to work, how rich will the top 20% be?

A functioning society is a symbiotic relationship between the classes, amigo.

When one class becomes too dominant, and the others find themselves unable to thrive, that society is going down and that means that the vast majority of that 20% are going to go down with it, too.

DITTO--to add--our society is based upon the success of the individual.

With Obama's plan for wealth-redistribution--it DISCOURAGES high school kids to go off to college work their behinds off--when they know that their hard earned success will go to others that did not put in as much work.

If you're a medical student--why on earth would you work so hard--when you know that you will bringing home the same amount of money as an unskilled receptionist?

This is basically the plan for wealth-redistribution.
Do you ask for too much? Do you make too much?

You liars pretend that its the Unions that are asking for too much, but unions make up a very small percentage of our work force, and I see a lot of non union people getting fucked.

And do they change states or countries? Because a lot of companies are going down to the dirty south first so they aren't too obvious, but then they go to mexico next. You guys make $15 an hour. Right? That's too much too idiot. So will you defend companies that go overseas when that ruins your state or will you cry like a baby to us? We won't listen you dumb fuck. You should have listened to us first. Divide and concur.

Well if those corps want to set up in other countries, we should wish them the best of luck and tariff their imports if they try to sell their shit here. That's the way it use to be before the GOP took over, and thats the way it needs to be again.

Then a small start up in the free market will take over all their business. An American company.

You guys sold us on hiring illegals and sending jobs out of the country. You said JOBS AMERICANS WON'T DO and you told us that we'd get cheap goods if we outsourced. And you convinced us that you wouldn't go too far. But then you did go too far. And you still don't get it.

But I'm glad you admit that corps don't care about the American middle class. That is exactly right.

So I don't blame the corporations. I don't even blame the politicians who work for the corporations. I blame the dumb ass voters. Voters like you.

Your job is next. Your way of life is next. And if you are safe for whatever reason, then you are a stupid greedy selfish arrogant ignorant prick.

Are you already retired? Do you collect a pension? Do you make a lot of money?

I'm trying to protect the American middle class. It is what made America a great place. THE MASSES were all doing very well for decades. We were thriving.

And the economy will only be good again when we get back to that place. That's what you don't realize.

Will it affect your job? God I hope so. Has it affected mine? Yes. About $10K I guestimate.

As I'm sure it has affected your industry, because it has affected every industry. You are not immune. And if you are, you are rare, so who cares. I don't want to hear about one prick who happens to be lucky. I want to see the economy overall improve. Do you even care or realize we are in a 2nd great depression? That was caused by the modern day robber barons?

Of course you do not. I don't have time to disect each and every one of you cock suckers to figure out if you are stupid or greedy. I'm guessing you are one of the stupid ones.

Match Social Security,pay unemployment insurance,pay medicare,pay
winter and summer vacation pay,pay annuity plan,pay pennis ion plan,pay apprenticeship program, pay state tax, pay federal tax, pay state insurance fund, pay disability ins. pay liability insurance,pay sales tax,pay child support, then ask can you guys stay for overtime and 8 of 10 say no I have something personal to do like go buy some pot. These pricks make to much money and do not have to work hard
and you think I owe them more. If it wasn't for my 4 sons and about
10% of the Guys we get from the Union I the one who started this company in the 70's would still have the tools on. I never worked a 40 hour week you do not deserve more if you do not work more asshole and a salesman who is a democrat and believe business people should just give them more is a total asshole just like the 90% of lazy assholes that I have been force to hire fuck them and fuck you. I do not make money because of them but in spite of them as most of our contracts are with the liberal counties and town here in New York, yea I do fine and am some what retired but the people I have to do business with really are fucking give me liberals so I understand them better than you could possibly imagine, they waste all our money and when I point this out to them they tell me I'm wrong so I put the money in my pocket and go home.
So the moral is the liberal pricks I have to hire get money from the liberal scumbags that run the government in NYC and as much as I despise these type of way's it is what Obowma and you want so lets fuck ourselfs some more and blame the Corps and Republicans ..I could cut all the shit out that I have to pay for these assholes,have them perform as men did in the 50's and 60's and reduce the state of NY budjet by Billions but no chase the business away to foreign countries and mess with the ones that can't leave yea thats a good idea fuckin morons.

Nice. I like how you view your employees. Hey everyone, this asshole is the perfect example of how some employers see us. They don't value us at all.

And you are a incoherent fuck.

PS. Obama just did something for you small business'. You get to write off all kinds of shit. I'm not going to tell you the details, because I hope you stay in your fantasy land of blaming Obama and you miss all the breaks. And in two years, when the recession is over, your taxes will be raised. Because you have to pay your taxes. You aren't paying enough, bitch.

You benefit from the education that your employees got, right? You do have an educated workforce, correct? So the reason you pay taxes is because you benefit from the government. You can cry like a fucking ignorant baby now stupid. :lol:

Here are a couple of op ed's that should make your head explode:

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

They both apply to your situation.

I appreciate the top 10% but the rest like you get sent back to the Hall on a regular basis,never do overtime ,never see bonus and never
become a accomplished craftsman& cause the good guys to work
harder,my supervisors and shop Stuarts feel the same about you and the slackers as me,and even hate them more. So when you say
I do not value the piece of shit slacker you can bet your ass thats true and my good guys value them even less.
Don't even try to think any thing that my company is going to have as an advantage to save or make money is being missed I do not need a fool like you to detail any thing,being you brought up details
guess what as my company is taxed more don't you worry what I do will be paid for by the middle class--like I tried to explain earlier
the liberals only fuck them selfs--things will only cost more-and
my children will not I repeat will not pay any death taxes, took care of that years ago. Education, I've paid enough property taxes to
triple your salary and for what get employees that can't fill out a
employment form. Thats why my grandchildren are in private school
even Borack knows that. What the fuck am I doing talking to the likes of you I've been firing you types for over 20 years,must be Alzheimer's setting in.
Oh you need to know this Obowma and the green people passed something thats total bullshit and I got a $33,000.00 credit and its not taxes assholes what a fuckin joke.
Do you really think that's what he was talking about? :cuckoo:

He was trying to make a point. It is YOU that didn't get it. Now do you feel stupid? You should, because you are.

I have seen so many arrogant right wingers like you fall so hard and fast and they ran so fast to the unemployment office.

And then when that didn't pay all the bills, they ran straight to mommy & daddy.

Clearly you have never been down and out. Consider yourself lucky. I have needed unemployment before and THANK GOD for my parents.

I was also lucky enough to have a friend who paid me under the table while I collected unemployment.

I love righties who get sooo mad that I did that. As if they wouldn't. And any righty who gets mad at me for doing this, only proves they don't make enough money to be in the GOP, because no real republican pays his fair share of taxes. Just ask Leona Helmsley.

I know exactly what he was talking about bobo...your the idiot. But, did he have to state the obvious...for you he probably did. I, unlike you never used the unemployment. I, unlike you never needed to go to mommy and daddy. From other posts you made, you were getting unemployment and working under the table at the same time. So cheating the government, I ,unlike you have never done such a thing. It comes down to integrity, bobo. You lack that quality in your life. Stand tall, and feel proud...you dumbass. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fuck you! Every business owner I know writes bullshit off that isn't business related.

I know many "small business owners" who got their start while on unemployment.

The one I remember most is the one who showed me his book, "100 liberals that are killing America".

You would do it too. I don't know ANYONE who wouldn't. You are lying if you said you wouldn't.

So if you were on unemployment and you could cut your neighbors grass for $20, you would claim it? Fuck off!!!

PS. So now you never even got help from your parents? Fuckin Liar!!! You were raised by wolves?

You got help from the government too, whether you know it/admit it or not.

I'm just being honest and you aren't.
Wish in one hand shit in the other,, see which one fills up first.. my state has never relied on manufacturing.. so doubt they will anytime soon.

Then your state doesn't really matter that much in the grand scheme of things, and never will.

And I bet your state takes in more than it pays out in Federal Taxes. Fucking welfare bums in the deep dirty south.

This is just like how people who know other races are usually not as racist as ignorant people down south who don't mix with other races. You don't have any manufacturing so you don't understand how important it is.

And you probably don't have any unions where you live either then, so what makes you an expert?

Or, you don't understand big cities and how living on top of each other creates crime. Or, when jobs dry up, its harder for people in cities to cope because there are so many people to compete for the jobs that are available. Or you don't admit that you can rely on family and some people don't have that luxury.

You just go from one farmer to the other and offer your services of cleaning up the pig shit or inceminating horses or milking bulls with your mouth. :lol:

Here's what I do know. You are miserable.. You are a pig.. And for that I am happy!

The only thing that makes me miserable is that if I tell you what I want to tell you, you'll complain. WAAA!!!! :lol:
Match Social Security,pay unemployment insurance,pay medicare,pay
winter and summer vacation pay,pay annuity plan,pay pennis ion plan,pay apprenticeship program, pay state tax, pay federal tax, pay state insurance fund, pay disability ins. pay liability insurance,pay sales tax,pay child support, then ask can you guys stay for overtime and 8 of 10 say no I have something personal to do like go buy some pot. These pricks make to much money and do not have to work hard
and you think I owe them more. If it wasn't for my 4 sons and about
10% of the Guys we get from the Union I the one who started this company in the 70's would still have the tools on. I never worked a 40 hour week you do not deserve more if you do not work more asshole and a salesman who is a democrat and believe business people should just give them more is a total asshole just like the 90% of lazy assholes that I have been force to hire fuck them and fuck you. I do not make money because of them but in spite of them as most of our contracts are with the liberal counties and town here in New York, yea I do fine and am some what retired but the people I have to do business with really are fucking give me liberals so I understand them better than you could possibly imagine, they waste all our money and when I point this out to them they tell me I'm wrong so I put the money in my pocket and go home.
So the moral is the liberal pricks I have to hire get money from the liberal scumbags that run the government in NYC and as much as I despise these type of way's it is what Obowma and you want so lets fuck ourselfs some more and blame the Corps and Republicans ..I could cut all the shit out that I have to pay for these assholes,have them perform as men did in the 50's and 60's and reduce the state of NY budjet by Billions but no chase the business away to foreign countries and mess with the ones that can't leave yea thats a good idea fuckin morons.

Nice. I like how you view your employees. Hey everyone, this asshole is the perfect example of how some employers see us. They don't value us at all.

And you are a incoherent fuck.

PS. Obama just did something for you small business'. You get to write off all kinds of shit. I'm not going to tell you the details, because I hope you stay in your fantasy land of blaming Obama and you miss all the breaks. And in two years, when the recession is over, your taxes will be raised. Because you have to pay your taxes. You aren't paying enough, bitch.

You benefit from the education that your employees got, right? You do have an educated workforce, correct? So the reason you pay taxes is because you benefit from the government. You can cry like a fucking ignorant baby now stupid. :lol:

Here are a couple of op ed's that should make your head explode:

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

They both apply to your situation.

I appreciate the top 10% but the rest like you get sent back to the Hall on a regular basis,never do overtime ,never see bonus and never
become a accomplished craftsman& cause the good guys to work
harder,my supervisors and shop Stuarts feel the same about you and the slackers as me,and even hate them more. So when you say
I do not value the piece of shit slacker you can bet your ass thats true and my good guys value them even less.
Don't even try to think any thing that my company is going to have as an advantage to save or make money is being missed I do not need a fool like you to detail any thing,being you brought up details
guess what as my company is taxed more don't you worry what I do will be paid for by the middle class--like I tried to explain earlier
the liberals only fuck them selfs--things will only cost more-and
my children will not I repeat will not pay any death taxes, took care of that years ago. Education, I've paid enough property taxes to
triple your salary and for what get employees that can't fill out a
employment form. Thats why my grandchildren are in private school
even Borack knows that. What the fuck am I doing talking to the likes of you I've been firing you types for over 20 years,must be Alzheimer's setting in.

Did you graduate functionally illiterate?

If your job goes overseas, I feel sorry for you, because you are completely unemployable.

I can sell anything. I have sold computers, networking, programming, trade shows, tax and accounting, I was enrollment counselor.

I can sell anything!

But what would you do if you lost that job? You wouldn't even know how to do a resume.

And I hope you don't talk like you type. Fucking red neck. Maybe its acceptable where you live. What can they expect for $15 hr. :lol:
Nice. I like how you view your employees. Hey everyone, this asshole is the perfect example of how some employers see us. They don't value us at all.

And you are a incoherent fuck.

PS. Obama just did something for you small business'. You get to write off all kinds of shit. I'm not going to tell you the details, because I hope you stay in your fantasy land of blaming Obama and you miss all the breaks. And in two years, when the recession is over, your taxes will be raised. Because you have to pay your taxes. You aren't paying enough, bitch.

You benefit from the education that your employees got, right? You do have an educated workforce, correct? So the reason you pay taxes is because you benefit from the government. You can cry like a fucking ignorant baby now stupid. :lol:

Here are a couple of op ed's that should make your head explode:

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

They both apply to your situation.

I appreciate the top 10% but the rest like you get sent back to the Hall on a regular basis,never do overtime ,never see bonus and never
become a accomplished craftsman& cause the good guys to work
harder,my supervisors and shop Stuarts feel the same about you and the slackers as me,and even hate them more. So when you say
I do not value the piece of shit slacker you can bet your ass thats true and my good guys value them even less.
Don't even try to think any thing that my company is going to have as an advantage to save or make money is being missed I do not need a fool like you to detail any thing,being you brought up details
guess what as my company is taxed more don't you worry what I do will be paid for by the middle class--like I tried to explain earlier
the liberals only fuck them selfs--things will only cost more-and
my children will not I repeat will not pay any death taxes, took care of that years ago. Education, I've paid enough property taxes to
triple your salary and for what get employees that can't fill out a
employment form. Thats why my grandchildren are in private school
even Borack knows that. What the fuck am I doing talking to the likes of you I've been firing you types for over 20 years,must be Alzheimer's setting in.

Did you graduate functionally illiterate?

If your job goes overseas, I feel sorry for you, because you are completely unemployable.

I can sell anything. I have sold computers, networking, programming, trade shows, tax and accounting, I was enrollment counselor.

I can sell anything!

But what would you do if you lost that job? You wouldn't even know how to do a resume.

And I hope you don't talk like you type. Fucking red neck. Maybe its acceptable where you live. What can they expect for $15 hr. :lol:

Still waiting for that apology Bobo....
Nice. I like how you view your employees. Hey everyone, this asshole is the perfect example of how some employers see us. They don't value us at all.

And you are a incoherent fuck.

PS. Obama just did something for you small business'. You get to write off all kinds of shit. I'm not going to tell you the details, because I hope you stay in your fantasy land of blaming Obama and you miss all the breaks. And in two years, when the recession is over, your taxes will be raised. Because you have to pay your taxes. You aren't paying enough, bitch.

You benefit from the education that your employees got, right? You do have an educated workforce, correct? So the reason you pay taxes is because you benefit from the government. You can cry like a fucking ignorant baby now stupid. :lol:

Here are a couple of op ed's that should make your head explode:

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

They both apply to your situation.

I appreciate the top 10% but the rest like you get sent back to the Hall on a regular basis,never do overtime ,never see bonus and never
become a accomplished craftsman& cause the good guys to work
harder,my supervisors and shop Stuarts feel the same about you and the slackers as me,and even hate them more. So when you say
I do not value the piece of shit slacker you can bet your ass thats true and my good guys value them even less.
Don't even try to think any thing that my company is going to have as an advantage to save or make money is being missed I do not need a fool like you to detail any thing,being you brought up details
guess what as my company is taxed more don't you worry what I do will be paid for by the middle class--like I tried to explain earlier
the liberals only fuck them selfs--things will only cost more-and
my children will not I repeat will not pay any death taxes, took care of that years ago. Education, I've paid enough property taxes to
triple your salary and for what get employees that can't fill out a
employment form. Thats why my grandchildren are in private school
even Borack knows that. What the fuck am I doing talking to the likes of you I've been firing you types for over 20 years,must be Alzheimer's setting in.

Did you graduate functionally illiterate?

If your job goes overseas, I feel sorry for you, because you are completely unemployable.

I can sell anything. I have sold computers, networking, programming, trade shows, tax and accounting, I was enrollment counselor.

I can sell anything!

But what would you do if you lost that job? You wouldn't even know how to do a resume.

And I hope you don't talk like you type. Fucking red neck. Maybe its acceptable where you live. What can they expect for $15 hr. :lol:

You couldn't sell anything,I don't have a job I'm the Boss asshole and over seas fool I'd be the one shipping my job as you say.
Good sales people do not I repeat do not think like you.
I review resumes fool. Type I suck at it for sure but you have not sold me and if you were any good you would have. (I have office staff when the typing matters)
You have been in to many fields to be good at anything,$85,000.00
a year you should listen to people like me not criticize them.
He was trying to make a point. It is YOU that didn't get it. Now do you feel stupid? You should, because you are.

I have seen so many arrogant right wingers like you fall so hard and fast and they ran so fast to the unemployment office.

And then when that didn't pay all the bills, they ran straight to mommy & daddy.

Clearly you have never been down and out. Consider yourself lucky. I have needed unemployment before and THANK GOD for my parents.

I was also lucky enough to have a friend who paid me under the table while I collected unemployment.

I love righties who get sooo mad that I did that. As if they wouldn't. And any righty who gets mad at me for doing this, only proves they don't make enough money to be in the GOP, because no real republican pays his fair share of taxes. Just ask Leona Helmsley.

I know exactly what he was talking about bobo...your the idiot. But, did he have to state the obvious...for you he probably did. I, unlike you never used the unemployment. I, unlike you never needed to go to mommy and daddy. From other posts you made, you were getting unemployment and working under the table at the same time. So cheating the government, I ,unlike you have never done such a thing. It comes down to integrity, bobo. You lack that quality in your life. Stand tall, and feel proud...you dumbass. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fuck you! Every business owner I know writes bullshit off that isn't business related.

I know many "small business owners" who got their start while on unemployment.

The one I remember most is the one who showed me his book, "100 liberals that are killing America".

You would do it too. I don't know ANYONE who wouldn't. You are lying if you said you wouldn't.

So if you were on unemployment and you could cut your neighbors grass for $20, you would claim it? Fuck off!!!

PS. So now you never even got help from your parents? Fuckin Liar!!! You were raised by wolves?

You got help from the government too, whether you know it/admit it or not.

I'm just being honest and you aren't.

Hey bobo, calm down....you weren't talking about being raised by parents, dumbass. You were talking about having to go to mommy and daddy when you should have been on your own two feet, don't go lying dumbass. If your talking about me depending on the government for roads and bridges...once again your lying. I never took money from them for unemployment...like you dumb ass. I have always paid my taxes. It caught a nerve when you realized that you don't have any integrity...well you should be proud of that...for God sakes, you got over on the government. Hell, you brag about it. What kind of integrity is that??? You, and I both know you weren't talking about a 20 dollar grass cut...If I remember you prior post on another thread, you were talking about detailing cars. So take your lack of integrity and stick it and your head up your sorry ass and roll down the sidewalk. :lol:
I appreciate the top 10% but the rest like you get sent back to the Hall on a regular basis,never do overtime ,never see bonus and never
become a accomplished craftsman& cause the good guys to work
harder,my supervisors and shop Stuarts feel the same about you and the slackers as me,and even hate them more. So when you say
I do not value the piece of shit slacker you can bet your ass thats true and my good guys value them even less.
Don't even try to think any thing that my company is going to have as an advantage to save or make money is being missed I do not need a fool like you to detail any thing,being you brought up details
guess what as my company is taxed more don't you worry what I do will be paid for by the middle class--like I tried to explain earlier
the liberals only fuck them selfs--things will only cost more-and
my children will not I repeat will not pay any death taxes, took care of that years ago. Education, I've paid enough property taxes to
triple your salary and for what get employees that can't fill out a
employment form. Thats why my grandchildren are in private school
even Borack knows that. What the fuck am I doing talking to the likes of you I've been firing you types for over 20 years,must be Alzheimer's setting in.

Did you graduate functionally illiterate?

If your job goes overseas, I feel sorry for you, because you are completely unemployable.

I can sell anything. I have sold computers, networking, programming, trade shows, tax and accounting, I was enrollment counselor.

I can sell anything!

But what would you do if you lost that job? You wouldn't even know how to do a resume.

And I hope you don't talk like you type. Fucking red neck. Maybe its acceptable where you live. What can they expect for $15 hr. :lol:

You couldn't sell anything,I don't have a job I'm the Boss asshole and over seas fool I'd be the one shipping my job as you say.
Good sales people do not I repeat do not think like you.
I review resumes fool. Type I suck at it for sure but you have not sold me and if you were any good you would have. (I have office staff when the typing matters)
You have been in to many fields to be good at anything,$85,000.00
a year you should listen to people like me not criticize them.

Fuck you! Democratic politicians are salespeople. Have they sold you in all these years? You are set in your ways and ignorant.

You're the boss? You'll fall the hardest when your job goes. YOu'll cry the most.. And you'll blame Pelosi. What a joke. Red neck.

I've sold too many things? Actually, I sold more things than that, but I had to find a good company to work for before I settled.

I worked for Payne Webber. First gig out of college. I was selling more than the guys who were certified. I was cold calling for the two VP's. They were using me to cold call for them. They said that was the way it worked. They were USERS!!

You fucking idiots!! You know for a fact you don't make $85K. If you do, then YOU are the prime example of a factory rat who is overpaid.

I fucking defend you too!!! I want you to make more money. I don't want you to resort to lying about how much you make.

Anyways, I worked for Payne Webber. An investment firm that was probably involved in the $750 billion scam. So I didn't like how they chewed people up and spit them out. Bottom line, I learned a lot and that gig got me the next job.

Where I sold computer training. New Horizons Computer Learning Centers. That business BOOMED in the 90's and NH was the number one computer training company in the US.

Anyways, I went to start my own company, etc, yada yada, it didn't work out, and then 9-11 happened. If you think you could have been a good salesperson right after 9-11, then you are fucking idiot. No one was buying and no one was hiring, much like now.

So now I work for a great company again. I was with NH for 5 years and I've been here for 5 years. Despite the fact that I see wages being cut, I make god damn good money and i'm saving for retirement.

Am I wrong to complain about what the GOP and Corporations are doing? You are a fucking sheep bitch!!! If you aren't complaining, then congrats, it isn't happening to you. But that also makes you a selfish prick, because its happening to everyone else.

And your savings took a dump and so did your house value, and that makes you a dumb fuck!!! Because we know the corporations did it on purpose. They maxed out their profits for a few years, gouged, inflated, speculated, and then got bailed out in the end when their plan failed. Probably on purpose.

And the genious of the GOP is that you still defend them. YOu are dumb as a fucking bag of rocks.

But I don't come here to agree with people. I seek out idiots like you. Its my hobby.

Learn to write. I only barely made out what you said Gramps.
I know exactly what he was talking about bobo...your the idiot. But, did he have to state the obvious...for you he probably did. I, unlike you never used the unemployment. I, unlike you never needed to go to mommy and daddy. From other posts you made, you were getting unemployment and working under the table at the same time. So cheating the government, I ,unlike you have never done such a thing. It comes down to integrity, bobo. You lack that quality in your life. Stand tall, and feel proud...you dumbass. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fuck you! Every business owner I know writes bullshit off that isn't business related.

I know many "small business owners" who got their start while on unemployment.

The one I remember most is the one who showed me his book, "100 liberals that are killing America".

You would do it too. I don't know ANYONE who wouldn't. You are lying if you said you wouldn't.

So if you were on unemployment and you could cut your neighbors grass for $20, you would claim it? Fuck off!!!

PS. So now you never even got help from your parents? Fuckin Liar!!! You were raised by wolves?

You got help from the government too, whether you know it/admit it or not.

I'm just being honest and you aren't.

Hey bobo, calm down....you weren't talking about being raised by parents, dumbass. You were talking about having to go to mommy and daddy when you should have been on your own two feet, don't go lying dumbass. If your talking about me depending on the government for roads and bridges...once again your lying. I never took money from them for unemployment...like you dumb ass. I have always paid my taxes. It caught a nerve when you realized that you don't have any integrity...well you should be proud of that...for God sakes, you got over on the government. Hell, you brag about it. What kind of integrity is that??? You, and I both know you weren't talking about a 20 dollar grass cut...If I remember you prior post on another thread, you were talking about detailing cars. So take your lack of integrity and stick it and your head up your sorry ass and roll down the sidewalk. :lol:

So you never lost a job, or you never lost one in a tough economy where it took you a couple months to find a new job?

Because if you did, you would have filed for unemployment. You're a fool if you did not. You paid into it.

And you never got help from your momma? My parents would make me food when I was unemployed so I wouldn't go out and waste money. PS. I'm greek, they still make me food. You're not going to make me feel bad about it, so don't even try. :lol:

And at least I'm being honest. You're probably some factory rat making minimum wage, or some college punk. :eusa_liar:

Integrety my ass. Do some history on the Robber Baron's. Ruthless, law breakers, etc.

PS. I want you to see the integrity your masters have:

UBS Will Release Names Of Americans Hiding Money From IRS

Taxes: UBS Will Release Names Of Americans Hiding Money From IRS

So your broke ass can have all the "integrity" you want. You are stupid. I'll say it loud and proud. If I could get away with it, I would do it too!!!!

Fuck integrity. Did I ever give you the impression I had integrity? Fuck no. I have compassion, but not integrity when it comes to $.

So while you make a big deal out of the $1000 I may have "gotten over" on the gov, consider your masters are hiding billions in Switzerland.

And you for some reason think I'm attacking you? YOU? :lol: You are a broke ass. You are probably so far in debt its sad.

This is a prime example of a guy who thinks he is a Republican but the reality is that you are voting outside of your tax bracket.

Do you lick your boss' balls if he asks you to? Oh yea, you're the boss, in a little shitty business, and you think that makes you a Republican? Why are my small business owner friends so much smarter than you?
I appreciate the top 10% but the rest like you get sent back to the Hall on a regular basis,never do overtime ,never see bonus and never
become a accomplished craftsman& cause the good guys to work
harder,my supervisors and shop Stuarts feel the same about you and the slackers as me,and even hate them more. So when you say
I do not value the piece of shit slacker you can bet your ass thats true and my good guys value them even less.
Don't even try to think any thing that my company is going to have as an advantage to save or make money is being missed I do not need a fool like you to detail any thing,being you brought up details
guess what as my company is taxed more don't you worry what I do will be paid for by the middle class--like I tried to explain earlier
the liberals only fuck them selfs--things will only cost more-and
my children will not I repeat will not pay any death taxes, took care of that years ago. Education, I've paid enough property taxes to
triple your salary and for what get employees that can't fill out a
employment form. Thats why my grandchildren are in private school
even Borack knows that. What the fuck am I doing talking to the likes of you I've been firing you types for over 20 years,must be Alzheimer's setting in.

Did you graduate functionally illiterate?

If your job goes overseas, I feel sorry for you, because you are completely unemployable.

I can sell anything. I have sold computers, networking, programming, trade shows, tax and accounting, I was enrollment counselor.

I can sell anything!

But what would you do if you lost that job? You wouldn't even know how to do a resume.

And I hope you don't talk like you type. Fucking red neck. Maybe its acceptable where you live. What can they expect for $15 hr. :lol:

You couldn't sell anything,I don't have a job I'm the Boss asshole and over seas fool I'd be the one shipping my job as you say.
Good sales people do not I repeat do not think like you.
I review resumes fool. Type I suck at it for sure but you have not sold me and if you were any good you would have. (I have office staff when the typing matters)
You have been in to many fields to be good at anything,$85,000.00
a year you should listen to people like me not criticize them.

Use spaces, commas, periods you ignorant fuck. I tried to re read your post and its rediculous.

Are you so worked up that you can't type?

PS, again, you aren't rich enough to be a Republican. You're just racist enough and ignorant enough. The really rich people in this country pray on ignorant fucks like you. They get you with wedge issues. God, gays and guns.

Tell me more about your business. What do you make? Who do you sell it to? How's business? Got a website? Maybe thats too much information, but if you are the boss, what do you care? Because you probably aren't the boss. You're some secretary. NOPE, not with that spelling and grammer.

PPS. I sell tax and accounting stuff. When I run into a "obama sucks" customer, I go right along with them. I agree with EVERYTHING they say. You think I'm dumb enough to tell them they are stupid like you? No way!!

But I bet everyone in your shop knows what a stupid lazy fuck you are, sitting on the computer all day making more than everyone and thinking you work hard.

How did you get into that business? What money did you have to start? Do you think you could start that business today in this economy? Doubt it. :eusa_whistle:
Fuck you! Every business owner I know writes bullshit off that isn't business related.

I know many "small business owners" who got their start while on unemployment.

The one I remember most is the one who showed me his book, "100 liberals that are killing America".

You would do it too. I don't know ANYONE who wouldn't. You are lying if you said you wouldn't.

So if you were on unemployment and you could cut your neighbors grass for $20, you would claim it? Fuck off!!!

PS. So now you never even got help from your parents? Fuckin Liar!!! You were raised by wolves?

You got help from the government too, whether you know it/admit it or not.

I'm just being honest and you aren't.

Hey bobo, calm down....you weren't talking about being raised by parents, dumbass. You were talking about having to go to mommy and daddy when you should have been on your own two feet, don't go lying dumbass. If your talking about me depending on the government for roads and bridges...once again your lying. I never took money from them for unemployment...like you dumb ass. I have always paid my taxes. It caught a nerve when you realized that you don't have any integrity...well you should be proud of that...for God sakes, you got over on the government. Hell, you brag about it. What kind of integrity is that??? You, and I both know you weren't talking about a 20 dollar grass cut...If I remember you prior post on another thread, you were talking about detailing cars. So take your lack of integrity and stick it and your head up your sorry ass and roll down the sidewalk. :lol:

So you never lost a job, or you never lost one in a tough economy where it took you a couple months to find a new job?

Because if you did, you would have filed for unemployment. You're a fool if you did not. You paid into it.

And you never got help from your momma? My parents would make me food when I was unemployed so I wouldn't go out and waste money. PS. I'm greek, they still make me food. You're not going to make me feel bad about it, so don't even try. :lol:

And at least I'm being honest. You're probably some factory rat making minimum wage, or some college punk. :eusa_liar:

Integrety my ass. Do some history on the Robber Baron's. Ruthless, law breakers, etc.

PS. I want you to see the integrity your masters have:

UBS Will Release Names Of Americans Hiding Money From IRS

Taxes: UBS Will Release Names Of Americans Hiding Money From IRS

So your broke ass can have all the "integrity" you want. You are stupid. I'll say it loud and proud. If I could get away with it, I would do it too!!!!

Fuck integrity. Did I ever give you the impression I had integrity? Fuck no. I have compassion, but not integrity when it comes to $.

So while you make a big deal out of the $1000 I may have "gotten over" on the gov, consider your masters are hiding billions in Switzerland.

And you for some reason think I'm attacking you? YOU? :lol: You are a broke ass. You are probably so far in debt its sad.

This is a prime example of a guy who thinks he is a Republican but the reality is that you are voting outside of your tax bracket.

Do you lick your boss' balls if he asks you to? Oh yea, you're the boss, in a little shitty business, and you think that makes you a Republican? Why are my small business owner friends so much smarter than you?

bobo, How many times do I have to tell your sorry ass that I'm retired and living pretty damn good. So why don't you go pound sand...I think I'm going to go fishing for a few hours. Take care :lol:
Hey bobo, calm down....you weren't talking about being raised by parents, dumbass. You were talking about having to go to mommy and daddy when you should have been on your own two feet, don't go lying dumbass. If your talking about me depending on the government for roads and bridges...once again your lying. I never took money from them for unemployment...like you dumb ass. I have always paid my taxes. It caught a nerve when you realized that you don't have any integrity...well you should be proud of that...for God sakes, you got over on the government. Hell, you brag about it. What kind of integrity is that??? You, and I both know you weren't talking about a 20 dollar grass cut...If I remember you prior post on another thread, you were talking about detailing cars. So take your lack of integrity and stick it and your head up your sorry ass and roll down the sidewalk. :lol:

So you never lost a job, or you never lost one in a tough economy where it took you a couple months to find a new job?

Because if you did, you would have filed for unemployment. You're a fool if you did not. You paid into it.

And you never got help from your momma? My parents would make me food when I was unemployed so I wouldn't go out and waste money. PS. I'm greek, they still make me food. You're not going to make me feel bad about it, so don't even try. :lol:

And at least I'm being honest. You're probably some factory rat making minimum wage, or some college punk. :eusa_liar:

Integrety my ass. Do some history on the Robber Baron's. Ruthless, law breakers, etc.

PS. I want you to see the integrity your masters have:

UBS Will Release Names Of Americans Hiding Money From IRS

Taxes: UBS Will Release Names Of Americans Hiding Money From IRS

So your broke ass can have all the "integrity" you want. You are stupid. I'll say it loud and proud. If I could get away with it, I would do it too!!!!

Fuck integrity. Did I ever give you the impression I had integrity? Fuck no. I have compassion, but not integrity when it comes to $.

So while you make a big deal out of the $1000 I may have "gotten over" on the gov, consider your masters are hiding billions in Switzerland.

And you for some reason think I'm attacking you? YOU? :lol: You are a broke ass. You are probably so far in debt its sad.

This is a prime example of a guy who thinks he is a Republican but the reality is that you are voting outside of your tax bracket.

Do you lick your boss' balls if he asks you to? Oh yea, you're the boss, in a little shitty business, and you think that makes you a Republican? Why are my small business owner friends so much smarter than you?

bobo, How many times do I have to tell your sorry ass that I'm retired and living pretty damn good. So why don't you go pound sand...I think I'm going to go fishing for a few hours. Take care :lol:

After awhile all you assholes blur together.

So how did your investments do?

My grandmothers' cd's are going to take a hit soon when they expire. I guess they aren't giving the same interest as they were before. Is this happening to you? So you are taking a hit from GOPanomics and still you defend them. You're a dumb old dude.

Not everyone gets wiser with age. Actually, you may be wiser than you were when you were younger, but god damn that means you were probably a really stupid kid.

Hey, I love arguing. I hope I run into you two pricks tomorrow. Piece out!!

I'm going to go home a ride my jetski. I live on Walled Lake, MI. Condo I bought in the 90's. Most people bought their condo's for $100-$150 and now they are worth $85kish? Give or take. I bought mine in the mid 90's for $58k, so I will still profit when I sell my home.

But that doesn't mean I will be ignorant and arrogant like you. I'm still upset for all the people in America who got FUCKED!

i know you don't care, because you are a conservative prick. :lol:

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